A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 297 Polygonum multiflorum is expected, Ding Baiying attacks at night!

Chapter 297 Polygonum multiflorum is expected, Ding Baiying attacks at night! (Seek full order)

Lu Wenzhao heard Hua Twelve said that there was a solution, so he took a deep look at him, patted him on the shoulder after a while and said:
"Okay, since you're sure, try it. Don't be brave. If it doesn't work, come to me as soon as possible. If it takes a long time, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Thank you, my lord!"

Lu Wenzhao also smiled: "You and my brother, let's not talk about this, there are still things in the yamen, so I will leave first!"

With a gesture of his hand, Jin Yiwei Xiaoqi led the horse for him. After he got on the horse, he nodded at Hua Twelve again and rode away.

After Lu Wenzhao's horse had gone far away, Yin Cheng and others who were waiting in the distance came up. Yin Cheng said with a face of shame: "My lord, I."

Hua Shishiyi waved his hand: "Don't talk about the past."

Yin Cheng cupped his fists and said in a low voice: "My lord, from now on this subordinate's life will belong to your lord!"

Wang Yan and Cui Hao, these two also clasped their fists and bowed quickly: "I'm waiting too!"

In fact, these two people were implicated. At that time, they had to stand in line in that environment. Both of them had handed in their votes. Now it was too late to get off the boat, so they could only follow Hua Shier and Yin Cheng to the dark.

Hearing the loyalty of the three subordinates, Hua Twelve nodded noncommittally, waved his hand and took a few people away. The gate of the East Factory is not a place to talk. Maybe some words that are spoken louder will reach Wei Zhongxian's ears. went.

Leaving the area of ​​the East Factory, Yin Cheng quickly followed Zai Hua's ear and said:

"My lord, the group who killed Eunuch Guo Zhen must have a lot of power. The matter of Ling Yunkai is not as good as that."

He didn't finish, but they are all smart people. Naturally, Hua Twelve can understand what he means, that is, to plant the killing of Ling Yunkai on the people who killed Guo Zhen. It is not difficult to operate.

This kind of incident is very common in the Jinyiwei. For example, there are burglars who run around, get a vote in a certain big man's house, and then run away. This kind of case can't be solved at all. To solve the case within a time limit, you can only catch a well-known thief nearby.

Anyway, even if this case was not done by the thief, he has also done other cases, so it is not wronged.

If Hua Shier has no way to break the situation, Yin Cheng's plan is indeed feasible.

Hua Twelve looked at Yin Cheng: "Can you find clues about that group within ten days?"

Yin Cheng cupped his hands and said, "My lord, I have a lifelong friend named Pei Lun, who is the general banner of Fusi in Nanzhen. He is a good hand in investigating cases. I can ask him for help. I will definitely find out the clues within ten days!"

Jinyiwei has two major yamen, the Fusi of Nanbei Town.

Beizhen Fusi is the action department, responsible for the supervision, arrest, and torture of hundreds of officials. Lu Wenzhao, Shen Lian, and Ling Yunkai are all from Beizhen Fusi.

Nanzhen Fusi is the internal disciplinary department, responsible for the military discipline and punishment within Jinyiwei, the management of military artisan files, etc., and it is in charge of its own people.

The Jinyiwei itself is the person who investigates the case, so if someone inside the Jinyiwei commits a crime, it must be more meticulous. As the internal picket department, the people who come out of the Nanya must be smarter, so most of them are talents who are good at detectives and reasoning .

Since Yin Cheng said that Pei Lun is a good investigator, he must be right.

Pei Lunhua Twelve planned to use it, but there is no need to be in a hurry, he immediately shook his head and said:
"Let's take a look first, anyway, there are still ten days left, you guys go to the document library with me first, and help me find some clues!"

On the way to the archives, Yin Cheng asked what clues he was looking for, but Hua Twelve's words stunned several people, and he hurriedly asked:

"My lord, are you sure you want to look up clues about the humanoid Polygonum multiflorum?"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Yes, this thing is of great use to me, you just need to help me find this clue, as for the case, I know it well!"

Of course, looking for the human-shaped Shouwu was not to solve the case, but for Hua Shier to reshape the meridians.

