A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 408 Divine chapter 1 operation!

PS: I had a headache and went to bed. Today I worship the God of Wealth on the fifth day of the lunar new year. Xia Tian wishes my brothers a smooth new year and a prosperous business!

The alleys and alleys are blocked by people!
Hua Twelve took off his helmet and watched dozens of knife fighters slowly approaching from both ends of the alley. They were all men in their 30s and [-]s, all of them wore small black leather vests, crew cuts, and tight jeans.

What a uniform dress.

Being blocked in an alley by dozens of people with machetes, this kind of scene that only appears in old Hong Kong movies, unexpectedly happened to Hua Shier.

He hung the helmet on the handlebar, took out his mobile phone with one hand, quickly turned on the video function, and started shooting, recording the scene in front of him.

Well, as a legal worker, he knows how important evidence collection is.

"What are you doing, make a movie!"

While Hua Twelve was shouting, he flipped his right wrist, and the certificate appeared in his hand like magic, and he shouted loudly:

"I'm Hua Shishir, a police officer from the second team of criminal police. Now you all throw the knife on the ground for me, put your hands on your head, and squat against the wall!"

Those swordsmen were taken aback by the shouting of these words. Just think of you as a criminal policeman. Now facing so many swordsmen, shouldn't you say, 'I'm policeman C, what do you want to do?Hurry up, otherwise what's this kind of harsh words.

Sun Dasheng covered his head and handed the phone to Old Wu: "Okay, look, you can see it!"

He lowered his voice and said a name: "Zhao Jun is his second son!"

Old Wu searched for his mobile phone, and suddenly asked:

When Dui Wu heard that Hua Shier was surrounded by people, he was taken aback at first, but after hearing what he said later, he felt that it was all bullshit.

Hua Twelve turned around and walked back. This time, it was the turn of the saber hand behind the motorcycle to retreat, while the saber hand in front stepped forward.

He took out the phone, unlocked it and handed it to Old Wu.

Even the mature and prudent old Wu sighed: "Twelve, you boy is not bad at this skill!"

After Lao Wu finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

The boss of these people was also lying in the hospital, the boy who was first shot in the thigh by Hua Twelve.

At this time, someone shouted again: "Brothers, he is alone, with a gun, let's charge together!"

What they don't know yet is that this video will become a legend in the police circle in the future, and it will be regarded as a mythical operation.

Seeing this, the rest turned around and ran away. Hua Twelve calmly changed the magazine again, and then shot one by one. All the swordsmen fell to the ground and groaned.

In the end, what did you call this?

When Sun Dasheng looked back and saw Hua Twelve using the one-handed inertia of the king's style of dispatching troops to load the gun, he was dumbfounded. How could the gun still play like this?

Reminiscing that he has only been in this world for a few days, and on average he only reads it a few times a day. This kind of dross is like this, and you can’t always criticize it, get angry!

Today, Sun Dasheng asked for leave to go to see the house, and Hua Twelve came out to investigate by himself. Old Wu was worried about him, a newcomer, and was afraid that he would encounter some danger, so he specially asked him to bring out the gun, and equipped him with two spare magazines according to the standard. Now it really comes in handy.

Sun Dasheng also followed Old Wu, and when he saw Hua Twelve, the first thing he said was: "Brother, are you alright?"

When Old Wu saw him snatching the phone, he hurriedly said: "Oh, what are you doing? You can tell people everything. What kind of thing are you? Why are you sneaking around so that no one will see it?"

Hua Shier found out the video taken in the alley and clicked to play it. Although the lighting of the video was a bit poor, everyone could vaguely see the scene at that time and clearly hear the conversation in the video.

Hua Twelve listened with his ears, but he didn't find anyone ambushing in the dark, so he immediately called Lao Wu with his mobile phone and explained the situation.

Hua Twelve's heart warmed up. He and Sun Dasheng hadn't been partners for a long time, but they were in perfect harmony. Now it seems that he has seen the right person, and it is not in vain for him to help settle the matter of the school district housing.

Holding Hua Twelve's shoulders with both hands, he looked up and down, and then he was relieved: "You scared me to death!"

