A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 311 Collect 1 in one day!

Chapter 311 Collect 8000 million in one day! (Seek full order)
When all the officials entered the palace with the sound of the Jingyang bell, Hua Twelve immediately led the troops of Dongchang and Jinyiwei to surround the mansions of the Manchu civil officials in Beijing. Dozens of Jinyiwei or Dongchang fans could Surround a mansion without doing anything, just make sure that the people inside can't get out.

As for why only civil servants' houses were surrounded, Hua Twelve also had his own considerations. The Ming Dynasty emphasized civil affairs over military affairs, and all the people's fat and people's cream were in the hands of civil officials. Military generals also drank the blood of soldiers and ate nothing. How much could there be? Yinzi, it's not worth it to offend him all at once.

So he decided to mobilize the civil servants group first, and as for the corrupt military generals and nobles, he can take it slowly, so as not to cause any mutiny. Although he is not afraid of it, he will find it troublesome.

Hua Twelve led the factory guards to start a surprise search. He didn't attack the eunuchs first. Although Cui Chengxiu and others are hateful, it is inevitable for the eunuchs to be corrupt, so he first went to the so-called Qingliu to start a raid. He wanted to see, these Self-proclaimed guy, is he greedy or not?
Among the Qingliu, the most annoying ones should be those so-called officials. These human beings listen to hearsay and play after hearing the wind. In later generations, they will be a bunch of keyboard warriors and big trolls. They were born in this dynasty and are protected by law. Admired by the common people, the more people who spray it, the more they appear to have a strong character and stand out from the crowd.

Hua Twelfth just laughed at this, he didn't believe that these people usually lived on that little salary.

Just the ones he hated the most in the Qianqing Palace, Yang Suoxiu, the deputy governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Chen Eryi in the official department, Lu Chengyuan, the director of the Ministry of Industry, etc., Hua Twelve planned to sacrifice these people first. flag.

In Yang Suoxiu's courtyard, Hua Shier was sitting in the flower hall drinking tea, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang fanzi turned Yang's mansion upside down, and Yang Suoxiu's family members stood on the side of the flower hall, looking at the sitting man with trepidation. Young man drinking tea at the main table.

Hua Twelve watched the whole family look at him with fearful eyes, raised the corner of his mouth, and comforted him:
"Everyone, don't be afraid. This time it's not a house raid. It's just that some important ministers in the court believe that Mr. Yang is corrupt and accepting bribes. We are just helping Mr. Yang to count his family property so that he can be paid back!"

The eldest son of the Yang family is a young man who is about the same age as Hua Twelve. He heard the words and said politely:
"My lord, I am wronged. My father has a reputation as an official. How could he be corrupt and accept bribes? Please, my lord, must give my Yang family justice!"

Hua Twelve nodded approvingly and said: "Naturally, don't worry, my lord, I'm the most notarized official!"

Young Master Yang saw that Hua Twelve was about the same age as him, and he was still so easy to talk, so his nervousness eased a lot, so he took two steps forward, took out a silver ticket from his cuff, stuffed it in Hua Twelve's hand, and asked in a low voice:
"Then I will thank you Commander!"

Hua Twelve took it over and saw that it was a 1000 tael bank note, and nodded in satisfaction: "It's easy to talk about!"

Seeing that he had accepted the silver bill, Mr. Yang felt more at ease, so he wanted to sound out the tone, and asked boldly: "My lord, I wonder which important minister in the court said that my father was corrupt and took bribes?"

Hua Twelve pointed to himself: "It's my official!"

As he spoke, he handed the bank note to Pei Lun beside him: "Write it down, Yang Suoxiu's eldest son bribed this official with 1000 taels of silver note!"

Pei Lun suppressed a smile and waved to the small principal next to him, who took a brush and wrote down Hua Twelve's words directly on the impermanence book.

Young Master Yang pointed to Hua Twelve, his lips trembled, his face was so pale that he couldn't speak.

Hua Twelve stared: "Bold, how dare you use a Yang finger to send out an invisible wind to assassinate this official?"

Hearing Hua Twelve's words, Pei Lun stepped forward and grabbed Mr. Yang's finger, twisted it violently, and it twisted into twists with a click. Mr. Yang screamed in pain, and was immediately rushed by two The Captain Jinyi who came over beat him until he couldn't scream.

The reason why this group of Jin Yiwei dared to do something was not because of Hua Twelve's arrogance and domineering, but because the matter of Mr. Yang's bribery had been recorded in Jin Yiwei's regular book just now. There is also something to say.

When everyone in the Yang family saw Young Master Yang being beaten by Jin Yiwei, they immediately began to cry. As a result, several factory guards pulled out their steel knives, and under the cold and sharp edge of the knife, they didn't dare to make a sound for an instant.

Half an hour later, Zhang Zhang took the two heads of the East Factory, and Lu Jianxing, a hundred householder in brocade clothes, walked into the flower hall with a heavy face and said:

"My lord, the entire Yang Mansion has been searched, and there are only tens of thousands of taels of gold and silver!"

