A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 307 A lesson to Hokusai!

In Qianqing Palace, Zhu Youxiao looked better than yesterday, and when Hua Shier gave him the time to hang the water, Queen Zhang Yan said happily:
"Sir, this medicine is really effective. The emperor slept very peacefully yesterday. He slept until noon today. When he got up, he ate two bowls of meat porridge, and his cough was greatly relieved."

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "That's good, it means the medicine is right."

After he finished his work for Zhu Youxiao, Empress Zhang Yan personally pulled over a chair and asked him to sit down and talk.

Hua Twelve was not polite, sat down directly, and told Zhu Youxiao in advance about the '300 million' taels of silver he got from Wei Zhongxian's house today.

Zhu Youxiao was taken aback when he heard the words, and his hands trembled with anger: "I have only been on the throne for seven years, and Wei Daban can greed so much money!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said that he wiped off 3000 million taels of change, which was really a good deed, otherwise Zhu Youxiao would not be able to stand such a big stimulus when he was ill.

He went on to say: "There are still some shops that can be worth 200 million taels. Those industries are not easy to cash out, so I will make the decision privately and let the East Factory manage it first. When the emperor uses the money, he can sell it at any time. !"

Dongchang seized Wei Zhongxian's land, farms, shops and other assets, about 500 million taels, and Hua Twelve directly kept more than half of them and did not report them.

In his opinion, even if it was all given to Zhu Youxiao, whether it was gold, silver or property, the Emperor Xizong would not be able to use it in a proper place, and it would be better to put it in his hands.

Hua Shier told Zhu Youxiao that tomorrow he would send the silver taels obtained from the house raid into internal anger. This made Emperor Tianqi finally turn his anger into joy. At the same time, he hated Wei Zhongxian for stealing so much money without telling him.

After all, Zhu Youxiao was sick at this time. Although the medicine was suitable for the symptoms and his condition improved, he was still weak. After chatting for a while, his eyelids began to sink, and soon he fell asleep on the imperial bed.

Hua Twelve had to wait for his needle to be pulled out, so he couldn't leave yet, so he could only sit opposite the queen Zhang Yan. There was nothing to talk about alone, and the atmosphere in the bedroom was quite awkward for a while.

Of course, the embarrassing person was Queen Zhang Yan, but Hua Twelve didn't think much of it.

He was fine, but he always looked at this Queen Yi'an, who was famous for her beauty, consciously or unconsciously.

It's not that Hua Shier has any thoughts about the queen, Zhang Yan, but the main reason is that she is too famous. As long as she likes the history of the Ming Dynasty, no one does not know about this beauty queen who came out of the beauty pageant.

It is said that when Zhu Youxiao was selected as a queen in the first year of Tianqi, Zhang Yan was the first beauty selected out of [-] beauties after going through eight stages. Because of her amazing beauty, she was registered as the queen.

According to historical records, Zhang Yan described her appearance as "tall and plump, with a face like Avalokitesvara, eyes like autumn waves, mouth like vermilion cherry blossoms, nose like hanging gallbladder, and fine and clean teeth".

When I saw her for the first time yesterday, Hua Twelve felt that her reputation was well-deserved. Now that she took a closer look, she was truly beautiful.

I just feel that her eyebrows, eyes, Qiong nose, red lips, even hair horns, ear beads, teeth exposed when lips are slightly parted, shoulders, neck, even fingers and lotus feet are so beautiful and flawless.

Even among the beauty stars who are famous for their beauty in later generations, there are very few who can compare with her.

Hua Twelve has seen many beauties in various worlds, Yue Ru in "October" is Fan Meiren, Ma Chunhua and Cheng Huaixiu in "Flying Fox" are Zhao beauties, Gong Er in "The Great Master" is Zhang Meiren, Jiazhen is the younger version of Emperor Gong.

But he had to admit that even these beauties were slightly inferior to the queen Zhang Yan in front of him in some aspects.

In his heart, he compared Zhang Yan in front of him with those beauties he knew, and his eyes scanned up and down involuntarily.

