A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 276 Trouble at the door, easy to resolve!

Chapter 276 Trouble at the door, easy to resolve! (Seek full order)

PS: Two chapters in one.

Jim should have launched a lawsuit in the United States, because Hua Shier noticed that a domestic newspaper reported his registration of Sun, but the report did not state that the owner of Sun was a Chinese.

This incident did not cause any waves in the country, but was regarded as an anecdote by the public, and they laughed it off after reading it.

Two days later, when Hua Twelve was reviewing in the self-study room, someone called him to answer the phone. When he came to the school mail room, he just picked up the phone when a series of English words came from the opposite side.

Hua Twelve recognized that it was Jim, his lawyer in the United States.

He felt very surprised. In [-], there seemed to be no private international long-distance business. He tentatively asked, "Are you in the capital?"

Jim complained on the phone: "Oh, Maika, otherwise, where do you think I am? It's really hard to find you. I first called Hong Kong Huaxing Company, and the person who answered the phone said that he didn't know you. Finally Finally got in touch with your friend Leslie to get your address"

Hua Twelve laughed: "Okay, Jim, I'll treat you to dinner, let's meet and talk!"

He usually doesn't have much money to spend, and he still has some money to invite foreigners to restaurants next time, so he can go straight to the casserole!

When he saw Jim, the foreigner looked haggard and tired, but he was extremely excited.

During the meal, Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Okay Jim, you are so anxious to find me, do you have any good news to tell me?"

Hearing what he said, Jim said excitedly: "Of course, this is great news. The United Nations has contacted me and wants to buy out your sun patent rights for 100 million dollars."

Hua Shishi's eyes lit up, and the price in his heart was 50. He didn't expect the United Nations to be so generous, so he immediately smiled and said:

"You're right Jim, that's really good news, how did you get back to them?"

Hua Twelve expected that a lawyer like Jim would definitely not agree to it outright, and would definitely have to bargain for a price, no matter what, he had to strive for a few percent more profit on the basis of this price.

Jim smiled and said: "I'll let them eat shit, 100 million? Are you kidding me? If I can think about [-] million, I refuse on the spot!"

Hua Twelve was stunned for a while, what era is this, this is 83 years!
In later generations, a single back ticket worth more than 1 yuan is now 1000 yuan a piece. A set of courtyard houses in the capital can be bought for more than 100 yuan now, and [-] million dollars can probably buy several palaces. , turned it down? ?
Doesn't he like the money he gets?

Hua Twelve felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, but he didn't lose his temper, and asked, holding back his anger:

"Jim, tell me what you think!"

Naturally, Jim didn't know that his employer almost had a heart attack, so he introduced his operation in the United States with a smile.

Since Hua Twelve left, Jim has started to sue the US government.

After preparing a series of materials and evidence, he filed a lawsuit against the U.S. authorities. At the same time, Jim also co-hosted a debate program with the TV station, and invited people from all walks of life to discuss whether the legally registered sun should be punished by the law. Should the U.S. government be charged for the use of the protection?

Unexpectedly, once the program was aired, the effect was surprisingly good. Because the event of the Sun's ownership was too sensational, major media scrambled to report it, and it aroused widespread attention in American society.

Although many people think that Sunshine charges are whimsical, more and more Americans believe that since they agree with the law, they should be protected by law, and believe that this lawsuit is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Sunshine owners.
Jim happily told Hua Twelve: "Public opinion is turning to our side!"

Hua Twelve was stunned: "Is this okay?"

Jim said in an exaggerated tone: "Boss, that's the country of America!"

"In the country of the United States, as long as we oppose the government, we will get the support of many people, especially when we only talk about charging fees to the US government, and we don't say that we are targeting ordinary people. The main argument in American society is that if we can win this case , will be a landmark case of the progress of the rule of law, and an important victory for the rule of law civilization!"

Hua Twelve was wiping off his sweat when he heard this. He just wanted to get some money to spend, but in the end, he accidentally promoted the progress of the rule of law in the United States. How can there be any reason for this?

Jim told Hua Twelve that this kind of case can only be won in a wonderful country like the United States. Once they win the case, when they sue in other countries, this case will become an important reference for judges when judging the case. It is extremely advantageous for them to sue other countries.

Hua Twelve was convinced. The lawsuit he thought of before was actually to put pressure on the United Nations and let the other party pay to buy it out. He didn't expect Jim to be real.

