A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 417 Real CS!

The matter of Duan Guochao, they just mentioned it casually, as if they were discussing whether the TV series last night was good, none of the three of them took it to heart.

During the next meal, the atmosphere in the box became a little weird.

In the past, Zhu Jia accepted the bracelet in a muddleheaded way, but the more she thought about it, the more wrong it became. She felt that she had accepted that Hua Shier had other women, and she offered tea to her and called her sister.

She felt that she had been tricked, and wanted to attack several times during the meal, but every time Gong Er seemed to be able to sense it in advance, and turned her head to smile at her faintly.

That smile was elegant and quiet, full of warmth in the eyes of others, but in Zhu Jia's eyes, her heart was shaken, and the energy to go crazy dissipated in an instant.

After several times in a row, Zhu Jia seemed to accept her fate and lost her temper at all.

Hua Twelve-Yi didn't notice this situation at first, but when Zhu Jia and Gong Er confronted secretly for the last time, he noticed the fleeting flash in Gong Er's eyes.

Then he came to a sudden, took Zhu Jia's hand and squeezed it to express comfort, then smiled at Gong Er: "Don't bully her!"

Gong Er just smiled lightly and didn't explain much.

Hua Twelve took Gong Er's hand with the other hand and said, "When did you enter Huajin? Is this the surprise you said you were going to give me on the phone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang. It was their section chief, his immediate superior, who called. He immediately pressed the connect button. Before he could speak, the section chief on the opposite side began to spray:
"Guochao, is there something wrong with you? Are you crazy about women? The leader scolded me just now. Please be honest and don't cause trouble for me!"

This time even Duan Guochao was taken aback by his audacity, why did he startle the higher-ups just by using some tricks?

Zhu Jiamei rolled her eyes and glared at him. Although she didn't speak, Hua Twelve could guess what she was thinking, and it must be: "Virtue!"

Gong Er thought for a while, then nodded: "In the past, I only focused on moving forward, and never looked back. This time, I searched for the touch in the past experience, and after reviewing my thoughts, I figured it out. I want more, at this point, it should be equally simple!"

The three-level principle is refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, and refining spirit to return emptiness.

He decided to let it go, but Duan Guochao still couldn't let it go. After thinking about it, he used his mobile phone to call a Tide apprentice who was learning martial arts from him.

But Zhu Jia didn't see it, she was still talking to her best friend with a smile.

One of them took the certificate and opened it, and his heart suddenly turned cold, knowing that today's matter could not be done.

Gong Ruomei looked at Hua Shishi, who thought that he had nothing to go, so he nodded, "Then let's go together!"

When Zhu Jia was speaking, Hua Shishi glanced around, and then stopped on the opposite side of a parked Audi SUV. Through the open window, Duan Guochao was watching with a smile on his face. here.

Gong Er nodded and agreed without hesitation, but Zhu Jia was still confused when he heard what Hua Shier said about flying swords and demon knives.

Zhu Jia was on the verge of crying, how could she be such a bully, she turned her head and glanced at Gong Er angrily, well, just this one glance, all her resentment disappeared.

Gong Er glanced at Zhu Jia again, and said calmly, "Call me sister!"

After she finished shouting, she came to her senses, grabbed Hua Shishi's arm and complained, "Shishi, she bullied me again!"

Hua Twelve reached out to cover Gong Er's eyes: "Okay, don't scare her anymore, tell me how you have practiced during this period, and it makes me feel a little incredible that you have entered the realm so quickly."

The three of them took a taxi to the outskirts of the capital, a newly opened guild hall, and were stopped by security guards as soon as they entered. After asking, they found out that this place is a membership system, and non-member guests are not accepted. The minimum threshold membership fee is 50 a year. Ten thousand RMB.

Zhu Jia was still on the phone over there, seeing her expression was very angry, and after finishing the call, she switched to:
"Twelve, don't worry, I guarantee that Duan will not dare to use his identity to trouble you in the future!"

Zhu Jia's face immediately fell down, and he took his arm and said in disbelief:

Duan Guochao's heart tightened, and he asked, "Is that man very powerful?"

But the other person was surprised: "What man? That man is just a criminal police officer. I said that the woman in the dress next to him is Zhu Jia. She is the daughter of XXX and the niece of XXX in Jun District."

"That's guarding. My father is also guarding. What he guards is the things of his ancestors. What I guard is my happiness and my home country!"

As a result, within 10 minutes, a colleague called: "Brother Duan, what are you going to do, we have such a good relationship, don't hurt me!"

The two immediately complained: "Brother Duan, you didn't say that that person is a policeman, he's from the Jinhai Criminal Investigation Team, how can you bring this person along!"

