A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 293 Immortality, mission accomplished!

Chapter 293 Immortality, mission accomplished! (Seek full order)
PS: Two chapters in one.

It is not that simple to build a thousand virus laboratories at a time, and now because of the particularity of the research, it is necessary to collect the research data in time, and then plan the experimental plan as a whole.

This problem can be easily solved in later generations. Laboratories in different countries can collect information through the Internet, but in this era, the Internet is not perfect, and it is very unreliable to transmit experimental information through the Internet.

The best option is to build these laboratories in the same area to facilitate information exchange.

So the question is, which country can allow the establishment of a thousand virus laboratories at the same time?This is difficult!
Hua Twelve still aimed at the Czech Republic. He first communicated with Connie Carter with his team of lawyers.

When Connie and Ding Mengmeng knew that Hua Shier was going to build thousands of virus laboratories, they thought he was crazy.

Because the money that will be invested in this plan is astronomical for them.

But when Connie Carter calmed down, her eyes lit up, because Hua Twelve's method was indeed feasible. I didn't think of it before, but I just didn't think that someone would be so crazy.

Of course, in order to live forever, there must be more crazy people, but those people pursue longevity, like walking in a fog, and it is impossible to invest heavily in an uncertain choice.

But Hua Twelve is different. He knows the plot, and he also knows that the path of stem cells is feasible in this world, and Guo Xiaolu succeeded in the end.

It was precisely because Hua Twelve could see the direction from the beginning and also saw the end point, so he dared to make a big bet, because he had a target in mind.

Investing a lot of money is just to speed up the process to the end.

Connie Carter thought she might not be able to get on the train of "stem cell longevity" at her own age, but now she sees hope.

Immediately, led by Connie Carter, Hua Shier's lawyer team headed by Jim went to discuss the plan with the senior officials of the Czech Medical School.

Under the premise that the proportion of patent ownership remains unchanged, the Czech medical school believes that they have taken advantage of it. After research, they readily agree to it, and promise that all the approval procedures required in the Czech Republic will be handled by them.

Of course, the Czech medical school also put forward their own requirements, that is, all experimental projects in the virus laboratory must be carried out under the supervision of the medical school. Stem cells, but what if you engage in biochemical weapons?
Hua Twelve had a clear conscience about this and naturally agreed.

After the negotiation, Jim signed the "Supplementary Agreement on Stem Cell Research" with the Czech Medical Academy on behalf of Huashier's "Medical Research Company", and then the plan started.

Funded by Hua Shier's "Medical Research Company", the Czech Medical School purchased three fifteen-story buildings in the suburbs of Prague as the "Virus Research Center" of the Czech Medical School, and then recruited medical and biological research from all over the world. talent.

The requirements for cultivating scientific research talents required for virus screening are not high, and medical students who have just graduated can easily be competent as long as they follow the experimental procedures.

So it took just over two months for the Virus Research Center to enter the operation stage.

The only goal of a thousand virus laboratories is to find a virus that can inhibit the mutation of stem cells.

And Hua Shishi, Connie Carter, and Ding Mengmeng also changed from the original experimenters to the supervisors of the experiment center.

They only need to summarize and check the research records of each experimental group on the previous day. If abnormal data is found, they will call back and let the experimental group start over.

Since Ding Mengmeng talked frankly with her last time about Su Lingfang, she hasn't been out of line. The relationship between the two seems to have returned to when Hua Shier first came to Prague.

In the past two years, the entire virus center and one thousand virus laboratories have made no progress. All the researchers involved in the experiment have lost confidence in finding the virus.

If it weren't for Hua Shier's massive capital investment every once in a while, I'm afraid the experiment would have been declared a failure long ago.

Many researchers couldn't stand this kind of boring experiment of cultivating, screening and eliminating viruses, and they resigned one after another. Many experimental teams have changed several batches of personnel. Even Connie Carter and Ding Mengmeng seemed a little hesitant and anxious.

Only Hua Twelve is still full of confidence.

Back home that day, Ding Mengmeng didn't have a quick meal and check the collected experimental data as usual.

Instead, after the meal was ready, in front of Hua Twelve, he took out a bottle of white wine, looked at him straight in the eyes, then opened the bottle, and drank most of the bottle in one go.

This reminded Hua Twelve of that night more than two years ago, and he couldn't help but get a black line:

He asked nervously, "What do you want to do?"

Ding Mengmeng grinned, already drunk, and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of?"

Hua Twelve shrank back: "I'm not afraid, ha, I'm a big man, what's there to be afraid of!"

Ding Mengmeng leaned forward, laying her upper body on the table, and said with a playful smile, "I'm not afraid what are you hiding behind?"

"There's a smell of alcohol and bad breath, of course I have to stay away from you!"

"Hate you!"

Ding Mengmeng sat back and suddenly started talking about the experiment:
"Hey, Guo Xiaolu, do you think we've gone the wrong way? Now there are a thousand laboratories and thousands of researchers. We've been working hard for two years. Why don't we have a clue yet!"

