A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 335 Don't use the hidden dragon!

After Hua Twelve chose to enter the mission world, the darkness came as expected, but he didn't wake up instantly as usual, but in the muddle of consciousness, the system prompt came again in his mind.

"Ding, the system has noticed that the time node saved by the host is highly compatible with the world of this mission. May I ask whether to adjust the original fluctuation of the world to make the mission overlap?"

At this time, Hua Twelve's consciousness was in the darkness, as if being stretched for a very long time, he began to feel a little dazed, and subconsciously chose 'Yes'!
The next moment, Hua Twelve woke up from the darkness, feeling a buzzing pain in his brain, he patted his head vigorously, and his consciousness was a little empty.

He felt as if something had happened just now, but he couldn't remember it because of the severe headache. The more he wanted to recall, the more painful his head was.

One good thing about Hua Twelve is that you don’t force yourself. Since you can’t remember it, you should think about it first. It took a long time for you to come back to your senses and start to observe the surrounding environment.

When he saw the surrounding scene clearly, he was a little dazed.

At this moment, Hua Twelve was in a dark and cramped room, with an iron door in front of him, on which there was only a one-foot-square viewing port, which was blocked by several iron bars.

A ventilating fan on the left wall made a slight buzzing sound. As the ventilating fan rotated, strands of light shone in from the gaps in the fan blades, making the room flickering.

Hua Twelve got up and looked at the iron gate in front of him, but it was actually locked. Looking out from the fence, it was a corridor. This environment seemed to be the detention room of some police station. This kind of door only existed in the 80s and [-]s.

"what's the situation?"

Just as Hua Twelve was about to search for the memory of the person being replaced in his mind, footsteps sounded outside, and a policeman in a green military police uniform walked down the corridor to the iron gate and shouted into the iron gate:

"Wei Jixiang, come out, someone will bail you out!"

"Wei Jixiang?"

This time, there is no need for Hua Twelve to actively search for the memory instilled by the system in his mind, and the memory of the replaced person will come out on his own initiative.

The current time and place is Hong Kong Island in [-].

The person he replaced was named Wei Jixiang, and his identity was a short mule, that is, Young and Dangerous.

Of course, Wei Jixiang's short mule is not an ordinary short mule, but a short mule who is a superstar.

Wei Jixiang is currently the gold medalist of Hong Kong Sunset Club 'Hong Tai', also known as Double Bonus Red Stick.

Five years ago, Prince Hongtai owed Yiqun Sangbo 300 million yuan in gambling debts and was held hostage by the latter. At that time, Wei Jixiang, who was still the forty-nine son of the society, brought a few parking boys under his command and desperately rescued the prince. , and cut off one of Sangbo's eyes with his own hands.

In this incident, Wei Jixiang came to power because he saved the prince of the society, and became a double-bonus red stick, but his wife was also killed by Sangbo driving a car.

Because of his wife's death, Wei Jixiang has left a shadow in his heart since then. He began to fear the swords and swords of the rivers and lakes. He could only bully some people who were afraid of the society. After cutting someone and asking him to make up the knife, he will have a vomiting reaction.

This kind of situation is nothing to ordinary people, but it is a fatal flaw to a society's double bonus stick.

In the memory received by Hua Twelve, there is information about the current situation.

This time he was detained by the police because he injured someone with an ashtray in a nightclub last night. Now it should be Ruby, Wei Jixiang's wife's best friend before she died, and she asked a lawyer to release him on bail.

Hua Shishi felt that this plot was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but he was sure that Wei Jixiang was definitely not a character in the big era.

"Hey, can you go or not? If you don't go, I will say that you have refused bail!"

Seeing him in a daze, the uniformed policeman urged impatiently.

"Go, why don't you go, the fool stays inside!"

Hua Twelve patted his head and walked forward behind the military police, wondering why the name 'Wei Jixiang' was so familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Passing through the corridor and entering a large office area, the familiarity of the Hong Kong Island Police Station in the 80s came over my face.

On the left wall is a photo of a Western girl with a crown.

