A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 449 Killing Night!

Chapter 449 Killing Night! (Seek full order)
The driver of the off-road vehicle was a special soldier nicknamed Hammer, and Liu Qing was sitting in the co-pilot and turned his head to look over. He was the one who told them to get in the car just now.

Seeing that the driver and co-pilot were both Chinese faces, Gu Jiaying was finally completely relieved, and the only doubts she had about Hua Shier disappeared completely at this moment.

After Hua Twelve got into the car, he asked the driving hammer, "Hammer, who was the one who set off the fireworks just now, have you withdrawn?"

Hammer drove around a police car that was set on fire when Gatling punctured the fuel tank, and replied:
"Shitou took people there, let's meet up in another street later!"

Liu Qing handed over a headset: "Ask him yourself!"

Hua Twelve took the headset and put it on his ear, pressed the call button, and asked directly, "Shitou, how is the situation?"

Sun Lei's laughter came from the other side: "Two helicopters were shot, and we touched three snipers before and wiped their necks. We just dropped down. You go first and we will follow!"

"Okay, keep in touch anytime!"

After finishing the call, Hua Shier did not intend to return the communicator to Liu Qing, but asked him:

"Is it time to go to the cruise ship you mentioned? But the road must be difficult. PC, Langley, and the FBI have offended us all once. They have killed so many people, and they will definitely not let it go!"

"The most important thing is that there should be TV reporters in the office building across the street from the bank. Our cars are probably being broadcast live across the United States. With Langley's shit-stirring stick, I guess the National Guard is just ugly. The Chinese military should be on their way!"

Liu Qing said helplessly: "You understand these things now? Why did you go so early? Do you know how much trouble you have caused this time!"

Looking at Hua Twelve's indifferent expression, he sighed helplessly:
"Don't worry, everything has been arranged, but this time, in order to arrange your retreat, some clues will definitely be exposed. Some colleagues on the hidden front, including me, must withdraw to the country!"

After speaking, he looked at Hua Twelve with the expression that you should know how big a mistake you made by now.

Unexpectedly, Hua Twelve just smiled and said:

"The order I received is to bring Dr. Gu back to China at all costs, understand at all costs? Good steel is used on the blade, I can only say that it is worth it for you to expose!"


Liu Qing was speechless and sighed: "Since the above said so, then I have nothing to say!"

Hua Twelve Swords Liu Qing looked a little lonely, thinking that this was his reluctance and regret for the end of his career in the hidden front, so he patted him on the shoulder from behind and comforted him:

"Okay, there are other comrades coming after you leave. This time you have made a great contribution by cooperating with us in sending Dr. Gu back to China. Wouldn't it be good to go back and live a normal life? This kind of three-year-after-three-year Life, what is there to regret!"

Liu Qing rolled his eyes at him: "What do you know, I have five girlfriends who didn't have time to say goodbye, Lucy, Jeremy, Aisha, Sura, and the black beauty Vanessa, they didn't tell me And don't, you'll definitely think I'm a scumbag."

"Depend on!"

Hua Twelve, the driving hammer, and even the female doctor Gu Jiaying raised their middle fingers at this guy at the same time. Don't think that you are a scumbag.
Maybe because he was thinking about it, Liu Qing's complexion improved a lot. Facing the middle fingers of everyone, he smiled slightly: "Go envious!"

Hua Twelve curled his lips and said: "I will envy you? With my young master's appearance, if I go all out to be a scumbag, I won't be a groom every night!"

This sentence also gained three middle fingers!
After finishing the chatter, Liu Qing showed an interested expression, turned to look at Hua Twelve, and asked:

"By the way, what did you do to the Situ family? Just this afternoon, the Situ family announced through North American Hongmen that they would pay 1000 million dollars for the life of a man named Coulson. Is this Coulson you?"

Hua Twelve let out an 'excuse': "I'm so valuable?"

Although he spoke in a teasing tone, there was a cold light in his eyes, but he had murderous intent!
The cold light flashed away, and then answered Liu Qing's question with a smile:
"I didn't do anything to their family. I just killed 30 or [-] of them, and killed a grandson of Situ's family, who seemed to be called Young Master Guang!"

