A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 260 Blood Splattered Mandarin Duck House!

Chapter 260 Blood Splattered Mandarin Duck House! (Seek full order)
PS: Today's content is relatively coherent, so I won't divide it into chapters. Only this chapter has 4000+
On the north side of Fengtian Drum Tower, there is a two-story unnamed tea house, which is owned by the palace family. Artists such as commentary, drum music, ditties, and tricks often perform here. Performing arts, so even in winter, the crowds are like a cloud, and it is very lively.

But since the accident of the old man of the Gong family, the coffin has been at the Gong family for six days, and the teahouse has been closed for six days.

On the sixth night, the two-story teahouse was brightly lit, and people could be seen through the window, as if it had reopened, but the front door was still closed, and there were a few black-clothed men guarding it. Let outsiders get close, and don't know what happened.

On the second floor, the branches of the Baguamen in the northeast, as well as the fifth and eighth masters in Sijiu City, were all present, and their apprentices sat behind their respective masters, occupying the empty seats on the second floor, let alone occupying them. It's full, but [-]% to [-]% are sitting.

Ba Ye is considered young in the Eight Diagrams Sect, and has a bit of a temper. He yelled dissatisfiedly at the palace disciple who was serving tea and water:
"Hey, let me tell you what's going on. The second girl in the palace asked some of our elders to talk about things here. We have all arrived, but she didn't. I don't know. I thought she was an elder. If it spreads out, I won't let it go. It's a joke for outsiders!"

At this time, a man with a round face and a crew cut and wearing a coat came up, and first made a circle bow, that is, bowed his hands in a circle:
"Elders, there are guests who have come from afar to express their condolences. The second girl has to make arrangements to come here. You are all seniors from our sect. Please bear with me!"

What he said made sense, even if everyone didn't like it, they could only nod their heads, and the fifth master, who was the most senior, said, "That's the reason, then wait a little longer!"

Once the fifth master spoke, the eighth master couldn't say anything, so the man continued:

"My disciple's name is Zhang Shiqiu, and he is also from our gossip sect. He usually makes a living by storytelling. He is said to be quick to open his mouth. We are idle when we are idle. Disciple will tell the elders a wonderful story. How about relieving boredom?"

In this day and age, listening to storytelling, ditties, etc., everyone felt that waiting was useless, so they all nodded in agreement.

Kuai Zuozhang walked onto the stage, and smiled slightly towards the audience: "We men are all martial arts practitioners, so we like to have a happy enmity. Today, this disciple will tell you a happy story for the elders!"

When he said this, some of the elders in the audience shouted 'yes'.

Sitting on the stage with his mouth open, Xingmu patted him like this, and told a story about Water Margin.

"It's said that Zhang Du listened to this regiment's instruction to avenge Jiang Menshen and kill Wu Song. Who would have thought that the four of them would all be killed by Wu Song in Feiyunpu."

"At that time Wu Song stood on the bridge, pondered for a long time, hesitated, and resented: "If you don't kill Zhang Dujian, how can you express such hatred!" Then he went to the dead body, untied his waist knife, picked up the handle, In the future, I will pick a good knife and carry it, and then I will go back to Mengzhou City."

As soon as the head started, Ba Ye heard it and laughed:
"Hey, it's really happy to be kind and enmity, blood splashed on the mandarin duck building, revenge for revenge, revenge for injustice, in the gate of the palace house, really holding back this energy!"

A senior from the Bagua sect who developed in the Northeast frowned when he heard the words. The mandarin duck building is a building, and the teahouse is also a building. It is not appropriate to say this paragraph.

As the story of Kuaikou splashing blood on the mandarin duck building slowly unfolded, the old and young men in the gossip sect also listened in. Drinking tea and eating snacks in this teahouse, these people don't feel bored and depressed.

But at the moment when Wu Song was about to kill, he suddenly stopped talking.

The older people below heard the excitement and wanted to ask questions, but when they heard footsteps coming from the stairs, they all turned their heads to look, and saw Gong Er girl in a black mink coat, walking windily up the stairs Come on, it turns out that the master has arrived, behind him are Lao Jiang and Hua Shishi, followed by a few palace disciples.

Gong Er leaned against the lecture table, stood here, his face frosty, imposing.

Hua Twelve personally fetched a chair for her to sit down, and he himself stood behind her with Lao Jiang. He said before that when Gong Er was away, he was the master of the Gong family. Now that Gong Er is back, he will not do this. limelight.

Of course, one size counts for one size. Today he came here to watch. If these people want to bully his woman, that's not acceptable.

After Gong Er sat down, she said in her cold voice: "I heard from Lao Jiang that you uncles have something to say to Gong Er?"

The five masters from the capital had the highest seniority, and were the first to speak:

"Second girl, although your father is gone, you still have uncles like us, what do you think about your father, tell us, and we, the elders, will give you an idea!"

