A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 304 Shocking!

After dismissing Yin Cheng, Hua Shier asked Pei Lun, the general banner of Fusi in Nanzhen, to be found.

Pei Lun entered the hall of Beizhen Fusi, and saw that the people living in the hall were neither Tian Ergeng nor Xu Xianchun, so he couldn't help but look confused.

Jin Yiwei who went to call him reminded: "Master Pei, this is the new commander of Jin Yiwei, Master Hua, you are not polite!"

Pei Lun hurriedly knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists upwards and said, "Subordinate Pei Lun, I have seen Commander!"

When Hua Twelve saw Pei Lun's appearance, he thought of Xiao Dongbei, feeling very friendly, he raised his hand and said, "Get up and talk!"

"Thank you sir!"

Pei Lun stood up, bowed his head and waited for the Commander to speak.

Hua Shishi said with a smile: "Yin Cheng and I recommended you, saying that you are a talent, and now Lu Wenzhao, a thousand households in Beiya, has fallen, how is it, are you interested in coming from Nanya, and taking Lu Wenzhao's seat? "

Pei Lun's face was filled with both surprise and joy. What surprised him was that there seemed to be a big change in Jinyiwei, and what pleased him was that he was valued by the new commander because of this, and he was going to be promoted to one of the five thousand households.

Immediately fell to his knees again: "Thank you for the promotion, my lord, but the official position of my subordinate is too small. If I am promoted to a thousand households at once, I am afraid it will not conform to the rules. If I am impeached by those officials because of the villain, the villain will be impeached by those officials." He deserves to die!"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed satisfaction. This Pei Lun is really thoughtful and can be a man. When he broke the rules and promoted Yin Cheng before, that kid was only happy and didn't think about it.

Looking at Pei Lun again, although there was a look of joy on his face, he saw the pros and cons of the matter very thoroughly, and even reminded Shangguan of the problem, what is this?


He chuckled, and took out a cigar. Zhao Jingzhong, who was at the side, had seen Hua Twelve smoked it when he was in the Dongchang yamen, and knew that it was similar to dry tobacco. superior.

Pei Lun looked at him down there, and he knew Zhao Jingzhong. Although he didn't know that the other party was the governor of the East Factory, according to the information he knew, the other party was the second in command of the East Factory. Even if Tian Ergeng and Xu Xianchun are in front of others, they still have to give up three points.

Now this Zhao Jingzhong actually gave Hua twelve cigarettes as if he was serving Lao Tzu, this new commander is not easy.

Hua Twelve took a puff of the cigar, exhaled the smoke, and then said:

"Don't worry about that, regarding the appointment of Jinyiwei and Dongchang's personnel, the emperor has given me the right to arbitrarily!"

"I've always employed people who are capable. As long as they are capable, they can be promoted without exception. You just say whether you want to be a thousand households in the East Factory and that's it!"

Only then did Pei Lun feel relieved, with joy on his face, he clasped his fists and said, "I am willing to do this, thank you Commander for your kindness!"

Hua Twelve smiled and waved him to get up, and then said: "Now there is a problem for you to do!"

He said and threw out the 'Treasure Ship Supervision Minutes', and then said:

"Guo Zhenzi, you know, it is related to the matter of the Emperor's Taiye Pond falling into the water. Behind this matter is Xin Wang, and the person who works for Xin Wang is Lu Wenzhao. Xin Wang once used the name of Mr. Beizhai Meet Guo Zhen, so the latter will be silenced!"

Regardless of what he said around him, Hua Twelve was stunned by Dongchang Fanzi and Jin Yiwei, and continued to say:
"The matter is here. I want you to investigate the context of it clearly. In addition, you also need to investigate who are the followers of King Xin, understand!"

Pei Lun broke out in a cold sweat, investigating Xin Wang, to be honest, he was afraid!

Hua Twelve also saw Pei Lun's worry, and comforted him: "Don't worry, you just go and investigate. If the emperor wants to blame him, I will bear it alone!"

