A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 447 Chapter 446 1 spark with lightning!

Chapter 447 Chapter 440 Six road sparks with lightning! (Seek full order)
In the Humvee, Gu Jiaying's screams could be heard from the first shot from Hua Twelve, especially when the doctor who studied in the United States saw the Langley's car rushing into the car because the driver died from the rearview mirror. When going down the hill to the sea, the decibel level of her voice increased again.

"God, what are you doing, you killed an innocent passer-by!"

Hua Twelve didn't take it seriously: "Although I don't know who they are, I'm sure they came after us, so they are not innocent passers-by!"

"What evidence do you have to say that, you are just making excuses for your indiscriminate killing of innocent people!"

As soon as Gu Jiaying finished speaking, she saw someone sticking her head out and shooting in this direction from the surrounding cars. The bullet hit the Humvee, making a bang bang sound, which made her scream out of fear. I also know that I was slapped in the face, and they really came after them.

Seeing that the complexion of the person who shot at them was either black or white, Gu Jiaying slammed on the gas pedal and cursed again and again:
"Shet, it must be someone from Langley. Didn't they say that Langley has no law enforcement power in Ugly Country? They are committing a crime!"

Hua Twelve was unhurried, shot one by one, and killed all the Langley agents who were driving. The Humvee broke out of the encirclement smoothly, and then he smiled and said:
"The FBI must implement the law to complete its mission, and Langley sometimes violates the Constitution in order to complete its mission. This is what John Pike, a former intelligence expert at Langley, said. Haven't you heard of it?"


Gu Jiaying took a look at Hua Twelve through the rearview mirror in the car, and felt that the white man in front of him was not a good thing, otherwise how could he kidnap the old man Hong Xiulian and hit her on the head with a gun.

Hua Shishi didn't know what Gu Jiaying was thinking, he looked around and said:
"I didn't catch up, but I feel like they won't give up just like that. We may be in trouble. Stop, you sit in the back, and I'll drive!"

Thinking of what might happen next, Hua Twelve felt that it was not a good idea to continue to let this woman drive, because she might die if she was not careful.

Gu Jiaying parked the car on the side of the road as promised, and Hua Twelve opened the door and got off the car to exchange places with her, but unexpectedly, as soon as he got out of the car, the Humvee made the sound of friction between the tires and the ground when accelerating, and instantly accelerated to drive away.

Hua Twelve shook her head with a smile. She didn't expect that this female intellectual was not as nerdy as she appeared on the surface, but also very scheming.

He thought in his heart, but his feet were not slow, he stepped on suddenly, and the explosive power of the Huajin warrior made him shoot out like a sharp arrow.

Cooperating with his ever-changing lightness skills, before the Humvee had driven 20 meters, he lightly slipped back through the lowered window of the rear door, and sat back on the rear seat again.

Looking at Gu Jiaying who was concentrating on driving and didn't notice that he had come back, Hua Twelve said with a half-smile:
"Dr. Gu, I think we should have a good talk!"

Although the time is tight, Hua Twelve still thinks that some things should be clarified.

It doesn't matter if you make a fuss now, he can control the situation, don't wait for this girl to come suddenly when you have to desperately later, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

Gu Jiaying was so frightened that she slammed on the brakes and stopped the Hummer. The sudden deceleration made Hong Xiulian, who had been acupunctured on the co-pilot, rush forward suddenly under the action of inertia, and her head hit the windshield, and there was another bump on her forehead. .

"Oh, sorry, old lady."

Gu Jiaying hurriedly helped Hong Xiulian back, not noticing the latter's eyes that wanted to kill her.

All her attention was on Hua Twelve, and she asked in amazement, "How did you get back to the car!"

"That's not the point, Dr. Gu!"

Hua Twelve said this sentence in English, and then he said in standard Mandarin:

"The point is that I remember telling you that I was sent by the east to pick you up and return to the motherland. I don't understand why you have the idea of ​​ditching me and driving away by yourself. Can you tell me?"

Gu Jiaying stared wide-eyed in surprise when she heard that his standard was not on the phone: "Your Mandarin is so good?"

