A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 342 Good Citizen Wei Jixiang!

Fatty Zhou, another protagonist in the ashtray injury case, was having a hard time. After withdrawing 55 Hong Kong dollars from the bank, he was stopped by some black suits. He was so frightened that he covered the bag containing the money and said loudly:

"Hey, what do you want to do, there are patrolmen across the street!"

Among the several black suits, the leader was tough and handsome, took out his ID and said:

"Mr. Zhou Dawen, right? I am a senior inspector of the Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Division. My name is Mike. There is a case that requires you to go back to the police station with us and help us investigate!"

Fatty Zhou looked flustered: "Sir, did I make a mistake? I did join a club before, but I've been ashore for a long time, and I've been doing business all these years!"

Mike showed a formulaic smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, this matter is not about you, it's about Wei Jixiang!"

Hua Shier came from a private detective and found several bookstores. Finally, he found the "Encyclopedia of Decoration and Development". According to the owner, this book has been out of print for more than ten years, and this is their last copy. , take [-]% off if you want.

Looking through the contents, although it looked like it had been pirated more than 50 times, and there were a lot of typos in it, Hua Twelve still paid the money and bought the book.

The big brother who hangs out with Fang Zhanbo, just read this book, and he can see the Feng Shui of the Fang family very accurately. It's a good thing.

Of course, Hua Shier believes that since he intervened in this world, the fate of the Fang family's daughters will definitely change, and meeting him will be regarded as a change of luck.

As the saying goes, one fate, two luck and three feng shui, this luck is better than feng shui.

As soon as he came out of the bookstore, the pager vibrated, and he glanced at the number, and it was Ah Quan who was calling him.

Hua Shier felt that it would be troublesome to find a public phone all the time, so he simply rode his bicycle to a mobile phone store and spent more than 4 Hong Kong dollars to buy a big brother phone that has just become popular in the past two years.

Putting the big brother in his hand, it weighed more than four catties, Hua Twelve asked the salesperson who looked like Liming:

"Hey, this thing is so expensive, is it strong?"

The salesperson smiled and said, "Of course it's strong. Last time we had a customer who fell on the ground, not even knocking off the paint!"

After he finished speaking, he smiled and said: "Sir, you are so funny. When people ask questions, they always ask about the tariff, how about the power consumption, and whether the knot is strong. You are the first!"

Hua Twelve took it for granted and said: "Of course you have to ask clearly. After all, it costs more than 4 Hong Kong dollars. When the time comes, you can use it to hit someone on the head. If it breaks, it will be bad. I'm relieved when you say that, yes Is this thing waterproof, if it is splashed with blood, will it short circuit?"

After he asked these words, the salesperson's smile froze on his face. If he hadn't paid the money, the middle-aged female manager next to him almost called the police and suspected that someone was about to rob.

Hua Twelve also bought a leather cross-body bag, specially for this big brother, otherwise there is no need to do anything else with things weighing more than four catties in his hand.

He went out and returned a call to Ah Quan with his newly bought mobile phone. In just a short while, more than a dozen pagers came in, and the phone was almost dead.

"Hey, Ah Quan, life-threatening chain button, what's the rush?"

Ah Quan said: "Brother Xiang, it was Fatty Zhou who came to pay back the money. He insisted on asking you to write a receipt. He was afraid that we would cause trouble for him after giving us the money!"

Hua Twelve snorted: "I didn't expect this guy to have a sense of law, no wonder he wants to sue me, okay. Let him wait!"

Ah Quan yelled to wait again, and then said: "Brother Xiang, what I told you yesterday is that more than 100 younger brothers under Xiaobawang who are about to pass the time have come here, waiting for you to come back and open the incense hall!"

Hua Twelve replied, "Let's talk about it when we meet!"

Riding on the motorcycle, I went back to Axiang’s garage at lightning speed. I drifted and flicked, and stopped in front of the garage door. If you want to say that this mechanical oil-burning thing is good, let alone the handbrake, you can step on the brake in the end.

After getting out of the car, I saw more than 100 dwarf mules standing in front of the car dealership, with yellow hair, red hair, purple hair, green hair, and hair of any color. Hua Twelve thought it was a little funny, what the hell? dyed green.

"Brother Xiang!"

More than 100 people bent down at the same time, and Chaohua Twelve said hello, which shocked the passers-by.

Hua hung his helmet on the motorcycle, walked over and slapped one person on the head, cursing as he slapped:
"Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, you are gourd brothers, or you want to open a barber shop and be Tony's teacher, if you want to go with me for a while, dye it back for me, look at it and dazzle your eyes!"

The dwarf mule dared not show any reluctance after being hit by him, and nodded in agreement.

Walking into the car dealership, Fatty Zhou felt like sitting on pins and needles inside. When he saw him coming, he quickly got up and said:

"Brother Xiang, I brought all the money, including the principal and interest of 40 yuan, and the 15 yuan I promised you that day!"

After speaking, he handed over the bag containing 55 Hong Kong dollars! "

Hua Twelve casually borrowed the bag and threw it to Shensha: "A little bit!"

Then he said to Ah Quan: "Go and get Fatty Zhou's IOU!"