Pei Lun of the Twelfth Dynasty of Hua Dynasty asked, "How much is Master Yang's salary as an official?"

Pei Lun reached out and took out the records of Jinyiwei's officials, and glanced at Huihui's report:

"Your Majesty Yang has been an official for twelve years. In the first six years, he was the official of the seventh rank, with an annual salary of 45 taels of silver. In the next six years, he was promoted to the deputy capital of the Capital Procuratorate. One thousand and fifty taels of silver!"

Hua Twelve chuckled, "Isn't the money found out more than three times his salary?"

Pei Lun said resolutely: "It's too much, this doesn't include Mr. Yang's farm, shop and other properties, it's just..."

At this time, Pei Lun also showed a dignified expression, just like Zheng Zhangban, Lu Jianxing and others.

Hua Twelve took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "You can already be convicted, why do you still have such expressions?"

Zhang Zhang was a little impatient, and Hua Shier's safety was related to his life and death, so he said anxiously:
"My lord, this official's family has only stolen such a small amount of money. I am afraid that the entire capital will not be able to make up 8000 million taels of silver. If the amount is not made up by then, those officials will definitely impeach you for the crime of deceiving the emperor! "

Hua Twelve smiled, he wasn't worried about it.

A few decades later in history, Li Zicheng's troops came to the city, forcing Emperor Chongzhen to put down his face and dignity, and begged the ministers and dignitaries to donate money to pay the soldiers defending the capital.

At that time, an old man who was a common man heard the news and donated his life savings of 400 taels of silver, but how much did the officials of Ming Dynasty donate?
The chief assistant of the cabinet, Wei Zaode, only donated 500 taels, and the richest eunuch Wang Zhixin donated 1 taels. .

As a result, Chongzhen only collected 20 taels of silver from these officials.

But when Chongzhen committed suicide and Li Zicheng entered Beijing, he tortured him wantonly, and actually got more than 7000 million taels of silver from the capital.

Of course, this number varies greatly in different historical materials. Some say 8000 million taels, some say 5000 million taels, but the least say 3000 million taels.

This refers to gold, silver and jewellery, not counting the real estate title deed or anything, so it is calculated based on the minimum 3000 million taels of silver, plus the real estate title deed, Hua Twelve feels that it is no problem to get 8000 million taels.

Seeing how worried his subordinates were, Hua Twelve said with a smile:

"Wait a minute, I will come as soon as I go!"

He found an empty room, and then took out from the storage space the German-made 3D scanning underground treasure detector that he bought in the real world for [-] yuan.

Hua Twelfth bought this thing because he was inspired by watching the videos of those live broadcasts, and he felt that it would be useful when he bought it.

However, this underground treasure detector is much more professional than the metal detectors used by those field treasure hunters. The kind of metal detector with a long pole and a circle in front can detect the depth of one or two meters underground. up.

The 3D scanning underground treasure detector that Hua Shier bought can search depths up to 200 meters underground and search ranges up to 500 meters.

Not only can it detect metal types by category, such as distinguishing the types of gold, silver, copper, and iron in the ground, it can also detect and distinguish various gemstones such as jade and diamonds.

In short, this thing is awesome and overbearing.

Hua Shier knows that rich people in ancient times always liked to bury gold, silver and jewelry underground. With this 3D scanning underground treasure detector, no matter how deep you bury, there is nowhere to hide.

He looked at the manual, studied it, and then personally took the instrument and led a group of factory guards to search around the Yang Mansion again.

Listening to the alarm sound of the instrument, Hua Twelve smiled all over his face, and praised again and again:

"If you say that Mr. Yang is a scholar, this place where money is hidden is not something ordinary people can think of!"

Pointing to a pond in the yard, he shouted: "The gold, silver and jewels are right here, dig them for me!"

In fact, there was no need to dig, only the water in the pond was drained and dried, and dozens of large boxes outcropping appeared in the mud.

After opening, there are gold and silver ingots one by one, as well as jewelry and jade, agate and jadeite. According to the last statistics, it exceeds 50 taels of silver.

Some members of the Yang family knew about the Tibetan silver, all of them were pale, with an expression of being finished, while some of the Yang family who didn't know showed doubts, then indignation, and then turned ashen, they all knew that the Yang family was finished , they were implicated by the Yang family, and they couldn't get better.

Some younger members of the Yang family who were not reconciled turned their backs on the spot, wanted to make meritorious deeds, and took the initiative to expose Yang Suoxiu's crimes of breaking the law and discipline, embezzlement and bribery.

Yin Cheng smiled joyfully at Hua Twelve Chaos and said, "Write it all down. Those who have committed crimes and meritorious deeds will also be recorded at that time, and their sentences will be reduced as appropriate!"

When he said this, it was almost one-sided, even Mr. Yang, who was beaten to the ground before, got up to expose his father.

