A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 453 Slaying Double Dragons!

Pointing forward with both hands, Zhao Tai gritted his teeth and ordered to the foreigners on the left and right, "Kill him to death!"

Following his order, among the sixteen foreign devils with iron-blooded and sturdy aura, two strong black men over two meters tall took out an alloy swing stick from behind, threw it away, and then Chaohua Twelve rushed up.

Call ~
The two swinging sticks were in the hands of the two black men, and they made an angry sound, as loud as firecrackers, and Zhaohua Twelve fell on the head.

Hua Twelve's figure swayed slightly, and his two punches were like an arhat striking a bell. The back strike came first, and one left and one right landed on the chests of these two strong black men who were taller than him.

Hearing two bangs, bang, bang, the two blacks flew back at twice the speed of rushing out, and directly hit the front bulkhead of the church.

The beating was like a painting. Two black men stretched out their hands, one on the left and one on the right.

But in the next second, the two blacks vomited blood at the same time. There were many pieces of internal organs in the blood, and they were obviously incapable of living. As their bodies slid against the wall and fell to the ground, the two of them tilted their heads and lost their breath of life. .

Zhao Tai stared wide-eyed at all this, he was stupefied. He also practiced free-kicking, and had also sparred with MMA fighters, but he had never seen such a shocking scene of punching someone so viscerally out.

He subconsciously blurted out: "Fuck, are you so awesome!"

Turning around, he was already a little scared, and shouted loudly: "Go up together, kill him!"

The rest of Hua Twelve Chaos hooked their fingers: "It's all fun, I'm in a hurry, let's go together!"

The rest of the foreign devils, men and women, knew that they had encountered a strong enemy when they saw this scene, but what was interesting was that there was no horror in their eyes, only the excitement of the upcoming battle.

They took out the throwing sticks from their bodies and kept them aside, and then pulled out a pair of dogleg machetes from their back waists. Obviously, in their opinion, it is meaningless for opponents like Hua Twelve to use swinging sticks, and the pursuit of killing is the moment The right choice.

What Hua Twelve didn't expect was that it was a big black girl who launched the attack first. The black girl quickly approached in small steps, and when she was about two meters in front of him, she jumped forward suddenly, her feet were about half a foot off the ground, With his right hand in the air, he used the momentum of leaping forward to slash upwards, if the knife hits, his belly would be ripped apart.


Hua Twelfth was a little surprised. Seeing that the opponent's sword technique was similar to Huaxia's sword technique, but this forward leap had the shadow of Muay Thai flying to the knee. The combination of the two made this sword technique more powerful and faster. It is also more difficult for people to block and parry.

But this is for ordinary people, but Hua Twelve didn't dodge or dodge, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the woman's knife-wielding wrist accurately.

After grabbing it, he twisted it with one hand, and before the black girl fell to the ground, with a click, her wrist bone was twisted.

When Hua Twelve broke the opponent's wrist, he didn't let go, grabbed the opponent's broken wrist and pressed it down, causing it to fall from the air suddenly, and then he kicked his left foot with a "bang", Kick the opponent directly in the head.

The force penetrated into the brain and directly kicked him to death.

Hua Twelve bounced his legs down, twisted his body slightly, took advantage of the momentum with a Bajiquan punch to his heart and elbows, and slammed to the right, directly hitting the arms of a strong white man who was swinging a knife, and at the same time dodged a few times. Cut the dog's leg knife.

The strong white man was hit by his elbow, and his sternum and spine were broken at the same time. Seen from behind, his entire back was arched like a hunchback. The huge force directly knocked him out, and he was already in the air. He vomited blood and died.

Then Hua Twelve made one move, punched and kicked, and after a few seconds, he was the only one standing on the spot, surrounded by corpses lying on the ground.

Looking at Zhao Tai with the eyes of a dead man, he said with a half-smile: "What else do you have to say now?"

