A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 464 Another way, everyone is like a dragon!

Chapter 464 Another way, everyone is like a dragon! (Seek full order)

If GOD had the mentality of making friends with martial arts and humbly asking for advice, and wanted to see the way ahead, Hua Twelve might be patient and make two moves with him, and then a black tiger would dig out his crotch, monkeys would steal peaches or something and let him go After falling, he was declared guilty and brought to justice.

But this guy can't beat him by himself, so he wants to fight in groups, let's fight in groups, and take Hua Twelve's body to see the way forward. Needless to say, he must be thinking about his innocence, so he needs to take it back for autopsy.

Yay bah!
Hua Twelve killed someone else, and this was the first time someone thought about it, how could they let them have good fruit, so they just chopped them all up.

GOD and the reincarnation team are wanted by many Guo families around the world, and they have sabotaged aid projects in Africa many times. Even in Guo Nei, they are blacklisted and wanted.

Hua Shier killed him on the spot, that was also his responsibility, and he was brought to justice in the system mission.

After beheading GOD and the reincarnation team, he turned his head to look at the horrified Tang Zichen, and asked again:
"Are you still fighting?"

This time Tang Zichen didn't speak hard, and the corners of his eyes twitched. This beautiful woman with the same demeanor as Gong Er had the urge to scold his mother at this moment.

Don't look at Tang Zichen's teaming up with GOD and Ba Liming to fight Hua Shier just now didn't take advantage of it, but she didn't suffer much either.

Her national art has stepped into the strength, reached the pinnacle, and she has succeeded in cultivating internal energy. If she hits with all her strength, she can mix the innate energy with internal energy, and it can be released for more than a foot.

This is the confidence that Tang Zichen dared to tell Hua Shier that he would 'do it' before.

But what was that just now?

The piercing sword aura is like a laser, top players like GOD, who are only a little worse than her, have been dismembered, so you want to fight me?

Facing Hua Shier's questioning again, Tang Zichen shook his head with difficulty: "Stop fighting!"

Hua Twelve smiled, "Let's have a fight!"

Tang Zichen raised his eyelids, he didn't understand what Hua Twelfth meant, could it be impossible to kill them all?
Hua Twelve didn't care what her expression was, and said to himself:

"Five years ago, there was a bridge project in Malancia. In order to win the bid, you Tangmen attacked a rival company, resulting in several casualties. Is this the case?"

Tang Zichen was slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "My brother Zhao Guangrong was responsible for what happened five years ago, I don't know!"

"If you don't know, I will tell you that it is a Chinese-funded company. You broke the law. As the owner of the door, you have to be responsible!"

Hua Twelfth finished speaking with a smile, and said again: "Three years ago in Singapore, you shot and killed a white man yourself, and took away the information about advanced CNC machine tools in his hands. Is this the case?"

Tang Zichen nodded without denying it: "A German consortium paid 100 million euros, please let me help them get back the information."

She said with a sneer: "Although Germany is also one of the countries that wanted me, business is business. After I helped them solve the problem, they gave the money very happily. Why? That's a white man, so he can't be one of yours." Bar!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "That's right, the talent you recruited with great difficulty was beaten to death by you, and the information is gone!"

Tang Zichen's expression was a little helpless, but he still defended himself: "I don't know, and those who don't know are not guilty!"

Hua Twelve didn't discuss this issue with her, and continued:
"A year and a half ago, it should be the days when you taught Wang Chao boxing in the Tianxing Lake community. You killed three people in the garage of the villa!"

"Western killers code-named 'God Fox', 'Grizzly Bear' and 'Bad Wolf' respectively. The bodies were found a year later. You did it, right?"

What Hua Twelve said was the reason why Tang Zichen was wanted by Guo Nei. It was all the information in the file that he specially retrieved after he received Lin Yanan's information about Tang Zichen's entry into the country. The wanted warrant is still there.

Tang Zichen had a complicated expression: "What do you want?"

The corner of Hua Shishi's mouth raised: "Let me bring you to justice, you go to prison, and I will let you see the way forward, how about it?"

Hearing what he said, Tang Zichen was obviously a little surprised, her eyes flickered, and she seemed a little tempted, but she suddenly showed the posture of a snake transforming into a dragon:
"You don't need the trick just now, let me see how far it is from you!"

"Okay, then look carefully!"

Hua Twelve didn't need any martial arts skills, and he was in front of Tang Zichen in a few steps, and he just punched him casually.

There is nothing fancy about his punch, it is pure strength!
Based on the power of the peak Ao Pang, decades of Daoist Breathing Technique accumulated over time, and supplemented by decades of Quanzhen internal strength, even Li Yuanba's resurrection can't stop this punch!
Tang Zichen faced the punch directly, and she felt that the whole sky darkened. Under the punch, there was no escape, like a cage of heaven and earth, unrivaled.