Shensha took out an automatic banknote counting machine and started counting banknotes. After a while, he said loudly: "Brother Xiang, 55 cents is not a lot, no problem!"

Hua Twelve handed over Fatty Zhou's IOU: "The money and debts are settled, and we will not violate the river water if we enter the water!"

The IOU was placed by the creditor at Hua Shier. They are skilled workers who collect bills for others and return the money back. He can keep 40 for [-].

Fatty Zhou took the IOU, lit it with a lighter in person, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said with a smile: "Brother Xiang, there is one more thing. I told Ah Quan before, that is, can you pay for the 15 yuan?" You can't write me a receipt, so as not to have anything to do with it later!"

Hua Twelve sneered and said, "Are you afraid that if I don't keep my promise, I will use this matter to trouble you again?"

Fatty Zhou just wiped off his sweat and laughed along with him, without saying a word, Hua Twelve nodded his head, "Okay, let's follow the faith of the rivers and lakes first!"

He Guan Shensha asked for a pen and paper, and wrote, "Zhou Dawen voluntarily compensated Wei Jixiang's motorcycle for 15 Hong Kong dollars, including the cost of repairing the car and mental damage. '

Hua Shier signed Wei Jixiang's name and date, and then asked Fatty Zhou to sign and press the fingerprint.

When Fatty Zhou saw this, his face turned dark: "Brother Xiang, you"

Hua Twelve pointed to the handwriting on the note and said, "Did you see the words 'clear both grievances and grievances', and there is this date, which means that we will clear up from today, isn't that enough?"

Seeing that Fatty Zhou still had a reluctant expression on his face, Hua Twelve's face darkened: "Why, do you want me to write a note, and then you call the police to cheat me?"

Fatty Zhou's eyelids trembled, and he waved his hands again and again: "No, Brother Xiang, don't get me wrong, enough is enough, this is enough!"

After speaking, he picked up the note written by Hua Twelve, took his leave and left, before leaving, he nodded towards Ah Quan and Shen Sha with a somewhat ugly face.

As soon as Fatty Zhou left, Ah Quan asked suspiciously: "Brother Xiang, why do I feel that Fatty Zhou is acting weird today?"

The corner of Hua Shishi's mouth raised: "Even a loyal and honest person like you, Ah Quan, can feel it, so it must be. Find a new face and follow him, and see who he has contact with!"

Ah Quan nodded, turned around and pointed to his little brother, "David, follow up and see what Fatty Zhou is going to do and who he meets!"


Hua Shishi's heart skipped a beat, if Ah Quan hadn't mentioned this name, he would have forgotten about it.

In the original plot, after the prince opened a factory in the name of Wei Jixiang to secretly produce drugs, the police arranged for an undercover agent to follow Ah Quan and indirectly become Wei Jixiang’s younger brother. Later, when killing Sangbiao, he came out and pointed a gun at Wei Jixiang. , that undercover agent seems to be named David.

After a glance, it looks more and more like it.

Hua Twelve shouted: "David, don't you go, go and push my car in!"

He casually pointed to a younger brother and asked him to follow.

David was startled, then responded instantly, and went out to push the cart.

As soon as he went out, Shensha leaned over and asked in a low voice:
"Brother Xiang, if you don't let David go, you can't see that there is something wrong with him, this kid looks good to me and has been here for more than a year!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Who knows, this person is unfamiliar to me, we'll just have to wait and see if he's a man or a ghost!"

The younger brother whose name was called hurriedly followed out, just in time to see Fatty Zhou's back, he lit a cigarette and pretended nothing happened, and staggered after him.

I saw Fatty Zhou walking to the corner of the street and turning a corner. The little brother ran over quickly, looked around, and saw Fatty Zhou walked another few tens of meters, then got into a commercial vehicle on the side of the road, and vaguely looked at it. There were several people in suits in the car.

This little brother is also clever, seeing that the car didn't leave for a while, he remembered the license plate number and turned his head and ran back, waiting for the hush and panting to run back and tell the matter, Hua Twelve immediately asked people to find out the information of the owner of the license plate .

As for Wei Jixiang and his gang, they do valet parking. There is some information in common in their line of work. Ah Quan made a few phone calls and found out that the license plate belongs to "organized crime and triad society." Investigation Section's bus.

At this moment, Ah Quan and Shen Sha were both stunned. What's the situation? If you say that they used to be petty, beating people and fighting were all under the jurisdiction of the ordinary police station. I'm too lazy to care, how did I get into the "Organized Crime and Triad Bureau".

Hua Twelve rubbed his nose, stood up and said, "Go, go and see who is behind my back!"

As soon as Fatty Zhou got into the car, Senior Inspector Mike asked:

"Well, did he write the receipt?"

Fatty Zhou handed over the note: "Sir, read it for yourself!"

Mike took it over and took a look: "Why is it the money for the car loss, and the mental damage fee, how do I arrest people, and what do you do!"

Fatty Zhou also looked aggrieved: "Sir, Wei Jixiang is shrewd. I said this is not good, but he said I wanted to cheat him."