In Hua Shier's mind, as long as a treasure such as the human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum appears, unless there is no leak, it is most likely to fall into the hands of an official, just like in Jinda's martial arts world, it will fall into Fengyang Governor Ma Shiying Is it in hand?

The duty of the Jinyiwei is to monitor all officials. In the early Ming Dynasty, even the official’s meal at night would be recorded by the Jinyiwei. Although it is not so exaggerated now, if there is a precious medicine like Shouwu in the official’s home, it will definitely be banned. It is recorded in Jin Yiwei's file library.

Originally, the information and clues were all there. If there is no accident, there is no rush. It’s just that Wang Xin is behind the whole thing. Lu Wenzhao and his junior sister Ding Baiying are their minions. He went to burn down Jinyiwei's archives.

At present, Shen Lian, who is replaced by Hua Twelve, will not let Ding Baiying catch him again, then the other party will definitely find other ways to burn the archives.

In order to prevent accidents, Hua Shier also planned to find what he wanted before Ding Baiying and others attacked. Otherwise, it would be impossible to find clues to the Humanoid Shouwu relying on Jin Yiwei's information once the fire broke out.

Hearing Hua Shier's confirmation, although Yin Cheng and the others didn't understand what the adults thought, they still responded: "That's fine!"

The file warehouse is located inside the Fusi Yamen in Beizhen. There is a separate courtyard with special handles. As soon as Hua Twelve, Yin Cheng and others entered the courtyard, a small flag registered by the gatekeeper greeted him: "My lord, you are here!" !"

Hua Twelve nodded, and handed Shen Lian's Baihu badge from his waist to the other party for inspection. Although they knew each other, the rules cannot be broken. Behind him, Yin Cheng and others also greeted the little flag, and then handed it over. Give him the waist card for inspection.

After checking the waist card, you have to register. Hua Shier has Shen Lian's memory, and writing calligraphy is no problem. On the registration book, write down the name of "Jinyiwei Baihu Shen Lian", and then lead people into the case. library.

When leading the door, the small flag in charge of registration reminded as usual:

"All materials can only be checked in the library, and can be recorded, but no files can be taken away. Your lord knows the rules, right?"

Hua Shishi nodded and said with a smile: "I see, we have handled the case more than 100 times a year. You are not tired of talking, but I am tired of listening!"

Xiao Qi also laughed and said, "What your lord said is true, please come inside!"

As he spoke, he opened the door for Hua Twelve, and invited a few people to enter to check the information.

There were other Jin Yiwei who were handling the case in the document library to check the information. After Hua Twelve entered, he waved his hand and asked Yin Cheng and the others to find information about the Human-shaped Shouwu. Bookshelf, found the crucial 'Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes'.

It was for this that Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying wanted to burn the archives, because the design of the treasure ship had been tampered with, which led to problems with the newly built treasure ship and Emperor Zhu Youxiao fell into the water.

If this thing fell into the eyes of an expert, the problem would be obvious at a glance, so they had to burn it down once and for all.

Hua Twelfth opened the supervision minutes and found the inspection record of the treasure ship when it was built. It was recorded that the keel of the treasure ship had been inspected by the internal officials twice after it was formed, and that in the column of inspectors , with Guo Zhen's name written on it impressively, with Guo Zhen's private seal and the official seal of the internal official supervisor stamped on it.

"That's it!"

Hua Twelve looked around and saw that no one noticed him, so he directly put this 'Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes' into the storage space.

Then he walked elsewhere as if nothing had happened, and found the bookshelf that recorded several battles outside the pass, from which he found the records of several strategies recording the 'Battle of Saerhu', found the last book, and opened it to read.

I saw the words on the back, "In this battle, my army from the Ming Dynasty collapsed across the board, and the leader of the West Route Army, Jun Song, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan, died in the battle."

After that, there is a long list of generals under Du Zongbing, who died in battle and who survived.

Hua Twelve's finger traced down the list of survivors, and found the words "Guarantee Lu Wenzhao", and next to Lu Wenzhao was the name of the supervisor "Guo Zhen", which meant that the two had known each other for a long time.

He folded the booklet, looked around, and put it in the storage space as usual.