"I also killed an old housekeeper who knew plum blossom needles, broke Patriarch Situ's waist, and gave their old lady Hong Xiulian a trick that made her live for less than two hours. Is it a matter of your judgment? Careful Son, they!"

Liu Qing covered his face: "Is this not a big deal? Well, it's a blood feud!"

Gu Jiaying heard that Hong Xiulian could not survive for two hours by Hua Twelve's dark hands, showing a surprised expression, but now that she has confirmed Hua Twelve's identities, this proves that the Situ family really wants to betray her. If he was a bad person, he would not deserve sympathy if he died, so he didn't react too much.

Two pickup trucks, sandwiching the off-road vehicle, rushed out of the street quickly, and then, under Liu Qing's command, turned and headed towards a cargo terminal in San Francisco.

Not long after driving, a black car followed quickly behind. Liu Qing took a look in the rearview mirror and said with a smile:
"It's Sun Lei and the others who are back!"

Sure enough, the car shook its headlights a few times, and it was the right signal, and the voice of Sun Lei and the others returning to the team came from the communicator.

Several vehicles lined up and moved forward at high speed. After a while, a normal heavy truck appeared in front of them.

The head of the heavy truck is the Optimus Prime prototype vehicle 'Peterbilt 389 Heavy Truck' in the movie "Transformers", and the box behind it is more than 20 meters long.

Liu Qing took out his mobile phone and dialed a number and said:
"Open the door!"

The next moment, the back door of the box was opened, and two metal pedals with rollers were lowered. As soon as the end with the rollers touched the ground, the leader's pickup truck started to accelerate and drove up the pedals.

Hammer also started to step on the accelerator to speed up, and followed the pickup truck into the trunk of the heavy truck, followed by the pickup truck and Shitou Sun Lei's car, which also drove up behind it.

The length of this carriage is even after four cars are loaded. It has to be said that this carriage is really long.

When all four cars entered the compartment, the pedals that had been stretched out were automatically retracted, and the door was slowly closed.

At the same time, this 'Peterbilt 389 heavy truck' started to turn around on the road and drove towards the direction they came from just now.

Liu Qing explained: "The direction we were going just now was a feint, so that Langley and the others didn't know our real destination. In fact, the cruise ship was parked in San Francisco Port to the east. We were inside this truck without anyone noticing it. It's here!"

After he finished speaking, he said complacently: "After a while, there will be a few heavy trucks with us, and they will be mixed together, and the license plates are all license plates of a certain arms company. The PCs here generally don't check this. How about a vehicle from a large arms company, the retreat plan I designed is not bad, right?"

Hua Twelve ignored his bragging, but opened the door of the off-road vehicle and said to Liu Qing:

"You take Dr. Gu aboard first, I still have something to do, wait for my news later!"

Seeing that he was going to leave, Liu Qing didn't ask him what he was going to do, took out a piece of stuff and handed it over:
"This is for you, you can go directly to the port later, remember the time, don't miss it!"

Hua Twelve took it over and took a look, seeing that it was a first-class ticket for a cruise ship, he was immediately happy: "Thank you!"

After putting it in his pocket, he got out of the off-road vehicle, waved his hands to the two cars behind, and quickly jumped from the door of the box that was about to close.

Liu Qing shouted from behind: "Don't just thank you, remember to give the money, that ticket cost the hard-earned money I saved from working in Ugly Country for two years!"

Watching the heavy truck go away, Hua Twelve glanced at his watch. It was 10:[-] p.m., and there was still an hour, [-], [-] minutes before the cruise ship set sail, so there was still time.

From the storage space, I released the Raging Chariot. The product produced by the system is smart. When the car was in the mainland, it had a license plate in the mainland, but it turned into a license plate in the ugly country.