Hua Twelve re-emphasized helplessly: "The point is, Dr. Gu, we must be open and honest, and unify our thinking as soon as possible. Believe me, we don't have much time to escape!"

Gu Jiaying pondered for a while before saying: "You are a white man with a standard New York accent. The most important thing is your attitude towards the Situ family. If you are really from the east, you should have a friendly relationship with the Situ family and you will not treat them so roughly. An old man, so."

Hua Twelve heaved a sigh of relief, it doesn't matter if the doctor who studied in the United States regretted it, he immediately interrupted:

"So you think I'm from Ugly Country? Come on, if my appearance was planned by Langley's side, will it be difficult for them to find an Asian face who can speak Mandarin?"

"If I'm from Langley, then what's the matter with me killing those black and white foreign devils just now?"

Two consecutive questions left this highly intelligent female doctor speechless.

Hua Twelve rubbed his neck with his thumb, and lifted a skin edge to let Gu Jiaying see clearly: "Have you ever heard of a human skin mask!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to Hong Xiulian on the co-pilot and said:

"As for the Situ family, it's because they forget their ancestors, forget their identities as descendants of Yan and Huang, and forget which land their blood originates from. They want to use you as a bargaining chip. change!"

Gu Jiaying put everything in her mind, turned her head and caught a glimpse of Hong Xiulian's hateful eyes when she looked at her because she knocked her forehead, she believed Hua Twelve's words in her heart.

Hua Twelfth continued: "You can be suspicious, but please don't make trouble. You know that we are in an enemy country, and if we make a wrong step, we may be crushed to pieces by the enemy. Of course, I still have the ability to protect myself, mainly because I am afraid of Miss Gu. You are hurt!"

A trace of anger flashed in Gu Jiaying's eyes: "Are you threatening me?"

Hua Twelfth is depressed: "I really don't like talking to you intellectuals. There are more than 800 people who think about the worst. One sentence can analyze N meanings. What I'm talking about is the truth. I'm threatening your uncle. threaten!"

His frantic tone made Gu Jiaying let go of his wariness a lot, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly:

"Okay, I can trust you for the time being, so what should I call you, Mr. Agent?"

"Bond, James Bond!"

After Hua Twelve said his code name, he nodded and said:
"Trusting me for the time being is enough. I believe it will not take long before you will know that I am not from Ugly Country. Okay, I have already delayed 2 minutes for you. Now I will drive. Don't be a moth!"

After speaking, he got out of the car again.

This time Gu Jiaying did not run away, but opened the door and exchanged seats with him, and sat in the back row, but said in her mouth:
"James Bond? Ling Lingqi, what a creative code name!"

Just this name, a fool would guess that it's not his real name, let alone a female doctor with a high IQ.

Hua Twelve just smiled, and after he sat down firmly, he stepped on the gas pedal, and the Hummer immediately sped up again, more than twice as fast as Gu Jiaying was driving.

Gu Jiaying fastened the seat belt in the back, then glanced at the motionless co-pilot Hong Xiulian, and couldn't help asking:
"What did you do to her, why didn't she move?"

"Acupoint acupuncture, our country's unique martial art, now I am the only one in the world who knows it, and I can apply for the kind of intangible cultural heritage!"

Hua Twelve turned the steering wheel with one hand, took out the phone with the other hand and dialed a number.

The phone was connected instantly, and Liu Qing's voice came from the opposite side:
"how is the situation?"

"People were rescued. When I came out, I met Langley's people. I killed a few of them. I guess they won't let me go so easily!"

Liu Qing became anxious in an instant: "How can you act rashly? Didn't you say that you should go to find out what's going on today, and then re-plan!"

Hua Twelve curled his lips on the phone: "What else is there to plan, adapting to the situation is the best plan! Don't talk so much, let Sun Lei and the others take all their weapons, get the car ready, and be on standby at any time!"

Liu Qing anxiously asked on the phone: "What do you want to do, it's broad daylight"

What he means is that when doing things during the day, the goal is too obvious, which is not conducive to action and retreat.

