A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 424 Feels Like Real!

Chapter 424 Feels Like Real! (Seek full order)

Hua Shishi held a gun in his right hand against Li Shuchang's head, flipped over him with his left hand a few times, found his cell phone, and threw it in the other's face:
"Call, call now!"

He suddenly went berserk and shocked everyone, Cai Tianming's eyes flickered, Yang Xiaobei, who was pretending to be his wife, and the entire operation team behind him didn't know what to do, thinking that this was not the original plan, big brother.

Everyone could only watch nervously as he continued to perform, while Yang Xiaobei turned away the handbag with the pinhole camera hidden in it and a decoration on the table that had been arranged in advance. Although it was an undercover operation, this kind of thing must not be recorded.

Hua Twelve noticed Yang Xiaobei's actions, and thought that these girls are not too stupid.

Cai Tianming thought for a while, and stepped forward to persuade him: "Brother Haha, you are so unruly!"

Hua Twelve turned his head and grinned at him: "Brother, Brother Haha told you something today. I am the rule in the north. Don't persuade me, so as not to hurt our friendship!"

Turning around, he shot Li Shuchang in the head with a gun: "Call, I asked you to call, did you hear me?"

Li Shuchang had just smoked the product, and he was in a high state at this time. Although his head was smashed by the ashtray, he didn't feel any pain, and he wasn't too scared when he was pointed at by the ashtray. He grinned Chaohua Twelve smiled:

"Haha brother, right? Let me tell you, I have seen more ruthless than you. If you want our goods, you must abide by our rules, otherwise"

On the way, Yang Xiaobei frowned and said to Hua Twelve: "Aren't you playing too much, aren't you afraid you won't end?"

Before he finished speaking, his head was pushed into the sink. He kept patting him with his hands to signal that he had surrendered, but Hua Twelve turned a blind eye.

Hua Twelve pointed to Li Shuchang who had regained some strength on the ground and said, "Tie it up and put it in!"

I can't move, I have to keep up with the language, Hua Twelve interrupted directly:
"No damn, no!"

Yang Xiaobei's face turned dark, and she wondered if she wanted to play such a big game, and she wanted to persuade her, but she saw that Hua Shier gave her a wink, so she took out her mobile phone and called her colleagues downstairs, pretending to be a sister-in-law, and told them work.

Li Zhenbiao, who was far away in Yuejiang, was stunned. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. After thinking about it, he tried to make a call. The person on the other side said in Cantonese:
"Is it over so soon?"

Yang Xiaobei stepped forward to check and exclaimed, "I'm out of breath!"

There was another silence on the other side, and then he said angrily: "Don't go too far, what do you want to explain?"

With 30 seconds left, Hua Twelve waved his hand, and Yang Xiaobei and the others looked puzzled. After he gave him a hard look, the two team members put the suitcase on the railing.

"I'm worth hundreds of millions, would I suck this shit like an idiot? What an idiot!"

"Tell me what to do with today's incident. If you don't understand, the man will sink directly into the sea, and even Jesus can't save him. I haha!"

Seeing Hua Twelve's expression and the most ruthless words in a peaceful tone, Cai Tianming was in a daze for a while. At this moment, the other party seemed to him not to be a JC, but a Hong Kong Island club boss with blood on his hands .

Haha brother, you must first haha.

Li Shuchang looked at his mobile phone in front of him, and fell silent again.

Hua Twelve stopped the other party before hanging up: "Cooperation is cooperation. Your nephew doesn't understand the rules. You have to explain to me what happened today!"

"and many more!"

"Let's go to Dagu Bridge!"

"Is it JC?"

"Okay, 2 minutes this time, I hope you can survive!"

Yang Xiaobei rolled his eyes, almost flipping the car, he still didn't forget the character design.

"Li Zhenbiao, Uncle Biao, right? I'm Jin Hai haha!"


Hua Twelve started counting down as if nothing had happened. When the count reached three, Li Shuchang's cell phone rang suddenly. He waved his hand with a smile, and the two team members quickly put down the suitcase.

Today he just wants to give the other party a feeling, a feeling that Brother Haha can cover up in the north, saying that he will sink you, and he will sink you, it is such an awesome feeling.

"Your nephew doesn't follow the rules. He comes to my place. I eat, drink, and entertain him. I'm from Mahler Gobi. If you don't talk business well, you have to play tricks on me and let me follow him. Saying that I don’t do it, it’s a shame, and if I don’t do it, I don’t talk about it, what the hell, is there anything wrong with him!”

