A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 404 Nonsense Hua 2!

Chapter 404 The Noisy Hua Twelve! (Seek full order)
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
At nine o'clock in the evening, following a series of knocking on the rolling shutter door, Chen Yongqiang and his son, who were already asleep in the garage, were awakened by the sound.

Afraid of waking up the child, Chen Yongqiang quickly got up from the bed and walked towards the door, asking at the same time, "Who is it?"

The person outside the door knocked and shouted: "Your brother Yang, you sell skewers across the street, open the door quickly, there is something urgent!"

"I'm coming!"

Chen Yongqiang was an honest man and a warm-hearted person. He thought that the neighbor who was doing business across the street really needed help with something urgent, so he quickly took a few steps, bent down and lifted the rolling shutter door.

As soon as the rolling door was lifted up, seven or eight pairs of feet wearing leather shoes were exposed outside. Chen Yongqiang saw that there was something wrong, but he didn't think too much about it. He planned to open the rolling door and see if it was what's the situation.

As a result, after the shutter door was fully opened, before he could see the people outside clearly, two fire extinguishers were aimed at him and sprayed, and he couldn't see anything immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he was held up by two people and dragged out vigorously, and he could still hear various cries and howls from the surrounding neighborhood in his ears. Only then did he realize what happened, and the two moments flashed His mind, 'Q demolition'!
Chen Yongqiang thought of his son who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, turned around and wanted to run back, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Son, Xiaoyu"

Although he had exercised his brute strength in repairing the car, it was not for nothing to hold his two men up. The lumps all over his body made it difficult for him to break free.

Fortunately, this group of people only demolished the house without taking their lives. Someone rushed in and picked up Chen Yongqiang's sleeping son and carried him out and stuffed it into his arms. Someone even picked out some of the father's clothes and threw them directly at the door outside.

At this time, Hua Twelve continued to say loudly while facing the opposite side of the video:
"Hurry up, you can also interview the victims who were dismantled by Q, well, they are all freshly released, and they are still hot!"

If he insisted on this matter, he could take care of it, but it would definitely cause a commotion, and it didn't conform to the procedure.

The leader looked confused, am I really so smart.

Chen Yongqiang stood up and said loudly:
"Neighbors, Police Officer Hua is a criminal police officer. In our case, he is not under the control of Police Officer Hua. He can stand up now and he is helping us. You can't discriminate between good and bad!"

After the man shouted, he pointed to the shop in front: "Open it for me!"

Over there, when Chen Yongqiang saw that Police Officer Hua was about to be in danger, he was about to go back to the ruins to find his own wrench, hammer, etc. to help, when all of a sudden those people in the society stopped moving.

Hua Twelve kept facing each other: "No, I just finished dismantling the Q, and I'm planning to attack the police, so hurry up and take pictures of their ugly faces, yes, just take photos of the iron rods in their hands, the tattoos on their bodies, and the big gold scarf on their necks." The chains are shown in close-up, which can strengthen the audience's impression that they are bad guys!"

When the camera came up, it gave him a close-up of him in a dazed state. Zhu Jia's microphone slammed in front of him, poking his face:
"Sir, what do you want to bring so many people and so many knives here?"

When he said this, the people around him also calmed down.

At the same time, Hua Shier also called the traffic police to come to the scene to check for drunk driving.

Hong Tiejun didn't ask carefully, thinking that he would be fine if he cut off the optical cable, so he hung up the phone and called dozens of people to drive straight to the demolition site.

Everyone couldn't help but get angry, what do you mean it's still hot just out of the oven, what if it's steamed buns.

Everyone looked towards where the sound came from, and saw a motorcycle race parked on the opposite side of the street, outside the circle of street lights, a handsome young man in a baseball shirt, with a camera in one hand and a phone in the other, acting like no one else was around. He was talking on the phone loudly, and the camera was still recording this way.

Hua Twelve held a gun in one hand, and patted the other person's face with the other: "Don't let your elder brother know that you are so smart, otherwise if he is jealous of you, he will kill you!"

At this moment, a voice louder than him sounded from behind the crowd:

"Officer Xiaohua, don't take it to heart, the eldest sister also took a breath from being bullied, and the eldest sister apologized to you"

Hong Tiejun received a call from his subordinates just now. He heard that all the tenants had been cleared. He happily took his wife and brother out to celebrate. He had just drank half a bottle of Moutai and was in high spirits when his phone rang.

Seeing that he was in a state of confusion, Hua Twelve slapped him amusedly, "Hurry up and call your elder brother!"

Zhu Jia asked the photographers to follow, and walked quickly to Hua Shier:
"what's the situation?"

Hong Tiejun slapped his forehead and laughed loudly: "Look at my head."