But after hearing it like this, it seemed to be beneficial to him, so he immediately asked: "Jim, how big is our victory, don't end up making a fuss!"

Jim reassured that he was now organizing a march in solidarity with the lawsuit, putting pressure on the courts, and he was going to go back and do just that.

In addition, even if the lawsuit fails, it doesn't matter. There are already several companies wanting to acquire the Sun patent in Huashier's hands and build related brands. The acquisition fees they proposed are not low.

Hua Twelve knows that things are beneficial to him, so he let Jim do it, but he also mentioned that he will use a sum of money at the end of the year, so it is best not to delay things for too long.

Jim came here this time because he felt that the matter was a bit big. Although he felt that everything was under control, he still felt that it would be better to clarify with the person involved.

Seeing that Jim did his best for himself without taking money, Hua Shier decided to do his best as a landlord, and decided to take him to the Forbidden City and the Great Wall tomorrow.

What Hua Twelve didn't expect was that trouble would come to him the next day before he went to Jim.

"You are Guo Xiaolu?"

In the vice president's office, a vice president surnamed Wang asked arrogantly. There were a few foreigners sitting on the sofa next to him, all looking at Hua Twelve curiously.

"I am, may I ask what business Dean Wang wants from me?"

Hua Twelve returned neither humble nor overbearing.

In fact, after seeing these foreigners, Hua Twelve probably guessed some of them. They probably came for the 'Sun'.

Sure enough, Vice President Wang asked: "Did you go to the United States a while ago? How did you get there? You can go abroad at will?"

Hua Twelve smiled. He put on a curious expression and asked, "President Wang, is he breaking the law when he goes abroad?"

Dean Wang was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand: "Let's put aside the matter of going abroad, let's talk about your other problems first!"

"I heard that you went to the United States to register the sun? You also asked a lawyer to sue the authorities in the United States. You are not fooling around. If you say that you are sabotaging international relations, if you say that you are cheating and abducting, you are speculating. It's a crime, do you know that?"

He pointed to those foreigners and said:

"These are all officials of the United Nations Committee on Outer Space Affairs. They are here for you. I think you are a student of our school. I will give you a chance to return your patents to others. Make that matter clear to others, and if you change the apology to an apology, you should make an apology, and don't discredit the school, do you hear me!"

After Dean Wang finished speaking, he said with an expression that I was doing it for your own good: "Tell me about you students, why don't you let the school worry so much?"

Hua Twelfth laughed when he heard that. You must know that when he met Jim yesterday, the other party told him that the United Nations would buy out the ownership of the Sun for 100 million US dollars.

The Vice President Wang in front of him is not so powerful. He asked him to hand over things with a minimum value of 100 million dollars as soon as he touched his lips. Why is he so big?

Seeing Hua Shishier standing there without moving, Vice President Wang stared at him immediately: "Why are you still standing here, hurry up and get that patent!"

Hua Shishi said calmly: "President Wang, you should know what a patent is, right? It is protected by the law. If you ask me to hand it over, I will hand it over. Your co-author is stronger than the law!"

He said and extended his thumb to express his admiration.

Dean Wang frowned: "What are you talking about? Didn't I understand what I said just now? You are cheating."

Hua Twelve was not polite anymore, the other party didn't let him sit, so he pulled a chair and sat down, then smiled and said:

"Then let's talk about it. If you want to talk about taking advantage of the legal loopholes, that's right, but I'm taking advantage of the legal loopholes in the United States. Why are you so anxious, Dean Wang, could it be you?"

As soon as he made a long sound, it made people think about it, and Dean Wang turned pale: "Nonsense, I am afraid that you will have a bad influence on the school."

Hua Twelve took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, and Dean Wang said angrily:

"Look at how you look like a student!"

Hua Twelve ignored him at all, took a puff of cigarettes, and then said to the foreigners in English:

"I will notify my lawyer in the US to initiate a lawsuit against you and sue you for threatening me because of patent issues. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that my lawyer is currently in Beijing."

A group of foreigners were shocked. They stood up and waved their hands, explaining in English: "Mr. Guo, we didn't mean to threaten you, we just wanted to discuss with you and buy that patent back."

Hua Twelve didn't listen to their explanations at all. Tell Jim about this, the latter will definitely be useful, and he will become a victim when he publicizes on Lao Mi's side, and the public opinion will turn to his side. The case also came to a favorable verdict.

Immediately waved his hand: "Don't explain this to me, I'll go to my lawyer now, talk to my lawyer if you have anything to say!"

