A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 444 They have to pay it too, or if they don't, they have to pay it!

Hua Twelfth had a good time during this period. He speculated in stocks every day, kicked the gym, and spent a lot of time with Gong Er and Zhu Jia. His life was not to mention comfortable.

Especially watching the Japanese and Korean gymnasiums being swept away by him, with fewer and fewer students, I feel inexplicably very happy.

In addition to these, the system tasks are also in progress. Wang Chao's case has been concluded and he was sentenced to six years in prison. This kid still took advantage of his age. Otherwise, the things he did would have at least ten years of foundation.

Hua Shier asked Cao Yi to find a relationship, and arranged for Wang Chao to be sent to a prison in Beihe, that's right, the one in Baliming, where he became a neighbor of the King of Fighting.

From the moment Wang Chao was imprisoned, part of Hua Twelve's system tasks had been completed, and now it was up to him to see if this kid could spark something with the King of Fighting.

If Ba Liming was instigated by Wang Chao and went astray for a while, Hua Twelve could set things right and give him a stick with the legal stick to save this old man who unfortunately lost his way at the sunset red age.

Originally, Hua Twelve planned to dawdle like this, and waited until the martial arts competition with Japan and South Korea or the mission improved, but in the end, the higher-ups even sent him an errand to go abroad, which made him a little reluctant.

On the car heading to a certain military base, Hua Twelve glanced at Lin Yanan who was driving in front, and then complained to Cao Yi beside him:

"I'm not an agent. Isn't it more suitable for those agents to go abroad to do this kind of errand!"

Cao Yi said with a serious expression:

"I heard that this mission has already defeated several waves of our comrades on the secret front, so the higher-ups thought about sending a combat team there. In this regard, your comprehensive strength should be the strongest. Even Xu Tianbiao will kill you The kid has it, so if you don't get it, who will you?"

"The request from above is to bring that doctor and his research results back from there no matter the cost!"

Hearing what Cao Yi said, Hua Twelve became serious and asked:
"What is the result that is so important, and it is so exciting to make!"

Lin Yanan worked with Hua Shier for a period of time, and was impressed by the latter's ability. The two have become good friends. Hearing Hua Shier's question at this time, she was afraid that he would be criticized, so she quickly reminded:

"Twelve, pay attention to discipline!"

Hua Shishi said indifferently: "It's okay, Lao Cao is one of his own!"

Cao Yi looked at this guy helplessly, and then said: "I don't know, and I suggest that you don't inquire too much. You see, even Xiao Lin reminded you that if you want to violate discipline, then you can only be responsible for leading people!"

The car drove for about three or four hours and turned into a mountainous area. Gradually, checkpoints and barracks appeared on the side of the road.

"It looks like an army is stationed here."

Hua Twelve looked at the surrounding environment and guessed in his heart that this was another base.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a large area of ​​barracks. You could see groups of soldiers patrolling with submachine guns and the faint sound of shooting guns from a distance.

After the three got out of the car, they saw a house in front of them that was obviously a command post. The sentries standing guard with guns at the door of the house seemed motionless like stone sculptures. Cao Yi called Hua Shier and Lin Yanan to go in together.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw a middle-aged man in J suit standing up and greeted him with a smile:

"It's Lao Cao. I heard that you are coming, but I didn't expect to arrive so soon."

The title on this middle-aged man's shoulder is one level lower than Wu Wenhui's, and he is a young man.

Cao Yi seemed to be a familiar comrade-in-arms with this young man, and he asked directly without being too polite:
"Old Zhou, am I in a hurry, how is your manpower preparation going?"

"Already ready, they are all good players, just waiting for you to lead them!"

"How's your quality?" Cao Yi's eyes lit up when he heard that.

"I don't talk about quality. They are all the top of the J. They are not much better than the three ace special soldiers. It's just that the temperament cultivated in the army is a bit too arrogant and aggressive."

Hearing what Lao Zhou said, Cao Yi laughed loudly: "They are all soldiers. Can you become a top player if you don't fight!"

Lao Zhou also nodded with a smile, agreeing with the old comrade-in-arms.

He glanced at Hua Twelve behind Cao Yi, his eyes lit up:
"This is Comrade Hua who is known as the sharp gun. Oh, old Wu and the others hid you so well. I wanted to invite you over several times to train my soldiers, but old Wu just didn't let go. Why? Like? Do you want to come by my side, I will give you all the treatment and so on, as long as you ask, I will take care of it from Lao Wu's side!"

When Cao Yi saw that his old comrades met, he poached the wall, and quickly interrupted:
"Old comrades, don't waste time, where are the masters you prepared, time is running out, I have to assign tasks in a hurry."

