A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 301 Give Her 2 Cows Back!

Chapter 301 Give Her Two Cows Back! (Seek full order)
In Qianqing Palace, Hua Twelve was talking with Zhu Youxiao and Queen Zhang Yan, when he heard a charming voice from outside: "Oh, what's going on, what kind of temper did the emperor lose at night?"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yan, the slender and beautiful queen, immediately showed disgust, while Zhu Youxiao, who was beside him, showed some joy on his face.

The contrast between the emperor and the empress made Hua Twelve involuntarily curious about the owner of the voice outside.

He thought to himself, this woman who spoke was really courageous, with a charming voice, she dared to show off so coquettishly at the door of Zhu Youxiao's bedroom, maybe she didn't know that the queen was here too.

Immediately afterwards, the eunuch's voice came from outside:
"Your Majesty, Mrs. Fengsheng has arrived!"

"Mrs. Feng Sheng?"

Hua Shishi felt familiar, and searched for information about this person in Shen Lian's memory in his mind, and instantly overlapped with a figure in the Ming Dynasty materials he had read, and then suddenly realized that it was her.

"Mrs. Fengsheng" is the well-known Hakka family, named Ke Yinyue, Zhu Youxiao's nanny, and was given by the emperor to Wei Zhongxian to become a pair of food couples. According to the records about her in the history books, she was evaluated as charming and charming. He is vicious and cruel, born @性@****.

It is said that this Hakka family is still having an affair with the emperor Zhu Youxiao, and in Shen Lian's memory, this statement is not unique to later generations. Even in the capital city now, there are rumors about the Hakka clan and the emperor.

In addition, there are rumors that this Hakka family was afraid that Zhu Youxiao's concubine would give birth to a prince, and that the mother would be favored by the emperor and make her fall out of favor. In one dynasty, Zhu Youxiao gave birth to many princes, but none of them could grow up.

Hua Twelve recalled what Empress Zhang Yan had said about the inexplicable miscarriages of the concubines in the harem, and secretly said that the Ke family's murder of the prince was probably not groundless.

Thinking of this, Hua Twelve didn't have a good impression of this woman outside, especially that the other party and Wei Zhongxian were a pair of food couples. Not long after he made Zhu Youxiao punish Wei Zhongxian to kneel down, this woman appeared in time, and her purpose was self-evident , obviously came to plead for mercy.

These thoughts were all in the blink of an eye. Seeing Zhu Youxiao's face showing joy and wanting to speak, Hua Shier coughed lightly, interrupted the other party, and reminded:

"Your Majesty, it's better to ask clearly. If this Mrs. Fengsheng is here to intercede for Wei Zhongxian, it's better not to see her!"

Zhu Youxiao's smile froze. He had a deep relationship with the Ke family since he was a child, and there was a layer of inhumane relationship in it. If he didn't see him for a few days, he would miss him in his heart.

If the words just now came from someone else, they would definitely be dragged out and punished. Even if the queen Zhang Yan said it, she would be reprimanded.

But it was Hua Twelve who said this. In Zhu Youxiao's heart, this person is already a fairy-like existence. Naturally, he can only suppress the unhappiness in his heart, and said resentfully:
"Sir is right!"

At this time, Zhu Youxiao's medicine took effect, his physical discomfort was greatly relieved, and his speech was stronger than before, so he simply said loudly:

"If Baba came to intercede with Wei Daban, then go back!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded, and Zhang Yan also showed a smile on his face. Unexpectedly, Ke's hearty laughter came from outside:
"Your majesty has misunderstood my servant. Why should I beg for him? My master is the emperor's slave. Isn't it only natural for this slave to kneel to his master?"

"I just miss the emperor's body so much that I can't sleep at night. I really can't let it go, so I came here to have a look. Brother, you are so cruel, you won't even let the slave see you?"

Keshi started talking and laughing, but at the end of the talk, his voice choked up, his mood changed very quickly, and he even called the emperor's nickname, making Hua Shier secretly call him a master.

As far as the performance of this line is concerned, it sounds sincere and full of acting skills. If this person enters the show business circle in later generations, there is no need to change his face. This line is not worth 8000 million.

"School Brother" is what Zhu Youxiao called him when he was a child.

After Emperor Tianqi became an adult, he would only address him like this when the two of them were alone. Today, Hakka called out like weeping, which immediately softened Zhu Youxiao's heart, and blurted out:
"Let Baba come in quickly."

It was only after he finished speaking that he remembered that he had promised Hua Twelve that he would not see him, so he couldn't help but smile apologetically at Hua Twelve.