Hua Twelve directly shot: "Chong Nima, go!"

My own people were ambushed by dozens of swordsmen. That night, the entire second team and colleagues from the Nancheng branch took action.

"Twelve, you are a fucking talent!"

The shot hit the leg of the person who spoke, and the person fell to the ground with a scream. Looking at the thigh again, there was a blood hole, and he had lost the ability to fight and escape.

Didn’t the suspects with gunshot wounds in the thighs not die? After taking out the bullets, they were interrogated overnight on the hospital bed.

"You, you, you can accept this kind of scapegoat. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been able to give you a fake!"

Hua Shier heard the siren and saw the police car driving to the entrance of the alley. Afraid of causing misunderstanding, he took the initiative to go over to show his ID, explain the situation, and then asked the comrades from the sub-bureau to help protect the scene, waiting for Team Wu to come and deal with it.

Sun Dasheng not only watched the video of changing the magazine with one hand several times, but also watched the entire video from beginning to end several times.

Seeing this, Lao Wu and Cao Yi both looked solemn. This incident was obviously premeditated, and there must be someone behind it.

Old Wu clapped his hands: "It's easy to say that there is a suspicious target. Let's send someone to watch him, and I don't believe we can't find any clues!"

Assaulting a J is a felony, especially in a scene like dozens of swordsmen. If the boss can handle such a big case, there are only two possibilities. One is that the person behind him is kind to him, and he will repay the favor .

Hua Twelve had no choice but to call again. This time, he talked badly, and finally convinced Lao Wu for a while, saying that he would immediately bring the people in the team to the scene.

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Edit, then, whoops."

Lao Cao's face was a little ugly, and he said to Lao Wu: "Don't make trouble, this person can't move, and he can't follow, this is"

"Let me tell you that I often go to the firearms forum. I just made this on Twelve. In reality, basically no one can do it. I saw it today. It's awesome!"

Hua Twelve explained again from the side: "It's said that Batman doesn't kill people!"

Hua Shishi didn't take it seriously in his heart, and immediately said that he was acting as a shield for Zhu Jia, which made Old Wu angry, pointing at him and complaining:

"go away!"

Sun Dasheng read it twice again, still arousing countless praises from colleagues around him, but he was slapped on the top of the head by Old Wu:

He immediately pulled the trigger one after another, and the gunshots continued, one shot at a time, all of which hit the thighs of these swordsmen. He was holding the Type 20 with [-] rounds of bullets in the magazine.

Hua Shishi didn't take it seriously, Zhao Jun was too messy, he wanted to go all out and give up the system mission, this person would never see the sun tomorrow!
But for now, it's not there yet.

After completing the procedures and returning to the bureau, Lao Wu and Cao Yi walked up to Hua Shishi with serious faces, and the former asked:
"Twelve, what's going on?"

One-handed inertial loading is a technology developed by a Chinese soldier king in the real world. Without a certain amount of strength in the arm, it can't be done at all. The most important thing is that there is no such technology in the dragon and snake world.

Sun Dasheng and other comrades in the team covered their mouths and held back their laughter.

"Your kid is almost done, don't be endless!"

Hua Shishi also had no choice but to say, "Come on, you won't believe me even if I tell you. Fortunately, I videotaped the evidence at the time, and it was in my phone!"

Hua Twelve was not sleepy when he heard this, and turned to look at Cao Yi, oh, I'll go, old Cao, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, you have a daughter, and you still know Hashimoto, I didn't expect it, no think.
Lao Cao knew what he was thinking when he saw the eyes of this guy, and he blushed and explained: "It's not what you think, we cooperated with the customs to investigate a smuggled CD."

The second possibility is that the people behind the scenes are too powerful. Once the boss confesses the person behind the scenes, he may not be able to bear the consequences.

Let dozens of us throw away their knives, hold their heads, and squat against the wall. Why does this sound like we are not surrounding you, it seems that in reverse, we are surrounded by you alone!
Someone in the hands of more than 20 knives who came over from the front shouted: "Hua Shier, right? Then I didn't find the wrong person, it was you!"

