A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 367 I'm Your Dad!

Chapter 367 I am your father! (Seek full order)

To say that $20 is not in vain, Warden Wang provided Hua Shier with VIP treatment, and even sent his own driver to pick him up to the detention center. Regardless of whether the car is good or not, the service must be in place.

Warden Wang's car was an M38A1 military jeep. Hua Shier asked Ah Quan and Shen Sha to sit in the back row, and he himself sat in the co-pilot wearing sunglasses, and also experienced the feeling of General Patton.

Halfway through the car, Hua Twelve's big phone rang suddenly. After connecting, a voice that I only heard a few days ago came from there:
"Is it Brother Xiang? I'm Xiao Hei. I'm Mr. Lei's driver, Ke Zhihua. My boss wants me to inform you, Brother Xiang. The four bastards surnamed Ding from Zhongqingshe are on the side of the Four Seas Gang. I bought a batch of munitions, and I don’t know what to do!”

"Mr. Lei knows that you have a grudge, let me report to you, and don't go out recently. If necessary, our Sanlian Gang is willing to protect Brother Xiang and your safety in Wanbei. Although those bastards surnamed Ding are ruthless , but our Sanlian Gang is not vegetarian.”

Before Hua Twelve opened his mouth, Ke Zhihua just kept talking over there, and the words were chattering, and he didn't know why he was so good.

After listening, Hua Twelve said with a smile:

"Thank you, Mr. Lei, for helping me. If necessary, I will ask Mr. Lei to come forward, but not yet!"

After a few words of politeness, he suddenly asked: "I heard from your tone that you seem to have enmity with the brothers of the Ding family?"

Ke Zhihua was full of anger, and when Hua Shieryi asked him, he couldn't hold it back:

"The pheasant of your Hongxing Society on Hong Kong Island is my cousin. This time, he followed Hongxing Mr. Jiang and rushed to the street together. It was the ashes I collected for him. I don't know how to marry me now. My aunt on Hong Kong Island said it!"

Hua Twelve couldn't help being dumbfounded after hearing this. He had forgotten the relationship between Ke Zhihua and the pheasant. Of course, even if he remembered, he would not hold back that day at Zhou Jisheng's house.

Only when you are in the dark can you know what the dark is like.

The so-called 'Da Zi Hong Xing', the pheasant can get ahead in the Hong Xing Society, can be brought by Jiang Tiansheng's side, and there are few lives in his hands, how is that possible.

Don't look at the pheasant in the movie who is loyal enough, you think he is a good man, the loyalty is for Chen Haonan, just look at his crisp and sharp vigor when he killed Bakuan in the street, and his elated appearance afterwards, you will know this kind of thing Not for the first time.

Hua Twelve pretended to comfort Xiao Hei on the phone, then thanked Lei Gong again, and then hung up the phone.

Lei Gong was able to give him this news because he was indeed selling his favor, but Hua Shier did not plan to use the power of the Triple Gang to deal with the Ding brothers. They are all thousand-year-old foxes, who doesn't know who!

As far as the people in the club are concerned, if Lei Gong has no other ideas about Hong Tai, Hua Twelve will write his word "ten" upside down, um, it's okay to reverse the word "two".

But the call came in a timely manner, Hua Twelve had a smile in his eyes, today is a good day for Ding Xie to be targeted, Lao Xiao and the others bought a batch of ammunition in advance, and they are ready to tell what they are planning.

The warden of Wanbei greeted him personally at the gate of the detention center. Warden Wang respected the father of the benefactor very much. After the two sides shook hands and exchanged greetings, Warden Wang made a gesture of invitation:
"Brother wants to see the target shooting, brother, I have already arranged it, and the execution will be executed in half an hour. Please come inside quickly, brother."

What Hua Shier wanted to watch was the whole process, so the warden first accompanied him to the Wanbei Detention Center, Hong Tai's cell.

At this time, due to the arrival of the warden and Hua Shier, the distinguished guests, the prisoners who were scattered at first returned to their respective cells in an orderly manner, and closed the iron gates.

As soon as the warden entered the cell, it was fine. When Hua Twelve walked into the cell, all the prisoners stood behind the iron gate of their cells, with respect and fanaticism in their eyes, and bowed at the same time:

"Brother Xiang!"

The younger brothers of Hua Twelve Dynasty nodded: "Thanks for your hard work!"

All the younger brothers said in unison: "It's not hard."