The door of the dormitory was pushed open, and Hua Twelve also saw the spectacle of this 'Madam Feng Sheng'.

I saw a few court ladies holding red gauze lamps and lined up on both sides of the palace door, and a row of court ladies followed behind with Western crystal lamps.

The front and back lights illuminate a beautiful woman in the middle of about forty years like a fairy, and it is obvious that this woman is Ke Yinyue.

Ke Shi waved her hand, the maid carrying the lantern quickly backed away, and she herself walked in with lotus steps.

Turning left into the inner room with a familiar road, she showed a charming smile and was about to speak when she saw the queen Zhang Yan standing beside the emperor, and there was another young man who was unfamiliar, the original charming smile was immediately put back three points, and she turned to Zhu Youxiao Wanfu said:

"School brother, I'm here to see you!"

Zhu Youxiao was a little moved, he sat on the dragon bed and stretched out his hands to help him: "Baba, get up quickly."

Mrs. Ke also stood up with a smile, Hua Twelve could see the problem at this moment, and she didn't even worship the queen, this lady is very spoiled, at this time the queen Zhang Yan's face was already sinking, there is no Have a good face.

After Ke Shi got up, she turned to Hua Twelve, withdrew her smile, and said coldly:

"You are a new internal official in the palace, why don't you understand a little bit of etiquette, don't you see that I want to talk to the emperor, why don't you get out!"

This is to regard Hua Twelve as the eunuch next to the emperor.

Hua Twelve smiled, and there was a hint of playfulness in the smile, he didn't get angry immediately, he wanted to see what attitude Zhu Youxiao had.

Zhang Yan was already unhappy seeing Ke Shi, but now she seized the opportunity and reprimanded:

"Mrs. Fengsheng is so bold, she dared to be rude to her husband, why don't you hurry up and apologize!"

Ke Shi was taken aback, but what kind of gentleman is a young student, she didn't believe that Zhu Youxiao would let her follow the young man to admit his mistakes, she just thought that Zhang Yan was dissatisfied with her, so she took advantage of it.

In the end, Zhu Youxiao also looked embarrassed: "Baba doesn't know something, sir is an expert, and he came here specially to treat me today, so you have to talk to him well!"

Hearing Zhu Youxiao's words, Ke Shi didn't believe that this man could cure any disease, but he still wanted to listen to what the emperor said.
After he finished speaking, he turned to Hua Twelve and apologized for Mrs. Ke: "Please look at me, sir, and don't argue with Baba!"

Hua Shishixin said that I would not care about Papa, how smelly, and immediately nodded slightly to Zhu Youxiao:

"The emperor is polite, it's only natural!"

As he spoke, he smiled at Ke Shi, and pointed to the outside: "Go and help me move the chair in, I'm tired from standing!"

Ke Shi was showing a smug smile at first, but he was startled when he heard the words, and then his almond eyes widened and he was about to go crazy, but Zhu Youxiao said from the side: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Ke Yinyue suddenly stagnated, and said with a sneer: "It's a little effort, why are you being polite to me!"

She turned around to move the chair, but when she turned around, there was a flash of resentment in her eyes, which was clearly seen by Hua Twelve, thinking that if she missed today, this bitch would definitely settle accounts with him, so he would not be polite.

When Ke Yinyue moved the chair, Hua Twelve Dali sat there without even saying thank you, but Zhu Youxiao didn't care about it, and smiled at Ke Yinyue and said:
"Baba came to see me at such a late hour, what a heart!"

Ke Baba walked to the imperial bed and sat down without looking outside, took Zhu Youxiao's hand, and spoke softly and caring words for a long time. The words were really gentle and thoughtful, which moved Emperor Tianqi so much. no.

Not to mention Zhu Youxiao, even Hua Shier, an outsider, felt that if someone pulled him to care so much, he would be very moved, but he also saw that the other party was mostly acting, and felt that this woman was not simple.

Zhang Yan listened for a long time, her face became darker and darker, and finally she couldn't help but said:

"Madame Fengsheng, the emperor received treatment from Mr. Hua today, and his condition has improved. Madam has also seen it at this time, so you can step down. The emperor and Mr. Hua still have business to discuss!"

Zhu Youxiao hadn't seen Mrs. Fengsheng for the past two days, and he missed her a little bit. Hearing the Queen's request to let her step down, he was reluctant in his heart, but thinking of the presence of Hua Twelve, a fairy, he still ordered:

"If Baba has nothing else to do, go back and rest first. When I recover, I will go to Xian'an Palace to visit Baba!"