What is even more surprising is that even the driver's license has been updated. On the seat are the ugly country procedures for this car, and the ugly country driver's license with Hua Twelve's photo. The name is the one he casually picked up when he came to ugly country. 'James'!
Hua Twelve put away the driver's license, tore off the human skin mask, put on the helmet, and drove towards Situ's house at full speed.

That family is rebellious, Hua Twelfth gets angry when he thinks about it, I haven't gone back to trouble you, but you want to arrest me first, so let's just settle it.

A few minutes later, two fighter jets came from the direction of the sea at high speed, and passed over the sky of Hua 16. Because they were flying at low altitude, he recognized these two fighter jets as F-[-] fighter jets, capable of night combat and launching air-to-air combat capabilities. ground missile capability.

Hua Twelve gritted his teeth, and said to himself that Liu Qing's evacuation plan was quick enough. If it was a little later in the evening, one of the four vehicles might be bombed by a fighter jet, and casualties would inevitably occur.

After a while, a row of police cars with flashing police lights passed by the Fiery Chariot, and headed quickly towards the freight wharf where Liu Qing was suspicious.

When the chariot of fire turned to another road, Luka, who was inspected by the San Francisco police, appeared in front of him. Behind Luka, seven or eight PCs with live ammunition were inspecting the passing vehicles.

Hua Shishixin said that luckily he took off the human skin mask, otherwise the face on Coulson would have been recognized immediately.

A PC signaled him to pull over for inspection, and Hua Shier did as he was told. After the car stopped, two PCs came over and asked him to show his ID and take off his helmet for inspection.

Hua Twelve handed over the driver's license produced by the system, and a 40-year-old white man with a mustache took a look and frowned:

"Asian? Is it Chinese, Xiaotian, or stickman?"

Hua Twelve took off his helmet and asked in standard English, "I'm of Chinese descent. Is there any problem, officer?"

Another black PC shouted: "Get out of the car, we need to take you back for investigation!"


Hua Shishi pretended to be surprised and said, "Officer, can I understand this as racial discrimination?"

Racial discrimination is a big deal in Ugly Country. When the black PC heard Hua Shier shouting racial discrimination, his momentum weakened a little, and he explained:

"This is not racial discrimination. The order issued today is that all ethnic Chinese encountered during the inspection must be taken back for investigation!"

The white bearded PC looked rebellious, and gave his teammates a dissatisfied look: "Why explain so much to him!"

Pointing to Hua Twelve while speaking: "Get out of the car, immediately!"

Hua Twelve sighed, and said in his heart that I would have set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. Fortunately, law enforcement recorders have not been popularized in Ugly Country in this era, so I can't record my handsome appearance.

Reaching out and grabbing, he pulled back his ID card.

The white bearded PC was stunned for a moment, and then showed anger, but before he could get angry, Hua Twelve had a Glock 17 on his forehead with his other hand, and directly pulled the trigger.

A bullet was shot into the man's forehead, and the angry face of the little white man PC froze on his face. Before he fell down, his eyes showed fear and pleading.

The black policeman reacted very quickly, and was about to raise his gun immediately, but Hua Twelve was even faster, and he shot casually, which also ended his life.

Hua Twelve shot non-stop, bang bang bang, and shot the remaining PCs who were on the spot for inspection one by one, killing them all on the spot.

There was a bloated fat PC who was checking a Caucasian female driver driving an SUV. When the gunshots rang out, he saw his colleagues fell to the ground one by one. .

But the female driver was so frightened that she drove away, and the fat man kept half-squatting, and the SUV drove away, leaving him completely exposed to Hua Twelve's guns. 'He was shot with one shot.

Hua Shishi put on his helmet and drove back on the road. When the shootout happened just now, there were other vehicles waiting to be inspected in the opposite lane. He knew that the other party would definitely call the police. He didn't have much time left, so he had to hurry up and do more. matter.

Sure enough, when Agni Chariot was still about two kilometers away from Situ's house, the two fighter jets in the sky flew over from the direction of the cargo dock. Don't think about it, it must be the two F-16s before.

"What a hassle!"

Hua Twelve braked to slow down, and after parking the car, he took out the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle from the storage space.

