A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 459 Zhu Jia is happy, follow up!

Back in the capital, Hua Shier was on vacation. The above said that this trip was hard, so let him take a good rest.

Cao Yi called Hua Twelve, and said helplessly, "Who told you to kill McRaven, and if you want to keep him alive, the higher authorities won't have any objections to you!"

Hua Twelve asked with a smile: "If I don't kill him, what do you think will happen to him?"

"Brigadier General Ugly, of course it's in exchange for benefits!"

Hua Twelve said with a smile: "Isn't this the end, he planned to kill me is already a vengeance, let him go back and find a way to kill me? Such a master should be killed if he should be killed, this is called leaving no future troubles!" "

These words left Cao Yi speechless. If he had an enemy with such status and strength, he would not be able to sleep well.

This rest lasted for more than a month, and Hua Twelve simply let himself relax, either going out for a walk around the capital every day, or laying down at home and practicing flying swords.

During this period, he participated in the ceremony where Cheng Shanming, as a branch of the gossip Cheng family, returned to China to offer incense to the ancestor. Gong Er, after learning about what the Cheng family did overseas and forgetting countless ancestors, made the decision to pass on the 64 hands.

The Gong family's 64 moves can be regarded as a unique skill in this world, but it is no longer a profound thing in the Gong family's second hand, so even though it is the Gong family's unique skill, she passed it on and didn't care much.

In this world, the Baguamen also has 64 hands, but they have long been lost. Cheng Shanming was so excited that he was taught the lost knowledge of this school. After returning, he must solve the misunderstanding between him and Hongmen, and expose the true face of Situ's family.

After Cheng Shanming left, Hua Twelve called Lin Yanan and asked her to contact Shaolin as soon as possible to resolve the grievances between the two families, and Xiaotian and Bangziguo. Could it be that sweeping their dojo would be for nothing? Didn’t they say they want to exchange martial arts? Well, it just so happens that they are on vacation recently, so I can't wait to tell them to come here quickly.

A few days later, Hua Shier was getting bored with reporter Zhu Da in the courtyard, Lin Yanan drove over to talk about these two things, and the news he brought made Hua Shier dumbfounded.

Lin Yanan first talked about the little days and the situation in Bangzi Kingdom.

She told Hua Twelve that the martial arts circles on both sides of Xiaotian and Bangziguo had given in, and all the martial arts exchanges that had been agreed before were gone.

Hua Twelve quit at that time: "No, it's all settled, how can I go back on my word? I know that the two countries are small, and they are like a village, but it can't be such a joke!"

Lin Xiaonan smiled and said: "The identities of the old men who attacked you with Langley in the tunnel that day have been investigated. One of them is the number one combat martial artist in childhood, the master of Baodan master Igayuan!"

"The other few are Suigetsu Danjin master Tamura Shangyoshi, ninjutsu master Ito Nan, the former navy general Budo Baodan master Takeyama Oeda, the old martial artist Kikume Sarunosuke and the great martial artist Takeda Kakuei!"

Hua Twelve picked out his ears: "I haven't heard of it before. When I hear these names, I guess they are unknown people. I think their strength is not good!"

Lin Xiaonan laughed at what he said: "Each of the five great masters is over 95 years old, and some are over 100 years old. They all participated in the war of aggression against China and discussed martial arts with the world's number one Sun Lutang!"

Hua Twelve scratched his head: "I don't know they are so old, if I knew."

Zhu Jia, who was listening with gusto, curled his lips and said, "If you know, you won't do anything? Let me tell you, these people are old devils when they get old. If my uncle knows that you have such thoughts, you have to be careful!"

Hua Twelve rolled his eyes: "I haven't finished my words yet, what I mean is that if I had known these devils were so old, I would have kicked them twice!"

Lin Yanan and Zhu Jia giggled at the funny words. Both women are from the J side. They have no respect for the elderly when treating these war criminals. After all, some people are just wearing human skin, and they are demons, devils, and ghosts inside. , It is an animal, in short, it is not a human being.

Lin Yanan finished laughing and continued: "The matter in the tunnel was suppressed by us that day, so the fact that the five great Baodan masters were beaten to death in Xiaotian is rarely known in our country, but it is not a secret in Xiaotian. Know everything!"

She said here a little excitedly:

"It is said that when the news spread, the Japanese Emperor was so shocked that he couldn't believe it. After confirming it again and again, he burst into tears. Because he was the person in charge of this matter in the special high-tech department Meichuan Uchiku, he apologized by cutting open his stomach. It is said that he was too fat. , was stabbed three times but did not die, and finally lost too much blood and died."

Lin Yanan spread her hands: "The five best and most powerful masters in Xiaotian are not your enemies. How dare they come to trouble you? The martial arts exchange event was naturally cancelled. As for Xiaotian Please also apologize to you, and promise that you will not authorize the little day warriors to open a shop in China in the future, and give up this market!"