After speaking, he got up and left. Vice President Wang felt that he had lost face. He slapped the table and shouted, "Guo Xiaolu, stop!"

Hua Twelve walked to the door, stopped, turned around and looked at Vice President Wang, and smiled jokingly:
"Vice President Wang, how long has it been since the Qing Dynasty died, and you are still kneeling here for a foreigner? I just have one attitude. We all respect the law. Anyone who thinks that I am cheated and speculative can sue me in court!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand to the ashen-faced Vice President Wang, and added: "By the way, you have to go to the US court to sue this matter, but it seems that there is no speculation over there!"

After he finished speaking, he laughed three times, left directly, and ran off campus to call that bastard Jim. Sure enough, the lawyer was even darker than him. This time.

Hua Twelve said helplessly: "I haven't left yet, come over and talk about it!"

Jim fully agreed, and went out to take a taxi and headed here.

When Jim rushed to the school and arrived at Vice President Wang's office, he yelled at those foreigners. They explained repeatedly that they came to solve the problem, but Jim didn't listen at all and told them to go back to New York and wait. Get his lawyer's letter.

As for Vice President Wang, when he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately lost his mind.

Hua Twelve looked funny, Jim was the one who charged into the battle, and he had no pressure at all. As for Vice President Wang, he obviously didn't even understand the situation, so he got involved randomly. , he didn't even bother to pay attention.

Sure enough, after Jim made a fuss, the matter was settled, and Vice President Wang didn't continue to trouble him, but he met him twice on campus, and avoided him from a distance, as if seeing a plague god.

Another half a month later, Tianhua Twelve was in class when he heard someone shouting from the school's loudspeaker:
"Guo Xiaolu, Class [-], Class [-], Class [-], please hurry to the mortuary of the affiliated hospital, please hurry to the mortuary of the affiliated hospital, your father needs you urgently"

Hua Shier heard this helpless, Guo Xiaolu's father has been dead for more than ten years, this is a hell, the meeting place is still in the morgue, it's over if it's scary or not!
He packed up his things and got up, said hello to the teacher and left the classroom. When he arrived at the mortuary, he saw Wang Xiaomo looking at the mirror and doing the grooming, styling his hair and applying cream, as if he was going to sell it.

After Hua Twelve went in, he didn't say a word, he found a fruit knife on Wang Xiaomo's table, and went straight over.

Wang Xiaomo saw Hua Twelve approaching with a knife in the mirror, he was already a little apprehensive about it, he turned around and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Hua Twelve said with a half-smile: "The person who yelled on the loudspeaker just now is you, my father, Guo Xiaolu, is gone long ago, I will send you over to help me pass a message, help me ask him why he wants me , tell me in your dreams at night!"

Wang Xiaomo originally wanted to take revenge on Guo Xiaolu a little bit, and was cheap in words, but he thought his father was gone long ago, so he quickly apologized:

"I was wrong, it's okay if I was wrong, I don't know your dad is gone, that's right, there is a performance tonight, don't you say you can play the violin, let me have a performance to call you?"

Hua Twelve glared at Wang Xiaomo: "The next time you call me, just say that my grandson is looking for me, did you hear me?"

Wang Xiaomo looked at the fruit knife in his hand, subconsciously swallowed and spit: "It's wrong, the key point is that your teacher won't believe it!"

Hua Twelve couldn't help but get angry, and threw the knife away: "Tell me, how much?"

Wang Xiaomo had a puzzled expression on his face: "You still want money for giving you a chance to perform?"

Hua Twelve stared: "What's the matter, black-hearted capitalists order working people for nothing!"

As soon as he stared at Wang Xiaomo, he was a little hesitant, and he let go and said, "Is the meal done?"

"Another five bucks!"

In this day and age, the monthly salary of workers is only a few dozen yuan, and the labor fee of five yuan is not low.

"Two yuan!" Wang Xiaomo bargained.

"That's not going!"

Hua Twelve turned around and left, having won the essence of his mother's bargaining back then, Wang Xiaomo grabbed him:

"Okay, five yuan is five yuan!"

After agreeing, he complained distressedly: "Those grandsons don't even know what light music is, so they must have a violin, or I need to beg you!"

Hua Twelfth ignored him. In fact, whether money is not money is a trivial matter. The key is to see Su Lingfang today.

 Thanks: 08a, book friend 20171116004049159, book friend 20200730091322992 brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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