A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 340 I've never seen such a picky one!

Chapter 340 I've never seen such a picky one! (Seek full order)
Hua Shier brought two girls into the urban area. Cheng Huaxiu and Ma Chunhua were immediately attracted by the prosperity of Hong Kong Island in this era. Of course, their beauty and very different clothes also attracted the attention of the people around them. In a word, you stand on the bridge to watch the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs.

Fortunately, Hong Kong Island's film industry is well-developed in this day and age. Even if they are as beautiful as the two girls and are still wearing ancient costumes, even if they are seen by others, they will think it is an actress who has just finished work on the set.

Facing the gazes of the surroundings, Cheng Huaixiu, the head of the Salt Gang, was still calm, but Ma Chunhua became a little angry, and whispered to Hua Twelve:
"Sir, these people are so rude, and their clothes are so weird. Look at that woman, she's so immoral, her arms and legs are exposed."

Hua Twelve glanced at it, and couldn't laugh or cry. It was a young woman wearing a half-sleeved skirt and shorts, which couldn't be more serious at this time.

He said in his heart that if he brought Ma Chunhua to Jinsha Nightclub to see those princesses under Ruby, he, his junior sister and concubine, would not be able to kill someone with a knife.

Hua Shishi stood on the side of the street and hailed a taxi, opened the door and let the two women sit in the back seat.

Cheng Huaixiu and Ma Chunhua had even sat on the shuttle before, and when they saw the iron box in front of them with four wheels that could run without a horse, they didn't make a fuss, they just sat in it according to the order of their husband.

Hua Shishi got into the co-pilot and told the driver to go to the Peninsula Hotel after getting in the car.

Along the way, Ma Chunhua lamented that the soft seat was more comfortable than sitting on a soft bed. The driver's eyes were a little wrong, and he asked Hua Shier what was going on, and pointed to his head, which did not mean that there was something wrong with his brain.

Hua Twelve smiled and told the other party that this is an actor experiencing life and entering the play, and the other party suddenly understood and praised Ma Chunhua for his professionalism.

When he arrived at the Peninsula Hotel, Hua Shier directly opened a spacious business suite. This kind of suite in the later generations costs tens of thousands of dollars a day. You can buy a courtyard house after staying for a few days.

Use the phone in the suite to call Ah Quan and Shen Sha first, tell them that you are fine, and tell them not to worry.

Faced with Shensha's questioning about the UFO, Hua Shier said that it was not a flying saucer, but a weather balloon.

Shen Sha asked what the weather balloon was, and Hua Twelve hung up the phone directly.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Ma Chunhua, who was full of curiosity, ran over and asked:
"My husband, what is this small box? Why did I hear a sound in it just now?"

Hua Twelve patiently explained to her:

"This is a telephone, a product of scientific and technological progress. It can be regarded as a one-to-one voice transmission for thousands of miles. Different number combinations can call different places. Just now I was calling my subordinates in this world. !"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ma Chunhua and Cheng Huaixiu who looked dazed, and said with a smile:
"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I will find a few books for you to read tomorrow and then you will know what's going on!"

Hua Twelve said and called Ruby again, telling her that she would not go back to live at night, and asked her to prepare to move to public housing tomorrow afternoon.

Ruby asked him if he was in danger on the phone, Hua Twelve smiled and comforted her, saying that he had nothing to worry about.

After hanging up the phone this time, although Cheng Huaixiu and Ma Chunhua didn't say anything, they both had teasing expressions.

Well, this is the advantage of women in the feudal era. They would maintain a semi-indulgent attitude towards their husbands. Of course, Hua Twelve is sure that if the two women knew Ruby's occupation, it would definitely become a Shura field now.

For Hua Twelve, the reunion after a long absence will naturally have to..., um, apart from the omitted 15 words, there is nothing to say all night. If it is forced to describe, it is all verbs, such as the verb times and times.

When I got up in the morning, I asked the hotel to deliver breakfast. Hua Shishi introduced some common sense of modern life to the two girls while eating. see for yourself.

