A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 388 Lucky Draw and New Missions!

In the last 24 hours, Hua Twelve spent with his women. At this time, he was already the emperor of the entire planet, Cheng Huaixiu was his queen, Ruan Mei, Fang Ting, Ma Chunhua, and Ruby were his... concubine.

Well, there is also Liang Xiandi, who ate too much suckling pig, and always wanted to eat some vegetarian food to relieve the tiredness. One dark and stormy night, Hua Twelve got herself drunk, and then Liang Xiandi got what she wanted Well, well, at least that's what he said afterwards.

To say that what he misses the most in this world are these good women who have been with him all the time.

Humans are emotional animals. After so many years, Hua Twelve had developed a deep relationship with the girls around him. If he could, he didn't want to leave so early.

According to his intention, he will live forever anyway, and stay in this world for 8000 years. When he has lived enough, it will not be too late to return to the real world.

It's a pity that everything he planned was fine, but Ding Xie couldn't wait.

Lao Ding was more than 50 years old at the time. He played with him in the real world for more than ten years, and brought him back to ancient times for 20 years. You must know that at this time in ancient times, Lao Ding did not have good luck. The imperial doctor stared at him, and almost died of illness several times.

Now I can’t delay anymore, if I continue to delay, Lao Ding will really die of old age, and dying of old age in his 80s is a good end. You don’t need to think about it, you know that even if the mission has failed, not only will you have to return to the real world, but there will be no rewards up.

Of course, if Hua Twelfth wants to cheat, he can stay for a few more years, that is, inject stem cell injections into Dingxie to make Lao Ding immortal, and then kill him when he wants to.

But after thinking about it, it's really impossible.

In the end, Hua Twelve could only give Lao Ding Xie a ride. Sure enough, this was the last step he had guessed. After Lao Ding showed a relieved expression and smiled at Jiuquan, the system reminded him that the task was completed.

By the way, Lao Ding showed that 'smiling Jiuquan' expression, are you serious, it made Hua Shier very embarrassed, okay?

After killing Ding Xie, in the last time with the girls, there was no confession, no farewell, and there was only joy. Hua Shier was seriously feeling every minute and every second of getting along with them.

When the time came, the darkness that had not been seen for a long time came as expected, and the next moment Hua Twelve had already appeared in his home.

Habitually wanted to hug Jiazhen beside her, but unexpectedly, the hug was empty.

Hua Twelve got up quickly, looked inside and out, and found that Ah Zhen was not at home.

He suddenly thought of something, and slapped his forehead. After decades in the mission world, the memory of the real world is a little blurred. Ah Zhen should go to Hong Kong Island with Zhang Yan to get busy with setting up a company.

Just at this time, a systematic inquiry came from his mind, asking him if he would keep his experience of the mission world and if he would restore his body to its original state.

Hua Twelve pondered for a while, and chose not to retain the world experience, but also not to restore the original state of the body.

In the next moment, Hua Twelve's decades of cultivation in the mission world remained, but his mental state instantly recovered.

In his memory, what he experienced in the "Big Times World" is like watching a TV series. The emotional detachment made him change from an experiencer to a bystander.

The whole person instantly relaxed, although it seemed that something was missing, but Hua Shier had experienced this feeling several times, and he didn't take it seriously.

Thinking about the girls Ruan Mei, Fang Ting, Ruby, Cheng Huaixiu, Ma Chunhua, and Liang Xiandi, although he was still in love, he didn't have the pain of parting.

Well, Hua Twelve admits that only by having nothing to worry about, can he stay away from upside-down dreams and stop looking for troubles.

He called and ordered a hot pot takeaway, and when the takeaway arrived, he took out a bottle of cold beer from the refrigerator and sat down at the dining table on the balcony with a view of the river, eating hot pot and letting himself go.

After eating, Hua Twelve stretched his waist, he was that handsome and invincible young man full of vitality again, um, everything was fine, but he was somewhat shameless.

After cleaning up the mess, Hua Shishi began to bathe and change clothes, burned incense and prayed, and silently recited some prayers that were different every time.

"The system starts the lottery!"

In the next moment, a notification sound came from my mind: "Ding, the lottery draw begins, Ding, the host draws a rare item, a skill level upgrade card, and you can claim rewards at any time."

Hua Twelve glanced at it, item name: skill level improvement card, with this card, the host's skill level can be increased by +1.

(Note 1: This card is a one-time prop. After upgrading the skill, the card will disappear.)
(Note 2: This item can only be used for skills that can be improved. For skills with level restrictions, the improvement effect is based on their own level. For skills without their own skill level, the improvement effect is based on the skill level divided by the system.)

Hua Twelve wants to draw this card every time, but unfortunately there is only one card so far. This time, there will be two cards. No matter what skills, this card can be upgraded by one level. He plans to collect nine cards, and then
What?Nine Suns Divine Art?

who said it?
Just slap and call!

