A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 386 Scenery and Misery!

Chapter 386 Scenery and Misery! (Seek full order)

Luo Huiling is beautiful, she was the school belle when she was in school, she was entangled by Ding Crab in her teens, and she has tasted the hardships of life since then. For a while, she stole things to feed the Ding Crabs. It was only after Fang Jinxin helped her get rid of Ding Xie that she didn't go astray.

After Fang Jinxin's death, Ding Xie took a long way to avoid legal sanctions, and Luo Huiling took on the responsibility of raising the children of Fang's family.

In order to support her family, she picked up scraps, worked as a handyman, worked as a restaurant waiter, set up a stall as a hawker, and finally got a driver's license to become a minibus driver. She has endured hardships for more than ten years, and she has experienced all kinds of things in the world.

All the experiences in the past seemed to be hardships in the past, but after she entered the ATV artist training class, these experiences became her valuable wealth of experience for her acting career.

Luo Huiling studied extremely hard after entering the training class. The most rare thing is that she was able to bring her past personal experience into the role when she was performing. I found a good acting genius in a good show, and asked the company to focus on training.

After entering the acting training class for a month, Luo Huiling, under the arrangement of the acting teacher, joined the company's crew while studying and participated in the shooting of some film and television dramas.

In the beginning, she was just a few extra roles, but with her outstanding appearance and natural performance, she quickly attracted the attention of the directors, and arranged some roles with lines for her. As a result, Sister Ling was able to perform well.

Of course, Hua Twelve, as a high-ranking big boss, didn't know these things. When he knew, he saw Sister Ling's name in a shooting plan sent by ATV, and found out that she was the second female lead. This caught his attention.

In ATV's filming plan, it is planned to adapt the novel "Shooting the Condors" by the big boss Wei Jixiang to the screen.

Well, this Condor Shooting is that Condor Shooting, and it was plagiarized by Hua Twelve's "Parallel Space Classic Work Carrying Supernatural Powers" into the "Great Times World", and became a martial arts masterpiece that caused a sensation in Southeast Asia, gaining countless fans of martial arts books.

The female lead in "Shooting the Condors" is the role of Huang Rong. ATV intends to let Ma Chunhua play the role. The reason why they don't use the same-looking Cheng Huaixiu is because these directors also find that Ma Chunhua has a lively personality and fits the role better.

The second female Mu Nianci, ATV intends to give Luo Huiling a chance.

But whether it will be successful or not, it has to be decided by Hua Shier, the big boss.

Looking at Du Feng, the director of ATV, who was a little stiff, Hua Shier took the filming plan and asked suddenly:
"This Luo Huiling seems to have just entered the training class for a few months, are you sure she can act?"

About Hua Shier's arrangement of Luo Huiling in ATV, among the top management of ATV, Liang Xiandi, a legal counsel, probably knew about it. He wondered whether the directors and planning team knew about Sister Ling's relationship with him from some channel. relationship, otherwise how could she arrange to act as the second female lead before she had studied for a long time?

Du Feng nodded quickly, indicating that Luo Huiling's acting skills were fine, and then explained:

"Boss, although this Luo Huiling has been studying acting for a short time, she is an excellent student in this training class. She works hard and is willing to learn. She has good understanding, plus her own good looks. Although the acting skills are still far from excellent, they are already better than many veteran students who graduated last year!"

"In addition, her personal character and temperament are very suitable for the role of Mu Nianci. I personally think that she should be fine!"

After Hua Twelve finished listening, he couldn't help but nodded. He also felt that Luo Huiling and Mu Nianci had similarities. First of all, both of them had extremely strong personalities, and they were extremely serious about their relationship. Tenacity is inside.

He asked some more about Luo Huiling's performance in the study class and the production crew, and finally approved the proposal, agreeing that Ling Jie would play the role of the second female "Shooting the Condor" Mu Nianci.

However, the female number one on the proposal is 'Ma Chunhua', and Hua Twelve disagrees. Recently, Ma Chunhua has suffered from laziness, and she is too tired arguing about being a celebrity, and she has little free time, which has affected her cultivation of internal strength.

As soon as Hua Twelve thought about it, he didn't force her, saying that he would arrange as few jobs as possible for her in the future.

He pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He picked up a pen and wrote the name of 'Ruan Mei' behind the name of the character 'Huang Rong', crossing out Ma Chunhua's name!

That's right, with Huimin's appearance, which can be both salty and sweet, there is absolutely no problem playing Huang Rong.

He took another look, and found that the female character "Princess Huazheng" was an unknown actress from ATV, so he ticked it off and wrote Fang Ting's name.

Well, this guy admits that he has such a double standard. If it's Miss Ling, he needs to confirm whether someone has assigned a role to the newcomer in order to curry favor with him, regardless of the company's interests.

When it was his woman's turn, Hua Twelve didn't care how well Ruan Mei and Fang Ting studied acting, and arranged for her directly. As for the company's interests, what was that?