"As for the Bangzi Country, it's not easy for you to kill those two old men who drive the car. One is Miyagi Ryota, the master of Huajin in his childhood, and the other is Cui Changbai, the ninth-degree black belt in Bangzi Country's Taekwondo, and the latter is almost the same. The top players in the Bangzi Kingdom are already there, so the Bangzi Kingdom is still calmer than the old days!"

Hua Twelve looked bored: "It's not that there is no fun!"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly sat up, and said with great interest: "How about I go to Xiaotian and Bangziguo, and kick them all the way!"

Lin Yanan hurriedly stopped: "This time the matter is too big, and there has been a compromise over there, the above means that the matter of martial arts exchange is over!"

After finishing speaking, she was afraid that Hua Twelve would be unhappy, so she added: "Besides, the higher authorities expected you to be Wu Qingyuan in the martial arts world. Now that you have become famous in one battle and have shocked the world, you have far exceeded that goal!"

"It is said that the new issue of "Black Belt" magazine has ranked you as the number one combat master in the world today. Is it true or not? You can see it when the magazine comes out at the end of the month!"

"In addition, the above also meant to protect you. You killed Wharton, Morgan, and McRaven, and all three of Langley's masters died in your hands. When did Langley suffer such a big loss? You are in the country. Fortunately, if you go out, the other party is not sure what means they will use, you may not be afraid to come head-on, but what should you do if they directly send you a missile?"

Hua Twelve nodded, and it was indeed the case. If Langley really didn't want to throw missiles at him, unless he could find out in advance and hide in the storage space, otherwise with his current strength, hehe, he would die happily!

He felt that there seemed to be something wrong in what Lin Yanan said just now, and was about to ponder over it, but the reporter Zhu Jia beside him suffered from an occupational disease. As soon as Lin Yanan finished explaining the things about Xiaotian and Bangziguo, she couldn't wait to ask:

"What about Shaolin, what's the situation?"

Zhu Jia's question interrupted Hua Shier's train of thought. He couldn't remember what was wrong for a moment, so he simply listened to what was going on in Shaolin.

Lin Yanan said sternly: "Shaolin is a bit complicated. Langley told the abbot of Shaolin that Twelve is an internationally wanted criminal, and let them cooperate with Langley to arrest him!"

"At first, Shaolin sent a few Baodan masters over there, but when they heard that they wanted to attack the J car, they reacted immediately and quit, not even entering the tunnel!"

"After this incident was reported back to Shaolin, they took the initiative to communicate with the higher authorities to understand the situation. After learning the truth, they immediately admitted their mistakes and conducted a deep self-criticism. Now they have voluntarily given up the listing on NASDAQ. All the receptions to celebrate the listing on Hong Kong Island have been cancelled!"

Lin Yanan sighed: "The abbot masters of this generation in Shaolin are really amazing, probably they have figured out the holy will, that is, reining in the precipice, really amazing!"

As soon as Hua Twelve was about to speak, Zhu Jia asked for him: "But this doesn't affect the previous fight, Shaolin won't ask for an explanation about the Guochao and Xu Tianbiao?"

Hua Twelfth glared at the girl: "How can you say that you are fighting with Xiao Duimang, and you have an appointment to fight. That's called sparring, and making friends with martial arts!"

Zhu Jia curled his lips and said, "A fight is a fight, so what's the point of sparring? How dare you say that if you fight Shaolin, they won't see blood?"

Hua Twelve hurriedly scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, there are brains and internal organs. I usually see these things when I shoot!"

Zhu Jia covered her mouth and ran out, Hua Twelve was startled: "You won't be pregnant, right?"


After Zhu Jia came back, she glared at Hua Twelve: "You called me disgusting!"

Hua Twelve was worried, and stretched out his hand and said, "Bring me your hand and I'll give you a pulse!"

Zhu Jiamei rolled his eyes at him, then handed him his hand, allowing him to put three fingers on her veins, and then turned to ask Lin Yanan:
"Let's go on, how come Shaolin doesn't bother Twelve all of a sudden?"

Lin Yanan smiled and said: "Someone from above showed the surveillance video in the tunnel to Shaolin. It was the scene where Twelve beat and killed the five great masters. It is said that the most powerful ones in Shaolin didn't say a word after watching it. , Duan Guochao resigned the next day, and it is said that he is going back to Shaolin to formally become a monk and study Buddhism and martial arts!"

Hua Twelve was giving Zhu Jia a pulse, and he agreed: "It should have been like this a long time ago. Duan Guochao is one-eyed, and it's not safe to do Guo An. The suspect slipped to his left and he couldn't see it. Isn't this nonsense? !"

Zhu Jia covered her stomach and laughed, "If you tease me again, I will fight you!"


Hua Twelve suddenly frowned: "Show me that hand!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Zhu Jia's other hand, felt his pulse carefully, and then let go after a while, with a complicated expression on his face.

Zhu Jia and Lin Yanan were still chatting and joking, but seeing his solemn expression, they couldn't help but quiet down. The former asked:
"Is there anything wrong with my health? I don't feel sick at all. I've been doing well recently, but my appetite has increased. I still want to lose weight!"

Hua Twelve looked at her and said, "Don't you think the increase in appetite is a big problem?"