Facing south and facing north, facing the door, there is a statue of Guan Gong. There are three unburned incense sticks in the incense burner in front of the statue.

The entire office area was filled with the sound of the police taking statements or answering the phone. It was a chaotic scene. A few boys who looked like short mules squatted in the corner with handcuffs, holding their heads and not daring to move.

The military police who brought Hua Twelve out greeted a plainclothes man with his ID on his chest:
"Senior brother, Wei Jixiang brought it here!"

The plainclothes patted the shoulder of the military police, smiled to express his gratitude, and then looked very familiar with Wei Jixiang:

"Come here, Ah Xiang, you say you are Hong Tai's big red stick brother, can you stop making trouble for us little policemen all the time, or you can do something ruthless and ask the serious crime team or the gang of O Ji to please You go to drink coffee, don't play with us next time, OK?"

Hua Shier found the identity of this person in Wei Jixiang's memory, and said with a wry smile:

"Don't be kidding, Chen SIR, you drank too much yesterday. By the way, do you have any cigarettes? I have a headache, let me get one!"

Then Chen SIR took a half-pack of Marlboro and said, "No, take it and smoke it!"

Hua Twelve lit a cigarette, bit it in his mouth, and took a puff. The dizziness caused by the nicotine infused into the blood relieved his headache a little.

He was brought to a desk by Sir Chen, and there were already two beauties sitting opposite the desk.

Hua Shishi was stunned when he saw these two women, and learned from Wei Jixiang's memory that one of them was his wife's best friend Ruby who had been taking care of Wei Jixiang and his son for so many years.

But what made him stunned was not Wei Jixiang's memory, but Hua Shier's own memory. He knew both beauties. Ruby was Guan Xiumei, and the other one looked exactly like Gigi Leung.

The appearance of the two women, linked to the familiar name of Wei Jixiang, and recalling the memory just now, Hua Twelve instantly knew what the plot was, the "Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes" played by Brother Hua.

Chen Sir, still put a stack of documents on the table: "This is Ah Xiang's bail document, sign it yourself!"

After he finished speaking, he was not polite, turned around and went to do other things.

Hua Twelve sat down at the table, patted his head and explained to the two women: "I have a headache, don't mind, I'm not masochistic!"

The beauty with the same appearance as Gigi Leung burst out laughing, Hua Twelve nodded her with the hand holding a cigarette and said:
"Your smile is so low, I'm just telling the truth!"

Ruby rolled her eyes angrily: "Do you want me to go away, so as not to prevent you from picking up girls? I'm bailing you out now, brother, please be serious."

After she finished speaking, she said helplessly: "You fought in the nightclub last night, until Fatty Zhou was sent to the hospital. The person next to me is Shandi, Lawyer Liang!"

Hua Twelve blinked his eyes, that's right, the surname should be Liang!
He gave the other party a thumbs up: "You are already big at such a young age, amazing!"

Lawyer Liang smiled lightly. Instead of being modest, he pushed the bail document in front of Hua Twelve, and said in a very formulaic way:

"Sign this document and you can leave. They accuse you of intentionally hurting others. My colleagues will help you deal with the follow-up matters."

Hua Twelve didn't say anything else, just glanced at the bail document, picked up the pen on the table, and signed the name of 'Wei Jixiang'.

During the few years of getting along with Beizhai, he has practiced calligraphy a lot. Now Hua Shier not only has good brush calligraphy, but also hard pen calligraphy has improved a lot. A name makes him write like a dragon and a phoenix, full of beauty.

Looking at Hua Shier's signature, Lawyer Liang's eyes lit up: "Mr. Wei's handwriting is so beautiful, he doesn't look like someone who has never read a book!"

Hua Twelve smiled and didn't speak. He knew that Wei Jixiang didn't go to school in the information. The lawyer should have read his file before coming here.

Pushed the signed bail document over, then got up and stretched out his hand:

"Thank you Liang Dazhuang. If there is a trial, I will probably trouble you at that time!"