Nine of them are of course used in "Nine Turns of Xuan Gong". It is said that Sun Houzi and Erlang Shen have just practiced the one on the sixth floor.

If Sun Houzi had three of these cards back then, he would be sanctified immediately and prove the truth with his strength!

What a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, at that time they had to sing in unison, 'Brother Monkey, you are amazing! '

Tathagata: The five elements and mountains can't hold you back!
Tang Seng: A Sun Walker popped out!
Well, if Sun Wukong is going to become a saint immediately, he should still be a wool walker.

Such a heaven-defying thing, Hua Twelve only has two in his hand now, you say how precious this thing is.

Of course, the 'Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu' is a bit of a mystery, it's too rare to get, other kung fu is also possible, if after Hua Twelve you practice 'Dragon Elephant Boruo Kungfu' at the last level, you may also use one.

After all, no one has practiced that thing to the last level, so he wanted to make up the numbers and see what the final scenery looked like.

All in all, it's definitely good stuff.

This lucky draw is off to a good start!

"System, start the second lottery draw!"

Hua Twelve was anxious, waiting for the result of the second lottery.

"Ding, start the lottery draw, ding, the host has won a rare item, a commemorative Andy Chariot Chariot."

(Note: This item is a special item of collective group consciousness, with unlimited energy and never worn out.)
Hua Twelve was stunned for a while, what's the matter?
I actually smoked a motorcycle. Although it is said that it has infinite energy and never wears out, it sounds awesome, but it is still a motorcycle. It is not an Iron Man mech or a spaceship. I want a motorcycle with What's the use.

Hua Twelve complained to the system in his mind, the system haha, blamed me with a black face!

Hua Shishi had nothing to say, and felt a little bit lost. Who stipulated that the lottery could only win big prizes and not useless things. When he was young and frivolous, he rushed to BMW to buy lottery tickets, and he won more than ten pieces of soap in the end. He didn't find the theory of selling lottery tickets for the many bottles of mineral water.

Later, a buddy inadvertently kicked the inside story, because the lottery was sold for prizes, and in the end that buddy climbed the telegraph pole. Only then did Hua Shier know how deep the water was.

I got off the track, and talking about this motorcycle, speaking of that Chariot of Fire, Hua Twelve, I quite like it, and it’s a good collection.

Besides, the two systems labeled 'infinite energy' and 'never wear' can be studied, and they are not completely useless. At least it should be no problem to replace a step and block a bullet.

Hua Twelve planned to find a place later and use a bazooka to fire the fiery chariot. If it can withstand the bombardment of missiles, it will be fired.

The communication system chose to receive the prize. In the next moment, there was an extra motorcycle in the living room, which was Wei Jixiang's racing car. At the same time, the skill upgrade card changed from ×1 to ×2 on his virtual screen.

Hua Twelve took out a hammer and hit it on the body of the motorcycle. With a bang, sparks flew everywhere. Looking at the body again, the hit parts were intact.

Gatling Bodhisattva is invited again, well, take it back quickly, your own home, don't be idle and make yourself a wanted criminal.

Through this hammer, it can be proved that it is possible to never wear out. Hua Twelve wanted to study how to use infinite energy. Finally, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the so-called infinite energy means that the fuel tank of the motorcycle is always full.

He used a hose to extract more than 20 barrels, and the fuel tank would automatically fill up as much as he extracted, which was amazing.

Hua Twelve's face was filled with surprise in an instant. He thought that the second lottery draw was for a non-chief, but it turned out to be a European emperor. He didn't draw a motorcycle. He drew an oil field, or the one that never runs out. .

This guy is so happy that he can't find the north, looking back and forth in the mirror to admire his peerless and handsome face, oops, you said that you, a young man, are so outstanding, and you accidentally solved the big problem of human energy.

What kind of new energy vehicles, as long as human beings have me, they can use gasoline at will.

Well, Hua Twelve is bragging, so he can't talk about it even if he is beaten to death outside, otherwise he will be cut into pieces sooner or later.

Putting the motorcycle away, Hua Twelve took out another bottle of beer with ice to celebrate.

Drinking beer happily, looking at Jiang Jing, Hua Twelve was happy, but somewhat disappointed, thinking that it would be good if the little Jew was drawn out, Feng Fenghuimin, that good looks.

Cough cough, think about it, forget it, a young version of Gong Huang will put him on the hot search, and then bring out the peak-looking Huimin, then there will be troubles if nothing happens, he doesn't want to be visited by others Check the water meter.

Besides, he always had a feeling that the temporary farewell to his lovers in the task world might not be a permanent farewell, and maybe one day he would be able to ignore the boundaries of time and space, freely enter and exit those worlds, and maybe reconnect with those lovers.

Hey, two bottles of beer, I didn't drink too much, why do I think about good things.

Hua Twelve shook his head to wake himself up from the dream.

He remembered the words "collection of special items of group consciousness" in the system notes about the 'chariot of fire'.