A trace of displeasure flashed in Keshi's eyes, but she hid it very well, and said with a sweet smile:

"It's not nothing. The emperor is in poor health these days and doesn't want to eat. I have been thinking about it all the time. I prepare the emperor's favorite meals every day. When the school brother has an appetite, he can taste it at any time. Didn’t I bring it all over!”

She didn't ask for instructions as she spoke, and called out directly: "Come here, prepare the meal!"

Seeing that Zhang Yan was about to reprimand her for being so presumptuous, Zhu Youxiao said happily, "I'm really hungry, then thank you Baba!"

A few court ladies outside the door came in with food boxes, and without much effort, they placed a few dishes in front of Zhu Youxiao's imperial bed. It was still steaming, as if it had just come out of the pan.

Hua Twelve saw that the dishes were weird, so he couldn't help asking: "What are these?"

Ke Baba gave Hua Twelve a contemptuous look, just like looking at a bumpkin, but she introduced with a smile on her face:

"This dish is my family's meal. It is stewed together with more than a dozen kinds of seafood such as broiled clams, jelly vegetables, and shark's fin. It is extremely delicious. It is paired with wine from the Western Regions. It is the favorite of the school brother. It’s a dish that I used to eat every day.”

She pointed to another dish that could be mosaiced, and said with a charming smile: "This is the dragon egg, which is the outer kidney of a horse, and its stuff is the most nourishing of yang. Hehehe, this is also a must-eat dish for the school brother! "

Hua Twelfth understood it, it was a horse whip and a horse egg, no wonder it was so big, let alone eat it, he was disgusted to look at it, the key hadn't been cut yet, just stewed on a plate, eat this thing?What a bullshit!
Just when Zhu Youxiao picked up the chopsticks and whetted his appetite, Wei Zhongxian's voice came from outside the door: "Your Majesty, the human-shaped Shouwu has been brought!"

Tian Qi's expression changed, he put down his chopsticks again, and ordered: "Someone bring it in!"

Immediately, a court lady came in holding a white jade box more than half a foot long, put it in front of Zhu Youxiao, and then opened the box for him to look at.

I saw a human-shaped root in the box, although it was not eye-catching, but the moment the box was opened, a scent of fragrance was released, and everyone who smelled it was refreshed.

Keshi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly said: "Recently, my family is feeling unwell. I have seen the imperial doctor and prescribed a prescription, but I am missing a thousand-year-old Shouwu medicine primer. Brother, why don't you give me this thing?" Bar."

Hua Twelve was dumbfounded, this girl was so presumptuous in front of the imperial court.

In fact, this is rare and strange for him. Zhu Youxiao's doting on the Ke family is incomparable, especially compared to the queen.

Ke Shi once said that she wanted to eat ginseng soup, and Zhu Youxiao gave her [-] to [-] catties of ginseng at one time, including many centuries-old and thousand-year-old ginseng.

The Hakka family was afraid of the heat in summer, so Zhu Youxiao ordered people to build a large shed in Xian'an Palace, and gave ice every day.

It is precisely because of such favor that Ke Shi dared to ask for things directly.

Zhu Youxiao was really tempted, and turned his head to discuss with Hua Shier: "Sir, you see that the human-shaped Shouwu is not small, why don't you give Baba half of it?"

Hua Twelve stood up with a smile on his face when he heard the words, and under Ke Shi's complacent gaze, he raised his hand and slapped him with a big mouth.

Hearing a crisp sound of 'pa', Ke Yinyue spun around in the air three times, then fell to the ground with a bang, and when she raised her head, her mouth was already covered in blood, and she spit out a few teeth when she opened her mouth.

Zhu Youxiao was frightened and stupid, and quickly said: "Sir, stop, this is my wet nurse."

Ke Shi felt severe pain in her face, dizzy, and angry in her heart, full of viciousness. At this moment, she heard Zhu Youxiao's voice, thinking that the emperor wanted to make decisions for her, and said ferociously:

"School brother, you have to make the decision for me, and I will kill him"

At this time, Hua Twelve had already generously picked up the jade box, put it in the storage space, and before Ke Shi finished speaking, he volleyed Ke Yinyue's face, kicking his nose immediately. Yes, I swallowed all the words that followed, and fainted on the ground.

Zhu Youxiao was full of horror and wanted to reprimand him, but he thought that he was a fairy in front of him, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

Empress Zhang Yan saw Ke Shi in such a miserable state, her eyes were full of joy, she looked at Hua Shishi with a look of gratitude in her eyes, and at this moment she opened her mouth to make a relief:

"Your Majesty, you are a god among gods, so you will definitely not do something without a reason, and my concubine believes that there must be a reason for it!"

