A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 245 Debt Collection!

Chapter 245 Debt Collection! (Seek full order)

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Hua Twelve was dumbfounded. The second fiancé arranged for him by the co-author system is such a marriage contract. Isn't this just a joke? He feels like he's been tricked now.

He asked the old man Zhaohua: "Old man, are you joking? Can you take the IOUs written by children fighting with crickets seriously? Take this to find your wife, and they will recognize it? I'm afraid I don't want to be beaten to death!"

The old man Hua laughed straight: "If he doesn't recognize it, he has to. Don't look at him as a half-university apprentice when he wrote this, but now he is a great master!"

"Grandmaster then wants a spittle and a nail. You go and take this in front of others and ask him if Gong Baosen admits it. If he says no, then don't talk nonsense and come back immediately. But you, I think, he Eighty percent must admit it!"

Hua Twelve One thought, this is the same reason. Martial arts masters pay the most attention to reputation, especially Gong Baosen now supports the two schools in one hand, integrating the two disciplines of Bagua and Xingyi, and established the Chinese Samurai Association, which is powerful in Chinese martial arts. In the world, the power is unparalleled for a while.

Such a master of martial arts, the most important thing is to promise, this thing can really make the other party, um, respond.

Old man Hua squinted his old eyes, and laughed like an old fox: "I didn't expect that, daddy, I've been clueless all my life, but I've actually prepared this wealth for you a long time ago!"

"Back then, I thought I wouldn't be able to practice well, but Patriarch Dong Haichuan said that Xiaoshanzi and Xiaomorizi were the material, so I settled this matter for my future children in advance."

"Hey, 20 taels, it's nothing to your father and me at that time, I thought about it at the time, no matter whether we marry or marry, our Hua family can take advantage of others, so this engagement is worth a thousand dollars! "

Hua Shishi couldn't understand the old man's fart, so he curled his lips and said, "It's because you are lucky, you are so sure that Gong Baosen can practice? What if Ding Lianshan becomes a great master?"

The old man laughed so proudly that he took out another piece of yellowed letter paper from his arms: "I have Xiaoshanzi's too!"

Hua Twelve took it over and saw that it was a black line again, the content was similar, and it was also the marriage contract between Ding Lianshan and the old man, but this time it was not because of the cricket fight, but guessing that he lost 50 taels.

Old man Hua shook his head and sighed: "Xiao Shanzi is no good. I haven't heard about him for so many years. Maybe he hasn't practiced well. Fortunately, Xiao Morizi has practiced it, so I didn't count on it for nothing!"

Hua Shier knew that it wasn't that Ding Lianshan hadn't practiced, but that he had become a member of the Baguamen, specializing in dirty work, and that he had never been famous all his life.

He suddenly felt that although this cheap old man doesn't know martial arts, he is better than the two martial arts masters Gong Baosen and Ding Lianshan. You can see that the two masters of Bagua sect were plotted decades ago.

Old man Hua suddenly sighed, and continued:
"You little bastard used to make a lot of trouble, so I'm too embarrassed to mention this marriage. I can't meet Komori and tell people that your son-in-law and my son are just a little bastard who is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Bar?"

Old man Hua stared at Hua Twelve fiercely as he spoke, and then said:

"Fortunately, you have done well in the past two years, especially when I heard Jiazhen say two days ago that you plan to develop inland, I would like to tell you about it. If you can marry the palace girl, you will win The contacts in the mainland are also good for your business development.”

Hua Twelve nodded, and also understood the old man's painstaking efforts, but he smiled wryly: "Then everyone has published their engagements in the newspapers now, isn't it a bit late for us?"

Old man Hua waved his hand: "Then we don't care, the fault is also Komori's fault, you just ask him with the engagement contract, and that's the end of it."

Hua Twelfth felt that it was a bit embarrassing to go with this thing, but she still had to go, and the system tasks had to be completed anyway, so she immediately accepted the marriage contract worth 20 taels of silver, nodded and said:
"Okay, there will be a batch of goods to be shipped to Guangzhou Thirteen in two days, and I will go to the mainland to take a look together!"

