A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 382 The Ni family is forever filial piety!

PS: Now I have a low-grade fever, and I was recruited. The brothers who were not recruited continued to persevere. The brothers who were recruited are so humming, I heard that it can relieve the discomfort, hehe.

After investigating the daily living environment and social circle of the person who picked up the car, the police did not find any clues related to Wei Jixiang or Hong Taishe.

The investigation of the Dingxie kidnapping case seems to have reached a dead end. The only hope for the police now is whether Interpol can find out who the owner of the satellite phone is.

However, Huang Zhicheng, the commander of this case, had already given up struggling in his heart. The other party didn't even ask for money, and directly blew up. All clues had been cut off. How could the satellite phone that was put on the bright side become a loophole?

The police technicians made a new discovery. The satellite phone that the kidnappers called to ask for the ransom before was not the same satellite phone that was used on the day the ransom was blown up.

Huang Zhicheng was not very excited when he heard about it. In his opinion, it showed Wei Jixiang's cunning. He just asked his staff to forward this clue to Interpol to investigate the owners of the two satellite phones.

Three days later, Interpol sent a fax stating that the international commercial satellite communication agency in Los Angeles, USA, had retrieved the information of the owners of the two satellite phones.

Coincidentally, the owners of the two satellite phones are neither Chinese nor American, but they are both users of the commercial satellite communication agency in LA.

One of the owners of the machine is Kawang, a Thai. After investigation by Interpol, Kawang is the adjutant of General Chachai, a drug lord in the Golden Triangle.

According to Interpol's information, the actual owner of this satellite phone should be Chachai himself.

The other satellite phone has a bigger background. It is the Italian Elber Corleone, who is the actual helm of one of the famous Italian mafia families, the "Corleone Family".

When Huang Zhicheng saw these two names, he was stunned, and the subordinates beside him said excitedly:
"Boss, this is a big case. If Mr. Wei really did the Dingxie kidnapping case, it proves that he has a relationship with the Italian Mafia and the Golden Triangle drug lords."
"Okay, let's see this before we talk!"

Huang Zhicheng couldn't take it anymore, and directly scolded his most promising subordinate in the past, and then found two English newspapers more than a month ago from the stack of newspapers on the desk, and threw them over.

The subordinate didn't understand what it meant, but when he took a look, his eyes suddenly widened. On the front page, it was the fact that the Corleone family, one of the Italian Mafia, was expelled overnight.

The headline of another newspaper was the news that General Chachai and his henchmen were assassinated.

Seeing these two newspapers and associating with the information about the owner of the machine from Interpol, the subordinate immediately felt shuddering. If it was really written by that Mr. Wei, such ability is unimaginable.

Moreover, the use of these two satellite phones is likely to be a deterrent. The Italian Mafia family and General Chachai of the Golden Triangle can't handle it. What do they fight with the little policemen who eat royal meals?

Huang Zhicheng looked at the shocked subordinate, and smiled:
"Understood? If there is no new evidence for this matter, let's stop here. Regarding the two satellite phones, Interpol will take over, but I guess they are just a routine, and there is no way to make any progress!"

"Got it sir!"

Looking at the subordinate who exited the office with a confused face after saluting, Huang Zhicheng shook his head with a smile. He felt that his subordinate named Liu Jianming was a good man, but he just hoped that his mentality would not be affected by the setbacks encountered in this case. That's good.

Three months have passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, Huashier has made a lot of money in the international futures market, and at the same time, its TV stations and film companies are thriving.

After the little Jew recovered, he was not used to the rich wife's life of doing nothing all day, so he even discussed with Fang Ting about going out to work.

There is no danger in the external environment now. Hua Twelfth doesn't mind women having their own careers. He simply asked the two women for their opinions and let them enter the ATV actor training class. He planned to promote the two women as stars after they finished their studies. .

Ruan Mei and Fang Ting are Hui Min and Li Zhen's background, if they are not popular, there will be no reason.

Moreover, if they are celebrities in their own company, no one will oppress them at all. They can work easily and become famous and earn a lot of money for their husbands. Why not do it.

On the side of the Ding family brothers, Hua Shier also sent people to keep an eye on them. After losing more than 1 million cash, the four Ding family brothers were finally dragged down by expensive medical bills and filed for bankruptcy to the court to offset the loss. Delinquent debts.

Without the original big house, the Ding brothers moved into public rental housing, and the four of them squeezed together to live in a room of [-] feet, which is equivalent to [-] square meters.

As for the income, it is even more pitiful. Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie have not finished both elementary schools, let alone find a proper job. In fact, even if both of them graduated from college, they are now covered with malignant sores and red spots. With the identity of Wu Dalang and a transgender person, it is also difficult to find any job.

Ding Wangxie is in good health, but he has a lame leg, but his lawyer license was revoked because of a previous case, and now he can't find any serious job, so he can only do odd jobs in a restaurant.

