A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 362 Whoever causes trouble will die!

Chapter 362 Whoever causes trouble will die! (Seek full order)

Hong Tai and Zhongqingshe started a full-scale war. After Hongtai used gunmen to attack Zhongqingshe's venue, the Ding brothers quickly counterattacked and also sent gunmen to Hongtai's site to smash the venue.

Hua Twelve had expected this for a long time, and before letting anyone do anything, he notified all the halls of the club to close all the venues, and pulled down the shutter doors, minimizing the loss.

After several gun battles between the two sides, the police calls were all overwhelmed by the citizens, and the Governor of Hong Kong called the foreign devil with the highest rank in the police station to get him to deal with the current situation as soon as possible.

With the pressure from the foreign devils, both black and white parties acted quickly. The Ding family and Hua Shier received warnings from the top police and the four social groups respectively.

The general meaning is to warn them that they can fight, but they must not use firearms, and the venue is limited to the territory of both sides. Whoever dares to make trouble will die.

Under such circumstances, both Hong Tai and Zhong Qing stopped using gunners, and then the short mule's fight began.

Although Hong Tai belonged to the Sunset Club, there were still thousands of people. After giving up the use of firearms, Ah Quan and Shen Sha took two thousand dwarf mules to dry horses on the site of Zhongqing Club.

Not to be outdone, the Ding family also gathered nearly 2000 people, and the two sides gathered from the north and south sides of Tongcai Street to the middle.

A large number of uniformed police officers on the outskirts of Tung Choi Street have already blocked the road. The foreign devils are very smart in their calculations. When the fighting on both sides is almost done, they will come in and arrest thousands of people.

But no one thought that Hua Twelve would not play cards according to the rules. When the two sides were about to approach, the 2000 people from the Zhongqing Society all brandished their machetes and charged towards them. Hong Tai's Ah Quan waved: "Let's wait!"

All Hong Tai's little brothers were a little confused, they didn't know what Brother Quan was waiting for, could it be that they waited for the other party to rush over and hack them to death so that the banquet would begin!

But at the next moment, on both sides of the road, two dump trucks parked on the left and right suddenly started to start. After a short adjustment, the two cars accelerated side by side and rushed towards the 2000 people of Zhongqing Club.

At this time, Ah Quan waved the machete in his hand: "Follow me!"

For a moment, Hong Tai's momentum was shocked, and everyone brandished their weapons and rushed after the two dump trucks.

The head of the Ding family, Ma Dao Zaiqiang, took the lead at the Zhongqing Society. When he saw the dump truck rushing towards him, he hurriedly shouted:
"Quickly spread out!"

But when more than 2000 people gather together, how can it be so easy to completely disperse.

Two dump trucks rushed over. Although the younger brothers of the Zhongqing Society ran desperately, there were three to four hundred people who were too late to escape because of their own people around them.

Four rows of bright red wheel marks were left on the ground, and the corpses and wounded could be seen everywhere, and the screams could be heard endlessly.

The two dump trucks didn't stop, and after rushing over to open a distance, the two drivers in the car abandoned the car and ran away, and it was too late for Zhong Qing's people to chase after them.

And because the location where the police set up checkpoints was at the end of the street and the distance was too far, the superintendent of the foreign devils who led the team was still smoking, smiling and waiting to clean up the mess, unaware that hundreds of people had been killed or injured inside.

On the side of the Zhongqing Club, Dao Zaiqiang and other big brothers from the Zhongqing Club saw that the team was dispersed by the dump truck, and scolded Hong Tai for being shameless and not following the rules of the world.

Dao Zaiqiang is worthy of being the champion of the Ding brothers in the Zhongqing Society, and he is also a general. Knowing the situation at hand, they will definitely lose when the opponent rushes over. Now they must revive their morale.

So Dao Zaiqiang rolled his eyes, and simply made a wish for Ding Xiaoxie, shouting loudly:
"Brother Xiao said, if you kill a Hongtai dog, you will be rewarded with [-] Hong Kong dollars. Come with me, avenge your brothers, and make a fortune!"

He yelled that because he believed that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Sure enough, after he yelled this sentence, the eyes of those young loyal boys who were demoralized by the charge of the dump truck all turned red.

What are these dwarf mules coming out for?Whether it's prestige or arrogance, it's just for the word 'money'!

In the past, if you contributed to the society, you would be paid 15 yuan for the settlement by drawing life and death lottery. Only [-] yuan would be given to those who were wanted or hunted down for doing business for the society, and thus escaped. Money should not be too easy to earn.

Immediately, the people on the side of Zhongqing Club regained their momentum, and rushed towards this side one by one screaming.

Ah Quan and Shen Sha also led people to hedge, and the big brothers of both sides, the double flower red sticks, caught each other right.

Dao Zaiqiang spotted Ah Quan and shouted loudly:

"All the scars, I'll hack you to death!" Swinging the knife, he rushed over.