But Hua Twelve didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence, because he had already heard the sound of the propeller coming from a distance.

"I'm not a ghost, do I have to work at night? People have been rescued. If they bite too hard, let them hear it today by making a loud noise!"

Hua Twelve was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, so he hung up the phone directly, and then put the phone in the storage space casually. It is not certain what will happen next, and this temporary contact phone cannot be lost.

The Humvee was galloping on the road at lightning speed, and an armed helicopter flew from the sea, flew over the road, and moved forward side by side with Hua Twelve, the difference was only that one was on the ground and the other was in mid-air.

An English voice shouted from the plane: "No matter who you are, no matter which organization you belong to, stop and surrender immediately, or you will be killed!"

Hua Twelve glanced to the left, and saw that it was an armed helicopter with the Gatling set up and aimed at the Humvee.

Without saying a word, he suddenly had an M500 in his left hand, and he shot the machine gunner on the plane headshot with one shot, and the second shot directly hit the vertical shaft of the propeller.

The plane spun to the left and landed on the opposite road, turning into a huge fireball.

When the plane exploded, the Humvee had rushed tens of meters away without slowing down.


Gu Jiaying made the cross on her chest, and said with lingering fear: "Now I believe you are really from the east!"

This is pure nonsense, even the Ugly Country's armed helicopter was blown up, and everyone on the plane probably died. If Langley lied to her by acting, he would never spend such a big money.

Hua Twelve smiled and glanced at this girl from the rearview mirror of the car. That's what he meant when he said, "I believe it won't be long before you know that I'm not from Ugly Country."

After dispelling the doubts between each other, Hua Twelve asked about the task:

"I heard that you are going to bring your research results back to China this time? I don't ask where your results are, I just want to ask, if I bring you back safely, does it mean that your research results will also be brought back? "

He said this not to cause misunderstanding, this highly educated girl thinks too much, if he directly asks where is the result, Gu Jiaying will probably come up with the idea that "he only wants things, not people." '

Gu Jiaying's eyes fluctuated a little, she nodded and said, "That's right!"

"That's good!"

While the two were talking, Langley had already received the news that the armed helicopter and the five-man combat team on board had been killed. The person in charge went crazy. When it was determined that the target was only a white man, the person in charge loudly issued orders :

"Notify the police to help intercept, tell them that the other party is a repeat offender, don't communicate, shoot and kill!"

The subordinate said with some embarrassment: "But we don't have law enforcement power in the country!"

"In the name of the FBI, it's not like we haven't done this before, should I teach you all of this?"

Ten minutes later, Hua Twelve had already passed the coastal highway, two kilometers away from the urban area, and drove forward for a while. No helicopter came over, but flashing police lights were already seen ahead.

There were seven or eight police cars parked beside the road, and an ugly PC in uniform was holding a tire breaker, ready to release it to puncture the tires of the Humvee when he rushed over.

Behind the police cars on both sides, some PCs pointed their guns at this side, ready to fire at any time.

Gu Jiaying also saw the scene ahead.

Hua Twelve leaned out of the car with the M500, pulled it into the distance, and shot him with a wave of his hand. The bullet shot from the left side of the Humvee, drew an arc in the air, flew to the right side of the road, and shot the PC that was about to release the tire breaker. Gun headshot.

Then he fired two more shots, blowing the heads of two PCs who were poking out their heads from the back of the police car and trying to shoot, which made all the other Ugly PCs shrink back into the car and dare not show their heads in fright.

When the Humvee was rushing past those police cars, Hua Twelve already had another Glock 17 full of bullets in his hand, and he pulled the trigger one after another at the PC hiding behind the police cars.

With the speed at which he fired, the other party was already wiped out before they could fire.

When the Hummer was far away, the San Francisco PCs ambushing on both sides fell to the ground, and there was no one alive!
Seeing this kind of killing for the first time, Gu Jiaying couldn't accept it and asked:
"They're all hiding behind the car, why are you still killing people? They're just following orders!"