Zhao Tai felt his scalp explode. He had experienced this feeling once before. When he was hunting in Africa in the early years, he was stared at by a lion that suddenly jumped out of the grass. It was this feeling.

At that time, he felt that his life and death were only in an instant. Fortunately, there was a professional hunter around him who shot and killed the male lion.

At this moment, Zhao Tai felt that the fear that Hua Shier gave him was greater than that of the lion, and he complained in his heart, it was too exaggerated.

Fortunately, Zhao Tai was well prepared. He quickly took out a pistol from under the lectern and pointed it at Hua Twelve. Then he said with a morbid smile:

"One hits so many, you really think you are Ip Man, but I didn't expect it, I have a gun, ha, ha, what age is it, no matter how good the martial arts is, you can knock it down with one shot, have you ever heard of it!"

Facing the gun, Hua Twelve smiled indifferently: "Ip Man can't beat me!"

What he said was not nonsense. In the world of the 'Grandmaster', it was not like he had never fought with Master Ye.

Hua Twelve pointed to the surroundings: "There is surveillance, Mr. Zhao, do you dare to shoot?"

The corners of Zhao Tai's mouth twitched, revealing a nervous smile. Of course, this was not because he was getting too excited XD, but a natural reaction of his body under extreme tension. He smiled with this kind of smile:
"How could I not have thought about this before I started, I have already spent money to buy the crew, and the monitoring system is upgraded tonight. Within an hour, all the monitoring is blank. I will kill you with my fingers now, and there is no people know"

Hua Twelve nodded approvingly: "Then I can rest assured."

After speaking, his figure flickered and disappeared. Zhao Tai's eyes were wide open. He looked up, down, left, and right, but he didn't find Hua Twelve's figure. There was only a corpse in front of him, and there was no one else.

Zhao Tai's lips trembled: "You, where did you go?"

As soon as the question was finished, someone behind him chuckled and said, "Behind you!"

Zhao Tai suddenly turned around and was about to shoot, but the next moment he lightened his hand, Hua Twelve used a standard military snatching gun technique to snatch the pistol into his hand, then turned around and put it on Zhao Tai's head:

"Your Majesty!"

Zhao Tai fell to his knees with a plop. It wasn't because he was cowardly. If he had dared to beep before, but when he saw Hua Twelve killed sixteen people without blinking his eyes, he knew that his life and death depended on the other party's thought. .

He said in a pleading tone: "Don't, don't kill me... I have money"

Hua Twelve is helpless: "Where is the person? Where are you hiding!"

Zhao Tai quickly said: "It's none of my business, someone asked me to lure you here, I'll leave it to them."

Hua Twelve frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Zhao Tai in front of him was just a tool. He was just about to ask who he was and where he was, when he heard clapping, clapping, clapping from outside the church door.

Then I saw a handsome white man in a suit with a face as carved as a sculpture, clapping his hands and walking in with a smile on his face, followed by Zhao Jun, who had seen Tide before.

Around the two of them, there were more than a dozen Ugly soldiers in combat uniforms holding submachine guns. After entering, they all pointed their guns at Hua Twelve.

The white man who applauded stopped and praised:

"It's so beautiful. Mr. Hua's skill is really amazing, especially that step, which is unpredictable. When you killed the young genius Ye Xuan, you used this move, right?"

Hua Twelve raised his eyebrows: "Who are you?"

The white man bowed slightly, and then said in correct Chinese: "Let me introduce myself, my English name is Wharton, but I prefer to be called by my Chinese name, Tang Lianxi, I work for Langley, title J Accurate J for the Ugly Army." (In the previous chapter, I made a mistake and wrote it as Shang J, please correct it here.)
Hua Twelve said impatiently: "Okay, stop beeping, I'll chat with that idiot next to you!"

After he finished speaking, he said directly to Zhao Jun: "Zhao Jun, you are so stupid. You hang out with Langley's people. You are so capable of cheating your father. Does your father know?"

