A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 438 I Didn't Flash, Did I Win?

Chapter 438 I Didn't Flash, Did I Win? (Seek full order)
Hua Twelve had already thought about the challenge of someone before he came to report. One reason was that his peers were different from each other. The three ace specials, long wind, sharp sword, and fangs, they had their own shooting instructors in the first place.

As a result, he was the shooting instructor of the three special forces. Although he didn't say that he was the chief instructor, he was in charge of these three teams alone. What did the original instructor think?
Another reason is that strength is the most important thing in the military. If you want people to convince you here, you have to show your ability to convince people.

In "Soldier Raid", Xu Sanduo was looked down upon in various ways in the early days of the Seventh Steel Company. Didn't he win the respect and recognition of his comrades only after he broke the record of the company's belly circle?

Among the three special aces, this situation is even better than the Seventh Steel Company, because these three teams are equivalent to the old A in the soldier raid. Any soldier placed in the ordinary company is a soldier king.

These soldier kings were not blown out, all of them were played in big martial arts competitions.

Hua Twelve parachuted here with the name of a "magic gun", and it was difficult to convince the masters in the army.

Although there are few such unhealthy social atmospheres and messy things in the society here, there will definitely be people who will jump out and try how much water is in his 'sharp gun'.

Hua Twelve was not disgusted by this, and was ready for it.

At this moment, he stood up, faced Changfeng's shooting instructor, and asked with a smile, "Isn't it a challenge?"

The man raised his chin: "Yes, in Changfeng, the winner is king and the strong is respected. If you want to lose, just obediently take you reserve team students and give us the field. Come see us later In training, you must take the initiative to stay away!"

Hua Twelve didn't bother to say much. At this moment, he was facing this man, with his back to the shooting range, and took out the pistol he was wearing from the holster with his right hand, then stared at the Changfeng instructor's eyes with a smile, and his head Without turning back, he just turned his hand around and pulled the trigger directly.

Bah bah bah, bang bang bang.

The sound of the bullet firing and the sound of hitting the target came one after another.

Hua Twelve fired eight shots in a row without looking back, and eight bullets hit the bull's-eyes of eight 25-meter targets.

Whether it's the official team members of Changfeng or the students of the three major ace reserve teams, they all looked dumbfounded, and the instructor of Changfeng was even more dumbfounded.
After Hua Twelve fired eight shots in a row, the gun was handed over to his left hand. With the same movement, he shot seven more shots with his backhand, hitting seven bulls-eyes in a row.

The gun he used was a Type 92 9mm caliber pistol, loaded with 15 rounds of ammunition. Without turning around or looking at the target, he shot backhand, left and right, and all hit the bull's-eye, which is a miracle.

This is the training method entrusted to Hua Twelve by the cross. It is okay to shoot a fixed target, but not so good when shooting a moving target. But in this world, it is still a mythical marksmanship, which is more shocking than arc shooting. Not bad at all.

Hua Twelve's smile remained unchanged, and he made a gesture of invitation: "This instructor, come on, if you do it, I will bow down!"

The black-faced instructor couldn't close his mouth, took a long time to swallow and spit, and said in frustration: "I admit defeat!"

After saying this, he seemed to let go of some burden, and he felt relaxed, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he raised his head and said, "Instructor Hua, I, I..."

Speaking of which, this black-faced man who was still arrogant just now, was a little bit unable to open his mouth.

Hua Twelve thought that he was still not convinced, so he wanted to change the analogy, so he immediately said: "If you are still not convinced, just draw a road, and let's discuss and exchange ideas!"

"No, no, I'm not dissatisfied!"

The black-faced instructor stammered a little, and said blushingly, "I just want to ask, can I, can I also train with you, and I want to learn how to shoot with you!"

Those who can become the three ace shooting instructors are all sharpshooters among the kings of soldiers. At this time, such a sharpshooter can say that he wants to learn from Hua Twelve, which makes Changfeng's soldiers with eyes higher than the top They all became agitated, and their eyes were full of eagerness. Who would want to learn such a miraculous marksmanship.

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Yes, my job here is to teach people how to shoot. I mainly teach pistol shooting. I am here every afternoon. If you want to come, just come!"

The black-faced instructor stood at attention and saluted: "Report instructor, my name is Wu Daniu, and you will be my master from now on!"

Hua Twelve quickly returned the gift, and then shook hands with the other party: "You are welcome, but don't mention the master, let's communicate with each other and learn from each other!"

Changfeng's shooting instructor is not only Wu Daniu, but this soldier from the northern countryside is the best marksman among the instructors, so after Wu Daniu appeared on the training ground the next day, several other instructors also followed Rubbing class training.

Hua Twelve did not modify the course because of the arrival of several shooting instructors from Changfeng, but still corrected some basic things for the students, and made slight adjustments for them according to each person's body shape, so that they could find the one that suits them. best move.