Time flies, 'Shooting the Condors' has already started broadcasting on ATV, and once it started broadcasting, it will recreate the glory of 'SH Beach', especially the vast number of book fans cultivated by the novels of 'Shooting the Condors' have become loyal audiences of this TV series.

The pretty Huang Rong is a quirky elf, and the spirit of Zhong Tiandi is beautiful all in one.

The youthful Mu Nianci.

Invincible in youth, Princess Huazheng with a sweet smile.

When the beauties in these books appear vividly on the screen, and their appearance and image are far beyond the imagination of book fans, they instantly touch the hearts of countless audiences and gain recognition.

Ruan Mei, Ling Jie, and Fang Ting, who played these three roles, became popular overnight because of this, and gradually became well-known female stars in Southeast Asia.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Fang, the elder sister of the Fang family, also performed in this play, playing the role of Mei Chaofeng, the iron corpse in "Black Wind and Two Evils", and gained a lot of fame. She was recognized by people when she walked on the street .

For example, scaring a child to cry.

Fang Fang fell in love with an assistant director in this movie. Hua Shier, as Fang Ting's man, paid special attention to it, and found that the assistant director had a good personality and ability to work, and he was a person worthy of entrustment.

Hua Shishi felt that if the two became successful, then they were all relatives, and they could focus on training them in the future.

There are two other happy events for the Fang family. The first one is that Fang Min has completed her studies. She dreams of becoming a host. It was originally extremely difficult, but with Hua Shier, a brother-in-law who runs a TV station, it is naturally not difficult. .

After a few months of training at ATV, she will officially start working as a children's program host. I believe that as long as Fang Min loves this industry, she will soon be able to make a name for herself based on her amiability when she smiles.

The second happy event was that Fang Zhanbo finally made a profit after Hua Twelve invested tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in Fang Zhanbo for the third time.

That's right, Hua Twelve has voted for the third time. The first two times he invested 1000 million Hong Kong dollars each time, and this kid lost all of them.

If it weren't for the financial experts arranged by Hua Shier to help watch and stop the loss in time, Fang Zhanbo would be able to accompany himself in with leverage.

However, after practicing his hands with a lot of bullets, this guy finally understood the "psychotic stock trading magic skill" passed down to him by his psychiatric master Fang Tian, ​​and then relied on the stream of consciousness method to stock stocks without looking at the K-line or the basic market. You can make crazy money just by looking at the stock code.

Although Hua Shier knew the characteristics of their school of stock trading, he still didn't believe it at first. After Fang Zhanbo announced his departure and allocated funds for him, he went to the battlefield in person to watch the first battle of the stream of consciousness stock trading school.

Fang Zhanbo also said that I didn't want to go out at first, but if sister Ling thought I was too fat and asked me to go out for activities, I wouldn't even come out
Hua Twelfth went up and kicked: "Niema paid me 3000 million yuan, you are afraid that I will kill you, so you don't want to come out, if you don't make a profit today, then say goodbye to this world!"

Just kidding, Fang Zhanbo is so excited now, why doesn't he want to go out, he shows Hua Shier the stream-of-consciousness stock trading method on the spot.

After reading it, Hua Twelve was in admiration. When rows of stock codes flashed in front of Fang Zhanbo's eyes, he said something casually, asking traders to buy them, and they would definitely skyrocket in less than 10 minutes.

After Fang Zhanbo closed his eyes and considered for a while, he casually said to sell, and 10 minutes later, the stock was bound to plummet.

Hua Twelve looked at the high-spirited black and fat boy standing in the middle of the trading room, and then thought of the Ding Xie who was imprisoned in his underground base for blindly guessing the trend of international futures.

Can't help but sigh in my heart, what a pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks!

Mr. Shui Jing once said that there are crouching dragons and phoenix chicks in the world, one can be safe for the world, and Hua Twelve is all there. I really want to shout, God help me!

Fang Zhanbo, Ding Xie, the two humanoid banknote printing factories, launched with all their strength, and Hua Shier's net worth skyrocketed geometrically.

Of course, Hua Twelve would not let others work for nothing. Fang Zhanbo paid dividends and commissions according to the rules. Ding Xie had four corn buns a day, which can be described as the utmost benevolence.

On October [-], [-], Hua Twelve made arrangements ahead of time, and let his subordinates, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young, join forces to attack, creating a sensational Black Monday in the U.S. stock market, and taking away trillions of wealth.

Of course, such a large part of the money is not so delicious. For this day, Hua Shier established a hundred or dozens of overseas shell companies in advance, so that he can quickly withdraw the money from the United States after rolling the money, and do not Leave a trace.

The most amazing point is that Hua Shier did not directly do anything to the financial market at all, but used the metaphysical attributes of Ding Xie and Fang Zhanbo to influence the stock market.

In this way, even the most powerful trader cannot find any clues in the stock market.