Among them, in the modern history of the West, the content about the three industrial revolutions includes the widespread use of steam engines, the invention and wide application of electricity, the invention of automobiles, until the 20s and 50s atomic energy, electronic computers, space technology and biological engineering and other related content In summary.

Hong Kong Island currently uses traditional Chinese characters, which will not affect Cheng Huaixiu and Ma Chunhua's reading in the slightest. As long as they read these contents, they basically don't need Hua Shizai to explain everything to them.

As for whether the two women can see it, Hua Twelve doesn’t have to worry at all. Some people will find it boring to read history because it’s all happened in the past, but if someone wants to tell him, it’s a record of the future. , then this person who doesn't like to read history will immediately turn into a novelty hunter and read it with gusto.

This is the case for Cheng Huaixiu and Ma Chunhua. They both lived in the Qianlong period. When they heard their husbands say that these books recorded what happened in the next 200 years, they naturally looked curious. He was dumbfounded and exclaimed.

Seeing the history of Shenzhou being invaded by foreign powers, I gritted my teeth with hatred. I couldn't go out and find a few foreign devils and Japanese devils to kill right now.

Hua Twelve was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped him, otherwise he would really die.

Hua Twelve still had things to do, so he told the two girls not to go out during the day, but to read these books first, and he would come back in the evening, and when he had enough time, he would take the two girls out for a walk.

Cheng Huaixiu and Ma Chunhua are both traditional women, and they naturally obeyed their husband's orders without any objection.

When Hua Twelfth left the hotel, he took out [-] Hong Kong dollars and paid ten days' room fee in one go, and asked not to be disturbed by anyone except food delivery during the day. Then he left the hotel and hailed a taxi to find God. sand.

With cousin Shensha's relationship and yesterday's 5000 yuan benefit fee, the formalities for renting public housing were completed before noon, and Hua Twelve immediately took his younger brother to start moving.

Speaking of moving, I don’t really have many things. This time, moving to public housing is just for Ruby and Wei Dahong to avoid the limelight, and they will move back to live in the future, so it is enough to send some clothes that they usually wear.

As for the furniture, electrical appliances and so on, they all stay here, and just buy new ones from the public housing.

Hua Shishi and Ruby took Wei Dahong to choose furniture and electrical appliances. After paying the money, they agreed with the boss on the delivery time for this afternoon, and then went to buy some daily necessities.

The van that Shensha borrowed yesterday happened to be unreturned, so he loaded up the things he bought and went straight to the public housing in Sha Tin, New Territories.

Ah Quan and a dozen younger brothers had been waiting here for a long time. When the van stopped downstairs, all the younger brothers rushed up and began to move things.

Shensha pointed to the dozens of storey public housing in front of him, and said:

"Brother Xiang, sister Ruby, this is Hengyue Building!"

Ah Quan put a cigarette on Hua Twelve, then lit one himself, and said:

"Brother Xiang, I have something to tell you!"

As soon as Hua Twelve saw Ah Quan like this, he didn't suspect that he wanted to borrow money from him. Guessing that what he was going to say was something that was inconvenient to say in front of children, he smiled and asked Ruby to take the children away first. .

Sure enough, after Wei Dahong was taken away, Ah Quan bit his cigarette and said:

"Brother Xiang, after the death of the little overlord, more than 100 people under him want to come over to follow you, shall we accept it?"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Damn, this gang of disloyal people, their boss was hacked to death by me, now they have to come over, this is going to surrender to the enemy! How can I trust these people?"

Shensha nodded and agreed: "That's right, just look at the day when the boss killed the little bully with a knife, none of his younger brothers dared to go up, if I would definitely rush to take revenge on Brother Xiang!"

Hua Twelve's face was darkened, and he was so angry that he raised his hand and knocked Shensha on the head:
"If you can't speak, don't say it. No one thinks you are dumb. I think Ah Quan and I should avenge you."

Shensha also knew that he had said something wrong, so he laughed and begged for mercy.

Ah Quan had other considerations:

"Brother Xiang, you can't say that. The people under Xiaobawang are Hong Tai's brothers after all. They may not have been willing to follow Xiaobawang to Dongxing back then."

Hua Twelve nodded: "That's true!"

