A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 442 Open the door, a TV series begins!

Hua Twelve walked out of the office with a military backpack, glanced at Lin Yanan who was sitting on the ground with a shocked expression on his face, turned around and left.

In his opinion, this woman is just a person sent by the superior to assist him, that is, a handyman, equivalent to the role of an orderly, but it turned out that the good guy has a good temper, and he will try her when she comes up. Served as a dish by myself.

Just now, although Hua Twelve didn't kill him, he used a trembling ingenuity, which was enough for Lin Yanan to lie on the ground for a while.

When they arrived at the shooting range, Wu Daniu and Wang Weimin were practicing arc shooting, but no matter how they twisted their waists and swung their arms, the bullets would not produce the effect of arc movement.

Seeing him approaching, all the soldiers who were training stood at attention and saluted. Hua Twelve waved his hand and asked them to continue practicing.

Three shooting instructors, Wu Daniu, Wang Weimin, and Xue Li, came over with depressed faces:
"Instructor, it still doesn't work, we still can't do it!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "It's okay, I thought of a way today, take a video of your training, go back and study it slowly, and see where the problem is!"

Arc shooting comes from the world of movies, and it is indeed unscientific, but there is a magical thing, that is, if someone who knows this technique teaches it by hand, the other party can learn it.

This is what he and Matilda have personally confirmed.

But these soldier kings under his hands just couldn't learn it, which made Hua Twelve a little confused.

So he thought of a stupid way, which is to take a video of these people's training and go back to study it.

He took out the prepared camera from the military backpack. This was a high-definition camera that he asked Zhu Jia to borrow from the TV station. It is said that even the movements of insects flapping their wings can be clearly recorded.

Hua Shier asked Wu Daniu and his three instructors to do arc shooting first, and he held up the camera to shoot at the side. When enough material was taken, he asked Xue Liyou, who had photography experience, to hold the camera, and then he personally Go on the court and let the opponent carefully film his every move.

After the two waves of shooting were completed, Hua Twelve told them not to rush to practice arc shooting, and wait until he finished his research.

After a day of training, Hua Twelve returned to the office with his backpack in hand. At this time, the door of his office had been replaced. That Lin Yanan didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't leave. He was standing in front of his office door with red eyes. .

Seeing Hua Shier come back, Lin Yanan said aggrievedly: "Comrade Hua Shier, I"

Hua Shishi didn't even look at her, he opened the door and went in, changed his clothes and left with his belongings.

Seeing him as if she hadn't seen herself, Lin Yanan stomped her feet, then trotted to follow: "I was wrong before, please forgive me!"

Hua Twelve walked to the parking lot of the base, rode on his fiery chariot, glanced at Lin Yanan who had been following him and waited for his reply, and said angrily:
"Is it because I didn't say it clearly before, where did you come from, go back where you came from, and come here with someone who is obedient!"

After speaking, he started his motorcycle and walked away. Lin Yanan was so anxious that tears fell from behind him.

Back in the courtyard, before Gong Er finished school, Hua Shi Shi went to the kitchen and started cooking. After making four dishes and one soup, he put them on the dining table in the yard.

As soon as he finished it, the door rang, and Gong Er happened to come in by pushing the door on his bicycle.

When Hua Twelve heard the sound of the door opening, he walked around the screen wall, wanting to pick up the bicycle from Gong's second hand, but at a glance there was a person standing outside the door, it was Lin Yanan.

He frowned involuntarily, wondering how this woman came here, let Gong Er in, and then closed the door with a bang, out of sight and out of mind.

After entering the yard, Gong Er asked with a smile: "Who, this has all come to the house!"

Hua Twelve explained the matter, Gong Er hummed, and said nothing more.

This kind of thing has been encountered many times since her father Gong Baosen. If she came to the door to talk and talk about it, it would not be a big deal. It is normal for warriors to exchange ideas.

But when you come up and question this and that, such a person usually has no good end in front of her father.

Doubt the boxing master?

What a thing!
After dinner, Gong Er leisurely drank tea and read a book beside her husband as usual, while Hua Shi Shi took out a laptop computer, transferred the material shot today to the computer, and then used slow playback to watch it frame by frame. .

Not to mention the stupid way he thought, he really found out the specific reason. By comparing the video of Wu Daniu and his three shooting instructors with his own spear throwing technique, he found that the movements are basically the same, but in a few details, There is still a difference, those three obviously lack inner explosive power.

When using spear throwing technique, in a series of movements such as twisting body, swinging arms, and shaking hands, the explosive power of the waist, shoulders, elbows, and wrists is obviously not so good, which also leads to the strength of these few steps. Linked together.

