A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 395 New case and pit digging!

Chapter 395 New case and pit digging! (Seek full order)
Seeing Captain Wu and Sun Dasheng, Hua Twelve finally remembered the identity of the boy on the train, Zhao Tai, the second son of Zhao's real estate, these three people should all be plot characters in the movie "Big Man".

Needless to say, Hua Twelve felt that he had opened his mouth before, it was true, and Zhao Tai was really a big shot on the legal channel in the future.

On Captain Wu's first day in office, the second team held a welcome meeting. Both Team Wu and the old detective Sun Dasheng he brought gave a brief introduction of themselves.

Originally, Hua Twelve thought that he would be very good if he got a first-class merit, but before the welcome meeting, he heard from his colleague Xiao Wu that both Team Wu and Sun Dasheng were legends in the Criminal Police Team of C City.

Fighting abductions, catching drug dealers, catching murderers, and cracking countless major cases. Although the two of them currently have no first-class merits, they have failed several second-class merits. They are definitely powerful figures.

At the end of the welcome meeting, Dui Wu smiled and pointed to Hua Twelve and said:
"Comrade Xiaohua, I basically understand your situation. Although I have not worked for a long time, I am very capable."

He is from Yunnan, and although he speaks Mandarin, he has a somewhat southern accent, but it doesn't sound strange, on the contrary, he is quite friendly.

Putting Wu Dui's praise before, Hua Twelfth might be proud of it, but after hearing what Xiao Wu said about his meritorious deeds, he felt that his deeds this time were nothing.

Hastily waved his hands modestly: "Wu Dui is joking, my ability is very average."

Wu Dui laughed and said: "Ai, your ability is obvious to all. Not everyone can get first-class personal merit!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "I just picked it up. I was going to grab the bag, but I didn't expect it to be a big fish!"

The newcomer Sun Dasheng smiled and said: "Okay, overly modest is pride. We heard it when we were in the first team. That kid Zhou Xiaosan shot. If you don't have the ability, I can take him down with my bare hands!"

Other colleagues in the team, such as Xiao Wu, Da Zhuang, Gao Yanan and other front-line criminal policemen, also nodded in agreement. Gao Yanan is a 1.7-meter-tall beauty, known as a flower in the police force, with a black belt in Taekwondo and excellent leg skills.

With a cheerful personality, she smiled and gave Hua Twelve a blow:
"It's almost done. This time, thanks to you, the team not only got a collective second-class merit, but also shared the bonus. Why are you so humble!"

When everyone talked about this, Hua Twelve just laughed and was no longer modest:
"That's fine, then I'll admit it, I'm very capable, how about raising my salary by a few levels?"

Wu Dui chuckled: "Go to sleep, there is everything in the dream!"

Everyone laughed.

Wu Dui waited for the big guys to finish laughing, and continued to Hua Twelve:
"Old Wang has greeted me, saying that you are capable but lack experience, let me arrange for an old criminal policeman to take you with you, how about this, you will form a team with Dasheng, he is an old criminal policeman, let him Take you!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "That's good, I will study hard with Brother Sun in the future!"

Sun Dasheng also became humble now; "Learn from each other, learn from each other!"

After Wu Dui finished his chores, he took out a dossier:

"Let's talk about the next work. There is an urgent case here. Recently, the bus company reported to the police that a large number of counterfeit one-yuan coins were found. The same counterfeit coins were also found in the next city. It was identified as the same batch. There are clues that, These coins are all flowing out of our city C!"

"This kind of thing is very bad for the image of our city C. If you are not in a hurry, you should postpone the case at hand. Let me settle this case first!"

Wu Dui took out a handful of coins and threw them on the table as he spoke. Everyone picked up one coin curiously to check.

Sun Dasheng asked while watching: "Oh, old Wu, did the Appraisal Division say anything, how can you tell the difference between these things!"