He pressed the magazine release button with his thumb, and the magazine dropped automatically. Then he released the pistol with five fingers, allowing the pistol to fall freely. At this time, he turned his hand and took out a new magazine. While the pistol was falling, Push the magazine in.

After he finished yelling, he gestured with the gun on both sides, and shouted loudly at the same time: "A warning."

This wave of operations frightened these swordsmen, but fortunately they saw hope, and someone shouted:

Cao Yi stood aside, couldn't stand it any longer, coughed lightly and said, "Okay, Old Wu, that's an actress from Xiaotian, it's nothing to look at!"

The two swordsmen in the front and back were considering whether to run away, but now seeing that the guy was really out of bullets, they all rushed over, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Hua Twelve on the spot.

As he spoke, this guy got off the motorcycle, took a video camera in one hand, and walked forward with a gun in the other. When he took two steps, the people in front took two steps back, and the knifemen behind him followed two steps .

Hua Twelve explained: "Batman doesn't kill people!"

Cao Yi also watched Hua Twelve's operation on the screen, and a meaningful light flashed in his eyes.

Hua Twelfth's behavior was calm, he was decisive, he talked and laughed happily in a crisis situation, and he took care of dozens of swordsmen in a leisurely walk, which made the colleagues around him applaud. In their words, it was blood boiling.

Hua Twelve nodded: "If there is a target of suspicion, Zhao Jun!"

Hua Twelve laughed, no bullets?Think too much, brother also has two spare clips!

"What are you doing, dancing Cha Cha with me?"

He pointed at the video and yelled, "What did I see?"

Hua Twelve took out his mobile phone to record the whole process from the beginning when he was besieged from front to back. He didn't need to explain anything, nor did his colleagues in the police station ask him about various things. There is a problem, just write the report directly according to the mobile phone video.

When they saw such a big scene, the comrades of the Nancheng branch were quite surprised and reported it immediately. Finally, Cao Yi and Lao Wu rushed over with people.

(Summer may have had a problem here yesterday, what level does it correspond to, brothers, search for it yourself!)
Old Wu was also taken aback when he heard that, he turned his head to Hua Twelve and asked, "Why did you offend him!"

Old Wu didn't care about the small emotions in Sun Dasheng's tone, he just smiled: "It's not too bad!"

"Fuck off, I'm telling you to stop making trouble, it will delay me watching football!"

"Fall back, back a little bit, look at that Twelve who is changing magazines in the air with one hand!"

Hua Twelve's right-hand certificate turned into a pistol at some point, and hit the man between the eyebrows with one shot.

Old Wu asked Hua Shishi to wait, and then took Cao Yi out to talk alone. The two chatted for more than half an hour.

As soon as this technology came out, all the colleagues present felt incredible.

With a bang, the corpse fell in front of the motorcycle and remained motionless. This sudden scene made the swordsmen in front and behind subconsciously stop.

When they saw that Hua Shier really used a gun to kill more than 40 swordsmen, everyone was shocked. After a while, Old Wu guessed:

Hua Twelve scolded angrily and amusingly, and then shouted loudly: "Throw away the knife for me, hug your head and squat down!"

Sun Dasheng himself is a hot weapon enthusiast. Seeing the spearman's operation today is as exciting as a martial arts fan who saw Huo Yuanjia, Huang Feihong, and Zhang Sanfeng with his own eyes.

Old Wu said earnestly on the phone: "More than 40 swordsmen have been brought down, and more than 40 people have been injured? I said twelve, is it Batman who saved you?"

Cao Yi promised to mobilize Hua Shier's work relationship as soon as possible, and get him to work in another city as soon as possible.

The boss of the Zhao family, I won't mention his name, his official position is the inspector of the third rank!

bah bah bah bah
Once the pistol was in hand, Hua Twelve fired again, knocking down another twenty swordsmen in the blink of an eye.

But before anyone from the team arrived, the comrades from the Nancheng branch arrived, but it was the surrounding residents who heard the gunshots and called the police.

In a blink of an eye, a magazine was emptied, and besides the one killed earlier, nineteen swordsmen were hit in the thigh and fell to the ground.