Hua Twelve put his gun on Li Shuchang's head again: "If no one answers, I will kill you!"

Lishu Changdu was crying, with snot and tears streaming out together, and the road crossing was dressed roughly: "No, brother haha, I'm really not JC"

Looking at Li Shuchang's stern eyes due to fear, Hua Twelve turned his backhand and said, "I'm talking to you, did you hear me?"

After he finished speaking, he put the pistol into his waist again, then reached out and grabbed Li Shuchang's hair, dragging him from the living room to the bathroom.

"I think you are JC!"

In 30 seconds, Hua Twelve picked up Li Shuchang's head: "Tell me, are you JC?"

Li Shuchang cried out here: "He is crazy, I almost died."

He patted Li Shuchang's red and swollen face with his hands, and said with a smile:
"Brother Chang, are you scared to pee? Don't be afraid, brother, I'm just kidding you, don't be so stupid in the future, I am a big brother with thousands of subordinates, why are you forcing me to suck dicks and suck watts in my brain? !"

Hua Twelve pushed Li Shuchang down and let him struggle. This time, he only lifted him up after 40 seconds. The same question remained:

After entering the bathroom, Hua Twelve controlled Li Shuchang with one hand, and turned on the faucet to pour cold water into the washbasin with the other hand. When the water was almost full, he directly lifted the latter's head and pressed it into the sink full of water.

"Is it JC?"

"No, I'm not!" Li Shuchang cried, and he almost died.

Pass the phone over: "Call your uncle!"

"Okay, you have a lot of tricks, what are you doing like a spy!"

In this way, Hong Kong Seven will not be afraid, on the contrary, it will increase their interest in cooperation, because the stronger the offline, the safer their online.

At the Golden Horse Hotel, Hua Shier, who hung up the phone, told Yang Xiaobei:

Hua Twelve didn't wait for him to finish speaking, he twitched his big mouth, "No damn."

This time, after just one minute, Li Shuchang stopped moving, and his whole body was limp like a dead fish. If Hua Twelve hadn't pressed his head, he would have slipped and fell onto the ground from the sink.

Seeing his indifferent appearance, Cai Tianming couldn't help asking: "What if the other side disagrees?"

Yang Xiaobei stared at Hua Twelve suspiciously. After the latter found out, he laughed and said, "Then why are you looking at me?"

Before he could finish speaking, the mobile phone had been snatched by Hua Twelve and he put it next to his ear. Before he could speak, he laughed.

Cai Tianming swallowed his saliva: "I guess he just agreed!"

Li Shuchang panted heavily, and hurriedly explained that the icy cold water cooled down his excited nerves after taking the medicine, and his mind cleared up.

The suitcase was put on the Cherokee, Hua Shier and Yang Xiaobei sandwiched Cai Tianming, boarded the first car, and went straight to the Dagu Bridge.

Just on the sidewalk on the other side of the bridge, a figure was holding a binoculars, hiding behind the railing in the night, observing this side, and at the same time, the mobile phone earphone he was wearing was always in a talking state.

The mobile phone was placed in front of him: "Call!"

Open the door and get out of the car. Two police officers dressed as thugs in black hurriedly stood guard on both sides of the sidewalk to prevent pedestrians from entering accidentally. The other two team members got the suitcases out of the car and went to Drag on the sidewalk.

Li Shuchang didn't speak this time, just shook his head!

"1 minutes!"

Ummmm, the gagged Li Shuchang nodded repeatedly, expressing his understanding.

Hua Twelve twitched his lips: "Is it JC?"

One, two, five times in a row, no one answered. Li Shuchang felt that the muzzle of the gun on his head seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. Excited, he shouted loudly: "Pick it up, pick it up!"

Hua Twelfth also knew that it was almost done, and let her tear up a few times before she relaxed. Li Shuchang fell to the ground with a plop.

Hua Shishi was unmoved: "The opportunity was given to him, but he didn't grasp it himself. My Haha brother always spits out a nail when he talks, and if he says 2 minutes, it will be 2 minutes!"

"I can't die!" Hua Twelve poked Li Shuchang's acupuncture point with his foot indifferently, and the latter suddenly opened his mouth and began to spit water out.