Seeing that Ruby and Wei Dahong had already entered the gate of the building, Hua Twelve followed up with Aquan and Shensha, and the three talked while walking.

Ah Quan complained: "Brother Xiang, the key point is that we are short of manpower. There are only a dozen of them. If someone steps on us, we have no room to fight back!"

He had already walked into the door of the building while talking, and there were two elevators in the elevator room, one went up, it should be that Ruby and Wei Dahong had already gone upstairs, and the other went down, the three chatted while waiting for the elevator.

Hua Twelve thought about what Ah Quan said, and pondered:

"We have to accept people, but when they go back to Hongtai, why don't they join Baorong, Peishu, Feishu and the others, they don't know what we are like!"

Speaking of this Shensha, he became excited:

"Brother Xiang, you killed the little bully that day, just like the time you smashed Sangbo five years ago. Now your name is being spread all over the road. Just yesterday, a few students came to me Come to mess with you!"

Only then did Hua Twelve realize that it was the reason why he became famous after beheading the little bully.

He asked Shensha, "Are you confiscating those students?"

Shensha shook his head again and again: "Of course not. Brother Xiang, I still remember the rules you set. Don't touch fans, don't bully women, and don't bring bad children!"

Only then did Hua Twelve nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, with a ding sound, the descending elevator opened, and Hua Shier, Ah Quan, and Shen Sha walked in. When they turned around, they saw a girl with a low ponytail, elegant and refined, with a worried expression on her face. Standing in the elevator room, it was obvious that they were waiting for the elevator behind them just now.

Hua Twelve just heard someone walk in, with light footsteps, he could tell it was a woman, he thought it was a resident here, and didn't care, but when he didn't want to see the other person's face clearly, he immediately recognized the person who was standing behind waiting for the elevator together It turned out to be Ruan Mei, the heroine Little Jew in 'Big Times'.

Yingying beautiful eyes, soft long hair, although he has long been familiar with this incomparably pure face, it can be seen that he has seen a real person, and it still gives Hua Twelve a feeling of surprise.

Seeing that Ruan Mei stood there with no intention of coming up, Hua Shieryi pressed the door open button, and the elevator door that was about to close opened again. He waved at the other party and said:

"Come up!"

This sound seemed to scare the other party. Like a frightened kitten, Little Jew hurriedly backed away and said in horror:
"Don't come here, I'm not afraid that you idiots will do it, if you come here again, I'll call the police!"

Hua Twelve has a black thread, and already understands that the conversation with Ah Quan and the others just now scared the girl, but I have to say that Ruan Mei's voice is like a swallow, soft and waxy, and it's quite pleasant, and her voice is as it is. people.

Shensha pointed at Ruan Mei and scolded: "Hey, I warn you not to talk nonsense!"

Ruan Mei took two steps back again in fright.

Hua Twelve pressed Shensha's arm, then said to Ruan Mei:

"I just moved here. We are all neighbors. If you are afraid, wait until the next trip!"

He knows the truth that haste makes waste, and now contacting the other party rashly, may scare the other party to death before he is familiar with it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he was scared to death, but the little Jew had a congenital heart disease.

Seeing the relief of the little Jew, Hua Twelve waved to her, pressed the close button, and pressed the button for the 12th floor according to the address on the public housing lease book.

After going upstairs, turn right and walk to the door of a house facing south. Shen Sha pointed to the house number on the door and said loudly:
"Brother Xiang, I asked my cousin to pick out this house for you. 1208, you must post it!"

Hua Twelve walked in and took a look. There were two bedrooms and a separate bathroom. His younger brothers were cleaning the room. Ruby and Wei Dahong were not in the room, so they went there for some reason.

Shensha came to offer treasures again: "Brother Xiang, only the south facing side of this building is a house with toilets, and the residents on the north facing side use public toilets, how can you be satisfied!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Not bad!"

After he finished speaking, he asked the others, "Where are Ruby and my son?"

A younger brother who was cleaning the glass pointed to the opposite side and said, "Miss Ruby went to the house in 1206 opposite."

After the little brother finished speaking, he put on a humble expression again, lowered his voice and said:
"Brother Xiang, you are blessed, the opposite side is full of beauties!"