As Hua Twelve said, a mobile phone suddenly appeared in his left hand, and he picked it up to take two photos of Wharton and Zhao Jun, and then pretended to put it in his pocket, but put it in the storage space.

This Zhao Jun heard that he made a lot of tricks behind his back, and was suppressed by Uncle Zhu Jia and Wu Wenhui, but since the incident happened, it is impossible to pretend that it never happened. These two photos are to crucify Zhao Jun The best evidence of father and son.

Zhao Jun's face was a little ugly: "The network signal here has been blocked, do you think these photos can be taken out?"

Zhao Tai knelt on the ground and was almost scared to pee. At this time, he heard Zhao Jun's voice, as if he had seen a life-saving straw, he knelt on the ground and shouted:

"Cousin, save me, save me, cousin!"

Hua Twelve hit his head with a gun: "If you shout again, I will kill you!" Zhao Tai immediately shut up and did not dare to shout again.

Among these people, Wharton was obviously the leader, but the quasi-J of Langley had a bad face after being sprayed by Hua Twelve just now.

Hua Twelve turned to Wharton and asked: "So, you arranged everything today? What about the woman, she is just a temporary bed partner I found on this ship, and this matter has nothing to do with her. Let it go, we can talk about it anyway!"

At this time, Wharton smiled again: "NO, NO, NO, Mr. Hua, I have to say that Dongfang's disguise technique is really amazing. If I hadn't heard Dr. Gu's voice, I wouldn't have seen her even Wearing a human skin mask!"

"Ms. Gu should be on the top deck now. A helicopter will come to pick her up in 10 minutes. I personally think that in this case, we should talk about your life and death!"

"As long as you hand over the training method of that footwork, I can make the decision on behalf of Langley to save your life, and of course that's all!"

Hua Twelve sneered, "Then we're still talking about Nima!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger with his right hand, and the bullet passed directly through Zhao Tai's head, killing Mr. Zhao with a single shot. This rich second-generation son who appeared on the French Z channel because of his brain-dead behavior caused the death of a female star, that's all. Die in a daze here.

At the same time as the shot was fired, Hua Twelve had already grabbed Mr. Zhao's neck with his left hand, lifted it up with one hand and threw it out ahead of him.

The dozen or so ugly soldiers around Wharton and Zhao Jun directly pulled the trigger, and a dozen submachine guns instantly turned Zhao Tai into a sieve.

And at the same time that Ugly Army fired, Hua Shishi burst out of adrenaline, instantly activated the state of transcendence of five senses, rushed out from the oblique stab, dodged left and right, and none of the bullets could hit his body.

This sounds unbelievable, but in fact it is very simple for Hua Twelve. In the state of detached five senses and slow vision, the movements of those soldiers are like snails. In this case, he does not need to dodge bullets, just dodge those soldiers Just point the gun in his direction.

In less than a breath, Hua Twelve had already appeared in the crowd, raised his hand to hold down the helmet of an ugly soldier, and directly pressed his head into the cavity with all his strength.

With a wave of his hand, there was a bang, and it hit the body armor of another ugly army. Under the double blessing of dark energy and internal force, the body armor burst directly, and a bulletproof plate was directly deformed by the punch and inserted into the heart.

Hua Twelve is like a Tyrannosaurus rex rushing into a flock of sheep, punching and kicking, bumping shoulders and head-butts, there is no enemy in his gestures, and in the blink of an eye, all the ugly soldiers who shot at him were killed. die.

During this period, he also confronted Wharton with a move. The latter was grabbed by his arm, and he threw it backwards. This move was also a killer move. For an intimate contact on the deck, it must be smashed into meatloaf.

So Hua Twelve didn't even look at it after throwing it away, he killed the stunned Zhao Jun, and strode out of the church gate, he was going to the top deck to rescue Gu Jiaying first.

But as soon as he walked out of the church gate, he saw a blond and blue-eyed white man exuding a strong aura standing in the corridor, blocking his way.