The next moment, Li Shuchang was tied up, a white towel from the hotel bathroom was stuffed in his mouth, and he was forced into a suitcase.

These people are not afraid that you will be ruthless or powerful when they cooperate with others, but they are afraid that you will not be able to cover them and that they will not buy enough goods.

After getting in the car, he told the driver: "Go to Ezhou and see that factory!"

This time Li Shuchang didn't dare to refuse anymore, he took the phone with trembling hands, and dialed a number honestly.

Facing the sea breeze on the bridge, Hua Twelve walked over and stood in front of the guardrail. After a while, he glanced at his watch again, turned his head to the suitcase and said with a smile:
"There are still 5 minutes!"

When Hua Twelve said this, Li Shuchang's eyes twitched at his feet, so just call me by name.

If it weren't for the phone call, Hua Twelve really wanted to turn around with a big mouth, and that Li Shuchang just now seemed to be doing otherwise, and his face was hurt!

Colleagues from the anti-drug team had already prepared three cars at the entrance of the hotel, two sedans, with a Cherokee in the middle.

Holding his breath for 30 seconds may not be a big deal to ordinary people, but he has just inhaled the goods, and he is still struggling desperately, extremely consuming oxygen. For him, these 30 seconds are as difficult as being in hell!
Hua Twelve handed over the phone: "Call your uncle Li Zhenbiao!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Don't worry, I have a measure!"

When we arrived at the Dagu Bridge, the three cars pulled over and stopped. Because of the late hour and the cold weather, there were many vehicles on the bridge but not many pedestrians.

Picking up the mobile phone on the ground, he glanced at it, then put the pistol in his waist, and reached out to pull Li Shuchang's hand to unlock it with his fingerprint.

Hua Twelve didn't talk nonsense, and pressed him down again, this time directly for 1 minute, Li Shuchang's struggle gradually weakened, and he lifted it up like a dead dog:

Fortunately, the next moment, the phone was finally connected, and a voice that was full of air but with a hint of doubt came over:
"Hey, is it Achang, the talk is over so soon?"

"You can't be JC, can you?"

When he was about to vomit, Hua Twelve handed over the phone: "Call!"

Li Zhenbiao quickly told the story, and the other side was silent for a while: "Haha, don't you suck? Let's study it, wait for me for a while!"

Li Zhenbiao seemed dumbfounded by the scolding, and after a long time he snorted coldly: "In short, if you want to join, you have to pass this test, otherwise"

"Leave me here. Haha, I can't do this business. Don't even think about entering the north. I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it. Once 10 minutes arrive, I'll put your nephew in a suitcase and leave the university." Throw it on the Gu bridge to fill the sea!"

Hua Twelve stepped on Li Shuchang just like that, and began to look through his contact information and call records, but found that they were all blank. Obviously, he had deliberately changed his mobile phone and number before coming here.

"Haha brother, sister-in-law!"

Yang Xiaobei and Cai Tianming who followed were dumbfounded and didn't know whether to stop them.

After Hua Twelve made a haha, he declared his family name, and without giving the other party a chance to speak, he said:

He turned to look at Cai Tianming: "Brother, do you think he is JC?"

"Ask my brother to get a big suitcase and bring him to the Dagu Bridge. If you don't satisfy me tonight, I'll throw this brat in the water!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Li Shuchang didn't reply immediately, but started to vomit water non-stop, coughing and panting after half a minute.

Hua Twelve gave Yang Xiaobei a reassuring look, then showed his left wrist watch and began to check the time.

"I'm selling this thing to make money, to spend time and drink, let me suck this thing, are you all right? Are your brains flooded or kicked by a donkey?"

Hua Shier and Yang Xiaobei sandwiched Cai Tianming on the left and right, the group left the room and took the elevator downstairs.

Li Shuchang was probably really scared, and he didn't struggle to call for help because of the change in the environment. Even if he passed by the busiest hotel lobby, he was still in the suitcase honestly, and he seemed to be resigned to his fate.

She hurriedly stepped forward and tugged Hua Twelve's arm: "Relax, he's dying, he's really going to die."

Hua Twelve didn't let go of his hands, just watched the countdown on his watch.

Li Shuchang was silent, he couldn't make this call.

Hua Twelve waved his hand, and his team members stepped forward to buckle the suitcase.

Hua Twelve answered the phone, with a smile on his mouth: "How about Uncle Biao, do you understand?"