Then Hua Twelve walked to the door of the document storehouse, sat down on the steps, and waited for news from Yin Cheng and the others.

After more than an hour, Yin Cheng and the others came out, leaned into Hua Twelve's ear and said, "My lord, I found it."

Although Hua Shier asked Yin Cheng and others to look for news about the Human-shaped Shouwu, he couldn't find it in several worlds, and this time he didn't give much hope, but unexpectedly he did find it.

A look of joy flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to stop Yin Cheng who wanted to continue talking, and then said: "Go out and talk!"

Immediately, they took Yin Cheng and the others out of the file warehouse, and left Beizhen Fusi directly, heading for Shen Lian's home.

Not long after the Hua Twelve left, Lu Wenzhao, a thousand householder of Jinyiwei, also came to the document storehouse, went in after checking his badge, and soon walked out with a gloomy face, and asked the small flag registered at the gate:
"Who has been here before?"

He came here to look for the 'Minutes of the Treasure Ship's Construction Supervision', in order to determine the location so that Ding Baiying and the others could destroy the evidence, but the minutes disappeared.

Xiaoqi hurriedly took out the registration booklet and reported the names of a few Jinyi Baihu who came to check the information today. When Lu Wenzhao heard Shen Lian's name, his eyes moved, and he asked:

"Do you know which documents Shen Baihu came to check?"

Xiao Qi pondered for a moment, but still replied: "I heard a few words, saying that I was looking for Polygonum multiflorum."

"He Shou Wu?"

Lu Wenzhao showed doubts on his face, and then sneered in his heart: "I'm afraid it's deceiving people!"

He waved his hand, re-entered the library, searched again on the bookshelf of the Inner Prison, and made sure that the "Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes" was not here. The list of survivors, it turned out, didn't exist either.

Lu Wenzhao narrowed his eyes slightly, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear, "Shen Lian, what exactly do you want?"

Hua Twelve brought Yin Cheng and others to Shen Lian's house first, and then asked, "Let's talk now!"

Yin Cheng took out his impermanence book, which contained the records in the archives just now, and only heard him read:

"In the third year of Tianqi, Eunuch Wei was in charge of the East Factory. A humanoid shouwu came out of Taihang Mountain. It weighed [-] catties. The vines were hollow and the leaves were alternate. The brown color was as big as a bucket. The local people called it Shanweng. The local officials bought it Paying tribute to the imperial court is called auspiciousness!"

The more Hua Twelve listened, the brighter his eyes became, and the problem of his dantian meridian shrinking could be solved immediately.

Quickly asked: "What is the whereabouts of this human-shaped Shouwu, but was it sent to the palace?"

Yin Cheng shook his head and said, "No, according to the record, Eunuch Wei saw this Shouwu, called it a rotten root, said that the local officials in Taihang deceived the emperor, and ordered Jin Yiwei to take the local officials and the person who dug up the human-shaped Shouwu. All the people were sent to prison, and soon they all died!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "So, the human-shaped Shouwu fell into Wei Zhongxian's hands!"

Yin Cheng replied cautiously: "There is no record of this, but my subordinates think it is probably so!"

Hua Twelve nodded. No matter what, there is already news about the Human-shaped Shouwu. No matter what, this precious medicine must be obtained.

He turned to Yin Cheng and the others and said, "You all go back and rest, come to me at three o'clock tonight, I have something for you to do!"

Yin Cheng and the others bowed to leave. Hua Twelfth sent these subordinates out of the yard, closed the door, and then returned to the room to rest. He didn't sleep last night, and he has been tossing until now, and he is somewhat tired.

After entering Shen Lian's room, he turned around inside and out first, and found several sets of Bei Zhai's calligraphy and paintings hanging in the study. Hua Shishixin said that this kid really cares about Bei Zhai.

Shaking his head, he went to the bedroom, threw away all the quilts that Shen Lian had slept on, took out the brand new quilts he had prepared from the storage space, and then lay down to rest.

This sleep lasted from noon to night, when suddenly there was a meowing sound from the yard, Hua Twelve opened his eyes instantly, sat up straight away, and strode out with the Xiuchun Knife.

The cat was a black cat raised by Shen Lian. At this time, the sound was a bit strange, and it was a warning sound after seeing a stranger.