In the lobby of Beizhen Fusi, no matter whether it was Dongchang or Jinyiwei, everyone was surprised, because no matter which department of the imperial court, the superiors always led the credit, and the subordinates resisted the crime.

They have never seen a high-ranking person who said that he would resist if something happened.

And if this sentence is said publicly in front of all the subordinates, it is not just talking, otherwise you can't do what you say, and no one can convince you.

A look of emotion flashed across Pei Lun's face: "Don't worry, my lord, the humble job will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded, and then said:
"There is a general banner named Lu Jianxing under Beizhen Fusi. I heard that he is also capable. His father is a hundred households of our Jinyiwei. He died in the battle of Sarhu. He is a hero of our Ming Dynasty!"

"His father is dead, so this Lu Jianxing should fill in his father's vacancy, but Tian Ergeng and Xu Xianchun are nothing. After suppressing the hero, they have not filled the vacancy for him now!"

When Hua Twelfth said this, he said to Pei Lun: "You have just been promoted to a thousand households, and you must be short of people under your command. You can go and tell Lu Jianxing, I will let him fill the vacancy of this hundred households, and let him work hard with you in the future!"

Pei Lun clasped his fists and said, "Yes, my lord!"

Just after he finished speaking, a man in the crowd of Jinyiwei at the end of the lobby, with tears in his eyes, walked out of the crowd and knelt down to Hua Twelve in the lobby. Dongdong just kowtowed:
"Lu Jianxing thanked my lord, and is willing to stand on the saddle for my lord, and I will never hesitate to die!"

Hua Twelve looked at the man, and saw that the man had an honest and honest face, and he was indeed very similar to Wang Qianyuan.

He didn't notice that Lu Jianxing was also at the scene just now, and immediately nodded to Lu Jianxing and said:

"Okay, I will remember what you said, and work hard with Pei Lun. As long as you make meritorious service, I will reward you without hesitation."

Lu Jianxing was deeply moved when he heard this, and kowtowed repeatedly.

Hua Twelve waved his hand at Pei Lun: "By the way, that Beizhai is indeed a real person. I am a little interested in her. After you catch her, send her to my house. Well, you can go now!"

Pei Lun silently recited Beizhai's name in his heart, and he had to do what the lord ordered beautifully.

Seeing Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing bowing back, Hua Twelve suddenly thought of one thing:

"By the way, when you go to my house, do something for me. It's my yard. Someone always climbs over the wall and comes in. You turn around and help me dig a deep trench along the wall. It's just one foot wide and three feet deep. Remember to leave the door, don’t let me go home and fall into the ditch, be careful not to dig down the wall!”

After sending Pei Lun and Lu Jianxing down to work, Hua Twelve looked at the time, and then ordered:

"Today, Beizhen Fusi closed the Yamen. Except for those who went out to work just now, other people have no orders from the official. They are not allowed to go to Beizhen Fusi, and they are not allowed to pass any news to the outside world!"

"You are in a group of three and supervise each other. If one of you disobeys the order of the official, the three of you are guilty of the same crime, and you will be punished according to Wei Ni's party. Do you understand?"

All Jin Yiwei kneeled down to take orders. Among the five thousand families, Lu Jianxing was replaced by Pei Lun, and the other four thousand families all had ugly faces.

Hua Twelfth saw a sneer in his eyes. He deliberately said in front of these people that he wanted to investigate the letter of the king and the affairs of Wei Zhongxian's party members. Just jump in.

He got up and greeted Zhao Jingzhong and other people from the East Factory and left Jinyiwei North Town Fusi.

After leaving the Yamen of Fusi in Beizhen, Hua Twelve ordered a stall in Dongchang, and asked him to lead a team of people to guard here to monitor the situation of Fusi in Beizhen. Take it on the spot and settle the accounts later.

Leaving Beizhen Fusi, he went straight to Wei Zhongxian's mansion. It was a good job to search the house, so Hua Twelve naturally had to sit in the town in person.

It's a bit funny to say, Hua Shier is the new commander of Jinyiwei, but he took the people from Dongchang with him in the matter of copying Wei Zhongxian's family.

