A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 278 Vaccination!

Chapter 278 Vaccination! (Seek full order)
PS: Two chapters in one.

After the cultural performance in the Cultural Palace ended, a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit and highly myopic glasses approached Manager Xu:

"Old Xu, your performance is not bad!"

When Director Xu saw the person coming, he quickly went up to shake hands enthusiastically: "Oh, Director Wang, you don't even say hello when you come, so I can reserve a seat for you in front!"

Director Wang is a deputy director of Beijing Broadcasting Corporation. His identity is just two words in the word of literature and art, and he has a lot of face.

Director Wang waved his hand: "Don't be polite to me, by the way, those two songs just now were really good, and that young man is also very energetic. Is he an actor here?"

Manager Xu heard the sound and knew the meaning: "Do you want that young man to appear on your show? Good thing, let alone that young man is really capable, have you seen the audience's reaction just now, how long has it been since such a scene!"

Director Wang smiled and nodded. He also took a fancy to this point. In recent years, with the introduction of cassette recorders, cassette tapes of singers such as Liu Wenzheng and Deng Lijun from Taiwan began to flow into the mainland, which aroused the strong pursuit of mainland audiences.

The influence and impact brought about are huge, especially Deng Lijun's songs are the most popular, but not all of them are well received, because a considerable number of people regard concept issues as mediocre songs, which have also sparked heated debates in society.

Although controversy represents progress, at present, for literary and art workers like them, it is still possible to ignore controversial matters, especially for a radio station with a large audience like them. This is a good check, and no mistakes of principle can be made.

Because of this problem, the music program played three times a day on the radio station is extremely monotonous. The songs that can be selected are either revolutionary songs or songs that old artists have sung for several years or even ten years.

It's not that the songs of old artists are not good, nor are they not classic enough, but no matter how good the songs are, you can listen to them for many years.

Now many listeners even wrote to the radio station, strongly requesting to play Deng Lijun's songs.So much so that the music aspect of the radio station is quite a headache now.

But just now, Director Wang heard the song that made his eyes shine, and it was inappropriate to say that it was a bit inappropriate, that was emotional.

Moreover, the content of the lyrics does not have the melodious sound of love songs from Hong Kong and Taiwan, but they are all healthy and uplifting.

Director Wang is not as superficial as Su Lingfang thinks that "Once upon a time you" is a love song written for girls. Su Lingfang did not go to school, which led to the misunderstanding of insufficient education.

He can clearly understand the meaning expressed in the lyrics. This song expresses that every young man with ideals is lonely in the process of realizing his dream. This song is a song of nostalgia for the youthful years. Declaration of no regrets.

The determination, courage and self-confidence expressed in the song is a natural strength.

Isn't this a kind of positive performance?

Especially director Wang, who is a literary and artistic worker, can easily tell that the quality of this song is even higher than those Hong Kong and Taiwan songs.

He was even more satisfied with the second song "You at the Same Table". This song is full of memories and nostalgia for the beautiful campus life, which can resonate with most people.

Therefore, after the performance, Director Wang wanted to contact the singer immediately to see if he could play these two songs on their station. He believed that these two songs would not only satisfy the audience, but also make the Satisfied leaders are definitely a happy situation for everyone.

But what Director Wang didn't expect was that Manager Xu understood what he meant, but said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, Director Wang, that young man is not an actor here, but those from the Taipingtian Band came here to play the violin." of."

Director Wang was taken aback and broke out in a cold sweat: "The Mortuary Band?" Well, the song is good, and the name of the band is spooky.
"It's not time, it's heaven, Taiping, but it's about the same. The one who plays the acoustic guitar is an employee of the medical school mortuary!"

Manager Xu obviously has a lot of complaints about the name 'Taipingtian'. He thinks that boy Wang Xiaomo has a brain twitch. Can this stupid band name stop people from thinking about it? 99 out of [-] people have heard this stupid name. Will contact the 'mortuary', the remaining one must still be deaf.

Manager Xu is also a person who knows how to come. Seeing that Director Wang wanted to find the young man who sang, he patted his chest and said:

"Director Wang, don't worry, I'll find someone for you later, in two or three days, I'll let him contact you!"

Director Wang was naturally happy when he heard this: "Don't worry, I just have such an idea, and I have to hold a meeting to study it when I go back. I will come to you in a few days, and we will talk about it then!"

Manager Xu knew the other party's way of doing things, and it took several meetings to settle on a small matter, so he naturally agreed with a smile.

As the person concerned, Hua Shier naturally didn't know that this incident would happen after he left. At this time, he and his buddies from the Taipingtian Band were cooking in Donglaishun.

As expected of playing in a band, these grandsons really can drink. Hua Shishier was poured into two bottles of Erguotou. With his physical fitness and internal strength, he couldn't stand it. How did he leave the restaurant? I don't know.

Really drunk!

When Hua Twelve woke up the next day, he felt his brain was numb. He opened his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking for a long time. When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was not in the school dormitory.

