A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 271 Chapter return, Jiazhen is gone too!

Chapter 271 Returning, Jiazhen is gone! (Seek full order)

PS: This chapter is 5500 words, two chapters combined.

The boat was approaching Hong Kong Island, and Hua Twelve was in the cabin. He had taken out all the gifts he bought in the Northeast from the storage space in advance and was waiting to disembark.

As for the corpse of the devil in the space, let him find a merchant ship from the United States and throw it on it when the ship is capsized in Shanghai, and let them bite the dog.

When the other people in the same group saw Hua Shier taking out several large suitcases from the cabin, they all stared blankly, and Xiao Dongbei asked:

"Father Hua, where did you get all these old things!"

Hua Twelfth dug out from under his priest's robe, took out a few cannabis flowers bought in Tianjin and ate them with Matilda, and asked the others if they wanted some too. The one on Mandajie is much more delicious. In two words, it is very authentic.

Everyone shook their heads at the same time, joking, who knows where you are?

After shaking her head, she still looked at Matilda sympathetically. This girl has such a big heart that she dares to do anything.

Seeing that no one else wanted it, Hua Twelve stuffed back the remaining marijuana flower, and kept it for Gong Er, Jia Zhen and the others to taste.

Lao Fan surrounded Hua Twelve and began to study: "There's something wrong with your robe. It's filled with several hemp flowers. You can't see it from the outside at all. You say it's magical!"

Hua Twelve laughed and said, "I'm a priest. The magic robe that the Lord gave me is naturally miraculous. Let me tell you a secret. These luggage are all taken out of this robe!"

Lao Fan shook his head like a clattering drum: "Impossible, we both work as priests, so I'll give you your robe, why can't I have the ability to wear the robe?"

"Hey, does your robe take out anything you want, then you can try to see if you can take out the two sauerkraut jars that I lost, okay?"


Before boarding the boat in Shanghai, Hua Twelve specially sent a telegram to his family in Shanghai, and when he disembarked, his family's car would naturally pick up the boat.

When Lao Fan and the others saw Hua Twelve's car, they were all very surprised. This car looked familiar. Did that one in the palace drive this kind of car when traveling?
There are no six-seater or seven-seater cars in this era. Naturally, this classic car cannot accommodate so many people. Hua Twelfth simply let the car pull back the presents and everyone's luggage, and he took a few people back in a rickshaw leisurely. , He also dropped by to introduce the cultural characteristics and folk customs of Hong Kong Island to everyone.

However, Hong Kong Island in the 30s was not as well developed as the Magic City of the same period. Both Lao Fan and Xiao Dongbei opened their eyes in the Magic City.

On the way home, a thrilling scene happened. Xiao Dongbei's father, Jin Biao Shisan Lang, saw a blond foreigner on the street, his eyes widened immediately, and he shouted: "The foreign monster is watching the dart!" Then he raised his hand and threw a knife.

Everyone heard a 'snap', and the flying knife shattered the glass on the second floor next to the street. The old man turned around and urged the driver to leave quickly, so as not to ask someone to catch him and accompany the glass.

Everyone was speechless for a while, because he was insane, and he didn't go crazy when he lost money.

Hua Twelve took out a silver dollar and asked Xiao Dongbei to go up and apologize to others, and to pay for the glass, and then asked the latter to take off all the gold darts from his father. There are many foreigners in Hong Kong Island. It will be lively if you kill a few people with Boxer Boxing.

Back at Huajia Medicine Store, I saw a row of people standing at the entrance of the medicine store from a distance, as if waiting for him to return.

Gong Ruomei stood at the front, Jiazhen stood behind her, both of them looked at this side, behind them were all the staff of the medicine store.

The rickshaw stopped at the entrance of Huajia Medicine Store, and as soon as Hua Shier got out of the car, Gong Er stepped forward and said in surprise, "Why are you still wearing a priest's robe? Are you a monk?"

Jiazhen also looked worried, and Hua Shier quickly explained: "It's fake, it's fake!"

Gong Er personally swept the feather duster that Jiazhen handed him back and forth. Although there was no dust, this is what this era pays attention to.

When Hua Twelve looked at those guys, they all bowed happily and said, "Boss, you are back!"

When Hua Twelve is a boss, he is not picky. He should raise his salary and give benefits during the New Year and holidays. Such a generous boss is rare in this era, not to mention the only one, and he is very popular among his colleagues.

He went out for more than half a year this time, and the guys were all happy from the bottom of their hearts when they saw the boss again. Dutiful people are so simple.

After Hua Shier got out of the car, he laughed and scolded: "You are so free, you don't need to work!"

Jia Zhen explained next to Gong Er: "They heard that you came back today, and they all took the initiative to come to the door to wait for you. It's also a good intention!"