But Hua Twelve had his own plans. All the heads and stalls in the East Factory had taken the Three Corpse Brain Pill.

When we arrived at Wei Zhongxian's mansion, the news of Wei Xie's downfall had not yet spread, and people from Dongchang rushed in, and there were hundreds of people inside who wanted to resist with weapons.

Hua Twelve waved his hand impatiently, and ordered: "It takes a stick of incense to get it done, no problem?"

Zhao Jingzhong nodded emphatically, and without further ado, he commanded the Dongchang fanzi to attack, and a round of spiked arrows fired at them, killing most of the hundreds of people in Wei Zhongxian's mansion who wanted to resist.

Then Master Zheng carried a meteor hammer in his hand, and led his Dongchang fanzi to rush in directly, killing them well.

In less than a stick of incense, Zhang Ban Zheng strode out covered in blood, knelt down on one knee in front of Hua Twelve, and reported:

"My lord, except for Wei Ni's family members, all those who resisted have been killed!"

Hua Twelve nodded in satisfaction: "Well done!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly saw that Ban Zhang was also injured, and couldn't help frowning: "Are you injured?"

Master Zheng said a little ashamedly: "Wei Ni's house also has a few good players, especially Wei Ting, Wei Ni's adopted daughter, who is good at Western fast swords. She is not good at learning skills in a lowly job, so I am ashamed of my lord!"

"Wei Ting?"

I have the impression that this person is Hua Shishi, the one played by Zhu Dan. In reality, she and Jiaqian Layman are a couple. This woman is indeed extraordinary in martial arts in the original plot.

Hua Twelve nodded: "Your martial arts are quite average, and you will pass on your kung fu later. As long as you practice hard, there will not be many people in this world who are your opponents!"

That's right, what Hua Shier planned to pass on to the people in Dongchang was the "Sunflower Treasure" that was kept in his storage space.

When he took over Dongchang, he had this plan, and he wanted to focus on training these eunuchs under him.

This is also the reason why he gave the "Three Corpse Brain Pills" to the people in Dongchang, because he was afraid that these eunuchs would be unable to control them after practicing "Sunflower Treasure", so he took medicine to control them in advance, so that he could pass on the skills to them.

He greeted Zhao Jingzhong and went directly to Wei Zhongxian's house, and sat in the flower hall. A man and a woman were tied up and knelt in front of him.

A wounded, blood-stained, neutral-looking woman glared at Hua Twelve and Zhao Jingzhong fiercely with beast-like eyes.

Zhao Jingzhong bowed in Hua Shier's ear and said, "My lord, this woman is Wei Ting, and next to her is Wei Ni's nephew, Duke Ning Wei Liangqing!"

Wei Ting spit at Zhao Jingzhong: "Hey, Zhao Jingzhong, if you dare to betray your adoptive father, you will die!"

Hua Twelfth waved his hand: "Put these two people under arrest, don't hurt their lives, and bring someone to copy this Ningguo Gong's house later. Wei Zhongxian's nephew must be quite greedy!"

Zhao Jingzhong bowed and said, "It's your lord, this subordinate will order someone to do it!"

Hua Twelve nodded, and told the surrounding Dongchang people who were looking at him:
"Copy it for me, dig three feet into the ground, and copy all the money that Wei Zhongxian is greedy for ink!"

Everyone in the East Factory took orders suddenly, and then scattered like tigers and wolves.

It is interesting to talk about how much money Wei Zhongxian embezzled, because it is a mystery and there have always been different opinions.

Some said that 2000 million taels of silver were copied, others said 3000 million, 5000 million, and some said that no money was copied.

In fact, after Wei Zhongxian fell in history, his home was indeed ransacked by Chongzhen, but there is no detailed record in "History of the Ming Dynasty" about how much money was copied.

Only "Jade Mirror New Tan" records that a total of more than 9000 taels of silver were copied from Wei Zhongxian's hometown and one of the three properties in Beijing.