This is not a polite word. Before they came to Wanbei, they all thought that being in prison was a hard job, but after they came in, not only were they eating and drinking well, but they also received [-] Hong Kong dollars a month from the society to settle down. fee.

Now they are given a white-collar worker in a big company to let them do it, but they don't know how to do it.

The warden next to Hua Twelve Chaos said: "Brother Wang, let's start!"

Warden Wang nodded with a smile, and then waved to the chief of discipline: "Let's start!"

The head of the discipline department, wearing a prison guard uniform, with a baton under his arm, bowed to the warden and Hua Twelve, and led the way to the cell where Ding Xie was held.

Standing behind the Chief of Discipline, Hua Shier saw through the iron gate that the old version of Chu Liuxiang, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and three other prisoners in the same cell were standing at attention behind the iron gate.

"Ding crabs come out!"

Following the order of the chief of training, Ding Xie took a step forward and responded, "Here!"

At this time, the warden asked: "Ding Xie, where did the scar on your face come from, don't hesitate to tell us, we will make the decision for you!"

Ding Xie's eyes lit up, then he pointed to the three inmates beside him, and complained, "They beat you."

After speaking, he pointed to the other cells outside the iron gate:
"And they, all of them beat me up, and the other one was crazy, he talked with a black brick all day long, and even dragged me to play games after talking, and made me become a eunuch if he lost."

Hua Shier heard it funny, knowing that Ding Xie has been imprisoned for too many years, and he hasn't seen the big brother who has just become popular in the past two years. If he has no friends like him, other prisoners in prison don't bother to talk to him. Because of the changes outside, that's why he thought that the big brother was a brick, and the person who talked to the big brother was crazy.

Ding Xie hadn't finished speaking, but he continued to say aggrievedly:

"Also, they still say 'eat, sleep and beat crabs'. You say you are not angry. These people are so bad that they will die. God should kill these bastards with a thunderbolt. Sir, do you want to kill them?" Make the decision for me, punish them severely."

The more Ding Xie talked, the more excited he became, he laughed loudly, looked at the other cells outside, and waved his hands:

"You bastards, how do you usually bully me? It's miserable now. My mother is right. Good people bully the sky and don't bully the sky. God can't starve to death. The days of you bullying me are over. Today you will be punished."

Dingxie's laughter and scolding could be heard throughout the large cell, and several inmates in the same cell glared at Dingxie, but it was only because of the face of the prison chief and his own leader that he did not attack.

Hua Twelve sighed, and turned around slowly. Seeing this, the warden said leisurely: "Whatever you want to do, just do it, I didn't see anything!" After speaking, he turned to chat with Hua Twelve up.

The head of the discipline department glanced at Ding Xie, and then said to the three inmates: "3 minutes!" After speaking, he turned around.

Ding Xie asked in surprise: "Section chief, what 3 minutes? Will you change the cell for me after 3 minutes?"

He said that seeing that the section chief ignored him, he suddenly found that three inmates had surrounded him, with malicious expressions on their faces.

"Hey, what do you want to do? Do you dare to be presumptuous in front of the warden? Come on, beat me up in front of the warden. Whoever doesn't do it will be the grandson"

Before he finished speaking, he was punched in the eye, and then he was held down by three inmates and punched and kicked.

If it was Ding Xie before, he would definitely not pay attention to the three short mules, but these days, he is often beaten, and the old flower behind his back has been blasted several times, his soft tissues are bruised all over his body, and his hips are stretched when he walks. In this state , Even if he was born with supernatural power and bravery, in front of the three young and strong inmates, he was completely powerless to fight back.

Three minutes later, the head of the training section turned around while pinching his watch, and knocked on the iron door with his baton:
"It's time!"

Ding Xie finally knew what 3 minutes meant. It turned out that he was beaten for 3 minutes.

At this time, Ding Xie not only had a bruised nose and a swollen face, but also had a few new wounds, and the nosebleeds were all blown out. He sat on the ground and said aggrievedly:
"You guys are like a ravine, and a nest of snakes and rats. You must know that the sky has eyes, and you should be careful of retribution."

The warden who turned around was all happy, and Hehua Twelve said:
"This guy is quite interesting!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded, there are many interesting things about Ding Xie.

The warden waved his hand: "Let's serve the meal!"

Hua Shier wanted to watch the full set, so the warden arranged for the full set, and a prison guard behind him walked over with a tray:
"Ding Xie, I'll give you an extra meal today, eat more!"