Zhu Jia saw him showing off, and wanted to pinch him angrily: "I hate it, can you stop teasing people, what did you find out when you fell down?"

Hua Twelve touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed: "Then what, you seem to have it?"

Zhu Jia didn't realize it: "What's the matter?"

Halfway through speaking, he was startled suddenly, and tentatively asked: "Have you got it?"

"Hmm!" Hua Twelve nodded embarrassedly.

Zhu Jia suddenly yelled: "My surname is Hua, you are harming me every day during the holidays. Did I tell you that I am now on the rise in my career, you bastard, I don't love you!"

Hua Twelve covered the girl's mouth; "Don't say anything, there are guests!"

Lin Yanan smiled and said, "Congratulations, both of you!"

Hua Twelve hastily said politely: "We are happy together!"

Lin Yanan has black hair, she is still a big girl, is there anyone who likes this thing!

She got up and said: "It's such a big happy event, you young couple must have a lot to say, I'll leave first and come to see Jiajia another day."

She was just about to turn around and leave when she suddenly thought of something: "By the way, there is one more thing. The Martial Arts Association will re-elect the person in charge next month. The above means that you will be allowed to join the martial arts world. After all, you are all "Black Belts." Ranked as the number one contemporary master!"

After hearing Lin Yanan's words, Hua Shier suddenly remembered what he felt was wrong just now. The incident of the first battle in the tunnel has been suppressed. The on-site driving recorder, the witness's mobile phone, and the monitoring of the tunnel have all been controlled. No video image streamed out.

There is nothing to know about this matter in Xiaotian, after all, they have lost the five great masters of Danjin, and the scope of spread is limited to the official and martial arts circles.

But how did the ugly country's martial arts magazine 'Black Belt' know about it?You can't simply assume that he is the number one in the world based on some fluffy news, right?This is very problematic!

Hua Shier told Lin Yanan about this matter, and the latter also felt that there was a problem, and said to report back to the higher authorities to investigate and clarify the matter.

After sending Lin Yanan away, when he came back, he saw the sullen Zhu Jia, Hua Twelve walked over and took the other person's little hand to comfort him, "If you really don't want it, then I'll accompany you to the hospital to get rid of it!"

Zhu Jia was startled, and immediately raised her head to stare at Hua Twelve viciously: "Are you trying to wipe it out and deny it? You also want to harm my son, you heartless bastard!"

Hua Twelve had a black line on his face: "We have to be reasonable. Didn't you say that your career is on the rise? When did I say I don't want it anymore!"

After hearing what he said, Zhu Jia breathed a sigh of relief: "It's more or less the same!"

Hua Twelfth suggested that he hadn't met Zhu Jia's parents yet, so he might as well take this opportunity to visit Zhu Jia's parents, so as not to have to explain it when the elders couldn't hide it and cut him with a knife.

Zhu Jia hesitated: "Why don't you talk to uncle first, and my parents will talk about it later!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "I listen to you!"

Zhu Jia went to the hospital for an examination that day, and after confirming that she was really pregnant, she took Hua Twelve to see her uncle at night.

After talking about this matter, Uncle Zhu Jia was a little happy, and decided to let them get married as soon as possible. Don't wait until the belly is big and not get married, which makes people laugh.

As for Zhu Jia's parents, Uncle Zhu Jia said that he would talk about it, so there was no need for Hua Twelve to worry.

After talking about the family affairs, Uncle Zhu Jia called Hua Twelfth into the study and started talking about business.

The main reason is that Hua Twelve's performance in the first battle in the tunnel was too amazing, and he used many methods that cannot be understood by science. The higher authorities have different opinions on how to deal with this matter.

Some experts even made unfriendly proposals, but Uncle Zhu Jia and Wu Wenhui rejected them all.

Finally, it was decided that in the near future, relevant personnel would talk to Hua Shier, and Uncle Zhu Jia told him to make preparations in advance.

Hua Twelve actually thought about it on the day of the tunnel battle, and he had already thought up his speech, made some preparations, and nodded immediately:

"You can rest assured!"

A few days later, Hua Twelve returned to the barracks. In a meeting room, all leading experts sat across from him, including Uncle Zhu Jia and Wu Wenhui.

Hua Twelfth himself sat opposite these people. The scene was similar to the scene in the movie "Big Whistleblower" where Uncle Ge received consultations from experts in a mental hospital.

However, there are quite a few people with stars here, and the pressure is overwhelming.

Of course, that little pressure was nothing to Hua Shier.

Before the questioning, I played a surveillance video of the day of the tunnel battle. The video was edited. At first glance, it was taken by tunnel surveillance, driving recorders, and eyewitnesses with mobile phones. All angles are extremely clear.

In the video, a pistol appeared out of thin air with both hands of Hua Twelve, and even more exaggeratedly, a motorcycle appeared out of thin air. Several masters seemed to be swept by invisible lasers while waving their hands, and there were no dead bodies.

An expert was the first to speak: "Comrade Hua Shier, can you tell me how you did it? Did you get some extraterrestrial technology and didn't hand it over to the Guo family?"

Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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