A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 316 Scaring Ding Baiying!

Chapter 316 Scaring Ding Baiying! (Seek full order)

In order to cooperate with Xin Wang's major event, Ding Baiying contacted Yan Peiwei, the censor of the capital, in advance, and borrowed the power of the Golden Knife Gate. Among the people who followed her to deal with Hua Shier tonight, at least half of them were hers. They are all masters of the Golden Knife Gate.

Hearing that the person to be dealt with is Hua Shier, Yan Junbin, who has the hatred of taking his wife, naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity to avenge himself, so he also came to command the Jindaomen.

"Have you heard everything clearly? Jump forward and do it!"

Following Yan Junbin's order, more than 100 masters of Jindaomen jumped out of the wall almost at the same time, and they all leaped a distance of one foot in the air very obediently.
When these people just jumped up, there was a bang, and the door of Hua Shier's room was pushed open, and a beautiful figure rushed out holding the Xiuchun knife, and shouted excitedly:

"Master Ding, come quickly, I stole the thief's knife"

The one who was so excited and able to steal the knife was naturally the rebellious Beizhai.

When the yard was surrounded just now, the black cat carried into the room by Zhou Miaotong blew up in the room and let out a warning roar. Hua Twelve sat up immediately, turned his head and looked out the window .

He didn't sleep at all, since he had expected that Xin Wang's people would attack within a day or two, how could he sleep soundly, he just hugged Zhou Miaotong, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

So when he opened his eyes at this time, not only was there no sleepiness in his eyes, but he was full of energy, and his body was also kept at its peak state under the influence of the Daomen Breathing Technique.

The black cat's abnormal reaction, and Hua Twelve's sudden getting up, immediately woke up Zhou Miaotong who was sleeping, and Da Mi Mi Bei Zhai who was pretending to be asleep at the foot of the bed.

During the day, when Bei Zhai was looking at the sky in front of the door, a kite landed at her feet. On it was a message from Ding Baiying to Bei Zhai, and a small bag of Mongolian sweat medicine tied with a red string.

What Ding Baiying meant was to ask Beizhai to find a way to put medicine in Hua Shier's food, and then steal the Jinyiwei Commander's Token that he was wearing, and throw it out along the northwest corner of the yard at night, and their people would be there Followed outside.

If no token is thrown before the third watch, it means that the plan has failed, and Ding Baiying will lead people to attack.

Beizhai got the paper kite at that time, after reading the writing on it, he immediately filled the paper kite into the stove and burned it for fear that Jin Yiwei would find out.

When Zhou Miaotong found out, he only saw half of the content on the sidelines, that is, the part where Hua Twelve was given medicine, and did not see the second half of the handwriting in which someone raided in the middle of the night.

So just now Zhou Miaotong was sleeping soundly, but Bei Zhai had kept his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep. When he heard the movement, he immediately ran to the window and looked out through the gap in the window.

When he saw a familiar figure among the people who came, Beizhai, who was overjoyed, immediately tiptoed to the wall, took off the embroidered spring knife hanging on the wall, opened the door and rushed out.

As soon as she finished shouting excitedly, the more than 100 people landed on the front and rear feet almost at the same time, and then there was a bang, and the cover on the ground was stepped on and collapsed.

Bei Zhai watched more than 100 people disappear at the same time in front of her, fell into the big pit, and then raised a cloud of dust, which made her extremely excited expression freeze on her face.

Ding Baiying, Yan Junbin and several other masters did not follow suit and survived the disaster. At this time, while looking shocked, Bei Zhai was extremely speechless as he watched Bei Zhai rushing out of the yard with a knife in his arms.

At this time, a young man with an unruly face on the wall asked Ding Baiying:

"Master, it's not that Ding Xiu is talking too much, I just want to ask, there are so many of us, and there are no guards in the yard, why don't we go through the main entrance and insist on jumping over the wall?"

The people on the wall were silent, then turned around silently and jumped back outside the courtyard, planning to attack from the main entrance.

Beizhai stood in the courtyard with a dazed expression on his face, and when she was at a loss what to do, Hua Twelve came over with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards her.

Beizhai hesitated a little, but seeing Hua Twelve shook her fist, the girl was so frightened that she quickly handed over the Xiuchun knife, but she knew that this bastard would never be soft when he beat a woman.

Zhou Miaotong followed behind Hua Twelve with a worried expression on her face, and at the same time looked at her silly sister with a complicated expression.

Hua Twelve took the Xiuchun Knife, calmly took out a half-foot-long bamboo tube from his bosom, and lit the fuse on it with a lighter.

Just as the fuze was burning, the gate of the courtyard was kicked open with a bang, and Ding Baiying, Yan Junbin, and a group of more than a dozen people rushed into the courtyard.

And those who fell into the pit at this time, although some died and some were disabled, more than a dozen of the more than 100 people were lucky enough to be uninjured. Climb up from under the big pit.

Of course, the so-called no injury just means that there was no serious injury such as a fracture. Disgraced face, bruised nose and swollen face are definitely unavoidable.