It can be said that the dark energy pierces through the eyes, which is already the level of energy transformation.

When introducing Hua Twelve, she directly said that he was her boyfriend. The woman nodded with a smile and said nothing, but the flash of contempt in her eyes caught Hua Twelve and Gong Er's attention.

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone, turned around and dialed the number.

Hua Twelve glanced at the other party's ID, and couldn't help laughing. The official arhat has a great reputation, but the methods are still so old-fashioned, which is really contemptuous.

"Jiajia, you are too mean. You don't come back for a long time, and you don't look for me when you come back. If you didn't hear someone saw you, you don't plan to contact me when you come back!"

Before he and Gong Er had spoken, Zhu Jia exploded:
"What are you doing? Did that duan ask you to come here? You wait, I'll call now and find someone who can talk to you with reason!"

Zhu Jia blushed a little, obviously she really thought so, but she still defended herself:
"No, it's just that I came back temporarily this time, and I'm going back to work tomorrow!"

"Are you sure you want to take me back?"

Duan Guochao's face turned dark, and he drove away.

It takes kung fu to reach the realm of refining the spirit and returning to the void of the third level of Chinese martial arts, which corresponds to the transformation of energy at the level of practice. After the energy penetrates the eyes, the qi and blood are clear, and the spirit is full of energy, then the unique skill can be displayed.

"I have some friends in the capital who have been playing since I was a child. They are all children of the big courtyard. I don't know who saw me just now, but the news spread. They want to meet with me!"

After confirming Hua Twelve's certificate, one of the young men handed it back, and said with an ugly face:
"Sorry comrade, I think this is a misunderstanding, let's not bother!"

Zhu Jia was listening to the confusion, and couldn't help asking at this moment:
"Sister Ruomei, what did you say just now that you were born in troubled times? You also killed a child and killed a traitor. What are you talking about?"

"I followed you. I have killed traitors, killed gangsters in Hong Kong Island, and went to ugly countries to kill mafia. All kinds of experiences in this world have made me understand and understand what I have been doing all this time!"

The two young men didn't know who Zhu Jia was, so they didn't worry about her calling. They didn't know each other in this line of work, and they definitely couldn't be the Tide Party in the capital. Immediately it looks ugly.

After dinner, Hua Twelve suggested that the three of them go out for a walk, but as soon as they walked out of the restaurant, two young men walked up to them and stopped the three of them with their hands. One of them showed his ID and said to Hua Twelve:
"We are from Guoan. There is a case that requires you to go back and assist in the investigation!"

Hua Twelve did not expect that Gong Er had not been in the capital for a long time, and his strength had improved by leaps and bounds. He became a Huajin-level national art master.

Hua Twelve laughed and said: "They didn't force you with a knife, you called it yourself, okay?"

Hua Twelve took Zhu Jia's hand and said: "This matter is a bit troublesome, and we don't want to lie to you, so let's talk about it to you later!"

When Chinese martial arts is practiced to transform energy, it is the dark energy that penetrates the whole body, and the most difficult part to penetrate is the face, and the most difficult organ to penetrate is the eyes.

"Looking for moving requires a lot of experience and life experience, and these two are exactly what I never lack. I was born in a troubled world, and I have seen mountains and rivers broken, people are dying, and I have also seen great rivers and mountains after peace, and the world is prosperous!"

Hua Twelve flipped his left hand, showed his own ID, and asked the two people in front of him with a smile:

Hua Twelve saw it, and couldn't help laughing. Zhu Jia's appearance was like the kind of player in the legend, who is good at playing and loves to play.

These three kinds correspond to each other, Gong Ergang was able to intimidate Zhu Jia with his eyes and dissipate his violent thoughts. This is the "witness technique" in Neijiaquan, which can shock the enemy with eyes and achieve the effect of defeating the enemy without fighting.

Hua Twelve Chaogong Er smiled: "Our father said that when you practice boxing, you should see yourself, the world, and all living beings! Shoujiaguoguo, you have met all living beings!"

After Duan Guochao picked up the two colleagues in his car, he asked sullenly, "Why didn't you bring them back?"

Seeing that he looked serious, Zhu Jia stopped asking, nodded, and then peeled a crab for Hua Shier, still looking provocatively, and glanced at Gong Ruomei.

After hearing the price, Zhu Jia stuck out her tongue. She couldn't afford it anyway, so she immediately called her friend. After a while, a young and beautiful girl came out to greet her. As soon as they met, she gave Zhu Jia a warm hug, and then He complained:

Knowing Zhu Jia's background, Hua Shier nodded with a smile, "Thank you then!"