After talking perfectly, his eyes flashed, and behind Youxiao he winked at Chaohua Twelve, asking him to make up a random reason so that she could help him speak.

In fact, Hua Twelve didn't need to make up a reason at all. He said to Zhu Youxiao sternly:

"Before I saw a doctor for the emperor, and found that besides lung disease, the emperor also suffered from severe kidney disease. The entrustment of the queen empress was due to this disease. I guess no one in the imperial hospital would dare to tell the truth about this matter. If the emperor wants to verify, he can find a famous doctor at will, as long as he does not let him know your identity, he will be able to know the truth!"

When he said this, both Zhu Youxiao and Zhang Yan paid attention to it, and hurriedly inquired about it. As for doubts, there was absolutely no doubt. As Hua Twelve said, this kind of thing can be known once it is tested.

Hua Twelve pointed to Keshi's seafood stew and said: "Before I wondered why the emperor had such a serious kidney disease at such a young age. I thought it was because of intemperance. I didn't understand until I saw these dishes. It's this Ke family's method!"

He said to Zhu Youxiao seriously: "Wine is the most taboo when eating seafood. When these two meet, they will produce a slight toxin. It doesn't show up at first, but long-term consumption will definitely damage the kidneys!"

This Hua Twelve is not talking nonsense, he has read reports in later generations, saying that beer and red wine cannot be paired with seafood.

Not much to say about beer, it is easy to get gout, and it will also increase the burden on the kidneys. For example, this red wine, because it is rich in vitamin C, can chemically react with the chemical element arsenic contained in seafood to become trivalent arsenic. When the valence arsenic reaches a certain concentration, it can cause human poisoning.

Keshi said that he used to make seafood stew and drink wine for Zhu Youxiao every day. Obviously Zhu Youxiao must have accumulated a lot of trivalent arsenic in his body, and it is not difficult to imagine such damage to the kidneys.

Hua Twelve pointed to the dish of dragon eggs and said:
"If ordinary people eat this food, they will get angry, and it will increase the burden on the kidneys. The emperor's kidney veins are poisoned. Eating this food again will be like adding fuel to the fire. Therefore, I conclude that the emperor's body is caused by this Keshi. The victim!"

He said, looking at Ke Shi whose face was covered in blood on the ground, and said with a sneer, "As for whether it was done on purpose or unintentionally, I can't say for sure!"

Zhang Yan's face was full of anger: "It's hard to think about it, of course it was done on purpose, Your Majesty, when the concubine was pregnant, it was this Hakka who sent someone to massage the concubine and pressed the wrong acupoints. abortion"

Zhu Youxiao also knew about this, and said weakly: "Didn't you say it was an accident!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Zhang Yan's eyes, and she said aggressively:
"Where is Concubine Feng? What about Concubine Zhang Yu, who died with two dead bodies? There is also Concubine Fan Hui's son Ci Rong, and Concubine Ren Rong's son Ci Jiong. These two children died before they were one year old. Is this also related to her?" Is it irrelevant?"

Zhu Youxiao's body shook. It's not that he didn't know about these things, but he didn't want to believe that it was done by his nanny. At this moment, he heard Mr. Hua in front of him say that even the food made for him had been tampered with. I only believed it a little bit.

Looking at Ke Yinyue, there was resentment in his eyes, but also pity, and he turned to look at Hua Shishi: "Mr. said it would be better if we deal with it!"

After speaking, he secretly made a pleading look at Hua Twelve.

Hua Shier knew that Zhu Youxiao didn't want Keshi to die, so he said, "Peel off his title and send him out of the palace!" He decided to give the emperor some face first, and then send someone to kill him, that's all. They have no titles, and they are nothing when they leave the palace.

Of course, Zhu Youxiao didn't know what Hua Twelve was thinking, and nodded after hearing what he said. In this way, the life of the nanny was saved in front of the queen, and he immediately ordered the guards outside to drive guest Yinyue out of the palace to let her return home.

When Ke Yinyue was being carried away, she woke up. Hearing that her title would be stripped and she would be expelled from the palace, she cried out:
"Brother, you can't, you grew up drinking my milk."

Zhu Youxiao almost softened his heart, Hua Twelve said in advance:

"Isn't it just some milk, empress, why don't you return her two cows, she feels that she owes her so much, and let her milk them herself!"

Zhang Yan covered her mouth and smiled lightly, agreeing: "It's so good!"

Seeing that the two most important people around him said so, Zhu Youxiao sighed slightly, and ordered: "Just do what you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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