The guys at Huashishichao smiled and said: "I'm happy to be back today. Let the kitchen buy meat and stew a few more chickens. I'll have extra meals at night. Don't leave after work. I'll go back after eating. If there are children Bring them all, everyone is buzzing!"

Immediately there was cheers of long live the boss, and Hua Twelve pointed at them and scolded with a smile: "Hurry up, go and do what you should do. If you dared to shout like that in the past, your boss will be beheaded!"

The guys all laughed and dispersed.

Jiazhen couldn't help complaining, "It's a happy event for you to come back from the house. It's unlucky to have your head cut off!"

Gong Er also smiled and said: "That's right, this mouth is annoying, you have to change it!"

Hua Twelve was speechless for a while. Earlier, he was worried that his wives and concubines would not get along, but now it seemed that they were all on the same front.

Turn around and introduce Gong Er and Jia Zhen to the people from the Northeast. Don't look at the people talking and laughing along the way. I really saw the style of the Hua family and the two beautiful, graceful and luxurious wives and concubines of Hua Twelve. Get serious.

Matilda introduced first, this girl is easy to let go, although she can't communicate well, but she is beautiful and commits crimes, relying on her good looks, she immediately wins the favor of Gong Er and Jia Zhen.

When introducing Lao Fan, Father Fan smiled and bowed: "My surname is Fan, what a shame."

Hua Twelve was speechless: "Speak Northeast dialect!"

"Being a priest in that corner of the Northeast!" After finishing speaking, Lao Fan gave Hua Twelve a helpless look, what the hell is this?

Xiao Dongbei came up behind him, bowed and shouted, "I'm all my sister-in-law. My name is Xiao Dongbei. I fought side by side with Mr. Hua in Dongbei."

"Fight alongside?"

Gong Er looked Xiao Dongbei up and down, and saw that he didn't look like he had kung fu.

Hua Twelve explained: "It's okay to say, I am responsible for beating people, and he is responsible for being beaten by others, and I have to save him."


Gu Qianqian also came up to greet her, and then dragged Xiao Dongbei back who was smiling like a flower, but Xiao Dongbei was still not happy:

"I say hello to my sister-in-law. Look at you, you are so fierce all day long. Learn from my sister-in-law!"

Gong Er said to Gu Qianqian: "Sister, my sister has been practicing Baguazhang since she was a child, and I will pass it on to you later. You can learn from me. If a man is disobedient, just beat him up a few more times!"

Gu Qianqian nodded with a smile, Xiaobeibei glanced at Hua Twelve with a sneer, and asked Gong Er, "Sister-in-law, did you treat my brother Hua like this?" up.

The corner of Gong Er's mouth slightly raised: "Then how can I be willing!"


Xiaobei turned around and discussed with Gu Qianqian in a low voice: "Let's stop learning!"

Everyone entered the medicine store, and Hua Shier asked someone to entertain the guests from the northeast. He, Gong Er and Jia Zhen first went to the flower hall to meet the elders, and when they entered the flower hall, they saw three chairs lined up. Sit, with Gong Baosen on the left and Ding Lianshan on the right.

Hua Twelve looked at his old man's old face with a smile like a chrysanthemum, and the two great masters guarded him. It is estimated that the old man has never been so beautiful in his life.

Gong Er and Jia Zhen held tea, Hua Shi Shi didn't understand what it meant, old man Hua pouted and said:
"Little bastard, no matter how capable he is, he is still my son. I don't know how to offer tea to the elders when I come back!"

In the past, Hua Twelve would do his duty to help Fu Guier, but today there are others around, so he would give the old man some face.

It was impossible to kowtow. After taking the tea, I bowed respectfully to the old man, and then according to seniority, Ding Lianshan and Gong Baosen offered teacups one by one.

"Hum..." Ding Lianshan drank his tea, feeling very pleased with himself, his expression was beyond words.

That implication, finally let your kid bow his head.

When he arrived at Gong Baosen, he nodded: "Fengtian has done a good job, but it's a little bit ruthless, too murderous!"

Ding Lianshan smiled and said: "Your father-in-law is just reminding you. He thinks the matter is very good, and he praises you with us behind the scenes, but he is afraid that you will sharpen the knife too sharply and you will not be able to hide your sharpness. Ma San Isn't that what it is?"

At first, Hua Twelve really thought that Gong Baosen was complaining about him, and he felt a little bit unhappy, after all, he was a leader for the Gong family, and now hearing what Ding Lianshan said, he also knew that Gong Baosen had good intentions.

He couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, talking to these old men was a struggle, he just refused to get the words out, and had to think over and over again.

Gong Baosen looked at Ding Lianshan helplessly, he felt that these things had to be figured out by himself to make a deep impression on him, if he said it so plainly, he would forget it later.

