A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 291 He was kidnapped!

Chapter 291 He was kidnapped! (Seek full order)
PS: Two chapters in one.

Professor Ding had a car accident, and Hua Twelve felt a little unbelievable when he heard the news.

According to the development in the original plot, Professor Ding should have had a cerebral hemorrhage when he returned to Hong Kong Island because he drank a few more glasses of wine because of his personal wishes.

One year after Professor Ding passed away, Connie Carter also left Hexi, and it was precisely because of the passing of these two elders that Ding Mengmeng felt that life was impermanent, was stimulated, and went to extremes in stem cell research. He began to experiment with himself, which eventually caused his cells to mutate and died early.

In fact, before Hua Twelve went abroad, he had already made some preparations in order to avoid these tragedies.

For example, although Professor Ding has never helped him find the human-shaped Shouwu, he still passed on the Quanzhen internal strength to the other party, and used two snow ginseng jade cicada pills to help him recuperate his body and find a sense of energy.

Although it is impossible for Professor Ding to cultivate something famous because of his age, it is still possible to practice internal skills to prolong life, so as to avoid Ding Mengmeng being stimulated by Professor Ding's premature death.

It's just that Hua Shier's plan is very good, but he never expected that there will be an accident. It is still several years away from [-]. How could Professor Ding have a car accident, and he learned on the phone that Lao Ding The injury is quite serious, and there is no such thing in the original plot.

With a stomach full of doubts, he returned to the capital with the worried Ding Mengmeng.

Wang Xiaomo picked them up by car and went straight to the hospital. On the way, he told them the whole story.

It turned out that Professor Ding's health has been getting better and better recently, and he picked up the morning jogging exercise that he had put down a long time ago. As a result, during the morning jogging two days ago, he caught up with a driver who had been drinking all night and was driving drunk, so he put it on the side of the road in the morning. Professor Ding who was running was hit.

Now that the driver has been brought under control, he must be sentenced. Professor Ding's injury is a bit serious. In fact, there are not many injuries on his body, but he was hit on the head, and he is still unconscious until now.

When Hua Twelve heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable. With Lao Ding's body before, he was out of breath after playing two rounds of table tennis. Now the morning run is obviously because he has practiced Quanzhen internal strength, and his body has vitality, so he went out to exercise. what.

In this way, it was his butterfly that changed Lao Ding's fate.

Of course, Hua Twelve would never feel any self-pity because of this. If he wanted to blame this incident, he would blame the drunk driver and Lao Ding's bad luck.

Outside the ward, I met Vice President Wang, who was also a student of Professor Ding and Hua Shier's fellow student.

Seeing Ding Mengmeng and Hua Shishi, the other party said with a sad face: "You are back, go in and have a look!"

Seeing Vice President Wang's expression, Ding Meng knew that Lao Ding's condition was not good, so he rushed into the ward, while Hua Shier and Vice President Wang asked about Lao Ding's condition.

Vice President Wang sighed and said: "Professor Ding was hit on the head in a car accident, and there was blood stasis inside. He had performed a craniotomy before, but the operation was too difficult and failed. Cranial nerves, leading to respiratory failure, and other complications, people have not woken up, maybe in the past few days!"

When Hua Shishi entered the ward, he saw Professor Ding lying quietly on the hospital bed. Although he said that he had made a will a long time ago, saying that he would not be put on a ventilator if he was seriously ill, but at this time, he was suffering from respiratory failure and was still taken by the hospital. The hospital used a ventilator to keep him alive.

Ding Mengmeng and her mother were crying beside the hospital bed, and Wang Xiaomo was also crying. Although this kid was a bit muddled, he also knew that his adoptive father was really good to him.

Hua Twelve also felt uncomfortable, Lao Ding treated him very well during the teacher-student relationship, it was not too much to say that he was as close as a nephew, now seeing Lao Ding become like this, wouldn't he feel sad.

He doesn't know how to comfort people, so he simply asked Vice President Wang for Lao Ding's examination report and the film. After reading it, he realized that this operation is really difficult, because there are a lot of brain tissue and cranial nerves near the bleeding point. The requirements of the operation need to be accurate to the micron level. If the hand shakes slightly, the operation will fail and cause irreversible consequences.

Such an operation is extremely difficult, not to mention in this era, even decades later.

However, Hua Shishi was confident. He said to Vice President Wang: "Prepare the operating room, I will perform this operation!"

Vice President Wang was shocked immediately: "Xiao Guo, don't be joking, no one can do this operation, even Mr. Ding himself would not have confidence in such an operation, so don't mess around!"

Hua Twelve patted the inspection results in Vice President Wang's arms: "Stop talking, I'm sure!"

"Hey, you"

Hua Twelve didn't wait for him to finish, he went directly into the ward, and said to Ding Mengmeng's mother and daughter and Wang Xiaomo who were crying all the time: "Don't cry, I can save Mr. Ding, I will do this operation!"

Ding Mengmeng raised her head suddenly: "Guo Xiaolu, are you serious?"

Wang Xiaomo has a big heart, and he turned from sadness to joy in an instant: "Guo Zi, I knew you could do it. If you want to talk about internal and external surgery, you are the only one besides the old man."