Lao Zhou scolded with a smile: "Be careful, Lao Cao, why are you still afraid that I will poach your corner!"

Cao Yi choked his neck: "I'm afraid, what to do!"

Seeing that he was cowarding so happily, Lao Zhou lost his temper, and said with a smile:
"Okay, it's in the training room of the eastern barracks, and I'll take you there."

A few people followed him all the way to the training room of the barracks in the east, and they could hear the shouts of soldiers during training from a distance. When they went in, they saw an empty training ground, the size of two or three basketball courts.

There are all kinds of training equipment in the training ground, such as traditional horizontal and parallel bars and exercise equipment, as well as high-tech electronic dynamometers, etc. More than 20 soldiers in camouflage vests are doing various training.

The muscles of these people bulged, and their bodies exuded the sturdy aura of soldiers.

After Lao Zhou came in, he shouted; "Assemble!"

The next moment, more than 20 soldiers immediately put down their things and ran over to form a neat line.

Stand at attention, take a break.

After the queue was completed, Lao Zhou pointed to Cao Yi: "This is Chief Cao from Jinhai, and also my old comrade in arms. Let him explain the details of this mission to you!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped aside and left the venue to Cao Yi.

Cao Yi stepped forward and said loudly: "There is nothing to say. Now a patriotic scientist wants to return to the motherland with his research results, but the Ugly Country is trying to block it. Your task is to bring back people and results at all costs." ,Understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone replied loudly, with uniform voices.

Cao Yi nodded in satisfaction, turned around and pointed at Hua Twelve, and said to these people:

"The person next to me is Hua Twelve, the specific person in charge of your operation, and also the captain of your operation. During your overseas missions, you must cooperate with him in all actions and obey his orders. Let him give you Say a few words!"

Hua Twelve was stunned, and didn't say to let himself speak. What else is there to talk about.

However, since Cao Yi is driving ducks to the shelves, he can't be cowardly now. He stepped forward and was about to speak when he heard someone shout: "Report!"

It was one of the twenty or so soldiers in front.

Lao Zhou glanced aside and said loudly, "Sun Lei, come out!"

In the next moment, a muscular burly man with a height of more than 1.9 meters stepped out.

Cao Yi looked the soldier up and down, showed admiration and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

Sun Lei said loudly: "We are the strongest soldiers. I want to ask, what is Comrade Hua Shier's ability to be our captain!"

Cao Yi smiled; "Not convinced?"

"Yes, it's just dissatisfaction!"

"It's okay to be dissatisfied!"

Cao Yi smiled and turned to look at Hua Twelve: "Twelve, these are all your soldiers during the mission, your soldiers, you can handle them yourself!"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded, knowing that Lao Cao was trying to make him stand up, but during his time in the army, he has already understood the temper of these top soldiers, and they are all aggressive. If you are stronger than him, he will I'll just convince you, if you can't do it, why should you stand in front of others, why should you be their captain?

So he wasn't angry, he took two steps forward and asked Sun Lei, "Want to compare with me?"


Sun Lei nodded: "My name is Sun Lei, and my comrades-in-arms all call me Big Rock. Fighting, shooting, physical fitness, you can pick one, and I will convince you if you win!"

When he heard Sun Lei talking about fighting and shooting, Cao Yi couldn't help but smile, Lin Yanan couldn't bear to listen anymore, thinking that this big rock was not a reminder of bad luck.

Hua Twelfth was also laughing: "I won't bully you either, just shoot and fight, but you can't do it yourself, you twenty or so people go up together!"

After he said this, Cao Yi and Lin Yanan were fine, and Lao Zhou couldn't help frowning, thinking that Hua Twelve was not very reliable.

In fact, he didn't pay much attention to the news this time, otherwise he would have known about Hua Shier's feat of sweeping the Japanese and Korean gymnasiums in the capital.

Lao Zhou knew some things about Hua Twelve, and he felt a little arrogant, let alone these soldiers who didn't know or heard about Hua Twelve's deeds at all.

Sun Lei stared: "Are you kidding me? I can beat you both myself!"

Hua Twelve didn't bother to say much, so he took a step forward and raised his hand to press on Sun Lei.

Sun Lei stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist, and then with his right arm, he was about to engage in an armlock grappling, but he caught the wrist, and the check was also reached, but it felt as if his arm was caught on the iron pillar, and he didn't move at all.

With a bang, Hua Shier pressed Sun Lei's chest with his palm, and the latter flew upside down into the team, bumping into four or five comrades who were trying to catch him.