Gong Er said indifferently: "Since ancient times, killing people paid for their lives, what else is there to say!"

She has a cold temper, and now she is full of hatred. When she said this, the murderous aura overflowed, and the second floor of the teahouse was silent for a moment.
After a while, Ba Ye nodded in agreement:

"If you want me to say, you should kill him. This hatred is too great. Is there any greater hatred in the world than this?"

When he said this, he suddenly changed his subject:
"But having said that, your father combined gossip and Xingyi into a discipline. Your senior brother put a lot of effort into Xingyi. Your 64 moves were also taught by your father. Both of you have inherited your father's unique skills. , you two are complete, your family's martial arts is complete!"

"If there is one less, I'm sorry for your father's hard work with Bagua Xingyi back then!"

All the elders of the Bagua Sect nodded.

The fifth master with the highest seniority, Chaogong Er said:

"Besides, if you take the lead in this matter, no matter who dies or who is injured, it will be a joke if it spreads out. In your palace gate, the apprentice killed the master, and the junior sister wanted to kill the senior brother. This is not a bunch of unkind beasts ?"

Fifth Master hadn't finished speaking, but Hua Shishi couldn't bear it anymore, so he interjected behind Gong Ruomei's back:
"If it's true according to what you said, if you don't avenge the killing of your father for the sake of an illusory reputation, then you are a beast!"

Originally, Gong Ruomei's expression was indifferent, and it was as if she hadn't heard what other people said, but when Hua Shishiyi spoke, her expression was a little moved.

When Hua Twelve inserted this sentence, it was like dropping a drop of water into a boiling oil pan, or stabbing a hornet's nest. Several elders of the gossip sect shouted and cursed:

"What kind of thing are you? No matter how big or small, you are the one who can interrupt Fifth Master's speech?"

Eighth Master spat: "What the hell!"

The fifth master raised his head slightly, as if sighing: "Bao Sen was a hero all his life, but his eyes are hard to describe in words. Let's not talk about Ma San's matter. Choosing such a man who has no respect for his superiors and knows no respect for his superiors is his son-in-law. It's a pity for the second girl."

Gong Er's face became colder and colder, and he was about to stand up and attack, but was pushed back by Hua Shishier.

Hua Twelve took two steps forward, and looked at the people opposite him with the eyes of a dead man:
"As for you, you are all the elders of the Bagua sect, my father-in-law's elders, senior brothers, and a brother who knocked his head on the ground, worshiped the handle, and folded the sole of a shoe. It is said that Ruomei is a woman, so you should be the palace. If you are in your early years, go to Ma San to ask for an explanation!"

"But I see what's going on, the situation seems to be reversed now, you all speak well of Ma San, I think you all voted for the little devil!"

"Presumptuous!" Ba Ye stared, slapped the table next to him, smashed the table with a bang, and scattered peanuts, dried fruits, and tea all over the floor.

There are also a few elders of the Bagua Sect who are developing in the Northeast, and even scolded: "It's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks about our Bagua Sect, let alone your turn to take care of it!"

The words were tough, but they didn't refute the matter of taking refuge in devils.

Fifth Lord Chaohua Twelfth sneered: "Young man, I heard that you made a fortune in Foshan Jinlou, so it's no wonder you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, but the north is no better than the south. Here, the dragon has to be coiled, and the tiger has to lie down. What's more, you are not a dragon or a tiger, you are just a little sparrow who wants to climb high branches and become a phoenix!"

Hua Twelve unbuttoned the mink coat on his body, and said with a half-smile:
"You said that it is not my turn to take care of the affairs of the Bagua Sect. You are right. I don't care about the affairs of the Bagua Sect. But I am the son-in-law of the Gong family, so I will take care of the affairs of the Gong family!"

"What's more, I'm still a Chinese. I have to take care of things like betraying my ancestors and forgetting my ancestors. You bastards who fall for the little devils. I saw one crushed to death. Today, you can't get out of this teahouse. ,I said!"

As soon as the words were finished, the last button was undone. Hua Twelve stepped on his foot, and in an instant he was in front of Ba Ye who was closest to him, and reached out and grabbed his neck.

Ba Ye showed disdain on his face, he moved his left hand, and then exerted force with his legs, and he was about to stand up from the chair. This was to block Hua Twelve's arm and use the old ape hanging seal, Take the opponent's chin with both hands, and directly make a killer move.

But what he didn't expect was that under his frame, Hua Twelve's arm didn't move at all, and directly strangled his neck.

Ba Ye's eyes widened in disbelief, and suddenly he kicked his legs and kicked towards Hua Shier's belly. While trying to attack, he used his strength to jump back out of his grasp.

But as soon as his body flew into the air, Hua Twelve pinched his neck and broke his neck. Everyone heard a snap, and Ba Ye tilted his head, and his body softened instantly.