Although Ding Lixie also suffers from AIDS and syphilis, he is much better than his elder brother and second brother. Because he has a doctor's license, he simply stays in the public housing where he lives and treats certain private diseases for some prostitutes living nearby. , to earn some money.

When Ah Quan and Shen Sha knew about the current situation of the Ding brothers, they asked Hua Twelve if it was necessary for the restaurant to quit Ding Wangxie, and to tell those prostitutes not to seek medical treatment from Ding Lixie.

I believe that with their means and their current status, if Hua Shishi points this head, then from now on, no one will hire Ding Wangxie, and no prostitute will dare to go to Dinglixie for medical treatment. , Directly cut off the source of income of the Ding brothers.

Hua Twelve thought about it and refused. He definitely couldn't keep the Ding brothers, but before sending them on the road, there was still a process. The result was not the point, but the process.

Hua Twelve is to let the Ding family brothers taste the pain that Fang's family experienced back then, and let them taste the hard work that Sister Ling did to raise a few children by doing odd jobs after Fang Jinxin died.

The income of Crab Ding Wang and Crab Ding Li obviously cannot meet the money that Crab Ding Xiao and Crab Ding Yi need to maintain their lives.

Not long after, Ding Xiaoxie and Ding Yixie embarked on the road of begging in order to buy life-saving medicine.

In the past, the majestic and majestic leader of the Zhongqing Club, and the arrogant and domineering second-in-command who used to bully men and women, now squatting decadently in Temple Street every day, expecting others to give them alms.

They wear masks not because they are afraid of the virus, but because they are afraid that others will recognize them.

Hua Twelve went to see them once, and I really want to tell them that they think too much, just like the old Xiaowu Dalang and the demeanor of Ding Yixie Saipan's master, even if ordinary people have seen them, it takes a lot of brains to think of them Go up with your original identity.

After thinking about it, Hua Twelve stepped forward and said to Lao Xiao:

"Congratulations to the two beggar gangs. They got to know each other for a while. Be careful. Be sure to accept them!"

As he spoke, he threw the ten-yen steel coin he had prepared in advance into the iron basin in front of Ding Xiaoxie, and then hurriedly left here with his bodyguards before the two spit out his AIDS saliva.

Ding Yixie didn't spit out a mouthful of saliva, and was so angry that he almost went crazy, he said to the elder brother beside him:
"Boss, Wei Jixiang is so cheap, I hate him so much!"

Ding Xiaoxie's eyes moved, and he took out a newspaper he had picked up from his pocket. On the front page of that newspaper were three dead people on the street.

He knew all three of them, the three masters of Yiqun, Guohua, Niigi, and Gandhi.

"I have a feeling, Dad is not dead, we still have a chance!"

Ding Xiaoxie clenched his fist and thumped the ground hard.

Hua Twelve originally planned to wait for the Ding brothers to jump off the building when they were poor and down, so as to feel the last despair of the Fang family in the original plot, and then raised Ding Xie to help him make money, while he himself only needed to bring a few lovers to enjoy the beauty Life is okay.

When you earn enough money, expand the storage space a little more, and when you get tired of staying in this world, just kill the crab, complete the task and leave this world.

Unexpectedly, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

Recently, there have been a series of negative reports on Hua Twelve, a newly-rising Hong Kong island tycoon, in Wanwan. Especially after ATV went to the mainland to shoot film and television dramas several times, Wanwan began to pick up black information on him.

He never went to school, he started as a gangster on the street, he became a black leader, he was involved in the death of Warden Wang of the Wanbei Detention Center, and he was involved in the smuggling back to Hong Kong.

It was just these things, and Hua Twelve was fine, after all, what he said was true, and the two sides had different positions, so it was normal to use public opinion to pick up black material on him.

But then he couldn't take it anymore, the newspapers on the opposite side began to attack him for being uneducated, getting rich was all shit luck, and the scripts he produced were all plagiarized, even if it wasn't plagiarized, the writing was nonsense. Compared with the master, he is not worthy of carrying shoes for others.

Hua Twelve is getting angry now, although plagiarism is a fact, but you have no evidence, how can you defile people's innocence out of thin air!
And if you call a series of classics such as 'SH Beach' and 'New White' nonsense, he can't bear it even more, because this is distorting the facts, talking nonsense, and immediately let the media under ATV separate themselves from each other Go to war.

The two sides quarreled fiercely, and the melon-eaters in both places watched happily.

TVB didn't dare to use external tactics to deal with ATV, but they did their part to do this kind of trickery, push the boat along the way, and beat the side drums. In TVB programs, they directly supported Wanwan's statement to belittle ATV and China. twelve.

There was a lot of noise at Wanwan, and it was even louder, so that Hua Twelve had the guts to write a work and compare it with their martial arts masters.

ATV responded with three words 'write your mother' on the same day. Ahem, it was wrong, it was 'write it and write it'!
Hua Shierneng was afraid of him, so he took out a copy of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" from the storage space and started copying it. While writing, he muttered and sang loudly, and it's up to you to slap those grandchildren in the face.

