A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 243 Your Wife!

Chapter 243 Your Wife! (Seek full order)
In the early morning of the next day, Hua Twelve woke up early, and Jiazhen boiled hot water for him to wash.

Hua Twelve was not unaccustomed to being served by Cheng Huaixiu and Ma Chunhua in the 'Flying Fox World'. After washing and changing into new clothes, he walked out of the room with a box of silver dollars.

The old people woke up early, and at this time, Mr. Hua was drinking porridge in front of the main room. When he saw his son come out, he yelled:
"The sun came out from the west, so early in the morning, I must have seen a ghost, you little bastard, don't you come home at this time every day?"

Hua Twelve walked over and said with a smile: "Hey, your old mouth is really poisonous, no wonder you lost your teeth yesterday, come and show you this!"

As he spoke, he opened the suitcase, revealing rolls of silver dollars wrapped in oiled paper.

The old man shook his hands and almost dropped the porridge bowl, but he couldn't care less, and said anxiously: "Didn't you kid do something outrageous?"

"How can it be!"

Seeing the old man's disbelief, Hua Twelve chuckled:
"Okay, let me tell you, the shadow puppet master Long Er who always comes to me to play tricks on me, and boss Xie from the casino, set up a joint game to trick me. It's not because of our two hundred acres of land and This house is gone!"

The old man was anxious when he heard this: "You know that and still go with him every day?"

"Hey, I'm just playing tricks, just last night, I gave them something out of nothing, blowing out the candle, catching the turtle in the urn, keeping it in the dark, and finally let them eat their own fruit, it's miserable!"

The old man stared: "Speak human words!"

"I was the one who won them. Long Er went bankrupt, and Boss Xie died in a panic!"

Hua Twelve spread his hands: "But I didn't win much. I won a total of more than 8000 oceans. Besides this box, there are three more boxes!"

The old man didn't speak for a long time, and then he suddenly grinned: "Okay, little bastard, better than me!"

He sighed for a long time, and then said to Hua Twelve:

"Fugui son, since you have made a fortune, buy back the two yards that your father and I sold when we were prodigal, so that our ancestral house will be complete. If I disappear one day, I will have the face to see my old man when I go down." ancestors!"

At this time, the old lady brought out a bowl of hot meat porridge and handed it to Hua Shishi: "Here, you two eat together, and talk while eating."

Hua Twelve smiled and took it, and took a sip of it. The taste was delicious, but the meat porridge was filled with high-quality ham.

He said while drinking the porridge, "Old man, I have two things to discuss with you. One is that I think the name Fuguier is not good, so I changed my name myself. From now on, I will be called Huashier."

Just as the old man was about to stare, Hua Twelve continued:
"There is one more thing. We don't want to buy those two yards, but this house has to be sold. Don't be impatient. I think the Japanese devils will not stop. If they fail, there will be wars. We have to move!"

This matter is more serious than the previous one. With such an interruption, the old man also forgot about his name change.


I can't help but sell the old house, furniture, antiques, and more than 200 acres of good land in spite of the old man's objection after Hua Shier and Mr. Hua finished talking that day. up.

The owner who bought the house not only fell in love with the house, but also took a fancy to an antique in the house, and directly took out [-] silver dollars, which was more than the property of the Hua family calculated by Long Er and the others.

With the money from selling the house and land, Hua Shier took the parents and Jiazhen of this world, and took the train to the south with his family, first to Guangzhou, and then to Hong Kong Island.

In the world of 'October', Hong Kong Island was his base camp. Now in this world, the timing is almost the same. Although Hua Twelve came to Hong Kong Island without a solid background, it is not difficult to develop here. Because he is familiar with all kinds of teachings and nine streams, and all kinds of professions.

Hua Shier opened a medicine store with the money he brought. With the knowledge in "Poison Classic" and the knowledge of medicinal materials learned from Xu Lingtai, no one can fool him about medicinal talents.

With the support of strong financial resources and strong strength, in just over a year, the medicinal materials business has opened to the scale of Jinliyuan in October, and it has become a well-known wealthy businessman among the Chinese in Hong Kong Island.

Of course, it wasn't that no one wanted to come to him to get some benefits during this period, even some who wanted to pick peaches directly.

However, if the other party engages in crooked ways, within three days, there is no guarantee that no one will be born or no dead body will be seen.

If the other party played business methods openly, Hua Twelve could play with them. Of course, if they couldn't play, then the other party would still see people alive and dead.

Hua Twelve explained with his own actions, what do you mean you can't afford it, you little hot chicken, you have no strength, you engage in sneak attacks.

After a long time, others will know that this master can't be messed with.

As far as the family is concerned, Jiazhen has been helping Hua Shier in this year, and has become his right-hand man in business.

Hua Twelfth even planned to train Jiazhen to be a strong woman like Pepper Potts, who can do both inside and outside. In the future, she will manage all business plans so that he can get out and do other things.

The two elders are in good health. Mr. Hua, who should have passed away a year ago, let Hua Shier use the prescription from Xu Lingtai, and he is much more energetic than a year ago.

In addition, the biggest wish of the two elders is that this son has a future. Now Hua Shier has become a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong Island. The old man and the old lady often laugh every day, and often go out for a walk. They look much younger.

It's just that the two elders have one thing on their minds, that is, they are thinking about holding their grandson, and they talked to Hua Shier and Jiazhen several times, but it didn't work at all, which made the two elders wonder if there was something wrong with Jiazhen.

Well, in fact, parents have this kind of thinking. The first object of suspicion is the daughter-in-law if they have no children in their lifetime. Few people first suspect whether there is something wrong with their own children.

In fact, this matter is that Hua Shier has no idea of ​​having children, so it is helpless for Jiazhen to worry.

Until the last two days, no one knew who had poked the old man's lung tube. Mr. Hua's face hadn't cleared up for several days. Jia Zhen asked Hua Twelve to ask. Take a bite.

The old man threw a newspaper on the ground and said angrily, "Read it yourself!"

Hua Twelve picked it up and read: "Deputy Huang Qifa of the Central Police Station accepted an interview with this newspaper, saying that in recent years, the trend of elderly people prostitution has gradually increased. The police force advises all elderly people to keep clean."

Hua Twelve looked at his old man in a daze, not understanding why he was so angry, and suddenly said: "You were caught by him? How about I beat this Huang Qifa for you to vent your anger? What do you say?" Said, you are so old, what are you talking about?"

Old man Hua was so angry that he didn't die, he held his chest and panted heavily, pointed at him and cursed: "Nizi, look at the back!"

Only then did Hua Twelve come to his senses, and quickly turned over the newspaper, and saw a big headline:

"Gong Ruomei, the daughter of Gong Baosen, the master of Chinese martial arts, is engaged to a top medical student! Talented and beautiful, both civil and military, a perfect match!"

Hua Twelve's eyes shrank, and then he looked at Mr. Hua as if nothing had happened: "Why are you so angry?"

Old man Hua pointed to it and said, "Your wife, that girl from the Gong family is your daughter-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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