Vice President Wang hurriedly came to persuade him at this time:

"You have to persuade him, don't mess around with him. Even if Mr. Ding gets up to do this operation, he will not be sure. Such a difficult operation, let alone domestic, even if it is abroad, the chance of success is very low. If you don't Ding Lao can survive the operation for a few days, if the craniotomy is performed again."

Vice President Wang didn't continue, but everyone else could understand that if another craniotomy was unsuccessful, they might not even be able to get off the operating table.

Although Hua Shier wanted to operate on Mr. Ding, the family members still had the right to make the decision.

Old Ding's lover's hands were trembling at this moment: "Xiao Guo, are you really sure?"

Ding Mengmeng looked at Hua Twelve, seeing that his gaze was firm and not flickering, she took a deep breath and said, "I agree to the operation, I believe in you!"

Wang Xiaomo interjected: "I also agree, if there is still hope for the operation, what's the use of staying a few days without the operation, then there is no hope at all, and a dead horse is treated like a living horse."

Before he finished speaking, Ding Mengmeng stared back.

Vice President Wang said anxiously: "You guys are, hey."

Hua Shichao Ding's old lover said: "Auntie, don't worry, I am a student brought out by the teacher, you should trust me, although I dare not say that this operation is [-]% sure, but there is [-]%!"

As a family member of a surgeon, Mrs. Ding naturally knows that the operation is not 100% successful. Although she is still a little apprehensive, she still nods:
"Then, let's do it!"

Hua Twelve didn't even take a break, so he changed into his surgical gown and entered the operating room.

Although he told others that he was not 100% sure, he himself had [-]% confidence.

Under the double blessing of slow vision and burst of adrenaline, Hua Twelve will not have any accidents when performing this operation. As long as the patient's condition does not appear unexpected, then everything is under his control among.

What's more, even if something unexpected happens to Professor Ding's body, such as sudden internal organ failure, Hua Shishi is confident that he can handle it. He still has a one-year life card that he hasn't used yet.

At worst, just use that card.

If it was an irrelevant person, Hua Twelve would definitely not use this hole card just to be a good person, but now he is facing his medical teacher, he can't be so cold-blooded.

After two hours of operation time, the lights in front of the operating room finally went out. Hua Twelve came out covered in sweat, and nodded to everyone:

"The operation was a success. The blood stasis oppressing Professor Ding's brain nerves has been removed. As long as he recovers well in the future, I believe he will return to normal one day!"

At this time, Professor Ding was pushed out of the operating room by the medical staff, and Ding's wife, Ding Mengmeng, and Wang Xiaomo all surrounded the hospital bed.

Vice President Wang grabbed a surgical assistant and asked, "Is it really successful? Such a difficult operation, how did he succeed?"

The assistant was a female doctor. She looked at Hua Shishi with reverence, and reported to Vice President Wang:
"Ms. Guo completed the entire operation in one go, from craniotomy, intracranial decompression, bone craniectomy, to removing congestion, and finally repairing the cerebrospinal fluid leak. Especially when he was removing the blood stasis, his hands were as steady as a robot. It’s unbelievable, it’s amazing, I feel that the whole operation process is like stepping out of a textbook, it’s the kind of operation that can only be perfected in theory, I didn’t expect anyone to be able to complete it so perfectly!”

After hearing this, Vice President Wang was both surprised and delighted, and complained: "This Guo Xiaolu has such good surgical techniques, what kind of stem cells are he going to study, and how much benefit has been brought to the hospital, really!"

After speaking, seeing the female doctor next to him looking at him, he immediately realized something was wrong, and changed his words: "I mean, how many patients have been saved, really!"

Hua Twelve went to the locker room to change his clothes, washed his face, went to the stairwell and lit a cigarette for himself.

Just now, the slow vision was used throughout the operation, and there was still 15 minutes to use the burst secret technique, which made him feel haggard and physically and mentally exhausted.

After taking two puffs, the stair door behind him was pushed open. As soon as Hua Twelve turned his head, Ding Mengmeng pounced on him, hanging on him like a koala: "Thank you!"

After three words, Ding Mengmeng kissed her directly.

Hua Twelve didn't refuse, and responded enthusiastically, until the girls couldn't breathe because of their poor skills, then they let go of each other.

Ding Mengmeng said something that surprised Hua Shishi. She stared at her big watery eyes and said word by word:
"let's get married!"

Hua Twelve smiled; "Because I am grateful to me for saving your father? You are too impulsive!"

Ding Mengmeng shook her head and denied, "No, I liked you when you were living in my house. You are tall, handsome, and the surgery is well done. My dad praises you every day, so I can hear you." My ears were calloused, and then I got appendicitis."

Hua Shishi interjected, "Well, I remember that you voluntarily practiced for us interns. At that time, I was still thinking, you are so brave, if I would definitely not dare!"

Ding Mengmeng said angrily: "The little dog is only willing, it was forced by my father, and he started to attack that kid, who is still a graduate student, and he made the wrong first cut, scaring me to death!"

"Later, you took over and finished the operation swiftly. You even broke the record for appendicitis surgery in the medical school. In the end, you sewed a Chinese knot on me for the wrong cut!"