Hua Twelve was not angry because of this girl's Madonna heart, after all, her profession is different. For a scientist, it is a good thing to have a Madonna heart. While changing the magazine with one hand, he explained:

"If I don't deal with them, they will definitely shoot at the rear of the car when we rush over. I don't care, but I can't guarantee whether you will be shot if you sit in the back row, so for your absolute safety, Kill it and kill it!"

When he said this, Gu Jiaying was full of blame, but was suppressed. After a long while, she blushed and said apologetically:
"Thank you!"

Her attitude towards Hua Twelve was obviously much better, and she asked:
"What should we do now? Shouldn't the escape I saw in the movie go to a place where there are few people? Why do you want to go into the city instead?"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "The situation is different. If the Situ family is willing to hand you over, we will certainly have a better evacuation plan!"

"But they obviously didn't want to. I was afraid that it would be too late for this operation. They handed you over to Langley, so I decided to do it on the spur of the moment. The contact person who arranged for our retreat is still in the urban area!"

"Simply run to the city. The more people there are, the more scruples the Ugly Country will have, and the safer we will be. It's not too late to discuss the plan to break out and retreat after we meet the contact person!"

Seeing that he was about to enter the urban area, he was stopped by the police again. This time, several police cars lay across the middle of the road, sealing off the entire road.

"Sit tight!"

Hua Twelve kept shooting outwards with his left hand. While suppressing the firepower, he stepped on the accelerator of the Humvee, and the speed of the vehicle became faster and faster.

Gu Jiaying thought that he was going to run into him, so she grabbed the handle of the back seat and screamed involuntarily.

But when the Humvee was about ten meters away from the police car blocking the road, Hua Twelve suddenly turned the steering wheel, stepped on the brakes at the same time, and pulled the handbrake hard.

He didn't want to drift around the corner, the whole road was blocked, and there was nowhere to drift.

What Hua Twelfth has to do is to turn the whole car sideways, let the Hummer move laterally under the inertia, and then use the strong inertia and the friction between the tires and the road to make a car like his code name in "Assassins League World". Firefox's cheap wife, the technical move of flying a Ferrari over a police car.

A site as low as Ferrari can do it, and Hua Twelve thinks that as long as the speed is fast enough and the inertia is big enough, there is no reason why the Hummer can't do it.

The next moment, the Humvee flew up sideways under inertia. The whole body rolled 360 degrees in the air, flew over the police cars blocking the road, and landed behind those police cars with a bang.


From the window of the car, Hua Twelve greeted those PCs in San Francisco who could put eggs in their mouths because of their surprise. Bullets shot out of the Glock 17, reaping their lives.

Then he quickly released the handbrake, stepped on the accelerator, and turned to the right. The Humvee didn't stop for a moment, and rushed directly into the urban area.

At this time, not only Langley could not sit still, but the entire JC system in San Francisco was in chaos.

Hundreds of PCs wearing body armor, carrying submachine guns, and riding in dozens of police cars gathered from all directions of the city in the direction of the Humvee.

After Hua Twelve entered the city, relying on Gao Chao's driving skills, he let the Hummer shuttle through the traffic like a fish.

When arriving at an intersection, Hua Twelve suddenly found that there were red lights on all sides of the intersection, and the shadows of police cars could already be seen among the traffic. In the sky, several helicopters were circling high in the sky.

The traffic ahead was slowing down, the corners of Hua Twelve's mouth raised, trying to trap the car and let him get out?These ugly PCs are really not afraid of him hurting innocent people!
However, Hua Shier had already found a more exciting way to play. He suddenly turned the steering wheel and rushed towards the Chase Bank on the street. The car stopped at the door of the bank. He called Gu Jiaying and said, "Get out of the car!"

Gu Jiaying didn't ask any more questions, and quickly opened the car door and jumped off.

When Hua Twelve got out of the car, he pressed the old lady Hong Xiulian casually, a surge of internal energy penetrated into her heart, and she would definitely die within half an hour.

This old woman is very vicious, and her heart is completely crooked. It is a disaster to stay, so she must not stay.

He dragged Gu Jiaying into the bank, raised his hand and shot two shots at the ceiling, and shouted in English: "Get down, rob!"

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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