Hehe, did you listen to the recorded words to people?
Compare it with other people whose homes were ransacked in the Ming Dynasty. You can see it just by looking at it. According to Ming history, Zhang Juzheng was ransacked for ten thousand taels of gold and more than one hundred thousand taels of platinum.

The houses of corrupt officials Yan Song and Yan Shifan were ransacked, and they got more than 200 taels of gold, more than [-] million taels of platinum, and other treasures and antiques worth millions.

Another great eunuch, Feng Bao, was ransacked, with more than one million gold and silver, and countless rare jewels.

The homes of these big figures were ransacked, and the history of the Ming Dynasty recorded it all, but why didn't Wei Zhongxian record it?
This means that it is likely that not much money was copied.

In other words, the statement of more than 9000 taels of silver in "Jade Mirror New Tan" in Ming Dynasty is very likely to be true.

Of course, it's not that Wei Zhongxian has no money. According to the "Chongzhen Changbian", only Wei Zhongxian's housekeeper, Li Yongzhen, stole 29 taels of silver.

A housekeeper has 29 taels of silver, let alone Wei Zhongxian, who is so greedy.

But why is there a figure of more than 3 taels of silver? Hua Shier guessed that the money was copied out and did not fall into the hands of the court, but was divided up by the Donglin Party members who pushed Wei Zhongxian.

Hua Twelve personally sits in the township today, just to see how much money this Nine Thousand Years has stolen. With him in the township, no one can even think of sticking a finger in the money.

The people in the East Factory began to check from their own time. After the gold, silver and jewelry were counted, they were recorded and packed in boxes. In addition, Hua Shier said that he would dig three feet into the ground. Dig, dig more than three feet.

Not long after the excavation, hundreds of silver winter melons were dug up in the yard, each weighing a hundred catties.

Hua Twelve had heard that the rich in ancient times would cast silver into wax gourds, but this was the first time I saw it today, and it felt very fresh, so he immediately waved his hand:
"Dig again!"

In Wei Zhongxian's mansion, he dug inside and out, and then counted the gold, silver and jewels packed in boxes, and piled them in the dug yard. They were all dug up.

I didn’t know if I didn’t dig it. I was surprised when I dug it. The ground more than a foot below the flower hall was poured with gold. The pillars in the flower hall and the main room were all made of wood and gold.

This time the house was ransacked, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] in the morning, and more than a dozen accountants in the East Factory had worn out their fingers when they used the abacus, and they finally counted the approximate amount.

Zhao Jingzhong held the last booklet recording the specific amount in front of Hua Twelve, and said respectfully:
"My lord, Wei Ni has counted out 500 million taels of gold and 300 million taels of silver in three houses in the capital. Other jewelry, antiques, shops and other assets can probably make up 500 million taels!"

Hua Twelve took the booklet and looked at it, then stretched out his hand to the side, Zhao Jingzhong immediately understood, and handed over a brush stained with ink.

Hua Twelve used this writing brush to draw on the five million taels of gold, and then on the three thousand and three million taels of silver, he wrote down the word "three thousand"!

Then he sighed and said: "A eunuch actually embezzled more than 300 million taels of silver, it's shocking!"

Zhao Jingzhong, Zheng Zhangban and others on the side are so sweaty, I don't know who is 'shocking'!
Hua Twelfth threw the brochure back: "Send 300 million taels of silver to the emperor's internal treasury, and the rest of the property, the East Factory will keep it. As for other jewelry, let us share a share among ourselves, and don't let brothers Let's follow Bai to work!"

Zhao Jingzhong, Zheng Zhangban and others were overjoyed, they knelt down one after another and thanked the lord.

After Zhao Jingzhong got up, he immediately asked the accountant of the East Factory to re-copy a copy of the house copying list according to Hua Twelve's wishes.

Seeing that the important matter had been decided, Hua Twelfth stood up and exercised his muscles, and said to Zhang Zhang:
"Xiao Zheng, you are tired of staring here. Old Zhao and I went to the Jiaofang Division to relax. I have long heard that there is a prisoner's daughter named Zhou Miaotong. I just went to see her today."

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