He sighed, and then asked with a complicated expression: "How is Ma San?"

Hua Shier told the three old men what happened to Xinjing and his party, but the matter of gold was concealed, saying that it could not be transported out, and it dug a hole in the ice and sank into the river.

Hearing Ma San's death, Gong Baosen's eyes flashed with pain, but he still said: "I didn't kill him in Fengtian, I wanted to wake him up with the old ape's hanging seal, but it's a pity that this villain is obsessed. , and escort the little devil with gold, good kill!"

Ding Lianshan praised from the side: "You boy, the best thing is to wake up Huo Diange. We fought against each other back then, and he got the true biography of Mr. Li with the sharp gun in Bajiquan. It's a pity that he stood on the side of the false emperor. I still think about it." I'm afraid he will get a bad name in the future, and if you wake him up, it can be regarded as preserving the reputation of Baji Yimen, not bad!"

Old man Hua pursed his lips: "I'll just listen to you bragging, this brat can have this ability, but ah, you just bragging at home, don't go outside and talk nonsense!"

This time, Hua Twelve could tell that the old man cared about his son.

Gong Baosen said to Hua Shishi: "I discussed it with your father, the end of next month will be a good day, I will marry you and Ruomei!"

Gong Er was stunned, how could a woman bring up such a thing, she couldn't get married.

Gong Baosen's next sentence revealed why he was so anxious: "The things you promised me in Fengtian, we can count on what we say!"

He was talking about Hua Twelve's promise to give birth to a son named Gong.

Old man Hua snorted and turned his face away. Obviously, he knew the news a long time ago and was upset.

Although the Northeast Party is called Marriage Proposal, because of Ma San's matter, the process has not gone through, and now the Gong family requires that there be some details, and the process has to be completed.

Hua Twelfth rested for two days, and then began to follow the rules of the older generation, three books and six ceremonies, four hiring hardware, the Hua family arranged it clearly, and there were many of them.

Hua Twelve also took out the Bagua sect cheats obtained from the "Flying Fox World" as a betrothal gift, and almost drew the two old men Gong Baosen and Ding Lianshan away with excitement. This is a Bagua palm that can develop internal strength. Practiced so well that it can only be compared with the palm technique of a compasses, it is heaven and earth.

Gong Er secretly asked Hua Twelve in private, asking if he was so powerful because he had practiced his internal skills, and he said very modestly:
"Inner strength is the main support, the key is that your husband is already powerful!"

Gong Er said that she didn't believe it, and she was thinking of Xiaojiujiu in her heart, and planned to use words to trap Hua Shier, so that he could join hands without internal force, but this guy played his cards unreasonably, and was about to perform a stunt of peeing six meters on the spot , causing the second lady of the Northeast Palace family to retreat instantly.

A month later, Hua Shier and Gong Er got married in Hong Kong Island, using a Chinese process, which made the priest, Fan, very sad. He still wanted to use that fluent Northeast dialect to marry the officiant. What the hell are you talking about? Said, not given a chance.

Two months later, Gong Er and Jia Zhen were both happy. After the old men found out, they couldn't keep their happy lips together all day long.

During this period, the few people who came from the Northeast with Hua Twelve also lived a stable life. Little Northeast has good muscles and bones, and Ding Lianshan took a fancy to him. In Lao Ding's words, everything is good, but the head is big. But it doesn't affect martial arts training.

During the day, Xiaodongbei worked as an apprentice in a drug store with his senior brother Sanjiangshui, and at night he followed the old man to practice until late at night.

His father, Jinbiao Shisanlang, mixed up with three old men. Gong Baosen didn't think he was mentally disturbed because of old age, because martial arts practitioners rarely have the kind of dementia mentioned by Dehua Twelve. .

He asked Hua Twelve to find a good doctor for Jin Biao Shisan Lang to take a good look at.

There is the best sitting doctor in Hong Kong Island in the medicine store. With this pulse, the doctor said that Jin Biao Shisanlang was worried and hurt his spleen, angry and hurt his liver, his ups and downs were chaotic, and his energy was depressed, which means he was greatly stimulated. It's just crazy, but fortunately, it won't be seriously adjusted for a while, and it should be able to see better.

Sure enough, after a few doses of medicine, Jinbiao Shisanlang was more awake than crazy.

This little Northeast is a joy to kowtow to everyone.

For Lao Fan's arrangement, Hua Twelve was also very interesting. He bought a piece of land and built a church for him. When the foreign devil heard about the church, he approved it without even thinking about it. Decades later, this may be the foreign devil's biggest regret. a decision.

After the church was built, Hua Twelve also made a row of sauerkraut jars for Old Fan to dispel Father Fan's resentment about sauerkraut. This is for Old Fan.