Team Wu took out an enlarged photo of the one-yuan steel coin: "Look at the font, you all come over and take a look at this enlarged photo of the real coin, and compare it!"

"Although this fake coin looks like the real thing, the template is not a real template after all. The appraisal department probably hand-engraved it, and it's not professional, so there are some discrepancies in the font."

"Look at the word 'Yuan', the fake one is 1 centimeter shorter than the real one, and the hollow horizontal lines in the number [-] are also missing a few, so it looks sparse and not really dense!"

Everyone held the fake coins in their hands and compared them with the photo. It was indeed as Team Wu said. Of course, if you don’t pay attention to these details, you can’t see them at all, so these fake coins can be circulated.

Hua Twelve felt a little funny: "There are counterfeit coins in this yuan, can this cover the cost?"

He didn't say this casually, because when he was in the real world, he saw a rather funny news.

It is said that three criminals used a hydraulic machine to make this one-dollar steel coin. They invested a total of 18 yuan and worked for more than half a year. There is a book loss of 16 yuan.

But how can counterfeit money be converted one-to-one with real money? When it is shipped, it can only be sold at a [-]% discount on the face value. How much do you think these criminals will have to pay? If they work for half a year, they will probably lose their pants up.

After hearing Hua Twelve's words, Sun Dasheng nodded with a smile and said, "Let's just say, don't these people have a good brain!"

Team Wu waited for everyone to finish the comparison, and took back the coins one by one:

"Don't care if these fake brains are good or not, we'll catch them if they break the law, that's all, you guys can discuss this case, go out and find clues, I still have a report to write over there!"

After Wu Dui left, the big guys got together to discuss it, and felt that since the bus found it, they had to go to the bus to find clues.

Immediately, the police officers of the second team went out in groups of two and took the bus to find clues.

Hua Twelve and Sun Dasheng were in a group, and they also ran to the bus for a short stay. After getting on the bus and showing their IDs, the tickets were free, and they sat at the door, guarding the coin box.

Sun Dasheng had a lot of change in his hand, and when he saw people getting on the bus throwing coins, he exchanged them with one-yuan notes. The two of them squatted all afternoon, and sure enough, they found more than a dozen people using fake coins. passenger.

The use of fake coins by these passengers does not mean that they are bulk cargo, and further investigation is needed.

Sun Dasheng directly revealed his identity, and then asked Hua Shier to record the identity information and work units of these people for further verification.

After that, we started a conversation on the bus, mainly asking them where these coins came from.

Some are too long to remember, but some people can still tell the source of the coins not long after they started.

Hua Twelve took the trouble to write down one by one, and when it was time to get off work, Sun Dasheng patted him on the shoulder: "Off work, call it a day!"

The two got off the car at the stop near the queue, and when they were walking into the queue, Sun Dasheng said, "Xiaohua!"

Hua Twelve hurriedly stopped him: "Brother Sun, don't call me that, it sounds like a school belle, just call me Twelve!"

Sun Dasheng laughed: "I also feel that something is wrong, okay, I will call you Twelve!"

"Twelve, do you know what is the use of asking you to write down the source of counterfeit money that these people said today?"

As soon as Hua Twelve heard it, he understood that this was something he wanted to teach himself, so he nodded immediately and said:

"I have an idea. I guess it should be data collection. Let's squat for a few more days, and then compare the information with colleagues in other groups to find the source of the most frequently occurring counterfeit coins. We should be able to find clues!"

Sun Dasheng patted Hua Twelve on the shoulder: "Okay, young man, there is a future, that's the reason!"

First, I went back to the team to report, and found that most of the colleagues who went out to find clues hadn't come back, and they might have just left work, so Sun Dasheng directly called Hua Twelve to leave work too.

The two left the police station together. Sun Dasheng got into a silver domestic SUV, and Hua Twelve pushed out a small electric donkey from beside his parking space.

Sun Dasheng put down the car window amusedly: "I said Twelve, you have a car anyway, you said that if you meet a criminal on the way to and from get off work, you can't ride this little electric donkey to chase the thief!"