After communicating with the system in his mind, he asked what it was, and the answer given by the system was indeed similar to what he had imagined.

For example, in movies, some items that make people remember deeply and pour out sincere emotions belong to the special items that gather group consciousness.

Such as Brother Pony's windbreaker and double guns, Bruce Lee's nunchucks, Indiana Jones' whip, killer Leon's potted plants, and so on.

Hua Twelve draws inferences from one instance: "Then Monkey King's golden cudgel, Queen Mother's flat peach, Captain America's shield, and Thor's Hammer also count?"

The system reminds him that you are drawing inferences from one instance, and then simply replies: "It doesn't count!"

Well, Hua Twelfth understands, it’s just that useless ordinary items are combined with group consciousness, and things that are awesome in themselves are not counted, and the system didn’t refute, well, it should be like this.

The rest of the day was boring, so Hua Shier called Jiazhen and Zhang Yan to inquire about the progress of the establishment of the company and the construction of the laboratory.

Zhang Yan told Hua Shishi that everything is ideal. At present, the company has been registered, the location of the company and the laboratory have been selected, and the rent has been paid. Now we are waiting for the equipment ordered from abroad to arrive in Hong Kong. After installation, everything will be fine. up.

Hua Shier told Zhang Yan that his research had made a new breakthrough. As soon as the company opened, a skin care product with stem cell technology could be put into production immediately.

Zhang Yan is very confused, the equipment has not been ordered yet, did you use a pressure cooker to study it!

Well, Zhang Yan is a character drawn out by the system. She knows some things about the system. After thinking about it, she guessed what Hua Shier had experienced again, so she didn't ask any more questions.

The next day, Hua Twelve was bored, so he called Luo Yun to make sure that she and Yi Xue were still in the capital, and immediately made an appointment for dinner.

I haven't seen them for a few days, and the two African native chickens have been brought back more or less. Judging by the color of their skin, they finally look like Asian women.

The two girls were going to spend some time in the magic capital, so Hua Twelve simply went out with them every day, and played some of the entertainment activities of the previous three, such as archery, shooting, horse riding, parkour, and things for young people.

Hua Twelve satisfies himself singing "How lonely invincibility is" until he doubts the life of the two girls being abused, and he will not come out to be abused no matter how much he calls. Then he can watch movies and watch dramas at home with peace of mind, and prepare for the future time travel.

Half a month later, Hua Shier received a call from Zhang Yan on Hong Kong Island, and set off for Hong Kong Island to register some simple patents on stem cells.

I really dare not take good things out. I am afraid that Hua Shier will accidentally win the Nobel Prize in the real world, and it will be a lot of fun.

He positions himself in the real world as low-key as he can, and making a fortune in silence is the kingly way. If he wants to make a fuss, some mission worlds let him do it, and he doesn't care if he crashes.

The laboratory on Hong Kong Island has been completed, and many professional instruments are much more advanced than those in the 'Big Times World'. After understanding the performance, Hua Twelve is more comfortable to use.

He soaked in the laboratory for a week, and finally reduced the effect of the "stem cell skin care product" in the "Big Times World" to only 30.00%, and then handed it over to Zhang Yan for registration and production.

The effect of 30.00% is enough to crush the effect of all current skin care products. If it is really 100%, no one who uses this will look old, and it will definitely lead to a lot of troubles.

In the "Big Times World", he is the leader of the club and the richest man in the world. If others want to touch him, he has to take care of him. In the real world, Huashi does not have so many protective shells, so as long as the product can make money, don't be too aggressive. Shocking the world, the province is still weak, so it will attract some predators.

I played with Jiazhen and Zhang Yan on Hong Kong Island for a few days, and this day I was surfing at the beach, when a system notification sounded in my mind, indicating that a new task had arrived.

Hua Twelve immediately chose to view the mission description.

'Mission description: The so-called chivalry uses martial arts to violate the prohibition. From ancient times to the present, many martial arts practitioners have ignored the king's law and acted rashly. They do everything according to their preferences and ignore the court laws. "

'Task requirement one, bring Wang Chao, Tang Zichen, GOD, Ba Liming and others to justice, and other martial arts offenders, the more people who can be brought to justice, the better. '

'Task requirement two, practice a kind of national art to achieve strength! "

"Note: The world of this mission is not affected by the world's subsequent karma, please feel free to act boldly as the host."

When Hua Shier saw the names of Wang Chao and Tang Zichen just now, he guessed which world they were in. He was a little worried at first. If he really wanted to complete the first task, would someone travel across time to trouble him? See the last note of the system, so what are you afraid of?

It took three days to receive the task, and Hua Shier stayed with Jiazhen and Zhang Yan for two more days in Hong Kong Island, and on the third day, he flew back to his home in Shanghai. The familiar taste and recipe calmed his restless heart , After getting ready, lie down on the bed, communicate with the system in your mind, and choose to accept the task!

Thank you: 08a, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm, Brother Mo Yanju for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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