Therefore, the effect of arc shooting cannot be produced.

The reason why Matilda was able to learn it at a young age was not because her strength surpassed these soldier kings, but because she had mastered the skill of adrenaline burst, so at the moment of arc shooting, she burst out with The astonishing power of the mismatch.

After finding the key to the matter, Hua Shishi was in a good mood, put away the computer, and took a sip of Gong Er who was holding a book beside him.

Gong Er's beautiful eyes turned to him, and pouted towards the door: "Don't make trouble, you haven't left yet!"

Hua Twelve listened, and sure enough, he heard Lin Yanan's breathing and heartbeat outside the gate more than 20 steps away.

"Leave her alone, just do what you have to do!"

Hua Twelve pulled out the reclining chair and lay down on it. The next moment, the bones and fascia in his body began to tremble continuously. He was using Tiger Leopard Leiyin to accelerate the speed of rebirth.

According to the current speed, it will take another half a month to complete the rebirth, enter the Great Achievement of Energy Transformation, and then try to congeal the Qi and Blood Pill.

While using Tiger Leopard Leiyin, the internal force in Hua Shier's body was flowing like a great river. It was reborn yesterday, and his meridians also changed. It was more than doubled than before, and the meridians were also more tenacious.

Since then, he has also changed from mediocre to a person with excellent aptitude in one fell swoop.

Thinking about the time when he was unable to practice internal skills due to congenital deformities of the meridians, and thinking about it now, it is simply not the same.

Gong Er stood guard by his side, and at night, he also meditated and breathed out beside her husband, exercising sword control skills.

In the early morning of the next day, Gong Er had already prepared breakfast, because Hua Shier was in the blood transfusion period, so he couldn't deal with it casually even for breakfast. The breakfast was Shiquan Dabu porridge and black-bone chicken stewed with wild ginseng.

The wild ginseng is 50-year-old wild ginseng, and the black-bone chicken is also a wild black-bone chicken. If ordinary people eat such a meal, they will have blood in their nostrils. Only slightly rosy.

Don't ask him why there is no blood on his face, because when he got up in the morning, he drew black blood in the toilet again.

According to the usual practice, Hua Shier sent Gong Er to school, and when he opened the door, he saw Lin Yanan standing there with a haggard expression, his eyes were bloodshot.

This is standing at the door all night.

Hua Twelve frowned and said: "You don't understand human words, I don't need you here, you can go back!"

Lin Yanan's lips moved:

"I know I was wrong. As a soldier, you should not question any orders. I doubt your strength. I made a mistake. Can you give me another chance!"

Just as Hua Twelve was about to refuse, Gong Er couldn't bear it and said:
"Or forget it, I think after this time, she can remember the lesson!"

His wife had to give her face, and Hua Shier also admired Lin Yanan's energy, so he hummed immediately:
"Go back to rest in the morning, go to the base in the afternoon, and write a [-]-word self-criticism!"

Lin Yanan showed joy on her face; "I can start working now!"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyes: "Did you disobey the order before the review was written? Hurry back and rest, go to work in the afternoon, this is an order!"

Lin Yanan was startled, and immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Yes!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, he was a little shaken just as he took a step, Gong Er asked kindly: "Are you all right?"

Lin Yanan smiled wryly and said, "Legs are numb, it will be fine in a while!"

Hua Twelve didn't bother to pay attention to her, and after sending Gong Er out, he closed the door with a bang, working in the morning?What a joke, he still wants to trade stocks in the morning!

When I went to the base in the afternoon, I saw Lin Yanan sitting across from his desk, writing a book, and saw Hua Twelve came in, and quickly got up to salute, his attitude was completely different from when we first met yesterday.

Hua Twelve hummed, let her continue writing, changed into camouflage uniform and went to the shooting range.

This day's training was different from usual. Hua Twelve started to lead everyone to do one-handed push-ups, then one-handed pull-ups, and started to practice both forehand and backhand.

The students in this base are all three ace soldiers. If you pull out one at random, you can do more than a hundred push-ups with one hand, and you can do more than thirty pull-ups with one hand.

Hua Twelve told them that if they want to play arc shooting, this power is still not enough, set a small goal, and double the number of completed on the basis of the original!

Lin Yanan handed in the [-]-word check the next day, but Hua Twelve glanced at it and threw it aside. He didn't care about the content, he was looking at the attitude.

Two days later, Lin Yanan told Hua Twelve that there was a task assigned to him by his superiors, and it was for him to compete with a person who lived a good life.