There was a sound of 'whoosh~'.

Hua Twelve shot out a stream of fireworks from the bamboo tube in his hand, shooting straight into the sky.

Ding Baiying and the others shrank their eyes and their expressions changed.

The young man named Ding Xiu held a big knife and covered his face: "It's over, I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, and I was plotted against."

Ding Baiying said angrily: "Shut up!"

Ding Xiu was not afraid of this master, he just grinned and said:
"Master, the danger is increasing today. Although you and I are masters and apprentices, but... you have to pay more!"

Ding Baiying's other apprentices all glared at him, but Ding Xiu didn't care. The teacher's kindness had already been repaid at the frontier, and now it's more practical to pay for money.

Hua Twelve stood in the courtyard with no color on his face, and smiled at Ding Baiying who was facing him:
"I've already sent the signal, the factory guard will be here soon, you still have time to run!"

Ding Baiying raised her eyebrows: "It's too late to kill you!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand: "Kill!"

"I'll come first!"

Yan Junbin couldn't control the anger in his heart, he drew out his big knife, and charged forward with one stride, the light of the knife flashed, and he followed the knife, a cold light slashed straight at Hua Shier.

As soon as the Young Sect Master of the Golden Knife Sect made a move, he was fierce and fierce, as if splitting a mountain. Ding Baiying nodded secretly, and all her apprentices shouted, "OK!"

Hua Twelve was also applauding, but his cry was different from others. He drew a long tone, followed by two words: "Okay, slow down!"

Under the pupil technique of Hua Twelve's slow vision, Strict Bing's knife was no different from a child's fight. He dodged it easily, and then raised the sole of his foot, giving him a heartwarming blow to his chest.

In the eyes of others, Hua Twelve seemed to know the flaws in Yan Junbin's moves in advance. He walked up to the opponent's side with one step, raised his foot and put it on the latter's chest, kicked the man weighing more than 100 kilograms into the air, and then fell with a bang. Went to the big pit.

Hearing two screams from the bottom of the pit, it may have hit someone else.

When Zhou Miaotong saw Yan Junbin being kicked into the pit, her expression was extremely complicated, her lips trembled twice, and she finally did not speak.

Yan Junbin's move was caught in seconds, and the masters of the Golden Knife Sect he brought immediately swarmed up. There were as many as fifteen or sixteen members of the Golden Knife Sect who hadn't jumped the wall before and climbed up from the pit.

They brandished their big knives and slashed at Hua Twelve continuously. The latter greeted him impatiently, and then dodged and counterattacked lightly. Holding the knife in his arms, he punched from time to time with one hand.

There was a constant sound of bang bang, and every time there was a bang, a member of the Jindaomen was hit on the chin by Hua Shishi and fainted on the spot.

It's not an ordinary dizziness, it's the kind where the whole body stiffens and then starts to twitch and spit bubbles.

This is a sign that the jaw was attacked and the brain was shocked. Although Ding Baiying and the others didn't understand the reason, they also knew that the person who was hit by this punch had no strength left to fight back.

Experts knew if there was one as soon as they made a move. From Yan Junbin's attack, he was besieged by the Jindaomen. Hua Twelve advanced and retreated, punched and kicked, and controlled the timing, strength, and speed perfectly.

Ding Baiying and the others didn't know that this commander of the Jinyiwei was a great master, each of them was facing a formidable enemy.

If it was possible, they really wanted to step up and besiege at this moment, but Hua Shier, who was surrounded by Jindaomen, had no room for them to make a move.

When everyone at the Golden Knife Gate knelt down, the sound of horseshoes and dense footsteps could be heard in the distance. It was obvious that the ambushing people of the factory guard had quickly approached here.

Ding Baiying still didn't think about escaping, she wanted to take Hua Twelve as a hostage, so she immediately shouted softly:

"Form mandarin duck battle array!"

Several of her apprentices immediately took action when they heard the words. Ding Chong, who was holding a sword and shield, stood at the front, and Ding Tai, who was holding a mace, stood behind her. Ding Baiying and Ding Xiu were on the left and right. The young man with the short mandarin duck knife hid his body behind Ding Tai, avoiding Hua Twelve's sight.

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows, showing an interested expression: "Is it the mandarin duck array of the Qi family army? Good stuff!"

"Since you know the mandarin duck formation, you still don't want to die!"

With a cry, Ding Chong rushed forward with his shield in hand. Behind him, Ding Baiying and several apprentices rushed forward in coordination with the formation.

Zhou Miaotong and Bei Zhai in the Twelfth Dynasty of Hua Dynasty ordered: "You back off, I will play for a while!"

As he said that, he stepped on his foot, and the whole person used his strength to charge forward, and his foot landed on Ding Chong's shield.

Ding Chong is now equivalent to an MT. He uses military techniques to hold the shield, relying on his body for support, and lunges and dashes under his feet. This allows the shield to withstand attacks from heavy knives and hammers even on the battlefield.

But just like that, when the shield in her hand was kicked by Hua Twelve, she felt like being hit by a horse. Even if she supported her with her shoulders and her whole body, she couldn't help falling backwards.