Her sincerity frenziedly called the police, her hands were originally one in front of the other, making a gesture of a snake transforming into a dragon, but at this time her hands trembled slightly. Although the dragon is strong, it cannot hold back the opponent's power to subdue the dragon.

Under this punch, Tang Zichen didn't even have the confidence to resist, and even the courage to make a move was suppressed.

It wasn't that he was scared out of his guts, let alone that he lost his will to martial arts, but it was the instinct of living beings to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Tang Zichen felt that if he resisted, he would definitely die!
In the end, Hua Twelve's fist stopped three inches in front of Tang Zichen's forehead, and her ponytail fluttered backwards like a fluttering banner under the wind of the fist, and it took three full seconds before it fell down again.

Looking at Tang Zichen again, her eyes were blood red, but she didn't close her eyes, she was staring at the punch, and the capillaries on her eyeballs were blown apart by the wind of the punch.

If this is an ordinary person, he must be blind, but Tang Zichen's vitality is strong. When the fist wind stops, the blood vessels will heal quickly and stop the bleeding. .

Hua Twelve withdrew his fist and asked with a smile, "Did you see clearly?"

Tang Zichen put down his hands and asked back: "How much strength did you use?"

"Thirty percent!"

Hua Twelve just hit with all his strength in a normal state. If he uses the secret technique of bursting adrenaline, his strength will be increased by about three or four times. Thirty percent is already low.

Tang Zichen took a long breath: "Just do as you say!"

In fact, she is not afraid of being caught. With the power, resources and intelligence she has, any Guo family who catches her will seek to cooperate with her.

The same is true for Guo Nei, who just let her be caught without a fight and let others play with her. She lacks a reason to convince herself.

This is Tang Zichen's arrogance!
But with that punch just now, if you dodge, you can't dodge, block, if you can't block it, you will die if you fight back.

All arrogance is gone!

Tang Zichen also found a reason to convince himself.

Hua Twelve said loudly: "Catch people!"

The next moment, a team of martial arts outside the stadium rushed into the stadium under the command of Cao Yi, invited Tang Zichen to a J car outside the stadium, and then began to clean the battlefield.

After receiving the information about the entry of GOD and Tang Zichen and others, the upper management has already deployed a capture plan. Today, there are a large number of armed forces secretly deployed outside the stadium, and now they have caught a big fish.

Hua Shier just arrests people, but he doesn't care about how the higher ups deal with Tang Zichen, whether to shut him down or let him go, as long as he completes the system tasks.

Watching Tang Zichen and Cao Yi leave, Hua Twelve turned to look at Ba Liming who was sitting on the ground, staring and adjusting his breath.

The latter had a keen sense, and seemed to see something from Hua Twelve's expression, and said quickly:
"I didn't break the law. I just got out of prison and followed the normal procedure!"

The old man looked so flustered that Hua Twelve couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "I didn't say you broke the law, you just said you wanted to worship me as a teacher?"

Ba Liming nodded again and again, with a longing look on his face, no matter what age or seniority he is, it's bullshit, a master in martial arts is a teacher, and it's not shameful to learn from such a strong person as a teacher!
Hua Twelve smiled and nodded: "I can take you as an apprentice and teach you martial arts, but I have one request, that is, you must obey my advice!"

The old man nodded his head, "A teacher is like a father, it's only natural!"

A month later, Hua Twelve held an apprentice acceptance ceremony at the Wushu Association General Assembly.

Tang Zichen and Ba Liming knelt at the front. After the former was taken away by Cao Yi, they discussed with Uncle Zhu Jia, Wu Wenhui and other high-level officials for two days, and finally reached a cooperation.

Relatively speaking, the Tang Sect's sins are relatively small, and they have done better than the Hong Sect in some aspects. The benefits of such a force being incorporated outweigh the disadvantages.

Moreover, Tang Zichen handed over some of the information and materials he had, and performed great meritorious service, so the court simply pardoned her crimes.

When he heard that Hua Shier was going to accept Ba Liming as an apprentice, Tang Zichen chose to be a teacher without hesitation. If she didn't want to see the scenery above the peak, what would she do when she came back.

Hua Twelve's acceptance of apprentices this time is not limited to Tang Zichen and Baliming.

Behind Tang Zichen and Ba Liming, kneeling were Wu Yunlong, Liu Mubai, Yan Yuanyi, and a young woman named Fengcai with outstanding temperament.

These people are all Baodan, and they were also convinced by the strength Hua Twelve showed that day.

When I heard that Hua Shier was going to accept apprentices, I asked my relationship to go through the back door, and even found Zhu Jia's uncle and Zhu Jia's parents, and wanted to learn from a teacher.

After discussing with Wu Wenhui, Hua Shier and Wu Wenhui formulated a plan to deploy weapons in J Zhong, and they simply accepted them all.

Not only these Baodans, but also Liu Qing, Jiang Hai, the big stone Sun Lei, and the female assistant Lin Yanan all knelt in front of Hua Twelve.