Hua Shishi said helplessly: "I've just been on the job not long ago. When I save some money, I can buy a four-wheeler!"

Sun Dasheng slapped his forehead: "I'm sorry, brother forgot that you just went to work!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "It's okay, didn't I give out a bonus of [-] yuan, I can buy a motorcycle and drive first!"

The two waved goodbye, and Sun Dasheng drove home.

Hua Twelve didn't go home directly, but went to another place.

That kid Wang Chao didn't learn well. As an upright policeman, Hua Twelve felt that he had to put some obstacles in his way. Well, I was wrong, and it was necessary to try to save him.

Back then when he was at the Nancheng Sub-bureau, Hua Shier deliberately wrote down the address of Wang Chao's home, and now he rode a small electric donkey straight to the old community next to Linjiang Park.

According to the address in memory, after matching the house number, Hua Twelve knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman with a disheveled face. Seeing that it was a stranger, she asked in surprise, "Who are you looking for?"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded before asking, "Is this Wang Chao's home?"

The woman was a little nervous; "Yes, may I ask who you are?"

At this time, there were footsteps behind her, and a middle-aged man with a spatula in his hand and an apron around his waist came out of the kitchen. This couple looked a little like Wang Chao's imagination, and their appearance was just as ordinary.

After the man came out, he asked, "Wife, who is here?"

Hua Shishier took out his own ID: "Hello, let me introduce myself. I am a police officer from the Second Criminal Police Team in our city. My name is Hua Shishir. You are Wang Chao's parents. Can I talk to you?" ?”

When he said this, the couple suddenly became tense, and the spatula in the middle-aged man's hand fell to the ground with a clang. The man didn't care about the spatula at all, but asked anxiously:

"Officer, is something wrong with my son?"

The couple's expressions were visibly tense, and the muscles on their faces began to twitch. They probably saw the criminal police team coming to their door and thought that Wang Chao had been killed.

Hua Twelve smiled and comforted, "Don't be nervous, Wang Chao is safe. I'm here mainly to talk to you about other things. Can we go in and talk?"

"Oh, please come in!"

Wang Chao's mother hurriedly thought about it, Wang Chao's father picked up the spatula, ran to the kitchen and turned off the fire, took off the apron, and hurried over to hear what Hua Shier had to say.

Hua Twelve sat on the sofa in the living room and looked around. The house was two bedrooms and one living room, about fifty or sixty square meters in size. The life of the family is not very good.

Wang Chao's mother poured a cup of tea for Hua Shishir, while Wang Chao's father took out his good cigarettes, which were actually a pack of cigarettes worth more than ten yuan.

The reason why I say that I bought good cigarettes on purpose is because there is still a box of cigarettes worth two or three yuan on the coffee table.

Hua Twelve refused the cigarettes, telling the couple to stop busy and sit down to talk. Wang Chao's father asked anxiously:
"Officer, what happened to my son?"

Hua Twelve didn't say much, and took out the video recorded in the sports center last time, and showed the couple to watch.

Wang Chao's parents were stunned, and Wang Chao's mother couldn't believe it and said, "This, how is this possible, his father, my mind is a little messed up, take a closer look, is this our Chao'er?"

Wang Chao's father's lips were trembling, and he said angrily, "Who else could it be if it's not this beast? Look at those clothes and shoes, didn't you just buy them for him recently?"

It's not that they don't know their son's appearance, but they really don't believe that his son, who is usually honest and can't beat a fart, would do such a violent thing.

Hua Twelve said at this time: "Wang Chao is a violent robbery. It is an illegal act, so I don't need to say more!"

Chao Chao's mother was crying at that time, while Wang Chao's father asked with a sigh: "Officer, has Wang Chao been arrested by you? Can we go and see him!"