The aura emanating from this white man was extremely powerful, even stronger than Wharton who was thrown out by Hua Twelve just now.

When the white man saw Hua Shier walk out of the church, he showed a slight smile, and said in the same Mandarin Chinese:

"This road doesn't work!"

Then he smiled and said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Morgan, you can call me Tang Suiyun."

Langley's two masters of holding pills, both of whom grew up in China and studied martial arts, are known as the Tang Dynasty Shuanglong, and they are all here today.

Hua Twelve was too lazy to listen to his beep, and interrupted directly: "I don't care who you are, you are dead anyway, if you can't get through, then let's get through."

A cockroach is standing in the corridor, what else can it do other than disgusting people?

All Hua Twelve had to do was lift his foot, trample it to death, and then step over.

With a loud bang, the entire deck shook, and the high-grade carpet on the floor was torn apart, and under the huge reverse thrust, Hua Twelve also arrived in front of the white man like a shell, and raised his hand. Just a punch.

"Da Fu Mo Fist" "Zhong Kui fights ghosts"!
Foreign devils are also ghosts!
Morgan Tang Suiyun didn't know how powerful he was, he just felt that the qi and blood in front of him were impure, and it seemed that he hadn't reached the realm of holding pills, and he was full of confidence, just a step forward.

Tai Chi Hammer Technique is as rigid as it is fierce!
It's a pity that when he met Hua Twelve, the two fists intersected, both of which were fierce, and there must be an injury.

With a click, Morgan Tang Suiyun's arm, from the elbow down, exploded directly under the tremendous force of the two, exposing the bloody broken arm.

"Wharton save me!"

Tang Cuiyun immediately knew that she was no match alone, and whether she could survive now depended on her companions.

Hua Twelve steps forward and is about to kill him!

But just as Hua Twelve took a step, his head suddenly tilted back, and with a bang, a fist pierced through the steel bulkhead a few centimeters thick, and punched past him. It was Wharton who was thrown out by him just now. !

Immediately afterwards, this fist retracted, and with a bang, another fist was punched out from another bulkhead, bang bang bang, the two fists pierced through the bulkhead within a second and blasted more than ten punches in a row.

"Go away!"

Just as Wharton was punching the last time, Hua Twelve's probes accurately grabbed his arm, turned back with a click, and snapped Wharton's arm in reverse, stuck in the hole he punched in the bulkhead. inside.

Seeing this, Morgan Tang Suiyun turned around and ran away. Hua Twelve raised his palm as a knife and slashed forward three times. Three invisible knife qi slashed out in a zigzag shape, blocking the entire corridor.

Morgan Tang Sui felt the hairs on his back explode, and he dodged suddenly, but he dodged the invisible knife energy in the middle, but was struck on the back by the invisible knife energy on the left.

From the right shoulder to the left hip, there was a knife mark deep into the bone, and Morgan Tang Suiyun fell to the ground without a sound.

At this time, Wharton's arm stuck on the bulkhead suddenly broke. It turned out that this foreign expert saw his companion fall, knew that the situation was over, and wanted to learn how a gecko cut off its tail to survive.

Looking into the church from the hole made by Wharton, he saw Wharton with a broken arm running desperately towards the porthole of the church, trying to escape through the window.

"If you want to run, in your next life!"

This is the situation, and I still want to run. What are you thinking? Hua Twelfth will definitely not agree. He fit into the bulkhead and slammed into the bulkhead. He directly tore open the dozen or so holes made by Wharton's dozen punches. With one opening, the whole person broke through the steel plate and rushed into the church, punching Wharton on the back of the heart.

The strength penetrated, and directly shattered his heart, and the whole person fell down in an instant, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Thanks: 08a, the little tiger in the devil world, met the senior brother, met the brother of zoom for the reward, thank you for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thank you brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thank you brothers who read books and collected them, thank you.

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