A loyal green stick beside him took aim at Shensha, and killed him with the same vicious expression.

Ah Quan and Shen Sha both clenched their weapons and went forward.

When the two sides were still ten paces away, Ah Quan and Shen Sha were both holding knives with their right hands, and then they each pulled out a silenced pistol from their waists with their free left hands, and pointed at Zhong Qing. The team pulled the trigger continuously.

Except for Ah Quan and Shen Sha, Hong Tai's other cousins ​​are also the same.

Such a coquettish tactic was of course arranged by Hua Shier.

This situation stunned the short mules on both sides, and even Hong Tai's own people had a surprised and confused expression, Nima's operation is too coquettish.

Dao Zaiqiang was shot twice at the first time and fell down. Before he fell down, he cursed in disbelief: "Fucking ancestors with scars."

The morale boosted by the rewards at the Zhongqing Club collapsed instantly in front of a few pistols. Most of the dwarf mules tried to avoid the muzzles of the guns, and only a few bloody red eyes rushed up against the bullets.

But the leaders were all brought down by pistols, and the defeat of the Zhongqingshe was doomed.

Dao Scar waited for a few of Hong Tai's elder brothers to shoot out the bullets in the pistol, and then called the younger brother to rush up and beat the dog in the water.

After a slash and kill, seeing that the victory was decided, Ah Quan, Shen Sha and the other big brothers who had just shot, squatted down to find the bodies of those hacked Zhongqing Club boys, and wiped off their fingerprints with their clothes , and then stuffed the empty guns into the hands of these corpses.

At this time, the police also felt that it was almost the same. A large number of uniformed police officers came over with shields and batons. When they saw the bloody scene on the battlefield, the foreign police superintendent was stunned:
"Fake, has this been a war? Catch them all!"

Ah Quan waved his hand: "Here comes the note, let go!"

In the next moment, the big brothers and their younger brothers all planned to escape, leaving behind those peripheral members of the club, and they should give an explanation to the police, and then they would be released on bail at that time.

In the end, the police arrested more than 2000 people from Hong Tai and the Zhongqing Club, but none of the leaders of the club were arrested. Of course, it refers to the leader of Hong Tai, and the leader of the Zhongqing Club. Only Dao Zaiqiang is left alive , and the others were shot dead.

Dao Zaiqiang is because Ah Quan's marksmanship is inaccurate. He was shot in the right chest and the shoulder, which injured his muscles, bones and lungs. He is currently unconscious and is being rescued.

After the police took control of the scene, the superintendent of the foreign devils found that the consequences had exceeded the police's expectations. He suddenly felt dizzy and reported the incident. Hua Shier and the Ding brothers were immediately summoned to the police station to assist in the investigation.

The first brother of the foreign devils in the police even said that anyone who dared to run away would be chased away.

Of course, the hiding places of both sides were surrounded by the police at this time. Hua Twelve looked outside the villa, and the police car with flashing police lights showed a smile. He knew that this battle should have a result.

The doorbell rang, and Senior Inspector Mike from the Triad and Organized Crime Bureau came to the door in person.

When Mike saw his ex-girlfriend Liang Xiandi who was by Hua Shier's side, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he suppressed his anger and said:
"Mr. Wei Jixiang, our police need your assistance in the investigation, please!"

Of course, Liang Xiandi was found by Hua Shier in advance under the pretext of having a barbecue party, in order to have a barrister by his side after going to the police station.

At this time, he smiled and pointed to Liang Xiandi beside him, and said to Mike:

"No need to introduce, I can assist the police in the investigation, but my lawyer must be by my side!"

Liang Xiandi didn't know at this time that she had been fooled by this grandson again. She was happy to come here to participate in the party, but now it seems that she was used by the other party again.

Mike said with a dark face: "Yes!"

Hua Twelve asked the worried-looking Ruby, Little Jew and Fang's family to go upstairs and told them that he was fine, then put on his suit and prepared to go back with the police.

Just as Hua Twelve was about to go out, his big brother rang.

Mike quickly said: "Wei Jixiang, while assisting the police in the investigation, you are not allowed to answer any calls!"

Hua Twelve didn't even look at the other party, and directly pressed the connect button, turned around and walked two steps away: "Hello, who is it?"

Mike's two police officers were about to step forward to stop them, but Liang Xiandi stretched out his hand to stop them and said:

"My client is only assisting the police in the investigation. It is his legitimate right to answer the phone. I want you to understand this. If you forcibly prevent Mr. Wei Jixiang from answering the phone, it is an infringement of my client's legal rights. Then we have to meet in court." !"

The two policemen hesitated for a moment and turned to look at Mike.

At this time, Mike's face became even darker, and he waved his hands to the two hands, signaling that there is no need to go there, and then he stepped forward and walked to Liang Xiandi, and he whispered:

"Do you know what you're doing? He's a black man!"