Originally, he still had the FGM-148 individual Javelin anti-tank missiles from the "Assassin's League World" in his storage space, but the speed of that thing is slow, and it is okay to fight tanks and helicopters, but it must be useless to fight F-16 fighter jets .

Hua Twelve turned on the transcendent state of the five senses, plus the bonus of slow vision, the two fighter jets in the sky, in his eyes, could compete with the speed of a tortoise.

The Barrett in Hua Shishi's hand rang, and the bullet shot in from under the cockpit of an F-16 fighter jet, directly nailing the pilot in the cockpit to the seat, and the glass above the cockpit was instantly covered in blood. dyed red.


This is what Hua Twelve scolded, because when he hit an F-16 fighter jet, another fighter jet had already fired an air-to-ground missile at him, and it was within a blink of an eye.

It was too late to pull the bolt to aim and shoot, Hua Twelve instantly put the big sniper into the space, jumped off the motorcycle at the same time, bursting with adrenaline, swung his hands violently, and threw the entire Fiery Chariot towards the oncoming missile, Then step down a little, and while covering his face with his hands, he quickly backed up.

The missile was bombarding the motorcycle, and a huge fireball exploded ten meters in front of Hua Shier.

The Raging Chariot has the characteristic of never being worn out, and it can completely block the power of the explosion and the scattered shrapnel. The power of the missile explosion was resisted by the Raging Chariot for more than half. After receiving an impact, he retreated more than ten meters away, and was not injured.

No matter whether he was injured or not, he must be in a bad mood after being bombarded with missiles. Hua Twelve Angry started from his heart, and immediately released the Yitian Sword from the storage space.

With the sword formula in hand, he pointed upwards, and saw a beam of sword light shooting up into the sky, passing by the F-16 just passing by from low altitude.

After the F-16 fighter rushed out hundreds of meters, it disintegrated in the air, and then exploded with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, there was another explosion, but it was the fighter plane that killed the pilot before that crashed in the distance, and a fireball shot up from the ground into the sky.

The Agni Chariot was blasted to the other side of the road by the missile. Hua Twelve ran over to check it with light work, and couldn't help nodding in satisfaction, saying that if it never wears out, it will never wear out.

After experiencing the baptism of missiles, there is not even a little black ash left by the explosion on the car.

Hua Twelve stood up the bike and continued to ride towards Situ's house. When he got to the gate of Situ's mansion villa, he twisted the accelerator, and with a bang, he slammed open the gate and rushed in.

Several Hongmen gang members who were on night shift at the door rushed out of the gatehouse with guns, and Hua Twelve shot them all to death, and then he rushed into Situ's house on a bicycle and killed them all.

All young men were beaten to death, and all women who attacked him were also beaten to death.

Facing these guys who were originally gangsters who were willing to be traitors, Hua Twelve had no intention of holding back, and killed more than 100 members of the Situ family in one go. The old and weak women and children who did not attack him.

Before leaving, he poured a lot of gasoline from the infinite energy fuel tank of the Agni Chariot, and lit the Situ family's mansion with a torch.

While he was tossing around at Situ's house, someone naturally called the police. The door was already surrounded by police cars, and many PCs and FBI were standing by with heavy weapons.

In this regard, Hua Twelve directly released the flying sword.

Ten minutes later, inside and outside the gate of Situ's house, it was like a Shura battlefield, with stumps everywhere and flames rising into the sky.

At 23:50 at night, the 17-ton, 4000-passenger, 20-storey Royal Eternal luxury cruise ship in San Francisco Harbor has already started blowing its flute.

This meant that the big ship was about to set sail. Liu Qing, who was dressed as a chef, looked out the porthole of the kitchen, anxiously waiting for that figure.

Finally, a smile appeared on his expectant face. In front of the spiral staircase to board the ship, a handsome Asian young man in a suit and leather shoes took out a first-class ticket for the crew to check, then nodded with a smile, and walked up the spiral staircase. steps.

 Thanks: Brothers 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon Realm, and Bandit Congliang for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who cost 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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