After more than half a year of investigation, the U.S. government has no choice but to announce that the cause of the stock market crash may be due to the continued recession of the U.S. economy, leading to economic imbalances, causing investors to have a herd mentality, and finally triggering the stock market crash.

After this battle, Fang Zhanbo took away nearly one billion dividends from Hua Shier, and Ding Xie had enough corn bread, and added two more tea eggs and a bag of mustard.

Fang Zhanbo's career was successful, and he finally showed the responsibility of Fang's parents. He bought luxury houses for sister Ling and three younger sisters in Deep Water Bay, and he also bought a house here to be a neighbor with the boss Hua Shier.

At the end of [-], life became smooth and smooth. Luo Huiling, whose adopted sons and daughters were both successful in their careers, finally let go of her worries. After the Fang family paid homage to Fang Jinxin, they announced in front of Fang Jinxin's tombstone that they would remarry. The remarried partner was Li SIR. , Lee Prawn.

Li SIR, the captain of ATV's security, and a dead man in various crews, finally guarded the sky and saw the moon, and successfully married the popular movie star Ms. Luo Huiling.

On the day of the wedding, the headlines on the front pages of newspapers on Hong Kong Island were all headlines of "Mu Nianci Married". The introduction of the groom was very interesting. Instead of introducing Li SIR's identity as a former police detective and now ATV security captain, he focused on introducing Some of the roles he played when he was playing the role.

For example, 'Passerby A', 'Corpse B', 'Zombie C', 'Wolfdog D', etc., instantly became the object of criticism from movie fans.

When Hua Shier saw the report, he and Fang Zhanbo both laughed badly. It was okay for the first few passers-by to say, what happened to that 'wolf dog'?

I only found out after asking Li Daxia that the protagonist was chased and bitten by a group of dogs on the set that day, but only three wolf dogs were trained. In order not to hurt the actors, the rest were simply replaced by costumes. Li Daxia just went up to make up the number , I didn't expect it to be subtitled. I have to say that ATV is really a conscientious enterprise.

Due to Hua Shier's intervention in the "Big Times World", everyone's fate changed. The Fang family was extinct except for Fang Zhanbo. Sister Ling went crazy first, and was shot to death by Ding Xie later.

Now that the children of the Fang family are all successful, they are living happily. Luo Huiling, after her adopted son and daughter lived a happy life, she also let go of her obsessions and has her own happiness.

As beautiful as Fang's side is, Ding's side is miserable.

Calculated according to the time, in the original plot, now is the time when only Fang Zhanbo is left in the Fang family, and the Ding family company is going public.

But right now, the brothers of the Ding family are all trembling under the overpass, waiting for alms from others.

Among the four brothers, one is crippled, and the three are late-stage AIDS and syphilis. If Hua Twelfth didn't want them to die so early, and let the medical team treat them for free to continue their lives, they would have already become ashes.

Now the four brothers, except for the boss Ding Xiaoxie, the other three brothers are crazy and insane. When they are awake, they will cry and complain about the injustice of fate.

Ding Xiaoxie originally wanted to fight, but finally gave up. He seemed to understand something, knowing that Hua Shier didn't want them to die so soon. From then on, Lao Xiao was like a different person, often sitting in the They sat there for a whole day, waiting for a fixed time for someone to come and feed them.

When Tianhua Twelve and his people appeared in front of them, Ding Xiaoxie, who was short in stature, finally smiled.

The once handsome and arrogant Lao Xiao is now like three inches of dingu bark, with wrinkles all over his face when he smiles, making people look disgusted.

He showed a mouthful of yellow teeth, and asked without a hint of a smile in his smile:

"Wei Jixiang, brother Xiang, you are finally here, let me guess if it's time for our brothers?"

Hua Twelve didn't hide anything, nodded and said, "That's right, I'll send you brothers on the road today!"

Ding Xiaoxie didn't speak, and let a group of men in black pack their brothers into body bags, and then loaded them into the car.

When he saw the light again, Ding Xiaoxie found that their brother had been carried to the roof of an unfinished skyscraper.

As the former leader of the black club, Ding Xiaoxie knew that he would not be spared today, so he faced the high-altitude wind and shouted loudly:

"Brother Xiang, can you tell me why? I want to know why?"

"Just because of the friction between the two clubs before, you wouldn't make us like this. If you want to kill us, you can just shoot us anytime and anywhere. Why do you torture our brothers like this? Why do you target our brothers?"

Hua Twelve sighed. If you say that he is also quite complicated, the Ding family father and son deserve to die, but many bad things have not been done in this world. He also feels a little guilty for using the evil that has not been done to condemn the immediate crime. After all, He is reasonable.

His lips moved, and he finally told the truth: "Because of the mission!"

After finishing speaking, he lit a cigarette, and then waved his hands to the surroundings. One by one, the four old Xiao brothers were thrown down from the sky by his subordinates, shouting in panic, unwillingness, or relief.

In fact, they are not wronged, because this is the original ending of the Fang family, and they are the ones who did it.

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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