This is really hard for Empress Zhang Yan. Since her miscarriage, even the Emperor Zhu Youxiao has not made out with her for four full years. How has anyone ever looked at her with such undisguised eager eyes.

At this moment, she only felt that Mr. Hua's eyes were extremely hot, and when they fell on her, they seemed to be able to spew fire, which made her feel uncomfortable.

If other people looked at her with such impolite eyes, Zhang Yan might have already had a fit, and someone would hang her out and serve her indiscriminately.

But the person in front of her is not only the emperor's savior, but also the means of the gods. Most importantly, she also brought down the Ke family and Wei Zhongxian who she hated the most, and avenged her unborn child. I can only be grateful to Hua Twelve in my heart.

Feeling the other party's rudeness now, although Zhang Yan was ashamed and annoyed, she couldn't bear any resentment, so she could only look away and pretend not to see her.

But she pretended not to know, but she could still feel Hua Twelve's fiery eyes wandering back and forth on her body. Apart from embarrassment and annoyance, she also had a different feeling in her heart.


Zhang Yan finally couldn't take it anymore, she called softly, but when the sound came out, she herself was startled, the dignity and majesty of the past was gone, and there was still a little bit of coquettishness in the voice, which made her flushed with shame.

Hua Twelve was comparing Zhang Yan with other beauties in his heart, when he was called out suddenly, he suddenly came to his senses, seeing Zhang Yan's face of embarrassment and annoyance, he knew that he had gone too far.

Immediately explained: "Your Majesty forgives the sin, it is because your Majesty was born so beautifully, and the next official was a little fascinated by it for a while, but he couldn't help it."

It was fine if he didn't explain, but Zhang Yan couldn't stand this explanation anymore, so she quickly interrupted: "Sir, don't say any more."

After finishing speaking, the empress finally couldn't sit still, she got up and walked out of the bedroom with a blushing face.

After Zhang Yan left, Hua Twelve let out a sigh of relief. Now he finally understood the feelings of Duan Yu and Yin Zhiping. It turns out that there really are such breathtaking beauties in this world.

Of course, Hua Twelve is just admiring, just like seeing a beautiful flower and can't help but take a second look, it has no other meaning.

Hua Shier opened Zhu Youxiao's infusion tube to the maximum, planning to finish the infusion quickly and leave as soon as possible.

After a cup of tea, footsteps suddenly sounded, and Empress Zhang Yan walked in with a maid carrying a tray.

There was a jade bowl on the tray, Empress Zhang Yan put the jade bowl in front of Hua Twelve with her own hands, and said softly:
"The weather is hot these days, and the heat is threatening. This is the sour plum soup in the palace. It has the effect of cooling the spleen and stomach, dispelling dryness and reducing fire. Please taste it, sir, to reduce anger!"

Hua Twelve hurriedly bowed: "Thank you, Madam, for the reward!"

He took it with both hands, took a sip, and felt that it tasted sweet and sour, with a strong taste, and a slight smoky taste of ebony plums, and there were ice cubes in it, which was really delicious.

Just as she was about to drink again, it suddenly occurred to Zhang Yan that there seemed to be something in her words, what does it mean to get rid of the dryness and reduce the fire, let him reduce the anger.

He looked up and saw that Zhang Yan was also blushing, as if he knew that he had said something wrong.

Hua Shishi quickly pretended not to see it, lowered his head and drank all the sour plum soup in the jade bowl, and then praised: "It really tastes good, do you have any more, please give me some more, so that I can take it back to drink!"

"Yes, yes."

Zhang Yan hurriedly borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, and went out again with the maid, in order to alleviate the embarrassment in front of her.

After that, two court ladies came in and said that the empress was not in good health, so they went back to rest first, the two of them were stayed by the queen, waiting for Hua Shishi's order, as for the sour plum soup, someone will bring it later.