Lawyer Liang stretched out his fingertips and shook him lightly, then smiled and said:

"The lawyer who usually bails you is my classmate. He's gone on vacation. This time I'm here on his behalf. It's okay if you want me to file a lawsuit for you, but I'm very expensive!"

Hua Twelve held each other's hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter how expensive it is, the most important thing is value!"

Actually expensive or not, Hua Twelve didn't even intend to ask her to defend herself. The original Wei Jixiang was forced to go to court by a fat man Zhou. Now that he is here, if he sits in the dock again, it will be a 'bad' Xixi's pig's blood will loosen as soon as it is clamped, failure in failure!
Putting aside the topic of litigation, Hua Twelve asked with a straight face:

"By the way, Mr. Liang, I have a legal matter I want to consult with you."

Liang Xiandi said with a strange expression:
"Consultation is okay, my talk fee is 1000 yuan per hour, but."

She looked at the hand that was still held by the other party: "Are you sure you are asking questions, not taking advantage of me?"

To be honest, the man in front of me was handsome enough, he looked like Hua Tsai, otherwise she would have turned her face now, slapped him with a slap in the face, and would have to accuse him of indecent assault.

If Hua Shier wanted to know what the other party was thinking, he would definitely tidy up his hairstyle and lament this damn charm that had nowhere to be placed!

Being suspected of taking advantage, Hua Twelve immediately let go of his hand, he is not a casual person at all:

"1000 yuan is not much for a conversation, but before that, I want to ask a free question!"

Liang Xiandi withdrew her hand, and laughed again after being teased: "Okay, the first question is free, what do you want to ask?"

"I want to ask, can your consulting fee be paid in installments, the kind with a 20-year period?"

After coming out of the police station, Ruby looked at the man beside him with scrutiny: "Are you sure you don't want to pick her up?"

Hua Twelve shrugged: "Ann, I'm a short mule, she's a barrister, how can she be worthy of me!"

Ruby Haoxuan was not caught by the flash, but she also laughed: "Really, you are such an adult, you don't have a serious word, didn't you say you want to ask something, why didn't you ask in the end?"

Hua Twelve slapped his pocket depressed: "I really don't have a thousand Hong Kong dollars!"

It's no wonder that he was depressed, Wei Jixiang was a club red stick after all, and in other clubs, he was also a figure at the level of a big boss, with only a handful of change in his pocket, and he didn't know how he got mixed up.

Ruby shook her head helplessly, opened the Kun bag and took out [-] Hong Kong dollars and handed it over: "No, save some money and drink less!"

Naturally, Hua Twelve couldn't ask for women's money. He didn't have any money in his pocket, but he had it in the space. If it didn't work, could he still sell gold bars and antiques? He immediately pushed the money over:

"There will be money tomorrow, take it back!"

Ruby ignored him, stuffed it directly into his suit pocket, and then asked, "Didn't you say you started a pirated video tape factory with the prince? Why haven't you received any money for so long?"

"Come on, I'll tell the prince when I see him!"

Hua Shishi was perfunctory to Ruby, but in fact, what he wanted to consult with Liang Xiandi just now was about this factory.

In the plot he knew, the prince of the Hongtai Society did not appreciate Wei Jixiang's life-saving grace to him five years ago. The poison was made in Li, in order to let him take the blame.

So what Hua Twelve is thinking about now is how to get himself out of this matter.

Thinking about it makes me angry, there is no clue about the plot of the big era related to the task, but the replacement character has a lot of troubles that he needs to solve.

Ruby was noncommittal when she heard the words, obviously not optimistic that Wei Jixiang would ask for money, she turned to mention another matter:
"By the way, Dahong seems to have had a fight at school. The teacher wants to see the parents. We have an appointment at twelve o'clock. It may be impossible if you don't go this time. The teacher calls to see you."

Dahong is Wei Jixiang's son Wei Dahong. He has just entered the first grade and has been fighting a lot lately. He has been called a parent several times. Every time, Ruby pretends to be Dahong's mother to go. It works, I want to ask Wei Jixiang to go over and have a talk.

St. Joseph's Primary School, 48 Wood Road, Wanchai, in the teacher's office.