Five days later, the Hong Kong version of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" was published with the background of the characters changed by Hua Twelve. The novel theme, wonderful plot, and terrifying and thrilling adventure process made this novel popular in Hong Kong as soon as it was published. Time Luoyang paper is expensive, a book is hard to find.

Even the two major Hollywood directors, James Berger and Spire Cameron, who were vacationing on Hong Kong Island, contacted Hua Twelve to purchase the copyright of this novel, intending to put the story on the big screen in North America.

When the news spread, Wan Wan shut up instantly.

But before Hua Twelve was happy, Wan Wan actually changed the direction of attack, and instead said that the "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" was written in such detail, obviously the author was a tomb robber, and Wei Jixiang was really not a good person, he was Tomb robbers!
The bloody thing is that this statement has also been recognized by many readers who have watched "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Hua Twelve couldn't laugh or cry, and he also realized that he and Heizi are still in a spat. They must have countless reasons for wanting to blackmail you. The best way to deal with Heizi is to ignore them.

He can't control Wanwan's media, but on Hong Kong Island, if you dare to say that he is a tomb robber, just wait for his subpoena.

Just when Hua Shier had just finished the verbal war and wanted to take Ruan Mei and his daughters to travel in Europe, an invitation was sent to him.

The invitation was sent by Yiqun, one of the four major associations, because Yiqun had finally selected a new leader and was preparing for the ceremony of setting up the leader, and invited Wei Jixiang, the leader of the Hongtai Society, to watch the ceremony.

Although the Hong Tai Society has been washed clean, Hong Tai is still the name of the society in the eyes of the Jianghu people, so it is normal to invite him to watch the ceremony as the leader of Yiqun.

Hua Twelve called Ah Quan and Shen Sha who were picking up girls at the bar, and when they met, they asked directly:

"Has Yiqun elected a new leader?"

He is so focused on cleansing up his crimes that he hasn't paid much attention to the world affairs recently, but Ah Quan and Shen Sha should know.

Sure enough, both of them nodded, and Ah Quan said, "That's right, that's Ni Yongxiao, Ni Kun, who studied accounting at a famous foreign university!"

He said with a sigh: "Originally, after Ni Yongxiao came back to help Ni Kun handle the funeral, he announced that he would take his family abroad and give up the position of leader!"

"Gandhi, Niigai, and Guohua were the ones who took the limelight at the beginning of Yiqun, and the leader must have been chosen among them. I didn't expect them to fight so hard that they would all be on the street within a few months!"

"In the end, the righteous group had no leader, and some retired uncles were found to come forward, and Ni Yongxiao was invited back from abroad to preside over the overall situation!"

Shen Sha on the side interjected: "By the way, Brother Xiang, Hong Xing's side is similar, a group of people fought back and forth, and finally decided to go to Thailand to invite Jiang Tiansheng's younger brother Jiang Tianyang to come back. It is estimated that Hong Xing's side will also have a reunion soon. Let the leader take office!"

Hua Twelve nodded, feeling a little vigilant in his heart. He killed Yiqun's Ni Kun and Hongxing's Jiang Tiansheng. Now that Ni Yongxiao invited him to watch the ceremony, it seemed reasonable, but he always felt that it was not a big deal. opposite.

The most important thing is that he understands Ni Yongxiao's character, and it's just a cover for the guy to quit the society. Gandhi, Niigai, Guohua and the others rushed to the street, and it should be the youngest of the Ni family who made the move.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the leader of Yiqun took up his post, and the place was at Ni's villa on the top of the mountain.

The mountain refers to Victoria Peak, and the mansions in the mid-levels of Hong Kong Island and the mansions on the top of the mountain all refer to this mountain.

The Ni family is worthy of being a big drug lord who started his career as a fan. The mansion on the top of the mountain is much better than Uncle Mei's villa in the middle of the mountain. The big one can be called a manor.

Hua Twelve's bulletproof Rolls-Royce drove all the way to the front of the Ni family's mansion. Ni Yongxiao waited here in advance, opened the car door for him personally, and then warmly reached out to shake hands with him:
"Wei Sheng, can you come to witness the younger brother's appointment, the flourishing of the scorpion, the brilliance of the succulent!"

"Where is that? When we were in Wanwan, Uncle Kun and I had a very happy conversation. He also said that the three sons are all promising, but you are the most motivated brother Yongxiao. Now you are indeed the leader. !"

Hua Twelfth and Ni Yongxiao held hands together, and observed each other's expressions while exchanging greetings. He could not see anything unusual in the eyes of the third son of the Ni family.

Turning around to let Ruby get off the car, the two joined hands, and under the guidance of Ni Yongxiao, walked into the Ni family mansion.

As soon as he entered the hall, Hua Twelve's eyes narrowed, because he saw a few people who shouldn't be here.

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