Hua Twelve glanced at the dinner plate, white rice, marinated eggs, chicken legs, sausages, vegetables, tofu, in addition to these, there was an orange, a pack of Wanshou brand cigarettes, and a bottle of Wanbei local sorghum wine .

Not to mention this last meal, it was quite hearty.

Put the dinner plate in from the gap under the iron door, and the eyes of Ding Xie, who had a face of 'I'm so miserable', suddenly lit up:
"It's so good for me to have extra meals?"

He said to himself, "Section Chief, is it because I have performed well recently and didn't cause trouble, so I was rewarded?"

The corner of the discipline chief raised his mouth: "Yes, hurry up and eat!"

Ding Xie hurriedly picked up the chopsticks, and said to himself: "Don't say it, there are benefits to being bullied. If I fight back outside, it will be a fight, and I will definitely behave badly. Where did it come from?" So many goodies!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at the three inmates and said, "Don't steal my things!"

The three inmates all laughed and said, "Don't worry, how dare we do it in front of the warden and section chief, you should hurry up and eat!"

Ding Xie smiled, turned around and began to gobble up. In a short while, everything on the dinner plate was wiped out like a storm, and he drank half a bottle of sorghum wine. Then he lit a cigarette and smoked happily. He took a sip and sighed:

People around looked at Ding Xie with weird expressions, and thought that it was so obvious, and they still don't know why it tastes so good, could they be a fool.

After Ding Xie finished smoking a cigarette, the head of the discipline department smiled and said, "Eat well, let's go on the road!"

With a wave of his hands, two prison guards came up to open the cell door, handcuffed Dingxie and fettered him, and carried him out.

Ding Xie looked confused: "Where are you going? Are you going to change the prison for me?"

The head of the discipline department smiled and said, "Yes, I'll change your place now!"

Ding Xie showed a flattering smile on his face; "Thank you, section chief, thank you, section chief!"

He thought well, but as soon as he got out of the cell, he was stopped by two prison guards crossing their arms, one on the left and one on the right. The chief of discipline took out a verdict and began to announce:

"Prisoner Ding Xie, who had a bad conduct during his sentence, deliberately killed Huang Lili, a prisoner nicknamed Macau Aberdeen. After the judgment of the High Court and the ruling of the third instance, he was convicted and sentenced to death, deprived of public rights for life!"

Although Ding Xie was presbyopic, he still stood still, but after the verdict was read, he was a little unsteady at that time. If it weren't for the two prison guards holding him, he might have been sitting on the ground.

After a while he reacted and shouted loudly: "I don't accept it, I was framed, I don't want to die, I haven't lived enough, I haven't seen my son yet!"

But the prison guards didn't care about him, they carried him outside, and the other prisoners heard the previous sentence. Although these were short mules sent by Hua Shier to sit in the prison, they knew the rules of the prison.

Immediately, those who use chopsticks use chopsticks, those who use spoons use spoons, and at the same time rhythmically knock on the iron gate of the prison, making a neat knocking sound, which is regarded as seeing Ding Xie off and sending him on the road.

Ding Xie shouted nervously: "I don't accept it, I'm going to be released from prison soon, I don't want to die, I still want to see my son, I still want to find Huiling, that's my love"


During this period, even though Sister Ling told him that she didn't like him countless times, he still thought that Sister Ling really loved him.

Unexpectedly, at this time, these things are still thinking of harming sister Ling. Hua Shier wondered if it was a fake show, so he sent this disaster on the road and it was over.

Ding Xie was taken out of the big prison, still shouting, but was put on a black cloth bag, and couldn't see anything. He was escorted by the prison guards through a life-and-death road in the detention center to the execution ground in the north of the prison.

The execution ground is on the north side of the prison, and the south side is connected to the Wanbei Detention Center. The other three sides are blocked by high walls. Seven or eight prisoners who are about to be shot, all wearing black hoods, are brought under the north wall and made to kneel on the ground. Ding Xie was kneeling on the far right of the line of condemned prisoners, and it looked like he was just making up the numbers.

When Hua Twelve saw the people being targeted, most of them, including Ding Xie, were trembling, but the two people on Ding Xie's left knelt there as if nothing had happened.

He asked the warden beside him, "Brother Wang, who are the people around Ding Xie?"

Warden Wang took a look at the information on the death row inmates, and then introduced to him:

"The one next to Ding Xie is amazing. You must have heard of the name Lin Bowen, right?"