Therefore, what Hua Shier did not only protect himself, but also Zhu Jia. This is the safest solution.

Hong Tiejun's wife at the side gave him a push, and said with a smile, "I've had too much to drink. The demolition households have already been settled. How can there be any optical cables!"

The leader took two steps forward and said with an apologetic smile: "This police officer, this reporter, do we have a misunderstanding? We all work according to the contract. We are a demolition company under the Zhao Group. Brother Hong Tiejun knows that Well, that's my big brother."

On the opposite side, a group of people from the society slapped their cheeks, this product is a big hit, it can be shot as soon as it is shot, and it is so artistically processed!

Immediately thereafter, there are some words about Hua Shier and his profession, most of which are moral kidnapping, so I won’t describe them in detail, otherwise, everyone who understands will understand.
Zhu Jia immediately became angry. If Hua Shier doesn't care about this matter, can she report it? Why don't these people know good people?

So he chose to record the evidence of the other party's illegal operations during the demolition, and then handed it over to Zhu Jia to report, using public opinion to force the Zhao Group to pay the compensation in place.

He immediately explained the matter, and the tenants present understood his painstaking efforts. The elder sister who spoke just now gave her husband a slap, and stepped forward with a face of shame:

With a flick of Hua Twelve's wrist, the ID disappeared, replaced by a pistol he specially brought out from the team:
"Want to assault the police? Try to move! Do you know if you broke the law!"

Although this incident is not the fault of the Zhao Group, but the fault of the outsourced demolition company, but if you are such a big group, letting the tenants suffer is due to poor supervision, so you should bear the blame or have to bear it.

Chen Yongqiang recognized at a glance that this was the police officer Hua who was brought by police officer Sun during the day.

The leader laughed arrogantly: "Okay, I've notified you of the move a long time ago, one by one pushing and resisting, dawdling, now I know I'm crying, why did I go early!"

"Hello, Reporter Zhu? Yes, it's here. Hurry up. Well, I'm on the scene. The materials are all recorded. Yes, the home-style handheld video recorder has street lights, and the effect is still good."

After Hong Tiejun finished paying the money and the tenants thanked them for signing, Hua Twelfth called back to the team. After a while, the police lights flashed, and Xiao Wu and the others brought people here.

"what are you doing?"

He simply gave in and asked people to go back to get the cash. If he didn't make enough money, he went to the ATM to withdraw money, and if he couldn't get enough money, he borrowed it. In short, he went door-to-door to make up money tonight. He only asked Hua Shier and Zhu Jia to shoot stuff on the TV.

Hong Tiejun and the others all came to the wine bureau, and they checked one by one. The standard drunk driving would have to be detained for half a month. When they were taken away, they all looked at Hua Shier's complaints, This item is too damaged.

The eyelids of the person in the lead twitched, and he shouted loudly: "Give me the camera, don't be afraid, Brother Jun will take care of anything!"

The man came to his senses and pointed at the reporter: "He hit someone, did you record him hitting someone?"

Behind him was a group of men with big arms and round waists, who were about to charge up immediately.

Therefore, it was out of this consideration that he didn't let Zhu Jia and the others come when the incident happened.

Hua Twelve hurriedly waved his hands: "No need, we can handle this matter properly, that would be the best!"

But before Chen Yongqiang could do anything, the one who took the lead in demolition pushed away the crowd, and brought a group of guys holding an iron rod, showing his thick arms, and the guy with dragon and tiger tattoos on it, walked up to Hua Twelve, and raised his chin With a bad look in his eyes, he asked:

Among these people, a leader shouted loudly: "Throw everything out, let everyone come out, that's fine, that's fine, don't worry about the rest after the people come out, it's all self-inflicted."

Chen Yongqiang was thinking of calling Sun Dasheng just now, but the sound of the excavator tearing down the wall was too loud. When he saw Hua Twelve, he immediately went up to say hello and begged the police officer to make decisions for them.

Under Hua Shier's signal, the younger brother on the opposite side bit the bullet and said: "It's these residents who want to rebel. Dozens of people surround our brother to prevent him from leaving, and even smash the hook machine!"

When those people heard this, they hesitated for a moment and then strode forward.

Facing the muzzle of the gun, no one dared to move, and the leader was a little numb. He didn't know what to do in this situation.

The matter was finally resolved satisfactorily. Hong Tiejun obediently made up all the rent compensation for these tenants. He did this behind the Zhao Group's back, and he couldn't afford it if something happened.

It turned out that it was Hua Twelve who directly showed the ID: "Stand still, I'm from the criminal police team!"