Hua Twelve left behind a team of Jinyi guards to count the remaining belongings, record the confession and Yang Suoxiu's crimes, and he led the others to the next house.

This time, he didn't wait for the factory guard to do anything. After breaking into the next house, he took the underground treasure detector and quickly walked around the house to confirm whether there was any hidden silver. After the location of the hidden silver, he ordered the factory guard to dig. , before continuing to the next one.

Hua Shieryi ran to dozens of civil servants' mansions during the day. Among them, as long as they have been officials for more than five years, the worst one has more than 30 taels of silver. To exceed a million net worth.

Just from the homes of these civil servants, including gold, silver, jewelry and fixed assets, Hua Twelve collected 6000 to [-] million taels of silver.

Five to sixty million taels of which silver notes accounted for about 6000 million taels, all of which were issued by Shanxi Bank.

There is also about 1000 million taels of silver in cash, most of which were protruded from the underground of various houses, and many of them were cast into gold melons and silver melons. Of course, because the treasure detector was too deep, two more When the ancient tombs came out, they were all counted as silver and included in the total.

The rest of the money is antiques, jewelry, and fixed assets, which fluctuate when converted into silver, so it is said that it is about 6000 to [-] million taels.

Hua Twelve took the details recorded by Jin Yiwei, flicked his finger, and said with a swipe, with a smile:
"I don't know what you were worried about before. Look at it, it's only been a day, and more than half of it has been collected. Continue to work at night. When you collect 8000 million taels, you're done!"

Of course, among the civil servants, it is not that there are no upright officials. Guo Yunhou, Minister of the Ministry of Households, and Minister of the Ministry of Officials have magnificent study rooms. Although they also have gold and silver industries in their families, the source of money is very legitimate. The top is an upright official.

For such family members of officials, Hua Twelve treated each other with courtesy, and expressed his admiration before leaving, but what he got in return was basically a superficial kindness. Spit on him.

There was an official's family that made Hua Shier laugh and cry, that is, the family of Yan Peiwei, the imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Hua Twelve was puzzled, so he went around his house three times with a treasure detector, but he returned empty-handed.

After leaving Yan Peiwei's house, on the way to the next house, Hua Twelve was reviewing himself. He is an upright official. Isn't it a little too much for him to treat Yan Junbin like that?

He was introspecting himself, Zhao Jingzhong chased after him, and reported to him with a smile:
"My lord, my subordinates have lived up to their trust. They have knocked out more than 200 million property from Yan Peiwei's house, including 60 taels of silver, and the rest are properties of the Yan family in various places. I have obtained the land deed and everything, and now I will give it to you." You sent it home!"

Hua Twelve has a black thread, and it's not that the Yan family doesn't have money, but it's all in my hands.

He didn't expect that by mistake, Yan Peiwei's family escaped a catastrophe. For the sake of the more than 200 million property, Hua Twelve decided to forget it. As long as the kid is sensible, let the past be forgotten.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the officials who were deceived by Jingyang Zhong became agitated after learning the truth. However, the imperial guards in the palace and the Dongchang fanzi guarded the gate of the palace and were not allowed to enter. They could not see the emperor. Wang Tigan came over to pass the decree, saying that after the commander of Jinyi Weihua screened out the eunuchs, he would let the adults go back to the mansion.

Originally, these people wanted to make trouble together and force the emperor to show up, but the Dongchang fans directly drew their knives, saying that Minghua Commander had orders, but anyone who disobeyed the holy order, regardless of the official rank, would be punished according to the theory of conspiracy and beheaded on the spot kill.

This move was so serious that the civil servants of Tiger suddenly dared not speak up.

Then in less than an hour, someone came to report that at the house of Mr. Yang Suoxiu, the deputy capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the gold and silver property was seized, totaling 50 taels. The follow-up property is still being counted. Someone from the Yang family reported and exposed Yang Suoxiu Committed numerous crimes.

After the news was announced, two wolf-like factory guards rushed up to arrest the man. When Yang Suoxiu was dragged out, there was a wet mark on the ground, which was because he was scared to pee.

Next, those civil servants who impeached Hua Twelve in Qianqing Palace before were dragged away from time to time. The reason was that a huge amount of property was found at home, and then their crimes were exposed by their family members. After Zhu Youxiao nodded, they were arrested and imprisoned.

More and more people were being dragged away, but the Hall of Supreme Harmony was eerily quiet. No one complained for these people, because everyone knew that the property stolen from the house could not be faked.

Moreover, the rest of the officials are panic-stricken, and they all know that their end is not far away.

In this atmosphere, suddenly a minister knelt down and shouted loudly, wanting to confess his guilt, and then the ministers who used to dare to shout loudly in front of the emperor also broke their hearts, knelt down and wept bitterly, begging the king to come forward Go to the emperor and they will plead guilty and beg for mercy.

 Thanks: Brother 08a, book friend 20210301104139159110 for the reward, brother for supporting 200 yuan for a pack of hot strips, brother for voting monthly and recommended, and brother for reading and collecting, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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