A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 248 I want a sentence from you!

Chapter 248 Just a word from you! (Seek full order)
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In Foshan, the most famous playground is the Gonghe Building in Yingshazui, which is covered with gold, so the Gonghe Building is also called the Golden Building by the locals.

Today, Gong Baosen, the president of the Chinese Samurai Association, held a retirement ceremony here, and people from all walks of life in the martial arts world have gathered inside and outside the Golden Building to watch the ceremony.

Gong Baosen sat at the front of the entire third floor, which was also the most conspicuous main seat. In front of him, the northern and southern boxers sat on the left and right seats respectively, and his apprentice Ma San stood behind him with his hands down.

After all, Jinlou is a hall, and at this time, these northern and southern boxers are surrounded by girls from Jinlou, toasting and serving dishes, what a romantic scene.

Gong Baosen closed his eyes, and suddenly stretched out his fingers to pick his ears, and the scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone knew that the old master thought it was too noisy, or he had something to say.

Sure enough, when the scene calmed down, Gong Baosen said:

"In my life, I have only accomplished three things. I have merged Xingyimen and Baguamen, and I am in charge of the Chinese Warrior Association. I have joined with more than a dozen schools such as Tongbei, Paohammer, Taiji, and Yanqing. Northern boxers go south to pass on their skills"

"In the 18th year of the Republic of China, the five tigers went to the south of the Yangtze River. Mr. Li Renchao and I negotiated in this golden building. I am old and newcomers are coming out. My retirement ceremony was held in the north. , I will do it again here to say goodbye to the old buddies and old comrades in the south.”

At this point, Gong Baosen pointed to the apprentices behind him with the folding fan in his hand, and introduced to the fellow martial arts present:
"It was my big apprentice Ma San who helped me in the Northeast. He took over my class. You all need to help take care of him in the future!"

At this time, no matter the southern faction or the northern faction, they applauded with great pride, and Ma San bowed his hands to the left and right with an arrogant expression.

Gong Baosen continued: "Originally I wanted to do the last thing, which is to spread the South Fist to the North, but unfortunately I don't have time, so in this retirement ceremony, I would like to join hands with me, if a A southern boxer, of course, this candidate must be approved by all of you southern boxers, so pick one!"

After he finished speaking, he got up and was about to leave, waiting for these southern boxers to choose a candidate, and tomorrow they will have another match in Jinlou.

But at this moment, at the table at the end of the seats, someone suddenly stood up and shouted:

"Wait a minute, Mr. Gong. Before you retire, can you pay off the debt first?"

Gong Baosen paused, and at the same time, everyone on the third floor looked at the speaker.

All the boxers present were basically wearing long or short mandarin jackets, or wearing strong clothes. Only the man who stood up and shouted was dressed in a suit and a western dress. It was originally one of the more eye-catching ones.

At this time, it became the focus of everyone's attention.

This person was Hua Twelfth, and he chose to come out to collect debts at this time, in order to force Gong Baosen, or the entire Gong family, to Liangshan, so that they could not say a word 'no'.

Before Gong Baosen could speak, Ma San and a group of disciples from the Bagua Sect quit. At the same time, he took a step forward, and Ma San shouted:

"On the day when the old man washes his hands in the gold basin, you dare to seek revenge and seek death!"

He said that one step would cover a distance of eight or nine meters, and he arrived in front of Hua Twelve in an instant. He raised his hand and punched Xingyi Pao, and with a bang, he blasted his air like a thunderbolt.


It was Gong Baosen who spoke, his voice was not loud, but it was better than anything else. Ma San's fist stopped half a foot in front of Hua Twelve, and the wind from his fist whistled like a strong wind.

Hua Twelve didn't even blink, Gong Baosen praised: "Young man, you are so brave!"

After he finished his praise, he said coldly to Ma San: "The visitor is a guest, you must let them speak clearly, don't let people think that my gossip is unreasonable, come back to me!"

Hearing this, Ma San withdrew his punches, retreated behind Gong Baosen, lowered his head and said, "Master, Ma San knows his mistake!"


Gong Baosen is quite satisfied with this apprentice so far, he turned his head to look at Hua Twelve, and said loudly:
"There are five sects, thirteen sects, and 81 sects in the world of martial arts. May I ask which sect this brother belongs to, and Gao's surname, what kind of enmity do you find?"

Speaking of it, Gong Baosen was also a little puzzled. The person who came to 'collect debts' before his retirement must be a life and death vengeance, but seeing that this person was dressed in a western dress, with a gentle manner and no murderous intentions, he was a little puzzled.

Hua Twelve clasped his hands and said with a smile: "I'm just collecting debts, not seeking revenge. Our family has no enmity, and the boy knows that Meng Lang is here today, but if you miss today, you will be retired, so I have to wait here for you."

"Just debt collection?"

Gong Baosen smiled: "Interesting, okay, in front of so many fellow martial artists, you can tell me what debt I, Gong Baosen owes your family, and I will give you justice from the Bagua sect!"

Hua Twelve was waiting for his words, and immediately took out the joking engagement from his pocket, opened his hands, and turned towards Gong Baosen:

"You've got a good eye, look at this agreement, didn't you write it yourself?"

When he opened it like this, the boxers from the north and the south who were sitting on both sides turned their heads to look at it, and when they saw clearly what was written on the yellowed letter paper, they were all speechless.

Although Gong Baosen is old, his martial arts cultivation has reached the stage of perfection. Although he is standing seven or eight meters away, he can clearly see the handwriting on the letter paper, and the memories of the past also emerge, and his face is immediately ugly. , asked:
"You are Hua Zhenshan's son, is your father still alive?"

Hua Twelve had a black thread on his head. After Ding Lianshan's encounter, he didn't think the other party's words were good, but he could only answer: "My father is in Hong Kong Island, and he is in good health!"

Sure enough, Gong Baosen sighed deeply when he heard the words, although he didn't say it in front of so many people, but judging from what he meant, he obviously had the same thoughts as He Dinglianshan, what a pity.
Hua Twelve stepped forward and handed the IOU marriage contract to Gong Baosen. After he took it, he asked:
"My father asked me to ask you, old man, what you said, is it worth making this agreement?"

Everyone present was embarrassed by Gong Baosen's situation. Admit it, this was a child's joke. Don't admit it, they came to your door with the agreement written by you. It's really a dilemma.

More importantly, everyone knows that the engagement of the second lady Gong a few days ago, isn't it a daughter and two families? Disgusting energy.

Ma San's eyes widened, and murderous intent appeared on his body. He took out a bank note from his pocket, and with the strength of Xingyi Quan, threw it directly at Hua Twelve from a distance of several meters:
"It's only 20 taels of silver. I will pay you back 100 taels of silver from the Bagua Sect. From now on, neither of you will owe you anything!"

Hua Twelve didn't pick it up, and let the banknote slowly fall in front of him. When the banknote landed, he smiled indifferently and said:
"My family lends out one tael of silver, and the interest collected at the end of the year can open a bank. If the 20 taels of silver are lent out for four to fifty years, even if your Bagua family goes bankrupt, you will not be able to pay it back!"

The people around me who eat melons are sweating when they hear it. Feelings are a usury.

Ma San was almost out of breath. If it wasn't for his master, he really wanted to go over and kill this kid. He held back his anger and asked for his master:
"Then what exactly do you want?"

Hua Twelve put away his smile, and cupped his hands towards Gong Baosen: "My father said, I want a word from you, Uncle Baosen. If you want to say that the things you wrote back then are not counted, I will turn around and leave!"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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