In fact, he has his own considerations about this matter. Although the demolition is forced, he holds the lease contract signed by these tenants in his hand. Whether it is an overlord clause or not, the court has the final say, otherwise it is a contract dispute.

At this moment, a news gathering car turned around from the corner of the street. Seeing that there were many people here, it sped up and ran towards this place. Then it braked, and Zhu Jia, holding a microphone, rushed down with a few assistants.

"This police officer, you were here just now, why didn't you stop them, I still have half a year's rent left for my store, it's all over now!"

Hua Twelve made a move, and he couldn't finish the job so easily after collecting the money. There are so many controlled knives, it's a pity that he turned a blind eye to his profession.

Hua Twelve just finished speaking at this time, and he laughed when he heard the other party ask:

Hua Twelve had a cold face, feeling that his status in this world, if he wasn't a policeman, he wouldn't care about these people at all, and instead of helping, he complained.

"Grandma, just wait for me and bring someone over there to see who dares to stab me!"

Hong Tiejun was a little drunk at first, but he became sober all of a sudden: "It's not that the demolition broke the optical cable. If you talk, I'll book a ticket now."

"No wonder you can't do a serious job, you can only mess with the society and work for tigers. Your IQ is not good. Didn't you see my video? Record your ugly faces and hand them over to the reporter. Congratulations, you are going to be on TV!"

Hong Tiejun knew Zhu Jia, the popular host of the city's TV station, and knew that the other party had a background. When he was asked by the other party, he was stunned after drinking. He rubbed his face and held back for a long time before he said:
"Picture, pedicure. Is it illegal to pedicure with a knife?"

"Son is fine, dad is here, dad is here, it's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

The reason why the two emotions are expressed in the same vocabulary is mainly because this person is uneducated, and he can speak the world with a single sentence.

At this time, some tenants who had their stores demolished surrounded them. Hua Twelve thought that these people were going to tell how they were bullied, but a big sister came up and blamed him:

Zhu Jia turned to the assistant and said, "Remind me to go back and cut this part, don't broadcast it!"

The first one was full of threats, and the second one was an exclamation that subconsciously popped out when Hua Twelve showed his ID to him.

At that time, Zhu Jia might not be able to bear it.

Hua Twelve was a little speechless. Are these little bastards pigs? No wonder they can only be thugs and mess around with the society. It’s sold, I don’t know if he videoed the whole process just now.

Several of Zhu Jia's assistants, including the one who carried the camera, the one who turned on the lights, and the one who held the microphone, were all those who followed the police last time. They were also acquaintances with Hua Twelve. After getting off the car, they were surprised by the tense atmosphere. , but these reporters have also seen the big world, and they didn't panic, they all greeted this way.

Everyone threw away the crowbar and other things in their hands, and Zhu Jia quickly motioned for the camera to take a close-up.

Chen Yongqiang watched helplessly as his car repair shop, which was due in four months, was pushed in front of him by the excavator.

The caller was the little brother he sent to be in charge of the demolition today. After answering the call, the person on the other side yelled like a cannonball:
"Brother Jun, something has happened, come here quickly!"

The crowd was forcibly separated, and excavators that had already been prepared drove in from outside.

When the house was knocked down and the dust settled, the working machines stopped roaring, which revealed the cries of many tenants.

That person: "."

After getting out of the car, everyone flashed their machetes, and Hong Tiejun shouted loudly:

Otherwise, even if the other party's forced demolition is prevented, the top hat that is similar to hindering urban development will be deducted. There is no evidence, and there is really no reason to reason.

Although he said comforting words to his son, he was also panicking in his heart. When he turned his head and looked around, he saw that many neighbors around him had been kicked out of his shop, and they were stopped outside by suspected social elements.

"Who dares to make trouble, and doesn't ask what Brother Jun in City C does, what the hell, what the hell."

Others also complained: "That's it, that's it"

Chen Yongqiang hugged his crying son outside the door, feeling bitter in his heart, but he could only comfort him in his mouth:

This person was stunned by Hua Twelve, and the corners of his eyes twitched. At the same time, he also realized that this video must not be exposed, and raised his finger:
"Kill him to death for me!"

As for the material that was filmed, don’t even think about pressing it. Zhu Jia has also made meritorious service in the TV station with this thing. After deleting some things to make the video interview look more harmonious, he went straight to the next day. news.

Recently, the Zhao Group, which has been plagued by negative news, once again saw its stock price plummet because of this incident.

Hua Twelve was still criticized, and Director Zhang, who was in charge of the criminal investigation of the City Bureau, ran to the team and slapped Old Wu and Hua Twelve on the table:
"Isn't it nonsense? Is this something you are in charge of? If you have done some merit, you don't know what your last name is. I can tell you that this is the only time, and I can't protect you again."

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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