Hua Twelfth used the word 'strength' and didn't do anything serious, so Sun Lei and those who fell on the ground were not injured, and they all stood up after rolling on the ground, and then looked at him solemnly.

Hua Twelfth hooked his hands: "I'm not targeting anyone. Anyone who is present counts as one. It doesn't work. Let's go together!"

I don't know who shouted: "Go!"

The next moment, more than 20 soldiers rushed over together.

Hua Twelfth didn't use his ruthless hands, he just used the kung fu of catching the lock and tripping. In less than 2 minutes, more than 20 top soldiers fell around him.

He smiled and said, "Will you accept that big rock?"

Sun Lei was also a man, rubbing his shoulder that hurt from the fall, and said loudly, "I'm convinced!"

Hua Twelve asked the others, "What about you?"

The others looked at him in disbelief now, and when they heard Xun Wen, they also said loudly: "I'm convinced too!"

After Hua Shier became the captain of these people, the first thing he did was to change their styles. He called Zhu Jia and asked her to find the most fashionable stylist.

Cao Yi didn't understand this request and asked him what he was doing.

Hua Twelve pointed to the big stone and their more than 20 soldiers: "These people are of sufficient quality, but they are too much like a soldier. You said that those agents are broken. If I take these people, it is equivalent to writing on their faces. I'm a soldier!"

After all, Cao Yi has been working as a JC for a long time, so he knows everything.

Even Sun Lei and the big soldiers themselves were surprised: "I don't think so!" They have been in the army all the time, and all the men they come into contact with are like this. In their eyes, men should be like this, and they don't think there is anything wrong.

Hua Twelve was speechless for a while, and didn't bother to talk to them. When Zhu Jia found someone, he took them back to his courtyard and asked the stylist to change their looks here.

First of all, the hairstyle needs to be changed, otherwise it will look like a soldier.

Hua Twelve took a photo of Mr. Chen when he was young, as well as photos of Justin Bieber, Beckham, and crew cut, and asked the stylist to cut it just like this, and make it look as trendy as possible.

In terms of clothing, I start designing according to my personal temperament, white-collar, hip-hop, social people, and various styles.

Sun Lei, a big rock, was messed with by a stylist, wearing a small watch with a big gold chain, shirtless and wearing a suit with pectoral muscles exposed at the neckline. The whole look is similar to that of Brother Hong Lei when he played Hei Shihui, which made this big soldier depressed.

After the styling was finished, Cao Yi arranged for people to take these big soldiers to take pictures, make fake asset certificates, and temporary fake identities and real passports.

After everything was settled, Hua Shier and these 20 people mixed in a business investigation group and got on a plane to the other side of the ocean.

At the San Francisco International Airport, as soon as Hua Shier and his group came out, they saw someone holding a sign of James among the crowd who picked up the plane. Some uninhibited young Chinese boys.

The man glanced at Hua Twelve and asked in Mandarin, "Are you Ling Lingqi?"

Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "Please call me James!"

The young man rolled his eyes: "I don't know the name of an idiot, everyone is here, come with me!"

He turned around and left without waiting for Hua Twelve.

Hua Twelve made a concealed gesture, and then followed the young man. Behind him, Sun Lei and the others followed in the crowd with their hands in salute.

Everyone followed the man into a minibus, and when the car drove out of the airport, the young man said:

"My name is Liu Qing, and I'm your guide in Ugly Country. I'm responsible for assisting you in completing this mission. If you have any requirements, please let me know!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "I heard that you can get weapons?"

Liu Qing nodded and said: "There is no problem below RPG. If you want tanks and armored vehicles, you must not be able to do it!"

Sun Lei suddenly asked: "You are also in the army, you look familiar to me!"

Liu Qing rolled his eyes: "Three years ago in the martial arts competition, do you still remember who beat you?"

Sun Lei suddenly remembered who this person was, and said with a smile: "Hey, it's you, kid. At the beginning, you were like 2 million, and you only got No.[-]. I'm just a little short of you!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand to tell Dashito to shut up, and then asked, "Tell me about the mission, where is he?"

"He was hidden in the Hongmenzhi court, only Riley and his gang dared to act rashly there!"

Hua Twelve nodded when he heard what he said. There should be no problem with this mission.

But what Liu Qing said next made Hua Twelve frown slightly.

I only heard Liu Qing say: "But things are a bit troublesome. Originally, Zhigongtang had already negotiated with us, but the news from there seems to be a bit ambiguous recently. Langley is vacillating!"

Hua Twelve frowned first, and then sneered: "Since we're here, you have to pay if you pay, or you have to pay if you don't!"

Thanks: 08a, du bookman brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who pay 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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