Hua Twelve thought about it for a while, then remembered the news about the top ten shooting suspects recently broadcast on Wanwan TV in the hotel, and blurted out:

"That Lin Bowen, nicknamed American Bozai, the mixed-race gunman of the Fifteen God Tiger Gang, robbed the casino with a gun, and dared to fight with a gun when he was arrested?"

The warden smiled and said, "That's him!" After speaking, he leaned over and whispered:

"This man is ruthless, and he is a special talent named by the above to join the Qingfeng team!"

Hua Twelve curled his lips, he is no longer a thug, but what talent is there, a small place is petty, and special forces cannot be trained, so they have to be picked from prisoners.

He pointed to the one on the left of Lin Bowen: "What about that, I don't think he is simple, right?"

The warden raised his thumb: "That one is even more powerful. That's Shen Jiaguo, the boss of Lin Bowen's gang. They worked on those cases together. This man is full of kung fu, nicknamed "Iron Legs Floating on the Water!"

"I heard that when the Criminal Investigation Division arrested him, he knocked down several fighting champions in the Wanbei police force with his bare hands. If he didn't use a gun, he might not be able to catch him!"

While chatting here, the prison guards put up a sign for each prisoner, with the name of the prisoner and the crimes committed on it. Sure enough, the two next to Ding Xie had the signs of Lin Bowen and Shen Jiaguo respectively.

Hua Shier listened to the warden's introduction of how powerful Shen Jiaguo was, and when he thought of what Xiao Hei said on the phone about the Ding brothers buying arms, his heart suddenly moved, his eyes lit up, and he whispered a few words to Warden Wang, The latter shook his head, and he stretched out a finger:
"One hundred thousand dollars!"

"make a deal!"

Warden Wang called the prison guard with a smile and gave some instructions. The prison guard ran over and switched the brands of Shen Jiaguo and Ding Xie.

Before the execution, each person's crime is announced, and then the executioner, shouted: "Ready."

With a swipe, all the pre-warning officers raised their pistols.

But at this moment, with a bang, the earth shook.

A big hole was directly blasted out of the north wall of the execution ground, and a rocket bomb was seen through the big hole Hua [-], with a flame tail from not far away, bombarding the big wall again.

At this moment, the several-meter-high north wall could no longer bear it and collapsed.

More than a dozen vehicles rushed to the outside of the big wall, and dozens of gunmen with submachine guns got out of the cars and started shooting at the prison guards.

Hua Twelve pulled the warden behind a prison car and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and hide!"

Only then did the warden come to his senses and shouted, "Come and protect me!"

The prison guards were also sharp. Seeing the fierce firepower of the other gunmen, they all wanted to run for their lives and pretended to come to protect the warden. Only a few prison guards devoted themselves to their duties and returned fire with their guns, but the firepower was not as strong as those gunmen, so the effect was not great.

Hua Shier saw clearly from the back of the prison car, Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie took the lead and rushed down. Under the cover of other people's firepower, they saw their father Dingxie's brand at a glance, ran over to support each other's shoulders, and shouted :
"Dad, we are here to save you!"

The covered Shen Jiaguo was startled when he heard the words, and then calmly shouted:
"Son, get me out quickly, the one on my left is your Uncle Lin, take them all out together!"

Lin Bowen, who was next to him with his head covered, heard the conversation and shouted:
"Yes, I am your uncle Lin, nephew!"

Ding Xiaoxie agreed very happily:

"Okay Dad, with us here, no one can hurt you, I'll take you out with Uncle Lin now!"

Ding Xiaoxie was about to take off the hood on his father's head, when a bullet hit his feet, this shot was shot by Hua Twelve, he was so frightened that he didn't bother to remove the hood for his father, so he quickly put it on Ding Xie went out.

Ding Yixie supported Lin Bowen, and followed his elder brother to the outside of the collapsed wall.

Ding Xie also heard the conversation of these people, but he hadn't seen his son several times in more than ten years, so he couldn't hear the voice of his own son, so he thought it was another family member of the death row prisoner who came to save him, so he immediately shouted in the direction of the voice:
"I'm your uncle too, take me away too!"

Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie were both stunned. They didn't know if their father wanted to save this person, so they heard Shen Jiaguo say firmly:

"He is not!"

Ding Yixie kicked the hooded Dingxie to the ground: "Old man, you still dare to gossip about relatives, are you still my uncle? I'm your father!"

 Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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