This alone benefited Wu Daniu and the other instructors a lot.

You must know that when they enter the army, they learn shooting movements exactly the same, and the basic movements must be 100% consistent. However, people are tall, short, fat and thin, and the same movements are not completely suitable for everyone.

With solid basic movements, they can be trained to be ordinary sharpshooters, but if they want to go further, the more solid the basic movements, the more they will be shackles.

According to each person's characteristics, height and posture, bone and tendon direction, Hua Twelfth helped them make slight adjustments to find the most suitable shooting action for them. With the improvement, the gun is drawn faster and the shooting is more accurate.

This change also made them more convinced of Hua Twelve.

Soldiers are like this, straight forward, if you have the ability, I will obey you. Within two days, Wu Daniu and others and the people from the Huatwelfth Division will be like buddies.

Hua Twelve also liked their straightforward character, and the contact with these soldiers was easier and more comfortable than being with Xu Tianbiao and his group.

During the break, Wu Daniu and the others asked Hua Twelve to smoke and chat together. The former said:
"Instructor Hua, our three trump cards, long wind, sharp sword, and fangs, all think that we are the strongest existence, and we are all competing with each other. There are various projects and tasks, and no one agrees with the other! "

"Wang Weimin is the best shooting instructor in Lijian, and Xue Liyou is the best shooting instructor in Fangfang. These two went out to train with the team two days ago, and they will be back in a few days!"

"Although I was convinced by you, those two boys are more ambitious than me. I reckon they have to come to you to try their guns!"

Hua Twelve also became interested when he heard it, and said with a smile: "These two are better than your marksmanship?"

Wu Daniu was convinced in front of Hua Twelve, but when he mentioned others, his arrogance came again:

"That's impossible. If that's the case, wouldn't we be able to compete with Changfeng in this area? We can only say that each has its own strengths. Wang Weimin of the sword used to be the shooting champion in the competition for three consecutive years, and Wang Weimin of the fangs Xue Liyou, once won the No.1 desert extreme shooting in the international special competition, and is best at long-distance sniping!"

After Wu Daniu's introduction, he said with a smile: "Instructor Hua, I beg you!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Please don't make mistakes, just ask if you have anything to do, I will help if I can, and don't make things difficult for me if I can't!"

Wu Daniu just laughed: "How can I embarrass you, what I mean is, if these two boys come to you to test guns, you will punish them severely as if you were teaching me a lesson, otherwise if you treat them lightly, Then I won't be compared to them, and then these two boys won't know what to say about me behind their backs!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "I can only say that I will do my best, maybe I will lose, so don't blame me!"

"How is that possible!"

Hua Twelve's performance that day completely stunned Wu Daniu. He felt that if he practiced for another ten years, he might not be able to reach other people's standards. Maybe Hua Twelve's opponent.

As expected, Wu Daniu had said what he said, and in the afternoon three days later, while Hua Twelve was still sitting next to the shooting range drinking tea and watching the students under his hands shoot, several military vehicles drove over.

After the car stopped, two resolute-looking men in camouflage strode over, and one of them shouted:
"Where are your instructors? We are going to use this training ground now, you clean it up and let the field out quickly!"

Hua Twelve: "."

Wu Daniu: "."

Other students: "."

This scene is very familiar, even the opening remarks are very familiar.

Wu Daniu remembered how he looked when he came here that day, and thinking about it now, he blushed a little and said:

"Wang Weimin, it's useless to talk less, I used this line a few days ago!"

It turned out that the one who spoke was Wang Weimin, the shooting instructor of 'Sharp Sword'. He hadn't noticed Wu Daniu just now, and he was immediately happy when he saw it:

"Daniu, I heard that you have been subdued. It's okay. You Changfeng lost face. We will help you get it back!"


Wu Daniu was furious, but thinking that he really didn't have the right to shout now, he immediately snorted coldly:
"I am convinced by instructor Hua, but I don't believe it anymore. I, Wu Daniu, am ashamed of myself, and you, Wang Weimin, can still please me!"

Hua Twelve also stood up from his seat at this time and walked over.

Wu Daniu introduced to him: "Instructor Hua, he is Wang Weimin, and the tall one next to him is Xue Liyou with fangs. You will give them a hard lesson in a while, don't save me face!"

Hua Twelve stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "I am Hua Twelve, the two of you have known your name for a long time, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Wang Weimin and Xue Liyou shook hands with Hua Shier respectively, and the former said with a half smile, "No, we are the ones who have admired their names for a long time!"

Xue Liyou also said: "That's right, not everyone can call a sharpshooter!" This is really a bit ambiguous, with a double entendre, obviously he is also extremely dissatisfied with the title of Hua Twelve.