She got up suddenly, went around the table, sat in Hua Shier's arms, and said with a smile: "I think it's hard to live forever, or else, shall we have a child?"

Hua Twelve picked her up and threw her back on the crib like last time:

"You, sleep well. Drinking so much wine in one breath proves that you haven't thought about Su Lingfang. I'll wait for the day when you think about it!"

Unexpectedly, Ding Mengmeng hugged his neck and did not let go, directly pulled him down on the small bed, put his mouth close to Hua Shier's ear, breathed hot air in his ear, and whispered:

"I've already thought about it."

One sentence was like a drop of water falling into hot oil, which instantly aroused Hua Shier's enthusiasm. The long-distance love race between the two finally came to fruition after Ding Mengmeng overcame the last obstacle in his heart.

That night, Hua Twelve did not return to the big bed in the bedroom, and the small bed creaked for half the night, accompanied by singing like the twittering of swans.

It was not until dawn that the two embraced each other and fell asleep.

Hua Shishi originally planned to call Connie Carter when he got up in the morning, telling him that he would not be with Ding Mengmeng today, but he didn't expect that when he was still sleeping, the ringing of the phone woke him up from his sleep.

Opening his eyes, he glanced at the watch that he hadn't taken off last night. It was just past seven in the morning, and it was not time for work, so he didn't know who was calling at this time.

Ding Mengmeng, who was sleeping soundly, was also disturbed by the continuous ringing of the phone, and kicked Hua Shier's ass:
"Go and answer the phone, it's disturbing me!"

Hua Twelve feels wronged: "Ding Mengmeng, you were so obedient to me before you got me last night, but now you get me, you are treating me like this."

Ding Mengmeng had her eyes closed at first, but she was amused by him and giggled: "It's like throwing away your shoes, isn't it? Hurry up and answer the phone, don't be poor with me!"

Hua Twelve actually didn't want to wake up, but he didn't know who was so persistent. The phone kept ringing, so he got up immediately, walked to the phone in his slippers, picked it up and asked:
"Who, it's so early in the morning, let no one sleep!"

"What, are you serious?"

Hua Twelve's voice was full of surprises, and Ding Mengmeng, who was still full of sleepiness, opened his eyes, lay on the bed, and looked towards him questioningly.

"Okay, let's go there right away!"

Hua Twelve put down the phone and said to Ding Mengmeng:

"It was a call from Connie. There was an experiment in the laboratory yesterday, and a breakthrough was made. They found the virus."

Ding Mengmeng fluttered and sat up: "Did you tell me what kind of virus it is?"

"It's a newly discovered virus that hasn't been named yet!"

Hua Twelve said while looking for his clothes on the ground.

Ding Mengmeng got up and kicked all the clothes off the ground: "Oh, don't look for it, I bought you a lot of new clothes!"

As she spoke, she opened the closet next to her crib, and half of the space inside was actually filled with men's clothes, all of which had been bought long ago.

From underwear to socks, coat, shoes, she took out one by one, and quickly matched it to Hua Twelve. Seeing that she didn't hesitate at all, it was obvious that she had rehearsed this process countless times in her mind.

Hua Twelve was a little moved, and quickly put on the clothes that Ding Mengmeng had brought out for him, all of them fit well.

Ding Mengmeng helped him button his buttons, and asked, "New virus? Did you say which group of experimental subjects it was?"

"Nine five twenty seven!"

Speaking of this number, Hua Twelve, I can't laugh or cry. Since Tang Bohu used it, the probability of this group of numbers appearing is so high.

The two changed their clothes and drove to the Virus Research Center. When they arrived, Connie Carter and a group of researchers were observing a few mice.

Turning around and seeing the two people coming, he suddenly let out a 'huh', looked at Ding Mengmeng and asked, "Why do I feel that you seem to have undergone some changes!"

Ding Mengmeng's face turned red immediately: "Why, let's see the experimental subject quickly, how is it, did you really find it?"

Connie Carter glanced back and forth between the two with suspicious eyes, until they both blushed a little, then she smiled as if she understood something, and then said to the two:
"9527 has a total of five experimental subjects. After being injected with mouse umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells fused with the virus, their vital signs are normal for twelve hours!"

Ding Mengmeng was excited when she heard the words: "This is really great."

Then he turned his head and punched Hua Twelve: "If I knew it earlier, it would not be cheap for you, and I will soon live forever. Who will have children with you!"

"Oh" the people around looked at them with melon-eating expressions.

Ding Mengmeng immediately knew that she had slipped her tongue, and kicked Hua Twelve, "It's all thanks to you!" Then she turned around and stretched out her hands and said loudly:

"My girl announced that I got out of my order last night, my girl!"

Connie Carter came over to hug her with a smile, and the experimenters around laughed, and some whistled.

Hua Twelve is so embarrassing, the two women he found in this world are both socially obsessed, and Ding Mengmeng seems to be crazier than Su Lingfang.

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, today there will be an extra meal in the cafeteria at noon, and a bottle of red wine will be given to each laboratory!"

Immediately, there was a sound of long live the boss around.