When Hua Twelfth left, he carried a few cans of sour plum soup given by the queen. This time, he went out of the palace and directly climbed up to the main hall of Qianqing Palace. The terrain here is high and the run-up distance is sufficient. royal palace.

It was just after midnight, the night was dark, and there were no lights below. The 12 people in Hua were in the sky, and they could barely distinguish the general direction, but they couldn't find their home.

He simply landed on the main street of the capital and walked towards home on foot.

At this time, Lu Jianxing led his Jin Yiwei guarding Shen Lian's courtyard dutifully, when he suddenly saw someone approaching in the dark, he immediately pulled out the Xiuchun knife, and asked, "Who is it!"

When it was clear that it was Hua Twelve who came out of the darkness, Lu Jianxing said happily, "My lord, you are back!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Okay, I'm going back to sleep, you all should go back and rest too!"

Lu Jianxing shook his head and said: "How can this be done, the duty of the subordinate is to protect the safety of the adults, what if those thieves come again!"

Hua Twelve smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I'll be here with your lord, as many thieves come and kill as many as they come, I tell you to go back and rest as soon as you go, you know this is an order?"

When Lu Jianxing heard this, a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he took a step back with the Xiuchun knife in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Moonlight on the bed!"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyes. There are rules in Jinyiwei. In order to prevent thieves from getting in, they will set incisions, that is, passwords every time they act. Same.

When Jin Yiwei took action this morning, the password was set by Hua Twelve himself. When Lu Jianxing asked the password, it was obvious that he had doubts about his identity, fearing that he was a thief disguised as a fake.

He hesitated for a moment, and Lu Jianxing's face became more solemn, he clenched the handle of the knife and asked again: "My lord, I said 'the moonlight is bright before the bed'!"

Hua Twelve saw that if he didn't answer, he would probably be fighting among himself, so he quickly replied with some helplessness: "Two pairs of shoes on the ground!"

Lu Jianxing said again: "There are men and women on the bed!"

Hua Twelve pointed at him: "You are among them!"

The corners of the other Jin Yiwei's mouths twitched, and some couldn't help laughing, but Lu Jianxing quickly clasped his fists and bowed:

"Sure enough, my lord is face to face, and my subordinates shouldn't doubt you, please make amends, my lord!"

Instead of blaming him, Hua Twelve even patted him on the shoulder approvingly:

"You are serious in doing things and fulfilling your duties. You have no crimes. You have the ability and skill. You will work hard in the future. If you make more contributions, I will promote you to a thousand households!"

Lu Jianxing knelt down on one knee excitedly: "Thank you for your kindness!" The Jin Yiwei around looked at him enviously, knowing that he had caught the eyes of the adults.

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Okay, let's take someone back to rest. You don't come home at night, and your old lady has to worry about it. I can do it myself here!"

Lu Jianxing wondered: "My lord, I don't care, your safety"

Hua Twelve had no choice but to wink at him and whispered, "I have my own arrangements, so hurry up and don't ruin my business!"

Lu Jianxing instantly 'understood' that his lord still had the duty to control Dongchang, maybe there were Dongchang fans in ambush nearby, and his lord sent them away, most likely to lure snakes out of their holes and catch those thieves all at once.

He made up the whole plan in an instant, and his admiration for Hua Twelve was like a torrential river, and it was like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

Thinking of the adults who asked them to dig a big hole in the morning, and dozens of people went in at night, such a clever plan, who else can do it!
Lu Jianxing felt that he had to leave as soon as possible, so as not to ruin the master's plan, he immediately got up and gave Hua Shier a look that I understand you, and then quickly evacuated here with the people.

Hua Twelve smiled and shook his head. He dismissed Lu Jianxing and the Jinyiwei without any other calculations. He just felt that with his skill and the weapons in the storage space, no matter what kind of enemy came and killed, it was not worth letting a hundred and eighty people , Standing outside with a light ball torch, what a blink of an eye.

Push the door into the small courtyard, lock the courtyard door, and then walk straight in. The door can’t be crooked. It’s no problem if it’s more than three feet wide. There are big pits on both sides. up.