Hua Twelve walked into the courtyard with a knife in hand, looked at the sky, and saw that the night was dark and full of dark clouds, and the moon and stars could not be seen. It was the time when the night was dark and the wind was high.

A figure stood in the courtyard, it was Lu Wenzhao dressed up by Qianhu.

The black cat raised by Shen Lian stood on the wooden steps of the house, grinning at Lu Wenzhao.

Seeing Hua Twelve come out, Lu Wenzhao smiled and said, "This cat you raised is not familiar with it. How many times have I been here, and it is still so fierce when it sees me!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "My lord, try to walk through the door next time, maybe it won't be so vicious to your lord."

Lu Wenzhao turned his head to look at the courtyard door, and said with a smile, "Oh, that's the reason. I knocked a few times, but I didn't see you open the door, so I climbed over the wall and came in. Brother, don't blame me!"

Hua Twelve waved his hands and said, "You and my brother, if you say this, you will be out of touch. Dare I ask you to come here late at night, what's the matter?"

"That's it!"

Lu Wenzhao looked at Hua Twelve with deep eyes: "Brother, you went to the file warehouse today, but did you bring anything with you?"

Hua Twelve nodded and did not hide anything: "I have taken the 'Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes' from the Inspector!"

Lu Wenzhao showed a surprised look:

"Why? Brother, you don't know that you can't take the documents away. Is it the rule of the file library?"

Hua Twelve said solemnly: "I think Guo Zhen's matter is not simple. You said that he is a eunuch in the palace, what kind of enemies can he have? I don't know if I don't check it. I will be shocked if I check it!"

Lu Wenzhao's pupils shrank, and a curious look appeared on his face: "But what did you find?"

"Of course, I found that the emperor's fall into the water was not an accident, but a problem with the construction of the treasure ship, and Guo Zhen was the one who inspected the keel of the treasure ship twice, so the death of Guo Zhen is not simple, I think he was killed People are silenced!"

Lu Wenzhao frowned in thought, and suddenly sighed: "I didn't expect it to be so complicated and complicated. These people are so bold that they dare to tamper with the treasure ship!"

He stretched out his hand and said, "Brother, the 'Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes' is very important, it is the key evidence, you bring it to Brother, so as not to save any accidents!"

Hua Twelve reached into his bosom, actually took out a mobile phone from the storage space, turned on the recording function, and said, "Oh, it's gone!"

Lu Wenzhao's expression darkened immediately, and he asked first, "What is in your hand?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "It's just something irrelevant!"

Lu Wenzhao took a look, but couldn't see any tricks, so he fixed his eyes on Hua Twelve and asked:
"The 'Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes' you really can't find it? You must know that it is a taboo to bring out the documents from the archives privately. Brother, you can hand it over now. Brother, you can pretend that you don't know it, and help you cover it up!"

Hua Twelve shook his head and said, "I really can't find it!"

Lu Wenzhao suddenly sighed: "Brother, listen to what my brother said, wouldn't it be good to go to Jinling? Why bother to be in this whirlpool in the capital!"

Hua Twelve was surprised and said: "My lord, please explain clearly, I don't understand the humble job!"

Lu Wenzhao waved his hand: "It's fine if you don't understand, I'll go first, you can do it yourself!"

When he left, he didn't climb over the wall, but opened the courtyard door and walked out. In the dark night, the long street in front of the courtyard door was pitch black. Looking out from the courtyard, the courtyard door seemed to be opened by a monster in the dark. The huge mouth, the black hole is terrifying.

Just as Lu Wenzhao disappeared into the darkness, three figures appeared in front of the door and walked straight in. The leading one was a woman, wearing a moon-white gown, with a heroic appearance, carrying a handbag about the height of an ordinary person. The long saber he owns is Ding Baiying.

Behind Ding Baiying were her two apprentices, who closed the courtyard door after entering.

Hua Twelve pretended to be surprised and asked: "Bold, who are you, dare to break into this official's house?"

Ding Baiying slowly drew out the long knife, and said coldly: "The one who wants to kill you!"

 Thanks: 08a, 200 yuan for a package of hot strips, brothers for their support, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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