Except for Gong Er and Lao Jiang who had seen Hua Shier's ability, no one else thought that the son-in-law of the Gong family who looked like a boy could kill Ba Ye with one move.

Although there must be reasons for Ba Ye to underestimate the opponent, but this ability is enough to shock the people present.

Fifth Master waited for a few elders to get up at the same time, and took precautions. One of the elders scolded: "Boy, the person who killed my Bagua Sect, even if you are Gong Baosen's son-in-law, you have to save your life!"

Hua Twelve carried the limp noodle-like corpse of Master Baye, looked around at these people who were still in shock, and finally landed on the face of the speaker, and suddenly smiled:
"My life is here, come and take it if you have the ability!"

Gong Er didn't move, but when the atmosphere was the most tense, he directed behind him: "Shi Qiu, keep talking!"

Quickly opened his mouth, was slightly taken aback, then patted Xingmu, and continued to preach:

"It was too late to say, but it was too soon. When Jiang Menshen was about to struggle, Wu Song had already slashed his knife and chopped his face. He and the top chair were all chopped down. Turning around and turning back with the knife, the capital prison just stretched out his feet and moved his hands smoothly." Another knife, Qi Ergen slashed his neck and fell on the floor, both of them were struggling for their lives."

The moment Xingmu slapped, the disciples brought by Ba Ye couldn't hold back any longer, and came up to the siege at the same time.

There is no need to use any exquisite martial arts to deal with these miscellaneous fish. Hua Twelve took the corpse of the eighth master as a weapon, swung it up and smashed it randomly, and knocked down all the people who rushed over in a few strokes, and then casually threw the corpse towards him just now. Let him throw the old man who was left behind by his life.

He was so powerful that the corpse he threw was like a shooting star chasing the moon. The old man had no time to dodge, so he could only fight with his hands, planning to use his skill to catch it.

But after Hua Twelve threw out the corpse, he stepped on his foot, and his body followed him like a shadow. Before the old man could catch the corpse of the eighth master flying from the sky, he saw that a provocative kick had already kicked up from under the corpse.

He was blocked by the corpse just now, and it was too late when he saw the leg, his pupils constricted, and with a bang, the whole person was lifted up more than a foot by the leg, under the pain of the broken egg, his eyeballs All stick out.

And at the next moment, Ba Ye's body slammed into his body firmly, a huge force hit him, and a series of cracking sounds erupted. The two bodies flew two or three meters away, and fell to the ground without any trace. Breathing, the old man was already dead before landing on the ground.

No one would have thought that Hua Twelve, the ferocious Ruo Si, Ba Ye, and the old man just now are all great boxers of the Bagua sect, but they will tell you with their actions one by one, that they will kill the big boxers.

Seeing this, Fifth Master shouted with trembling lips: "Everyone go up together!"

This started to be shameless, and the remaining elders of the gossip sect started at almost the same time, rushing up from the door.

With a flash of Hua Twelve's figure, he used the spiral nine shadows, and instantly appeared behind the three elders, punching them all in the back of their hearts.

Bang bang bang.

The three elders flew out directly, and began to vomit blood when lying on the ground, seeing that they were dying.

The fifth master saw the old man in the door, and he was the only one left. He backed away at a speed that didn't suit his age, and at the same time called his apprentices and those disciples brought by the old man: "Come on, he won't die, we can't get out!" This tea house!"

When those disciples saw their masters being killed, their eyes were already red, and they all rushed forward when they heard the words.

Hua Twelfth dealt with these people directly with the pinnacle of boxing, knocking down one of them with one punch, all of them hit the vital points of the body, and they were all killed with one punch.

When the last person fell, Fifth Master tremblingly took out a box cannon from the inside of the mink coat and pointed it at Hua Twelve.

But the next moment his eyes blurred, he found that Hua Shier had already grabbed his gun hand, and his joint was removed with a grasping hand.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm old"

Fifth Master knelt on the ground as soon as his legs gave way, he was no longer a warrior.

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand and directly broke his neck. The fifth master, who is said to be over 80 years old, fell to the ground with a dead eye, his eyes were full of desire to live, but as he stopped breathing, his eyes gradually changed. Get lost.

At this time, apart from the Gong family, no matter whether it was the two Eight Diagrams Sects in the northeast or people from the capital, all of them were dead on the floor, and only Hua Shier was standing in the field.

Gong Er got up and walked in front of Hua Shishir, and stretched out his hand to re-button the mink coat for him one by one.

The section of "Blood Splattered Mandarin Duck House" that opened his mouth on the stage also came to an end at the same time:

"That Wu Song's revenge was avenged. Seeing that there was wine and meat on the table, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking three or four glasses of water and wine, he felt that his chest was full of suffocation. He was so happy that he went to the dead body to cut off the meat. Take a piece of skirt, dip it in blood, go to the white powder wall, and write the character "Killer, hit the tiger and Wusong."'"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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