After Hua Twelve fired this shot, he didn't give any warnings. According to the regulations, he can shoot without warning in a critical moment. Now this kind of scene, being ambushed by dozens of swordsmen, should be a critical moment no matter how you think about it.

Old Wu and Cao Yi called Hua Twelve outside to talk alone, and asked him if he had any suspicious targets.

When the pistol fell to the height of his legs, he grabbed the pistol and made a forward punch. Using the inertia, the pistol was loaded with a click.

"What is this Hashimoto's folder? Why do you still have something with the name of the little devil here?"

This remark caused a burst of laughter, and the atmosphere immediately relaxed a lot.

After discussing with Cao Yi, Lao Wu immediately asked someone to take photos and collect evidence, then called Bai Che to take all the injured to the hospital, took a few more photos of the dead one, and asked the forensic doctor to drag him down to the station to wait for the autopsy.

At first glance, it looked like he was determined to take on the matter, without any hesitation, he just wanted to plead guilty.

He said that he was surrounded by people, with more than 40 knives, and he killed one and wounded more than 40, so he asked Lao Wu to bring people here quickly.

Sun Dasheng usually likes to practice spears, and his marksmanship was originally the best in the team, but now he saw Hua Twelve's methods with spears in the video, and he was immediately shocked.

The previous generation of the Zhao family were brothers, the second child was the father of Zhao Kang and Zhao Tai, Zhao Rongbiao, the chairman of Zhao Real Estate, is now a big boss worth hundreds of billions.

But Old Wu couldn't stand it anymore, and knocked him on the head: "Hurry up!"

As he said that, one of them held a dog-leg knife, separated from the crowd and strode ahead and rushed up. When he was two steps away from Hua Twelve, he jumped suddenly and slashed down with the steel knife in his hand.

Yelling and yelling aroused the curiosity of the colleagues who were working around. They also played with guns, and they all gathered around to see what kind of technology could surprise Sun Dasheng so much.

Hua Twelve asked the other swordsmen loudly with disgust on his face, "Is he usually this brave?"

Seeing the scene in the alley, Old Wu was shocked and said, "Oh my god, I really met Batman!"

When the two came back, they announced a decision to temporarily suspend Hua Twelve for the purpose of protection, and Lao Wu arranged for Sun Dasheng to protect him 24 hours a day.

Of the swordsmen standing in front of the motorcycle, there were only two or three kittens left.

Old Wu asked Hua Shier if there was any place he wanted to go, and the latter thought for a while: "The capital city, I have friends over there, I just want to go and see it!"

He jokingly said: "I asked you to take the robber today because I was afraid that you would be in danger during the investigation. Now it seems that it is really unnecessary. I should worry that the criminals facing you will be in danger!"

After finishing speaking, he spat: "I'm talking to you!"

Hua Twelve hurriedly snatched the phone back. He dared to swear to God that this folder was not his, but was left behind by his predecessor. When he was free, he often criticized more than 100 documents from the perspective of reflection and scrutiny. over and over.

"He's out of bullets, rush over and hack him to death!"

Volley changed the magazine with one hand, added the inertial loading of the one-handed soldier king, and the movement was smooth and smooth. The whole process did not take more than 0.2 seconds. It was almost like the pistol was reloaded as soon as it fell, and Hua Twelve grabbed it again.

As a result, they repeatedly watched Hua Shier's one-handed volley changing magazines and one-handed loading operations, and these people were shocked speechless.

The boss didn't say anything else, only one sentence: "I have carried this matter myself, and I will accept it no matter how many years I have been sentenced!"

Hua Twelve is a very bad fart. When the right hand is changing the magazine, the mobile phone in the left hand is still facing the close-up, recording this wonderful moment.

Hearing this answer, Lao Wu and Cao Yi looked at each other with black lines on their heads. This kid really blew out the Flame Mountain with one mouthful, so he was very angry!

Lao Cao said even more angrily: "You think I'm a crane, where do you want to go? The capital can't arrange it, Jinhai, I have to transfer there after a while, you can help me find the way now!"

It's more than 100 kilometers from Jinhai to the capital, Hua Twelve One can think of it, and it's convenient to see Gong Er's wife, so he nodded immediately:

"Okay, Jinhai is Jinhai!"

Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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