Hua Twelve shook his head:
"This incident happened three days ago. At that time, Wang Chao was indeed detained by the Nancheng Sub-bureau, but things seemed to have changed. For some unknown reason, the street gangsters in the video suddenly retorted, saying that they and Wang Chao had been together for a long time. I knew it, it was a joke, that's why Wang Chao was released by the Nancheng branch!"

When the couple heard that Wang Chao had been released, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then blushed. Obviously, the couple were honest people, and they felt that their son had lost their adults by doing such a lawless thing.

Hua Twelve played the video again:
"Look carefully, Wang Chao is quite methodical in his actions. I suspect that he met a bad guy and taught him how to fight. I came here this time to let you educate Wang Chao well. It is right that your parents are busy with their careers. , but educating children is even more important, don't let him be used by bad guys to do illegal things at a young age!"

Chao's mother cried, "It's all our fault for our incompetence. Both of us have been laid off. We get up early and work late every day, so we don't have time to educate our children."

Wang Chao's father complained, "What are you talking about!"

Then he turned to Hua Twelve and said, "Don't worry, officer, we will definitely educate him in the future, and we will definitely not let him go astray!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said:
"I think you'd better take out one person and watch him all the time. You can't let him go out to meet those bad guys, and don't let him practice his fighting skills. You can see how fierce he is in that video. , I was lucky that nothing happened this time, but if something happens next time and someone is killed by mistake, then no one will be able to save him!"

Wang Chao's parents repeatedly said yes, and promised that no matter whether the school is on holiday or the school starts, someone will be selected to follow Wang Chao, so as to prevent him from imitating others, and not letting him practice any kung fu.

Hua Twelve nodded and smiled: "That's right. He committed robbery this time, and there are people behind his back to help him get rid of the crime. They are afraid that the purpose of helping him is not pure, and they want to use his youth and ignorance to do something. Things that violate the law and discipline are not good!"

After he finished speaking, he got up: "That's all I've said. In the future, it's up to your parents to educate Wang Chao. I don't hope that one day I, a man in police uniform, will educate you for you. That's not something that education can solve. !"

Wang Chao's parents promised again and again, and when Hua Twelve went out, they gave Wang Chao another knife and said to his parents:
"Although beating children is not advocated now, it is not unreasonable to say that dutiful sons are born with sticks, as the old saying goes.

A stern look flashed in Wang Chao's father's eyes, and he said harshly, "You're right, I just hit him too rarely, and if he dares to make mistakes in the future, my leg will be broken by him!"

Hua Twelve was so happy when he rode a small electric donkey home. This kind of method of defrauding people without using force is quite cool. I think it should be very cool after Wang Chao comes.

I went to the seafood stall and bought a few catties of prawns and a lot of seafood. I decided to go back and celebrate with Gong Er's wife.

As soon as Hua Twelve left, Wang Chao's father called Wang Chao and said only one sentence: "Your mother is sick, come back quickly!"

Wang Chao rushed home from the provincial capital at ten o'clock in the evening. As soon as he entered the house, he saw his parents sitting there staring at him. He didn't look sick at all.

"Your Majesty!"

Wang Chao's father pointed at the ground in front of him, Wang Chao was stunned for a moment: "Dad, what's wrong?"

"If you don't kneel today, you are not my son!"

Wang Chao had no choice but to kneel in front of his parents.

Then Wang Chao's father took out a feather duster and slapped Wang Chao.

The severe pain in the flesh made Wang Chao unable to hold back for a moment. He clenched his fist and almost hit him directly. Fortunately, he realized that it was his father who hit him, so he endured it.

But this attitude made Father Wang look serious: "Okay, you bastard, you go out to rob, and you still want to do something to me and your mother!"

Then the men's singles became mixed doubles, and Wang Chao, who was drawn, had no temper at all.

When he learned from his parents that a criminal policeman came to tell him about his crimes, he realized that Hua Twelve was behind it, and he almost gritted his teeth with hatred, and he remembered Hua Twelve again in his heart. a sum.

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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