Hua Shishi and Ruby were sitting on the sofa, and were scolded by the young female teacher opposite, saying that her son beat others at school and had a tendency to violence.

Hua Twelve couldn't bear it any longer, and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt, revealing his chest.

Then he stood up, leaned over to support the desk, and gave the female teacher a wall-dong: "Teacher, calm down!"

The teacher was taken aback by him, thinking that this handsome guy was trying to seduce him, so he quickly put on the myopia glasses, but at a glance, he saw two tattoos of flying eagles on Hua Twelve's chest from the other's open neckline.

The rules for Hua Twelve's replacement are still the same. If you haven't seen Wei Jixiang in the mission world, you can see that he is Hua Twelve's original appearance. If you have seen Wei Jixiang, the replaced person, then you can see that he is Wei Jixiang's look.

When Wei Jixiang sent his son to school, he had a relationship with this teacher, so in the eyes of this female teacher, he looked like Wei Jixiang, and naturally he could see Wei Jixiang's tattoos.

As soon as the teacher saw such a big two flying eagle tattoos, he knew that the person in front of him was probably a black man, and he was too frightened to beep any more, and said embarrassingly:
"I, I've calmed down!"

Only then did Hua Twelve nod his head, stand up straight, and ask Wei Dahong, who was punished to stand aside: "Son, why did you hit someone?"

If it is an alternate identity, he would definitely not like to be called someone else's father, but it is still possible to call someone else's son, and there is no resistance at all.

Wei Dahong said aggrievedly: "They say you are a bad person!"

Hua Twelve reached out and touched the child's head, then turned to the teacher and asked with sharp eyes:

"Teacher, do you think I'm a bad person?"

Intimidated by his aura and previous tattoos, the teacher shook his head against his will and said: "No, no, Mr. Wei is a successful person at first glance, so he is not a bad person!"

Hua Twelve nodded in satisfaction: "That's why those students slandered me."

He suddenly increased his volume: "They slandered me!"

All the teachers who were working around turned their heads to look this way. None of them dared to speak, and the female teacher was too frightened to say anything.

Hua Twelve pointed at the other party and said: "You dare to slander your classmates' parents at such a young age. How do you teach your students? Ask yourself, are you competent? Just like this, you still have the face to come to me!"

He said louder and louder: "My son is good at beating. This is like me, but he can't rub the sand in his eyes. In my opinion, not only these students should be beaten, but their parents should also be beaten. How to teach children "

Hua Shishi sprayed indignantly for 10 minutes. The teacher wanted an umbrella now. During this time, he not only showed the tattoo on his chest, but also the tattoo and knife scar on his arm.

In the end, the female teacher finally realized her mistake and said that she had not educated the students well, and she would definitely not make such a mistake next time, and asked Wei Dahong's parents to give her another chance.

Hua Shishi was magnanimous, so he naturally gave her this opportunity, took Wei Dahong's hand, and walked out of the campus together with the helpless Ruby.

After Ruby walked out of the school gate, she shook her head: "It was a mistake for me to come to you, you scare those teachers!"

Hua Twelve turned his head and said seriously to Wei Dahong: "We don't bully others, but we are not afraid of being bullied. If someone bullies you, hit him back. It hurts him, and he dare not bully you, you know!"

Wei Dahong's original expression of grievance was now full of smiles: "Got it, Dad!"

Ruby covered her forehead: "How can you educate children like this!"

At this time, the BB machine belonging to Wei Jixiang on Hua Shier's waist remembered, and it was still a digital display.

The plot of "Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes" was originally supposed to be in the 90s, but somehow it is now [-]. Wei Jixiang's cell phone has now been locked, and he has to find a public phone to answer.

I found a phone booth on the side of the road, put coins in it, dialed the number on the pager, and hung up after a few words.

Ruby came over and asked who was looking for him. If the club does something, she can help take care of the children.

A trace of inexplicable flashed in Hua Shishi's eyes: "It's the prince, his son is celebrating his birthday, and he asked me to talk about something, and I happen to have something to talk to him about!"

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