When we got to the courtyard, the black cat went somewhere to sleep, and figures swayed by the window, obviously Zhou Miaotong and Beizhai were still asleep.

Hua Twelve blew out the tallow candles in the stone lanterns on the left and right sides of the yard, then walked to the door of the house, opened the door and entered.

As soon as he walked in, he could smell the aroma of food in the room. He saw that there were two soup bowls on the table. Obviously, the two women cooked noodles and ate them while he was not at home. Unfortunately, they didn't even clean the bowls.

Turning around, he saw Beizhai and Zhou Miaotong, looking at him with some horror. Beizhai had one hand behind his back, as if he was hiding something.

Hua Twelve frowned, reached out to Beizhai and said, "Bring it!"

Zhou Miaotong was trembling, while Bei Zhai had his neck stuck, with a stubborn expression on his face, and he didn't make a sound.

Hua Twelve emphasized his tone and shouted, "Take it out!"

Beizhai shook off Zhou Miaotong's tugging, took out a pair of scissors from behind, rushed over and stabbed Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve didn't have the slightest heart to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, so he punched out casually, the strike came first, and with a bang, he hit Da Mimi's chest, as expected, with amazing elasticity.

Bei Zhai fell directly to the ground, covering his chest with a pained look on his face, and the scissors in his hand fell to the ground.

In fact, Hua Twelve had already shown mercy, otherwise, if he used a little more strength, Beizhai would either have his sternum broken, or be in danger of the airbag exploding.

Zhou Miaotong exclaimed in surprise, rushed forward quickly, opened her hands to protect her sister, and begged: "My lord, my sister is unintentional, please let me go."

Hua Twelve is speechless, it's really unintentional to rush over to stab him with such a large pair of scissors.

At this time, Bei Zhai had already stood up from the ground unsteadily, and she said to her sister, "Miao Tong, don't beg him, the worst is death."

Sitting on a stool beside her, Hua Twelve taunted Bei Zhai, "You woman is really selfish, you just want to die, but you want to hurt your own sister!"

Beizhai was in pain and anger, and said angrily: "You are talking nonsense, no one in this world cares more about Miaotong's safety than me."

Hua Twelve sneered: "You care so much about her, why do you let your sister suffer in the Jiaofang Division when you are free and easy outside, writing and painting?"

Bei Zhai said angrily: "You are talking nonsense. I asked someone to inquire about it, but the news I got was that Miao Tong was dead. I have been sad for a long time because of this, I always thought."

Hua Twelve was too lazy to listen to her beeping, and interrupted directly:
"The person who helped you inquire is King Xin. Don't even think about it. With Wang Xin's ability, how could you make a mistake in inquiring about Zhou Miaotong in the Jiaofang Division? You think she is dead long ago!"

Beizhai's body trembled: "What Xinwang, I have already said that I don't know Xinwang, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Hua Twelve ignored her, and continued: "The reason why King Xin told you that you are dead is because he doesn't want to take care of Zhou Miaotong's affairs. He has big plans. How could he make trouble for you, a woman? Don't blame me for not reminding you. Do you think that Ding Baiying came here today to save you?"

He laughed aloud: "Right now, King Xin's Mansion is surrounded by people from Dongchang. Once the evidence is conclusive, King Xin will be completely imprisoned. Ding Baiying was ordered by King Xin to kill you. It's ridiculous! A daughter of a criminal who was sent to Yangzhou to be sold as a skinny horse, but she still dreamed that she would be the concubine of Xin Wang one day, I'm afraid she lost her mind and went crazy!"

Hua Twelve's words directly revealed the biggest secret in Beizhai's heart, and hit the most vulnerable part of her heart. At this moment, she couldn't care less about hiding her own thoughts, and shook her head unconsciously:
"No, no, you lied to me, he wouldn't do this to me."

At this moment, I heard a cat meowing in the yard outside, followed by a sound of 'hole pass', as if someone came in over the wall and fell into the pit.

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