Hua Twelve hadn't made the trip yet, and the news was published in the newspaper that Gong Baosen was invited by the Jingwu Association to hold a retirement ceremony in Gonghe Building, Foshan. After reading the newspaper, he sighed and knew that the plot of a generation of masters had begun.

The reason why he sighed was because Hua Shier knew that he had to face it. He took the 20 taels of marriage contract that the old man lied to the child decades ago, and went to a generation of masters in front of others, and became a rascal.

Arranged the business of the family, dealt with it directly if it could be solved, and handed it over to Jiazhen if it was too late.

Jiazhen knew why Hua Twelfth went to the mainland with her own merchant ship this time, but she didn't complain at all, because she was just a concubine. From the day she married into the Hua family, he knew that his man would marry a regular wife .

In addition, which man from a rich family these days doesn't marry several concubines? Women in this era are also used to it.

Before leaving, Jiazhen dragged Hua Twelve to her death, and at the last moment, she hugged Hua Twelve's waist tightly. She wanted to be the first to conceive the Hua family's heir. thought.

Hua Shishi smiled wryly in his heart, this time he entered the mission world with his own body, and Jiazhen hadn't conceived for such a long time, it was because he did it deliberately, because he was not ready to leave an heir in the mission world yet.

But this time, he couldn't escape after all. No matter what he thought about it, if he was going to leave this world in the future, it might not be possible to come back, but he had to leave some thoughts for the other party.

The next day, he went to Guangzhou with his own merchant ship, and arrived at the land that day. After handing over the payment to the people from Shisanhang, he sent the merchant ship back to Hong Kong, and Hua Shier took the train to Foshan.

After arriving in Foshan, he inquired that Gong Baosen's retirement ceremony was still two days away, so he simply found a relatively high-end hotel to stay.

Most of the people living in the hotel he found were foreigners. There were sofas and soft beds in the room, as well as water and telephones, and you could even call back to Hong Kong Island. It was much more comfortable than a traditional Huaxia hotel.

After settling down and having nothing else to do, Hua Shier went out for a stroll in Foshan, more than 100 years ago, and found the location of the Golden Tower.

Thinking that although Gong Baosen hadn't arrived in Foshan yet, there was still a master of Bagua sect in the Jinlou, Hua Twelve's heart moved.

Thinking of the relationship between his old man and that person, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and then walked towards the Republic Building.

After entering, it was really resplendent and magnificent, a guy came up to greet him and said:
"Master, you came early enough. It's still early to listen to Qu'er. If there is a girl I know well, I can pass it on for you. But I haven't seen you before. This is your first time, right?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "I'm looking for someone!"

The guy smiled: "We are all looking for someone here, but I don't know which girl you are looking for."

Hua Twelve took out a big ocean, held it between two fingers and handed it over: "I'm looking for a northeaster who cooks snake soup!"

The guy took Dayang with a smile, and his attitude became more enthusiastic: "My lord, you are looking for Lao Guandong. Hey, this is the first time someone is looking for him. Okay, I'll take you there right away!"

Hua Twelfth followed the guy to the kitchen in the Gonghe building, and before he entered, he saw an old man stooping through the open door, adding firewood to the fire.

The guy pointed and said, "This is the old Guandong you were looking for!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Thank you, go ahead, I'll chat with him!" He said and handed over another piece of ocean.

The clerk thanked him with a smile and left. Hua Twelve stepped into the kitchen, and as soon as he came in, he smelled a scent. Seeing the bubbles bubbling in the pot, he wondered if he was cooking snake soup.

"You have found the wrong person, do we know each other?"

Ding Lianshan didn't get up or turn his head, but he opened his mouth with a familiar northeast accent.

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "It's not wrong, I just came to you to collect debts!"

Ding Lianshan paused slightly with his hand, and then laughed out loud: "Oh, there are so many people asking me to collect debts, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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