Liang Xiandi took a deep breath and said seriously:

"As a legal worker, I think you should know the importance of evidence. If you have evidence that Mr. Wei Jixiang broke the law, you can arrest him at any time. Of course, even a criminal suspect with a fait accompli can enjoy the help of a lawyer." The right to defend!"

When the two of them were talking, Hua Twelve had already hummed twice before hanging up the phone. The callers were Ah Quan and Shen Sha who were already safe. They called from a public phone booth on the street. , just to report to Hua Twelve that he is safe, and by the way tell him that Hong Tai has won this battle.

Hua Twelfth was not at all surprised by the victory. He arranged the dump truck in advance, and said that he fired the firearm when he agreed to fight the knife.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Twelve turned around and came over with a smile and said, "Can we go?"

Mike's eyes moved: "Can I ask whose phone number it is?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Wrong number!"

Both Mike and his subordinates looked like you were cheating. The former sneered, "You still responded with 'hmm' if you made a mistake?"

Hua Twelve shrugged: "A woman called, she asked me, husband, if I want to buy a 15 bag, is it okay, I said 'yes', she asked me again, then I will buy another 50 watch Well, I said 'hmm' again, there's no way I just don't know how to reject a woman, even though I'm not her husband!"

Mike's hair was black, Liang Xiandi covered her mouth and burst out laughing.

In front of the police station, many reporters who had received the news in advance were already waiting here. Unexpectedly, whether it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement by the police, Hua Shier and the four brothers of the Ding family got out of the car at the same time. bumped into each other.

Seeing each other, both sides stopped at the same time, Ding Xiaoxie's eyes were full of anger, and Ding Yixie even cursed:

"You despicable villain, you can't afford it, you don't follow the rules of the world!" Apparently, the four brothers of the Ding family also got the latest battle report, knowing that their Zhongqing Society has been bullied.

The reporters around excitedly pressed the shutter, and the flashes shone on the audience.

A reporter stepped forward and boldly asked:
"Mr. Wei, Mr. Ding, before there was a commotion in Tung Choi Street, and there were gunshots. Is it related to the two of you?"

Hua Twelve turned to the reporter who asked the question and said with a smile:
"You know that I'm a good person just because I'm so handsome. Then look at the four roe-headed, mouse-eyed, blue-faced, fangsed, hideous, and flesh-faced guys. Does it look like Zhenguanxi who was beaten to death by Lu Tisha? With this definition, I think the outrageous things you mentioned are very likely related to the four of them!"

Ding Yixie was so angry that he was about to strike when he came over: "What are you talking about, bastard!"

Hua Twelve hurriedly pulled Liang Xiandi back, pointed at Ding Yixie and said, "You AIDS patient, don't spout nonsense, be careful to infect others!"

This time, not only the surrounding reporters, but even the police took a few steps back.

Moreover, the questions of the interview were misled by Hua Twelve. A group of reporters risked being infected and handed the microphone to Ding Yixie:
"Mr. Ding, do you really have AIDS?"

"Mr. Ding, can you introduce the specific information about the terrible disease AIDS to the general public?"

"Mr. Ding, do you have this disease because you like the same sex?"

Hua Twelve covered his mouth and laughed non-stop.

Ding Yixie's face turned dark, and he pointed at the reporters and cursed: "You only have AIDS. If you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will burn your newspaper office down!"

When he scolded people, his mouth was full of foam, and the people around him quickly dispersed in fright.

Hua Twelve pointed to Ding Yixie and said to the surrounding reporters: "It's too crazy, he wants to burn the newspaper office, I think he looks like a gangster!"

People around are speechless, talking as if you are not.

The police officers who brought the two sides saw that the commotion was not in a good shape, so they quickly stopped and said:
"Four Mr. Ding, you can go in and assist our police investigation now!"

Hua Twelve made a gesture of asking first, and then took out a watering can from nowhere, and sprayed it on the air, and the smell dissipated, and everyone immediately understood that it was the smell of disinfectant.

This confirmed the fact that Ding Yixie had AIDS, and the latter was so angry that he almost lost his temper on the spot.

After a farce, both parties were invited into the police station. The police had only one requirement for both parties, which was to stop messing around, hand them over to prison, and give the police an explanation. Both the dump truck driver and the gunman must be handed over. Some of those who were brought back to the police station were also arrested.

Hua Twelfth pretended to be confused about the dump truck and the shooting. Anyway, there was no evidence. As for handing over to other people, he said that there was no problem at all, and he won 9000 million, and he could afford the settling fee.

He left the police station the next morning, and just returned to the villa when his elder brother started to poop, and after he connected, a deep voice came from the phone:

"I am Hongxing Jiang Tiansheng!"

Hua Twelve made a haha: "Mr. Jiang, hello, hello, what advice do you have?"

There seemed to be a trace of anger in Jiang Tiansheng's voice:

"I remember that before you, Hong Tai and Zhong Qing started the war, our four major associations had already ordered that firearms should not be used, and anyone who dared to make trouble would die."

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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