Hua Shishi's heart skipped a beat. I ran into Ruan Mei downstairs just now, and the people living across the street were all girls. Could it be that?
He turned around and went out of the room, wanting to have a look at the other side. At this time, he saw Ruan Mei had just come up in another elevator. After getting out of the elevator, he looked around and saw Hua Shishi at a glance. He immediately showed a frightened look and turned around. Go to the corridor to the left of the elevator.

Seeing that Ruan Mei also lived on this floor, Hua Twelve became more and more certain that the women on the other side were probably the women of the Fang family.

He knew that this was definitely not a coincidence, the system could always arrange for him to come into contact with the characters in the plot through what seemed to be a coincidence, and it was like this when he moved to a public housing.

The door of the room 1206 was not closed either. When Hua Shier walked to the door, he saw Ruby chatting enthusiastically with some girls. Looking at the girls, they were indeed Luo Huiling and the three daughters of the Fang family.

He knocked on the door, and when Fang's family members looked over, they nodded and smiled at each other. Ruby quickly introduced, "This is my husband, Wei Jixiang!"

After speaking, he introduced to Hua Twelve: "Brother Xiang, this is Sister Luo Huilingling. These three beauties are all surnamed Fang, A Fang, A Ting, and A Min!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Hello, everyone will be neighbors from now on, neighbors help each other, if you have any troubles, you can come to me!"

Ruby smiled and said: "There are now. Sister Ling and the others have just moved here. The moving company's car will send their things downstairs in a while. You can ask someone to help move them up!"

Hua Twelve was stunned: "Why didn't the moving company send it up?"

The girls of the Fang family showed embarrassing expressions, Luo Huiling waved her hands and said, "Don't bother, we just move slowly!"

When Hua Twelve saw the expressions of the girls, he immediately understood that this was to save money and planned to move by himself. He immediately waved his hand and said:

"No problem, I have a lot of friends here, and I just want to move the furniture in a while, so I will help you move it up by the way!"

In fact, he said this to avoid the embarrassment of several women. The furniture and electrical appliances he ordered were all delivered to the door.

After a while, the car from Fang's moving company arrived. Hua Shier asked his younger brother to help move it up. After working for half an hour, his younger brother was sweating all over before finishing the move.

The Fang family saw Hua Shier and these younger brothers with tattoos of dragons and tigers. They were a little apprehensive and didn't dare to approach them, but they still didn't say anything about their behavior. A case of iced soda was brought up for everyone to drink.

Everyone was drinking soda, when they heard the sound of arguing from the elevator, because they lived in the future neighbors, so Ruby and the girls of the Fang family went to see what happened.

As soon as Hua Twelve heard the voice of the little Jew, he followed to have a look.

It turned out that Ruan Mei also moved in today, and negotiated a good price with the moving company, but because some pieces of furniture in her house could not be used by the elevator, they had to be lifted up. Some extra money, meaning, but the little Jew just refused to let go of the conditions agreed in advance, and finally a few moving guys just left.

Seeing Ruan Mei's anxious look, Sister Ling wanted to ask to help her move, but she thought that even her own house was helped by others, so it's not good to say that helping others in front of Hua Shier and the others.

Ah Quan and others can die with Wei Jixiang for five years, they are all gentlemen, they can't stand it anymore, so they waved their hands and said:

"How about this, little girl, why don't you buy us a box of iced soda later, and we'll bring it up for you!"

Ruan Mei shook her head: "No way, a box of soda is so expensive!"

Hua Twelve snickered next to him, he knew the little Jew's temper so well, he just sat and watched Ah Quan suffer.

Ah Quan was speechless: "Then buy two packs of cigarettes, right?"

The little Jew still shook his head: "Can I give you five dollars?"

Ah Quan smiled: "You don't know how to settle accounts, we are five yuan each, which is much more expensive than a box of drinks!"

The little Jew shook his head again and again: "It's not five yuan per person, it's five yuan in total!"

Everyone: "."

I've never seen it so picky!

 Thanks: Brothers 08a, Mingxin, and the snail in the sand for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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