Hua Twelve asked puzzledly: "Didn't you say that you need to solve the troubles in Shaolin first?"

Lin Yanan was clearly prepared, and immediately replied:

"The higher-ups have contacted Shaolin, but the abbot of Shaolin is not in the country recently, saying that it is because of the listing in Ugly Country, and he went there for a business visit. We will wait for that person to come back."

Hua Twelve laughed out loud after hearing this: "Business visit? This monk's business is quite wide, but the road is narrow!"

He stood up and stretched his muscles and bones: "Tell me about the task, the bones that happened to be waiting are rusty, it's good to go out and exercise!"

Lin Yanan took out a stack of documents and photos, and placed them on Hua Shier's desk.

Pointing to a photo on the first page:

"Ye Xuan, a Chinese in his childhood, learned kendo and boxing since he was a child. He was taught by the royal coach Igagen. He once practiced under the waterfall for three years, and honed it in the snowy mountains of Hokkaido. He is a typical ascetic genius."

"He is one of the most outstanding young people in the martial arts world in Xiaotian. It is said that he has entered the level of dark energy at the age of 17, and has entered the level of energy at the age of 19 this year. This time he came to challenge our masters here, saying that he wanted to be a whetstone Stabilize your own realm, and you have already killed five Anjin great boxers, and even killed the polar bear master Pikov with one move!"

Hua Twelfth raised his eyebrows: "It's okay to be Chinese in my childhood, but hearing you say this, this is a change of position. I want to use my own country's masters as stepping stones. Hehe, there is really a potential for traitors." , Didn’t the above say, to what extent should we do it?”

Lin Yanan nodded in agreement, then said with a firm expression:
"The above means that you will compete with Ye Xuan and beat him to death in the competition. This is a martial arts genius who has taken refuge in a small life. We will kill him in his infancy."

Hua Twelve was very satisfied with the arrangement above: "It is right to kill him, let's arrange it!"

A week later, after Lin Yanan's coordination, in an underground boxing arena in the northeast, Hua Shier and Ye Xuan, a young master from that day, stood together on the ring surrounded by iron cages.

The huge underground fighting arena is full of people. Countless people in the circle are very well-informed. They all know that today someone has issued a letter of challenge to the master of the little day who has been in the limelight recently. It is a life-and-death battle.

The life-and-death battle is already a sensational news in the underground fighting circle, coupled with the recent achievements in the small days, it naturally attracted countless people in the circle to watch today's viewing.

They also want to see who is not afraid of death, knowing that the other party is powerful, but still fighting to the death.

On the ring, facing Hua Twelve, was a young man in a kimono with a firm face and a strong look between his brows. He was standing there and closed his eyes as if he was adjusting his mentality, but he seemed to have completely ignored his opponent. Put it in your eyes.

But in Hua Twelve's eyes, this kid was just pretending.

"Ye Xuanjun, you must kill him!"

On a small day in the arena, the girl brought a group of dwarfs and held up a row of plasters to cheer for this young genius.

At this time, the host began to exaggerate the atmosphere, holding a microphone for a bibi, and when the atmosphere on the scene exploded, the referee came up and asked the two to sign a waiver, which was life and death.

After signing, the referee finally asked: "It's too late to repent now. When the iron gate is closed, no one will die. This gate will not be opened!"

Ye Xuan nodded, indicating that it was meaningless.

Hua Twelve said helplessly: "You guys are too boring, I have to go back to catch up on the drama, let's start!"


As soon as the iron gate was closed, the young genius began to pretend again: "I am 19 years old and I want to travel all over China"

Hua Twelve raised up two middle fingers: "Don't push, you use your mouth to walk all over China? That's called licking! Hurry up and make moves, or you won't have a chance!"

Ye Xuan's face turned cold: "Since you are anxious to die, then I will help you!"

After speaking, he stepped on his foot, and a karate hand knife came over. Hua Twelve had watched his video, and once cut off the shoulder of a big polar bear man with a hand knife.

When the young man made a move, his muscles and bones rang together, and the sound of wind and thunder came faintly.

Fast as the wind, swift as thunder, invincible to those who block it.

Hua Twelve dodged slightly and avoided it.

Ye Xuan slashed on the iron cage with a knife, and the steel bar as thick as a thumb was swept off by the knife with a clang.

Hua Twelve had already arrived behind Ye Xuan at this time, stretched out his hand and pinched the back of his neck lightly, and heard a click, then turned and left.

Shouted to the referee outside: "Open the door, the TV series will start in a while!"

Behind him, the young genius who lived in his childhood, crashed to the ground.

Thanks: brother 08a for the reward, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks for the brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

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