What Hua Shishi did not expect was that Lao Fan often distributed pickled cabbage to believers after pickling. Decades later, not only the Northeast dialect became popular in Hong Kong Island, but sauerkraut became a local specialty of Hong Kong Island.

In July, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident broke out, and the Anti-Japanese War broke out in full swing.

Hua Shier arranged manpower to transport materials to the mainland, and also secretly transported materials to the Northeast National Salvation Association as much as possible, fulfilling the promise to Fang Die and others.

In October, Jiazhen gave birth to a daughter, and Gong Er gave birth to a pair of twin sons. When the first son was born, old man Hua and Gong Baosen almost had sex because of their last name, but it turned out that there was another , This is all happy and harmonious.

Different from the two old men, Hua Twelve's baby girl is Jia Zhensheng's girl, and she comes and hangs around the girl every day, which makes Jia Zhen who is a little disappointed that she didn't give birth to a son very happy.

After Gong Er gave birth to the twins, she didn't plan to regenerate, but started to study martial arts. Hua Shier didn't let her practice the internal strength of Baguamen, but took out the Jade Heart Sutra for her to practice.

Gong Er was not happy at first, saying that the Bagua school should practice the things of the Bagua school, what is the "Jade Heart Sutra", and the name is not serious.

Hua Twelve directly told her that "The Jade Heart Sutra" has miraculous effects on beauty, after practicing it forty or fifty looks like seventeen or eighteen, if you don't practice it, you will fall down.

The result can be imagined, Gong Er said that she doesn't care about her beauty, mainly because she thinks that the word "Heart Sutra" has Buddha nature and is destined for her.

In [-], the little devils occupied the Foshan area, and Hua Shier and his family took refuge in Honolulu temporarily, but the transportation of supplies to the country never stopped.

In [-], Hong Kong Island was occupied by devils. The little devil got the news from somewhere that the Hua family had been delivering anti-Japanese supplies to the mainland, and occupied all the properties of the Hua family on Hong Kong Island.

But how could Hua Twelve have not thought of this, and have already transferred most of their industries abroad.

Two years before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Fuguier's father and mother, Mrs. Hua and his wife died of illness in Honolulu. Medicinal bath is also useless.

In four or five years, after the little devil surrendered, Hua Shier returned to Hong Kong Island and took back all the lost property at that time. He became one of the richest people on Hong Kong Island, and his family also became one of the best Chinese families.

Two years later, there was an additional White Rose Barbershop on Hong Kong Island, and someone from the Hotel Guild in Sham Shui Po Main Street, Kowloon, began to teach Wing Chun.

That night, Hua Twelve closed a boxing book, and there was a ding sound in his mind. The system reminded him that the task was completed, and he could choose to return immediately or return after 24 hours.

Hua Shishi glanced at his mission: "Task requirement one, replace Gong Ruomei's fiancé, fight for this breath for myself and the family, and prevent myself from becoming the protagonist of the divorce flow!" '(completed)
'Task requirement two, collect at least ten kinds of martial arts inheritance, learn or collect complete cheats! "(completed)
Hua Twelve has been controlling the speed of his collection of martial arts inheritance for the past two years. Now that everything is on the right track, he also plans to go back. The White Ape Arms just now is the last cheat book in the tenth type of martial arts. Good things contributed by Thirteenth Dart.

The next morning, he sent Mattie, who would never grow up in this world, back to the "killer world". contract.

Gong Ruomei is a genius in martial arts, and her cultivation speed of "Jade Heart Sutra" is much faster than that of Ma Chunhua and Cheng Huaixiu back then, which is helpful to him.

Gong Er didn't believe that her husband would harm her, so naturally he agreed as soon as he said it.

Now that Gong Er is over [-] years old, due to practicing the "Jade Heart Sutra", she still looks as young as before, but Jiazhen has no talent in martial arts, and now she has the charm of a mature woman.

In the evening, Hua Shier called all his good friends together, the big guys had a meal, and then called all their children over, telling them to behave in a dignified manner, and to always remember that they are descendants of Huaxia.

He simply left behind his words, children and two wives, the Hua family will take root in Hong Kong Island in the future, and the children and grandchildren can go abroad for fun, but those who immigrate will automatically give up the Hua family's family business, and they are no longer the Hua family.

Both Jiazhen and Gong Er seemed to feel something. At night, they sat with Hua Shi Shi in the garden of the Hua family's newly built mansion. Hua Shi Shi told the two daughters his identity and told them not to worry. , if there is a destiny, there is still a time to meet each other.

When the time came, Hua Twelve disappeared in an instant, and Jiazhen and Gong Er both had tears in their eyes. How could they not be worried if they were husband and wife for ten years.

The next moment Gong Er's eyes widened, because Jia Zhen was also in front of her, and disappeared.
(End of this chapter)

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