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the other party responded: "Yes!" After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Li Shuchang began to struggle, but how could he break free from Kaihua Twelve's palm when he was taking medicine.

In less than 5 minutes, several anti-narcotics team members, all wearing black suits and pretending to be thugs, brought over with a large suitcase provided by the hotel. The new labels on the suitcase were torn off.

Li Shuchang struggled desperately, while Hua Twelve was pulling his arm, he raised his right foot and stepped on the face of this guy, firmly stepped on the ground, and then controlled him, and opened his fingers Press on the phone, luckily, the fingerprint lock will be unlocked directly.

There was silence for a while, and he said: "This is the rule. If you want to get goods from us, you have to follow the rules. If you don't smoke, how do I know if you are JC?"

At this time, the people in the anti-drug team, whether they were on the scene or those in charge of logistics, were all in a cold sweat.

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he suddenly changed his face, and once again pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Li Shuchang's head:

At the end of Hua Twelve's speech, he pushed Li Shuchang away, pointed at the other party fiercely, wiped his hands on the other party's clothes with a grim expression, and then took Cai Tianming into the car and left.

"Understood, tell our people in Jinhai to follow and see if he is cheating us!"

These people all run factories that manufacture scorpions, and there are plenty of goods, [-]% off or [-]% off, they will definitely not be so fussy.

Over there, Li Zhenbiao said without any emotion: "We can cooperate, you let him go, wait for my message."

Hua Twelve sprayed directly into the phone: "Fart, how many of those who suck piss have a good end?"

The team members released Li Shuchang from the suitcase, and found that the opponent's body was dripping and falling into the water, Huashi Tingjin's nose, and then imitated Haha, laughing.

This guy is playing psychological warfare again. Although talking about the price will annoy the other party, it will also increase the other party's trust in him.

Li Shuchang, whose head was pressed in the water basin, struggled desperately, but no matter what he did, he couldn't shake Hua Twelve's arm holding his head.

"Remember clearly, I haven't replied to my letter after 10 minutes, you guys go to the Dagu Bridge to catch him tomorrow!"

"No, I'm not JC!"

Hua Twelve said that he was about to push him down. Li Shuchang felt that he was about to die just now. He knew that he would definitely not survive for 2 minutes, so he said quickly: "I'm woo woo!"

Before closing the suitcase, Hua Twelve lowered his head and said with a smile: "You can struggle in it, but if someone finds out, I will be the first to kill you!"

Hua Twelve smiled and waved his hands: "Let him go!"

After spitting out a few sips of water, the person was already awake, turned over in pain, bent over while spitting, and took a deep breath.

At this time, several people in the bathroom slowed down their breathing, they could hear the needle drop, and several people could hear the beeping sound coming from the mobile phone.

Hua Twelve turned his head and showed Heigu a smile that was not a smile: "Then fill the sea!"

Hua Twelve was overjoyed, the first half of the sentence was quite tough, but the second sentence was so timid, he laughed:
"Don't worry, I will only pay [-]% of the payment for the first batch of goods, how about the remaining [-]% as an account for me today?"

Li Zhenbiao said quickly: "He just gave us 10 minutes!"

Hua Twelve looked at his watch: "There are still 10 minutes!"

"Five, four, three"

Hua Twelfth is not talking nonsense when he said that he is measured. He knows that seven Hong Kong Island criminals are behind this case. In the "Big Times World", he has even been the leader of Hong Kong Island's clubs, so he doesn't understand these Hong Kong Island criminals. Is it the psychology of committing crimes?

Seeing this, Yang Xiaobei became anxious. You must know that even though he was on a mission and he was facing criminals, it was absolutely impossible to kill people like this.

A few team members will also perform, and after entering, they bow in front of Li Shuchang.

Cai Tianming was stunned, no. Can he still act like this, who is JC, don't you think so hard?
But under Hua Twelve's nose, he can only cooperate with acting:
"Haha brother, stop making trouble, we have known each other for so long, how could I introduce JC to you!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Okay, I believe you, but I can't trust him!"

Yang Xiaobei asked: "Twelve, what did you do before? The acting is too similar!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Look at me, I'm so handsome, I've always wanted to be a star, I practice acting when I have nothing to do, how about it, I'm amazing!"

Yang Xiaobei gave a thumbs up: "If I didn't know the basics, I would definitely have to investigate you. You don't seem to be acting, I feel like you are the big brother of the underworld!"

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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