In a room of more than ten square meters, simple but tidy, he was lying on a bed that did not belong to him.

Plaid sheets, floral quilts, pink pillowcases, and a faint fragrance on the bed.

Hua Shishi felt a little bad, reached into the bed and touched it, damn it, it worked.

The fruit of the red fruit.

Before Hua Twelve could react, a white lotus-like arm reached up behind him, and he was so frightened that he shook off the opponent and sat up.

At this time, he was still drunk, and his brain was aching, so that he couldn't recall what happened yesterday, and his mind was full of where am I?What happened?

"What time is it, sleep a little longer, but you will be tossed to death!"

A lazy and sleepy voice came from behind, delicate but not charming.

Hua Twelve turned around to look, and a familiar face came into view, and the memory of yesterday also emerged in his mind.

By the way, I performed at the Cultural Palace yesterday, and then drank too much in Donglaishun, after that...
I don't remember anything after that!

"I go!"

Although Hua Twelve is no longer the first brother, the situation is somewhat embarrassing at this moment, so he got out of bed quickly and put on his pants first.

"Ha ha."

Su Lingfang lazily supported her head with one arm, and watched Hua Shier busy with a smile.

While putting on his clothes, Hua Twelve pretended to be annoyed and said, "Why is it like this?"

He had already thought about teaching Su Lingfang to make this chick behave, so he couldn't give her a smile now.

Su Lingfang's more than ten years of experience has already developed the character of a little wild cat. Seeing Hua Twelve's expression of having suffered a big loss, she immediately became unhappy:

"What's wrong? I still want to know, why is it like this!"

After saying this, she just sat up, showing her white shoulders, took out a box of thirty-seven red plum cigarettes from beside the pillow, took out one and put it in her mouth, lit it and took a puff, then said angrily :

"It's true that I took the initiative, but you didn't say you weren't happy last night. You were so close to the door, and you asked me if it was the first time. Now you're playing with me and regretting this trick, pretending to be drunk Drunk and amnesiac, fuck you!"

Hua Twelve was a little embarrassed when she got mad like this. He just wanted to say that he didn't remember anything when he was drunk, and he also blamed himself in his heart. That's what he thought, and he couldn't directly ask if it was his first time. , how hurtful, quickly remedied:
"Then is this your first time?"


Su Lingfang laughed angrily, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed, biting a cigarette, and began to get dressed.

Hua Twelve hastily covered his eyes with his outstretched hands, a gentleman is magnanimous, don't look at injustice.

But through the gap between his fingers, Hua Twelve found the red plum blossom on the bed, which was very dazzling.

"Don't worry, you're a college student. I haven't even finished elementary school. I know the gap between us. I won't pester you. I'll go and feed you. You can leave after eating the noodles!"

Su Lingfang put on her clothes generously, ran to the simple gas stove, and started to work. Seeing her slightly awkward walk, Hua Shishiyi slapped her forehead: "It's a shame, I didn't remember anything!"

He walked over and hugged Su Lingfang from behind. The latter struggled a little, but gave up when he saw that he didn't let go. He was just busy with the things in his hand, but didn't say a word.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it, come back to Qingdao with me this summer to visit my mother!"

Su Lingfang chuckled lightly: "I told you that you don't need to be responsible, and besides, your mother doesn't like me!"

Looking at the slightly upturned corners of her mouth, one can see how duplicity her "don't be responsible" is.

But although Hua Shier could see it, she didn't take her attitude to heart. Don't look at this chick's duplicity now, she wants him to be in charge or something in her heart, and when she has a chance to make a fortune in the future, her feelings are in her eyes. Believe it or not, you can directly rank second.

When this little girl was abused by her sixth aunt in the countryside, she thought about using a brick to open her six aunts in the middle of the night. Although she reined in at the end of the precipice, this wild and unruly temperament cannot be suppressed by a lover or a relationship of.

If you want to train her, you must suppress it in all aspects. For Hua Shier who wants to train her to obey, it means that the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

A large bowl of hot noodle soup with scallions and two poached eggs lay on it. Hua Twelve ate more than half of the money he earned yesterday to Su Lingfang as he ate:
"Go and rent a bigger house, I'll come and live there when I have time!"

When Su Lingfang was cooking noodles just now, he heard the chaos outside. He opened the curtains and took a look outside. There are several families living in a standard courtyard in the capital, adults and children, and it hasn't stopped all morning.

So he wanted to change the environment for Su Lingfang. After all, he took advantage last night.

Su Lingfang blushed, took the money over, and said stiffly: "Who said that I want to live with you, besides this money is enough shit, now a decent house costs less than five or six yuan a month Money, after deducting food and drink, you will rent it for a year?"


Hua Twelve has black hair, and this girl said that she didn't want to live together, but the rental house only starts for one year.

He smiled and said: "Who asked you to rent a house for five or six yuan? You can see if there is a detached courtyard. It's okay if it's more expensive. Let's rent it for half a year. Later, we will buy a courtyard in the capital to live in. I like that kind of ancient style. If you are not used to living in a quaint courtyard house, you can even buy a house, and there is water!"