Fortunately, Ding Tai behind her also supported her with his body, and the two of them worked together to resolve the force of the kick.

After Ding Tai helped Ding Chong resist, he took a deep breath, raised his mace and stretched it out from the shield to hit Hua Twelve who had just landed.

And Ding Baiying and Ding Xiu flashed out from behind Ding Tai, one on the left and one on the right, and Qi's patriarch's saber cut towards Hua Twelve's body like two swords, and they shouted at the same time: "Kill!"

The young man who used the Mandarin Duck Saber finally appeared at this moment. He stepped on Ding Tai's body, then stepped on Ding Tai's shoulder and jumped into the air. He was in the air, using the short knife in the Mandarin Duck Saber as a hidden weapon. Throwing it out, a cold light hit the door directly.

The ultimate move of Yuanyang Formation is extremely fierce and murderous.

However, Hua Twelve didn't panic, he just activated the secret burst technique. The moment the secret technique was activated, the nephrin burst out and flowed along the blood to the whole body.

At this moment, Hua Twelve entered a state of detached five senses, and his physical fitness has also improved several times.

With the detached state of the five senses and the effect of slow vision, Yuanyang Formation's ultimate move immediately became as slow as a turtle crawling.

Hua Twelve first stroked the messy hair in front of his forehead with his hands, and shook his head back. He wanted to light a cigarette at first, but then he thought it was not good to be too pretentious, so he gave up this plan.

Sigh, it's so low-key.

The next moment, he finally moved.

Instead of retreating, he advanced, under the effect of the explosive secret technique, his speed increased several times, and he arrived in front of Ding Chong in an instant. With his huge strength, he snatched the opponent's shield, and then bang bang bang, one person gave A kick kicked the vaginal leg.

Finally, he punched Ding Baiying twice on the bulge of his chest, turned around behind him, and stepped on the crook of his leg to make him kneel down.

When the bursting secret technique ended, the turtle in his eyes quickly returned to normal. Ding Chong, Ding Tai, and Ding Xiu threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground with their hands covering their crotches, sweating coldly from the pain.

Among the three, Ding Chong was the only one who didn't have that thing, and he felt better, but he felt a kind of split foot, but he couldn't do it anymore.

As for Leaping Up, the one who used the mandarin duck knife should be Ding Xian who pretended to be Jin Yichuan in the future. He escaped the fate of being slapped because he was in the air, but when Hua Twelve passed by him, he pulled it with his hand. His calves.

This caused him to lose his balance in the air, and then hit the ground with a bang, hitting GAI!
If there is a BGM at this time, it must be the classic "Sister Lin fell from the sky" in Yue opera, and then the narration added "it's a pity that the face hit the ground first".
The best situation was Ding Baiying, who was clutching his chest with a pained expression, and Hua Twelve's freshly unsheathed Xiuchun knife was hung around his neck.

With the sound of hurried and dense footsteps, Lu Jianxing and several others from Dongchang rushed in and controlled the situation in an instant.

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

Hulala knelt on the ground, and the enemy actually let the adults take action to solve it, which proves that they came late and were guilty of dereliction of duty.

"Tie it all up!"

Hua Twelve gave an order to Lu Jianxing, then smiled and said to Ding Baiying:
"Shouting and shouting all day long, I thought you guys were so powerful, but when I drew the sword, you all fell to your knees. That's not okay!"

Ding Baiying didn't speak, not because she didn't want to curse, but because she felt a pain in her chest.

When all the invading enemies were tied up and were about to be escorted away, someone shot trumpet arrows from a three-story restaurant about 200 meters away from the courtyard of Hua Shier's house, and the sharp sound of the arrows resounded through the sky. Spread far in the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of arrows sounded from all over the capital.

Lu Jianxing's face changed, and he ordered Jin Yiwei around him: "Arrest!"

Immediately, more than a dozen Jin Yiwei rushed out.

Ding Baiying who was tied up suddenly laughed loudly:
"Even if you don't have a token, it's just a little more troublesome. Tonight, the king of Xin raised his troops to clear the king's side. You treacherous people are all dead!"

Following her words, the flames lit up in the distance, and then there was a loud bang, like the sound of a cannon.

Hua Twelve didn't panic in the slightest, he just told Lu Jianxing: "Remember, Ding Baiying said, tonight is King Xin raising troops to Qingjun!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Lu Jianxing immediately took out Jin Yiwei's impermanence book and writing brush for recording, licked the tip of the pen, and recorded these words in the impermanence book.

Ding Baiying glanced at Hua Twelve in surprise, trying to see if he was really calm or pretending to be relaxed.

Hua Twelve approached Ding Baiying, and said something in a low voice with a smile, Ding Baiying's face turned pale instantly, because what he said was:

"Wei Zhongxian is my man now, I hope King Xin didn't bring him with him, otherwise it would be so meaningless for me to win!"

 Thanks: 08a, No1 Wuliang Tianzun brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of hot strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read books and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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