Suddenly, Duan Guochao's complexion improved a lot. He waved his hands and said, "I don't blame you for this matter. I will think of other ways later!"

"Just now she glanced at me, and I lost all thoughts in my mind. Twelve, do you mean that her glance at me was a skill?"

Under the leadership of that woman, the three of them finally entered the guild hall. After passing through the hall, there was an endless green space in sight.

Hua Twelve nodded and said, "Okay, then you can go!"

At first, Zhu Jia felt that she had been attacked by surprise, and held her breath in her heart, but when Gong Er glanced at her again, she lost her temper again, and subconsciously called out softly, "Sister!"

The woman introduced: "This is a sports hall. There are bowling, billiards, fighting, fitness, etc. indoors. Outdoors, there are horse riding areas, shooting areas, and exclusive areas for tennis, golf and other sports. Today we are all playing in the shooting area. Live CS, let's play together later!"

After hanging up the phone, Duan Guochao was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the other party was just a little JC, and he had friends with such a background.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and introduced to several people, saying that this woman is her best friend, the daughter of Uncle XX, and her father's name sounds like a big boss.

After Duan Guochao asked, he realized what had happened. It turned out that it was a senior member of the JUN who called their immediate leaders and directly questioned Xingshi.

Although the rank of Hua [-] is not high, they don't pay attention to it, but with this status, they can't use their power to take it away casually, otherwise the matter will become a big mess. Let alone them, Duan Guochao will also take it away. Sorry.

Just as she was about to ask Hua Shier for clarification, the phone rang. After Zhu Jia picked it up, she smiled and chatted with the other person, listening to Hua Feng, she should be her friend in the capital.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Jia said to Hua Twelve:

The three training methods are Ming Jin, Dark Jin and Hua Jin.

Neijiaquan has three principles, three steps of kung fu, and three training methods.

Gong Er stretched out his hand to peel a stewed prawn for Hua Twelve, put it in his bowl, and then said:
"It's actually quite simple. After practicing martial arts to the darkest level, you need to be clear about your heart, find strength in your emotions, and find that emotion in your heart. Then your mind will be as clear as a child, and your will will be as strong as a rock. When the time comes, boxing will naturally be brave and diligent. Thousands of miles a day!"

"Sister Ruomei, let's go together. They're going to a newly opened sports hall. There will be a lot of fun!"

Zhu Jia lost her temper after being glanced at by Gong Er just now. She didn't know what was going on, but now she suddenly said:

Hua Twelfth shook his head. He didn't retain his feelings about the world in the previous mission world. It may be difficult for him to see his nature clearly.

Hua Twelve asked curiously, "What do you understand?"

He sent this photo to a colleague in the department responsible for collecting intelligence, asking him to help investigate the background of Hua Shishi and another woman.

Hua Twelve didn't speak, just smiled and watched them leave in despair.

"What, I have already told my friends that I have a boyfriend, and they still want to see you, how could you let me go by myself? Let me tell you, there were quite a few people chasing me back then. Don't worry, let me go alone!"

Knowing that Hua Twelve came to see Gong Er this time, Zhu Jia immediately pulled Gong Er's hand;

After hanging up the phone, Duan Guochao found a photo on his mobile phone, which was Hua Shier, Gong Er and Zhu Jia. This photo was taken when he was downstairs in the Gong Er dormitory of Beijing University. The only thing is that it is convenient to trouble Hua Twelve.

As soon as the two left, Duan Guochao, who was in the car across the street from Hua Shierhao, raised his thumb, then turned 180 degrees, with his thumb pointing down, the irony was self-evident.

When it came to guarding happiness, Gong Er also held Hua Twelve's hand tightly.

As a result, when he came into contact with Gong Er's smiling eyes, he immediately became discouraged and lost his temper.

Hua Shier and the two daughters returned to the campus in the capital city, found a shaded bench and sat down, and only then did they talk about coming to the capital city this time and asking Gong Er to go to Jinhai for help to seize the opportunity.

The three-step kung fu is easy bones, easy tendons, and marrow washing.

Because of his identity and background, Zhu Jia also practiced shooting in the army since he was a child. Hearing this, he suddenly became interested and smiled: "Okay, I will definitely win you this time!"

Everyone got on the sightseeing car and was pulled to the live CS field in the shooting area. They saw a group of people waiting there from a distance, and some people waved in this direction.

Hua Twelve's eyes shrank, and he saw an acquaintance, Duan Guochao whom he met today.

He immediately realized that today's real CS might not be easy!

Thanks: 08a, the little tiger in the devil world for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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