Speaking of this, Ding Mengmeng smiled sweetly:
"Since then, every time I see the Chinese knot on my stomach, I think of you."

"Later when you came to the Czech Republic, I felt that my opportunity had come. In addition, you are doing research with me now. We are together from life to work. Don't you think there is nothing more suitable than the two of us? , so I am not impulsive, I am serious."

"Then have you ever thought about Su Lingfang?"

Hua Shishi stared into Ding Mengmeng's eyes, reminding her that there was one more important point that she hadn't considered.

Ding Mengmeng rested her head on Hua Twelve's chest: "Didn't you say that you and her are just lovers, and you won't marry her!"

Hua Twelve slowly pushed her away: "Yes, I will not marry her, but I never said that I would leave her. If you can accept her existence, then I will be fine!"

Ding Mengmeng was stunned. She originally thought that if Hua Shier married her, she would stay away from Su Lingfang, but she didn't expect that the other party's idea was "children make choices, and everyone wants them all".


Ding Mengmeng's happy mood was swept away, she almost cried out of anger, stomped her feet and ran out of the stairwell.

Hua Twelve shook his head, smoked the remaining half of the cigarette in his hand, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked out of the stairwell.

As soon as I went out, I saw Su Lingfang wearing a small windbreaker and a fashionable leather bag, leaning against the wall of the corridor. The sunlight coming in from the end of the corridor shone on her side face like a layer of soft light, making her look It looks very charming.

"You came!"

Hua Twelve smiled and waved his hand.

Su Lingfang came over and took out a handkerchief to help him wipe off the lipstick on his face:

"Actually, I don't have any job in the capital. I come to see Mr. Ding every day. I just heard that you are back today. I'm tired from the operation. I'll make ribs soup for you when I go back!"

Hua Twelve sighed, he knew that Su Lingfang should have heard what he said just now, he had heard people in the corridor outside the stairwell before, but this is where the operating room of the medical school is, and it is normal for people to come and go, now Come to think of it, it should be Su Lingfang,

"You heard it all!"

Now that he heard it, Hua Twelve didn't intend to pretend to be stupid.

Su Lingfang felt Hua Twelve's strangeness, and suddenly laughed, taking advantage of the situation to take his arm:

"Why, I'm afraid I can't think about it, don't worry, you said you wouldn't marry me a long time ago, I was already prepared!"

"Don't worry, as long as you still want me, I won't leave you. I'm not that stupid. You're the only man who's handsome, rich, and my childhood sweetheart. Don't take it seriously." I still have to cry to death!"

Hua Shishi felt that Su Lingfang beside him was very different from the woman in the original plot who sacrificed her love for fame and fortune in his impression.

Su Lingfang continued to laugh and said, "I'm really tempted by that little girl, really thinking about getting married? Think about it, I'm fine, and that girl is really good."

Mr. Ding quickly regained consciousness after removing the blood stasis in his brain. He knew that it was his own student who performed the operation on him and saved his life.

Hua Twelve used his inner strength to help Ding Lao sort out his meridians every day, which allowed him to recover quickly. In only half a month, he was able to walk slowly with the support of others.

Seeing this situation, Ding Mengmeng and Hua Shier chose to return to Prague.

From that day on the stairwell, after Hua Shier brought up the last problem between the two of them, Ding Mengmeng and him seemed to be separated by a layer of veil. Although they were still close at hand, it felt different after all.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the plane landed in Prague.

Hua Shishi reached out to call a taxi, and the two sat in the back of the taxi in the dark. Since they didn't sleep much on the plane, Ding Mengmeng felt a little sleepy as soon as they got in the car, so she leaned her head on his shoulder, Without saying a word, he closed his eyes.

Hua Twelve was also a little confused. After telling the driver the address, he also closed his eyes and got up.

But after a while, Hua Twelve felt something was wrong. He opened his eyes and found that the taxi was not heading towards the apartment, but heading towards the outskirts of Prague.

Hua Twelve asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Driver, you seem to be driving in the wrong place!"

"No, Mr. Guo!"

The driver didn't look back, just took out a gun with his left hand, stuck it out from the gap in the front seat, and pointed at the two of them.

Hua Twelve raised his hand and said, "Okay, don't be impulsive, I want to ask if we were kidnapped?"

The driver smiled: "It depends on the situation. We just want to have a good talk with you now!"

In fact, Hua Twelve could deal with this driver in an instant, but the other party accurately revealed his identity. Obviously, this was not a simple accident. He wanted to follow the clues to see how many people there were and what their intentions were!
While speaking, the car had stopped on the side of the street. A white man opened the door and sat directly on the co-pilot. Then he took over the driver's job of pointing a gun at Hua Shishi, and the driver started the car and moved on again.

Hua Twelve shrugged his shoulders: "Actually, if you don't point your gun at me, I won't run away either!"

"This shows that you are a smart person, Mr. Guo, if you can shut up, you will be even smarter, at least you won't be beaten!"

The white man smiled sinisterly and ferociously, as if I was the bad guy.

Hua Twelve really hoped that this guy could laugh again later.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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