Su Lingfang hummed: "Then let's rent the yard, but let's talk about it first, one person, one room, don't be okay, you always run to my house!"

Hua Twelve was drinking noodle soup, but he couldn't spit it out: "Sister, your prudish appearance is so cute, it seems like I took the initiative last night!"

"What do you say!"

Su Lingfang was being careless, she was also a girl, her face turned red immediately after being scratched by him: "If you talk nonsense again, I will throw my face at you!"

Hua Shishi ignored her nonsense, took the last bite of the egg into his mouth, then got up and said, "I'm leaving first, there's still class!"

Su Lingfang got up quickly, helped him tidy up his clothes, and complained: "He is really a good student, he won't waste a day!"

Hua Twelve smiled: "I want to study medicine hard, and treat my mother's eyes later!"

Su Lingfang thought of Guo Xiaolu's mother's squinting eyes, and burst out laughing: "Auntie's eyes are not healed yet, so I'm not afraid of that, anyway, when she looks back at me, I see her as if she was looking at someone else, so I'm not nervous Already!"

"Go, make fun of my mother again, and take care of you!"

Hua Twelve walked to the door, stopped suddenly, turned his head and said seriously:
"Su, there is one thing I want to make clear first. I'm a narrow-minded person. I can see your personality now. It's different from when you were a child. In the future, you must not hang shoulders with other gentlemen or anything. Don't go out alone with men, and don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

Su Lingfang's expression changed immediately: "No, Guo Xiaolu, what do you mean?"

Hua Twelve didn't give in at all, the vaccination had to be given, and he could complete the scumbag's task if he turned around and caught the other party's mistakes, right? My wife is calling you!"

Su Lingfang sneered and said, "I have to agree even if he asks me!"

Hua Twelve took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, lit it and took a puff:
"Then when he first yelled, you sternly refused, how could he still do that? Ask yourself if you didn't let him take advantage of your verbal advantage, and then use the mortuary band to take advantage of it? Don't do this kind of thing in the future."

He opened the door and left without waiting for Su Lingfang to respond.

"That's called Taipingtian, not the morgue!"

Hearing Su Lingfang's cry behind him, and the "bang" sound from the door after the door was closed, Hua Twelve smiled, and then walked out of the courtyard with his head held high and his chest held high, under the eyes of several aunts in the courtyard who were full of emotion. As long as I am not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

In the room, Su Lingfang stomped her feet angrily: "Guo Xiaolu, who do you think you are? Since I was a child, I wrote you so many letters and you didn't reply. Why do you talk to me like that? Tch, as if I owe you something." of"

As he spoke, he picked up the violin that Guo Xiaolu sent back yesterday, hugged it in his arms, and muttered, "Tell you, it's just this one time!"

After half a month, I don't know when, I suddenly heard someone on campus singing "Silence is golden" and "Ten years". The pop tapes that came back.

Hua Twelve took a look at it, okay, it's a proper pirated version, the voice is Leslie's, and the photo is Principal Tan's.

There is no copyright law these days, and piracy cannot be eradicated by releasing albums, but fortunately the proportion of piracy is not high, and albums still make money.

I heard from that classmate that these songs are the most popular songs in Hong Kong and Taiwan, even more popular than Deng Lijun's songs.

Hua Twelfth smiled and returned the tape to that classmate, thinking that one day he would call Leslie and ask how the album was selling, so that he could build up the 'Avengers' team later. , In the second half of the summer vacation, I also recorded an album to test the waters.

There are three Avengers, him, and the other two are the task targets that the system requires to become popular, Su Lingfang and Wang Xiaomo.

Hua Shishi didn't look for Su Lingfang during this time, but Wang Xiaomo looked for him twice and told him that Su rented a courtyard house in Houhai. Seeing Lao Wang's reluctance, it was obvious that this was not what he wanted to say. Yes, but Su should have forced him to come.

But after hanging Su Lingfang for half a month, Hua Twelve decided that he should visit her in the next two days, and by the way, he called Wang Xiaomo to talk about forming a band.

During the self-study this afternoon, Hua Shier planned to go to Su Lingfang at night, but the plan was far from changing quickly. Vice President Wang suddenly walked into the self-study room and greeted everyone:
"Students, listen to me, who can play table tennis?"

Hua Twelve's heart skipped a beat, knowing that this was the most important turning point in Guo Xiaolu's life, he was the first to raise his hand immediately.

When Vice President Wang saw that it was him, he felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly. Seeing that many people raised their hands, he was relieved and continued to ask: "Who can fight well?"

This time, except for Hua Twelve, everyone put their hands down.

Vice President Wang felt even more uncomfortable, and said bravely: "Okay, come with me!" He cursed in his heart, you are the sun, why is it him.

 Thanks: 08a, Eternal Star Huiyaoshi, Rukawa Toshiyuki, I am Brother Dayong, brother for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanked the brothers who read books and followed up their favorites , thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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