Wang Weimin glanced at Wu Daniu with a smile, and then said to Hua Twelve:
"I heard that Wu Daniu was so intimidated by you two days ago that he didn't even have the courage to shoot? My hands are itchy too. I want to compare marksmanship with you, Instructor Hua, to see what qualifications you have to be called a sharp gun, and what qualifications you have. Give us three aces to be shooting instructors together!"

Hua Twelve knew that he would not be able to escape, and he would not be timid, so he nodded and smiled, "Yes!"

When Wang Weimin saw that Hua Shier agreed, his eyes lit up: "Okay, since the instructor Hua came to our three aces to be the instructor, I don't know if you have heard of the 'Game of the Brave' invented by the fangs? Let's play this." !"

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the people around changed, and Wu Daniu couldn't help but said:

"Wang Weimin, you are crazy. Instructor Hua came from a criminal background and has not received training like ours. Compared with marksmanship, it is better than marksmanship. Don't use these moths!"

Wang Weimin smiled and said: "How can we special operations only train ordinary shooting, body coordination, and nerve reflex training are equally important. I think 'Game of the Brave' is good, but if Instructor Hua dare not, then Forget it, but this training ground will be ours to use this afternoon!"

Hua Twelve was dumbfounded by the words, and asked Wu Daniu, "Daniu, what's the matter with this game of the brave?"

Wu Daniu immediately explained to Hua Twelve that this game was invented by Fang Fang, one of the three trump cards. Although it is clearly prohibited, it is widely popular among the three specialties.

It is two people pointing their pistols at each other, shouting one, two, three, and then pulling the trigger. Who is more courageous, quicker to react, and psychologically qualified when facing an enemy!

Because there are many times, even if the police and robbers fight against each other, there will be situations where two people point their guns at their heads. If they have been specially trained in this area, they will definitely take advantage of it!

It's just that this training is too dangerous, not only requires extremely strong psychological quality, but also very strong physical quality, and abnormal reaction power!
The soldiers in the three special aces, all of them were born as soldier kings. There are many people who like challenges and excitement. Therefore, although this kind of game is dangerous, many people have tried it.

Similar games are very common among soldiers of various countries. For example, the Russian roulette played with a revolver is said to be a death game invented by the soldiers on the polar bear side.

Wu Daniu of the Twelfth Dynasty of Hua Dynasty asked: "Is there any record of casualties in this game before? How else can we count the winners and losers?"

Wu Daniu explained: "Because they have been trained, and no one has thought of killing them, so among the three trump cards for so many years, those who play this game are injured, and some hide slowly and take their ears away. But there is no death record!"

"Winning or losing mainly depends on the high tension. Whoever dodges first will lose, because if you dodge early, the shooting action will definitely be deformed. In addition, if you dodge late and cause injuries, then needless to say, Definitely lost!"

After hearing this, Hua Twelve smiled and said, "This game is interesting, so let's play it!"

Hearing this, Wang Weimin frowned. He and Xue Li had known Hua Shier before he came, and knew that this man's marksmanship was really good. If he was better at shooting with a pistol, he and Wu Daniu would probably lose.

So before he came, he had already thought about it. If he wanted to use this 'Game of the Brave' to make Hua Twelve quit, he would just earn enough face.

I didn't expect that this new instructor who was born in criminal justice would be so overconfident. This thing has not been trained, and you are not a soldier king, so you dare to play?

Amused and annoyed, Wang Weimin said, "Instructor Hua, you have made up your mind and agreed. You haven't practiced before. It's not ashamed to admit defeat!"

Hua Twelfth shook his head: "I'm also very interested. I haven't played it before and want to try it. This is it. But if you don't want to play, you can forget it!"

What he said made Wang Weimin stand up.

Wang Weimin nodded angrily and said, "Okay, don't blame me if you get hurt!"

Wu Daniu hurriedly persuaded Hua Twelve, but the latter waved his hands to reassure him, so Wu Daniu had nothing to say, and stood aside with a stomp.

Wang Weimin and Hua Shier confirmed the rules again, and then they both held the 20-style and stood facing each other [-] meters apart.

Wang Weimin also showed embarrassment on his face: "Instructor Hua, why don't you think about it again?"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "Hurry up, don't think about it!"

Wang Weimin nodded and said, "Okay, don't regret it!"

After speaking, he made a ready gesture to the side, and Hua Twelve also gestured OK!

Xue Li counted down three, two, one, Wang Weimin drew his gun and shot, and then quickly made evasive movements.

Hua Twelve Cang did not dodge. He raised his hand and fired a bullet. It hit the bullet fired by Wang Weimin.

In the eyes of everyone looking at what happened, Hua Twelve gestured with his pistol: "You just said whoever dodges later wins, and I didn't dodge, did I win?"

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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