Mike is indeed a senior inspector of the "Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Bureau". The reason why they focused on Wei Jixiang was because of the videotape factory.

They have been watching the factory for more than half a year, so they naturally know that the name of the person in charge is Wei Jixiang, and they have long regarded him as a drug lord. They are collecting evidence these days, and they will be arrested soon.

But just two days ago, the person in charge's name was suddenly changed from Wei Jixiang to Baorong. Although it did not affect the police's arrest, Wei Jixiang would escape responsibility.

Mike thought that Wei Jixiang had found something wrong and wanted to withdraw. It happened that his girlfriend was Wei Jixiang's barrister Liang Xiandi. When he was having dinner with Liang barrister, he heard his girlfriend complain angrily. Fatty's matter, so he also played a crooked brain.

Mike felt that Wei Jixiang's drug production, although he has no evidence to arrest people now, but the threat to Fatty Zhou is certain.

So he planned to find an excuse to control the person first, and then use this name and his identity as a triad member to apply for a search warrant to investigate Wei Jixiang's residence and property, but no evidence could be found.

To put it bluntly, Mike just wanted to save the country through curves and use roundabout tactics to achieve his goal, so he found Fatty Zhou and wanted to cheat Wei Jixiang.

He didn't expect that Wei Jixiang still had the brains to use the 15 extortion proceeds in the name of compensation for motorcycle and mental damage, which was not easy for him to handle.

Depressedly tearing up the note, Mike will open the door to let Fatty Zhou go down, then go back to the police station for a meeting, and then study other methods.

But at this moment, a van suddenly blocked in front of their commercial vehicle, and as soon as the door opened, more than a dozen people rushed down.

Everyone in the commercial vehicle was taken aback for a moment, then looked around the commercial vehicle, and after a while, more than 100 people came up and surrounded the commercial vehicle. community members.

Mike opened the car door directly, took out his ID, got out of the car and shouted: "Police, what are you doing, back up, back up immediately!"

"Get out of the way!"

With a soft shout, the crowd parted. Hua Shier came over with Ah Quan and Shen Sha, and smiled at Mike, "Sir, what kind of hatred is it that you actually dig a hole to hurt me?"

As he said, he turned sideways, smiled at Fatty Zhou who was sitting in the business car, and raised his thumb: "That's great, Fatty Zhou, I've taken YOU!"

Fatty Zhou was terrified at this moment, forced a smile: "Xiang, Brother Xiang, it's none of my business."

When Mike saw Hua Shier being so arrogant, anger flashed in his eyes: "Wei Jixiang, I am a senior inspector of the Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Division. What do you want to do with so many people here?"

Hua Shishiyi spread his hands: "Sir, don't wrong me, I don't know these people, I just walked around and saw so many people surrounding you, just come and see the excitement!"

Mike pointed at Hua Twelve's nose: "Do you believe that I will take you all back to the police station?"

Hua Twelve lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, then turned his head to look at David next to Shensha, his gaze was like a knife!

Seeing Hua Twelve's gaze, David immediately swallowed and spit, and with a heartbeat, he walked over and grabbed Mike's finger, twisted it hard, and broke his finger with a click. The painful Mike cried out loudly. pain.

When Mike's men saw that the boss was injured, they wanted to get out of the car and take out their guns, but at this moment something happened suddenly, and they saw that Hua Twelve punched David to the ground, and then shouted:

"Assault the police, this man assaults the police!"

Saying this, he waved his hands at Ah Quan and Shen Sha: "We are good citizens, so hurry up and arrest this man and hand him over to Ah SIR!"

Back to 10 minutes ago, Ah Quan stuffed 1000 yuan into David's pocket:
"Although you have been with me for more than a year, you haven't formally opened the incense hall to worship the ancestors. You will submit a nomination certificate today, and you will be admitted to the door tonight. If you do well, you will be in charge of the factory. If you dare not do it , you don’t have to follow me from now on.”

When David heard the mention of the factory, his eyes shrank suddenly, and then he nodded heavily.

In the police station, Liang Xiandi, the barrister who wanted to be replaced by Hua Shier, was brought in again to settle things for him.

Although Liang Xiandi didn't like Hua Shier, the best thing about her was her dedication. At this time, she looked at her boyfriend with pity and guilt and said:
"There are many people at the scene who can prove that my client, Mr. Wei Jixiang, helped the police subdue the police suspect, but now there is no evidence to prove that the suspect's assault on the police is related to my client, so according to the Hong Kong Island Law, you have no right to detain my client!"

Hua Twelve was smoking a cigarette at the side, with a smile in his eyes, he admired this female lawyer a little now.

Mike took a deep look at his girlfriend: "I'll just ask you something, do you believe what you said?"

Liang Xiandi took a deep breath, and then said with a more apologetic expression:

"Sorry Mike, you know my profession, I only act on evidence!"

At this time, Hua Twelve's pager rang, he glanced at it, took out his mobile phone, and went back:
"Prince? Why are you looking for my sauna, okay, see you later!"

As he spoke, he stood up and smiled at Mike, whose finger could only stand upright because of a plaster cast:
"One-finger meditation practice is good, I have nothing to do, I will go first!"

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