"Now go to work. I plan to name this new virus after the 9527 group of experimental subjects, and separate a part of the laboratory to conduct in-depth research on this new virus. Someone will send it to you in a while, so hurry up and go to work! "

The surrounding experimenters dispersed in a rush. At this time, Hua Twelve came over and observed the five experimental subjects. He saw that the five mice were very lively, and they had nothing to do with the mice that were not in the laboratory. the difference.

Tears welled up in Connie Carter's eyes: "This is our hope!"

Two months later, another virus was selected and named 3386. Together with 9527, it became the research focus of the Virus Center.

Half a year later, the two viruses were successfully tested on mice, and entered the next stage to start experiments on experimental monkeys.

This process will be relatively long, and it will take at least three to five years. The safety of the virus must be confirmed before it can apply for clinical trials on human subjects.

Hua Twelve couldn't wait that long, so he directly brought the two viruses to his private farm, and conducted human experiments on the members of the international gambling gang who were held in the basement opened by the farm.

He took away the experimental body, and naturally he couldn't hide it from the owners Ding Mengmeng and Connie Carter. For this reason, he showed them the "Informed Consent Form for Human Experimentation" signed by Anthony and others.

This time Ding Mengmeng was stunned: "Why are these gamblers so great, they are willing to dedicate themselves to scientific experiments!"

Connie Carter recently felt that her body was getting older, and she felt tired every day when she woke up. She even began to worry that she would not be able to wake up after falling asleep one day.

So after careful consideration, she decided to join the ranks of human experiments and try her best.

Hua Twelve had checked Connie Carter a long time ago. She didn't have any diseases, but her body was too old. According to the original plot line, the game would be over in less than two years.

So after thinking about it, she agreed to Connie's request and asked her to choose one of the 3386 and 9527 viruses for injection.

Connie finally chose to inject the 3386 virus.

After three virus injections, all the physical indicators of all the people who participated in the human experiment showed normal.

During the fifth injection, the person who was injected with the 3386 virus had fever, while the person who was injected with the 9527 virus was normal.

At the eighth injection, the skin of the person injected with 3386 virus developed a rash, while 9527 developed a fever.

Ding Mengmeng was very worried about Connie's condition, and suggested that she withdraw from the experiment and receive treatment, but Connie Carter objected, thinking she had no way out.

Hua Twelve supported Connie Carter's choice.

After the ninth injection, Connie became hyperactive and her blood pressure rose, and the person injected with the 9527 virus returned to normal from a low-grade fever.

In the tenth injection, people who had been injected with 3386 virus, including Connie, had abnormal sense of smell and abnormal vision, and those who had been injected with 9527 virus were all normal.

Ding Mengmeng was a little frustrated, so she approached Hua Shier in private and said, "Connie may have made the wrong choice, and I can't accept that she will leave us!"

Hua Twelve has no other choice now: "The only thing left for Connie is to continue this path, either there will be a miracle, or failure!"

No. 20 injections, a miracle appeared.

What is unexpected is that all the adverse symptoms of the person injected with the 3386 virus disappeared, and the vital signs returned to normal. Connie, who was in a wheelchair after the No. 11 injection, stood up again. She said that she could feel the , full of youthful vigor.

However, half of the subjects who were injected with virus 9527 were found to have cancer. Virus 9527 announced that the experiment had failed and exited the experimental sequence.

Three years later, Connie No. 30 injections of the 3386 virus, her condition is getting better and better, the wrinkles on her face have disappeared, the skin on her body has become firmer, and her silver-white hair has turned golden. Like a blond young woman in her early forties, she has rejuvenated herself.

The laboratory announced to the outside world that "stem cell research" has made a breakthrough, and it has officially entered the stage of clinical human experimentation, and the experimental results have been registered as patents.

In fact, judging from all the data, the experiment can already be declared a success.

Hua Shishi began to inject himself with 3386. Because of the system, he is not afraid of failure. Anyway, when he leaves this world, he will choose to restore his body to its original state, and all negative things will disappear, so he just uses himself to do it now. Experiment and get a feel for it ahead of time.

Ding Mengmeng secretly injected herself after Hua Shier's injection. After Hua Shier found out, she didn't care. She's so young, I'm so envious of her!"

A done deal, Hua Twelve could only smile wryly at this.

Five years later, during these five years, Hua Shier and Ding Mengmeng held their wedding, and then injected 3386 to the people around them one after another. Five years later, everyone maintained a young state, feeling full of youth vitality.

The laboratory announced the success of the 'stem cell' experiment to the world.

Hua Shier donated more than half of the patent shares he owned to the country, leaving the rest to Ding Mengmeng and Su Lingfang, and the three entered the stage of enjoying life.

After the country took over the patent, it worked with the Czech side to perfect '3386'. This part of the information, as the co-owner of the patent, Hua Shier, can be obtained free of charge.

A few years later, Ding Mengmeng and Su Lingfang's heart knot was unraveled, and the two finally accepted each other's existence. The system sent a reminder that the mission was completed, and they could return to the real world at any time, or they could wait 24 hours and force their return.

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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