In the lobby of the Wushu Association, there were 200 people knelt down in a crowd. Most of these people were from the J family, and they were all from the Guo family. At this time, they offered tea at the same time and said loudly:
"Master, drink tea!"

Hua Twelve did not take a cup of tea from Gongshou, but said first:
"Let's talk about the ugly things first. There are no other requirements for entering my gate. It is the kung fu that I have taught. Only the descendants of Yan and Huang can practice it. If you accept disciples, you must pay attention to this. Anyone who passes Kung Fu to foreigners is cheating." Master destroys the ancestors, you all punish him!"

"If a foreigner learns it, one will be killed. If all foreigners learn it, they will be killed. Will you agree to this condition?"

When he said these words, he was full of vigor and viciousness. Even Tang Zichen and Baliming in front of him felt that their breathing was stagnant. Knowing that Hua Twelve was definitely not joking, they all declared that they would obey their master's orders.

Only then did Hua Twelfth nod in satisfaction, took a sip of the tea cup from Gongshou, and the ceremony was completed.

Among these people, the Hua Twelfth Society taught students according to their aptitude, and those with average aptitude taught ordinary exercises, while those with excellent aptitude like Tang Zichen and Ba Liming taught Quanzhen internal energy and Daomen breathing technique.

He entered this "Dragon Snake World" and created this world into a parallel world of "Dragon Snake and Montenegro Old Demon". There is no past and no future. The Mighty One appears.

So he intends to leave behind his own inheritance and give the world a glimmer of hope. If the warriors in this world strive to live up to their spirits, relying on their national skills and internal strength, it is not impossible to embark on another extraordinary path.

Of course, the road Hua Twelve left for this world can only be enjoyed by the descendants of Yan and Huang, so he set up the door rules, so that foreigners want to learn my Huaxia skills like Morgan and Wharton, don't even think about it, just dream Go ahead, if someone steals a lesson, what awaits them is endless pursuit.

Hua Twelve killed the KB leader GOD in the stadium that day, wiped out the reincarnation team, and brought Tang Zichen, the head of the Tang Sect, to justice. He made great contributions, and Wu Wenhui and Uncle Zhu Jia endorsed behind him. It didn't take long for his credit to come down up.

The J title has been promoted by one level, and the salary has been raised!

After being promoted, Zhu Jia's parents couldn't wait any longer and began to force marriage. The girl was about to show her pregnancy, and when the time came, she would conceive before marriage. Wouldn't this kind of family background make people laugh out loud.

On the eve of the wedding, Hua Twelve compensated Gong Er for a few days, fearing that she would have some emotions.

As a result, Gong Er saw his intention and couldn't help laughing:

"Back in the Republic of China, did I bother you, Mrs. Na, you didn't look for it yourself, why did you make it look like a big woman like me is jealous!"

Hua Twelve slapped his head, his own feelings in the "world of a generation of grandmasters" were all cleared away, and he forgot about this, the education Gong Er received since childhood, and the environment he grew up around, he didn't need to worry about it.

On the day of the wedding, a celebration ceremony was held at the Beijing Hotel, and all Hua Shier's friends in this world accepted the invitation.

Sun Dasheng and Xiao Wu from the Criminal J Team in C City, comrades from Jinhai Jiji, students from the three special forces, heads of various schools in the martial arts world, and the apprentices he accepted, more than 1000 people came here.

Although there weren't many people from the Zhu family, they were all from the upper class, so I didn't mention who came to congratulate them. Anyway, they were all people who often showed their faces on TV.

After marriage, Hua Shier and Zhu Jia lived in the courtyard house. After the child was born, Gong Er also moved back from school.

Cough cough, don't live a happy life.

Zhu Jia gave birth to a boy, and Hua Twelve named him "Hua Yingxiong", and Zhu Jia chased him and beat him up. That name was Tiansha Lone Star, who restrained his parents, wife and children. You really want to die.

Hua Twelve is as good as a stream: "How about calling Hua a hero?"

This time Gong Er made a move.

In the end, it was Zhu's father who made the decision, so he called him Binbin, "gentleman, then a gentleman" Binbin, Hua Binbin, is both a big name and a baby name, and it is easy to pronounce.

Hua Twelve curled his lips when he heard it, but when Father Zhu saw it, he immediately extended his thumb: "It's tall, it's really tall!"

Decades have passed by in a flash, and after Hua Twelve deployed weapons in J, now everyone in Huaxia J is like a dragon, and they can be called the strongest on the surface of the earth.

In terms of family members, Zhu's father and mother have passed away. Zhu Jia has practiced Chinese martial arts, and is often used by Hua Twelve to cut marrow with Zhen Qi Yi Jing. She is not old, she looks like a woman in her early thirties.

But Hua Twelve knew that there would be a day of parting. On this day, he found Baliming who was on the way forward, and said earnestly:

"Apprentice, Master intends to send you in, what do you think?"

Baliming, who is more than 100 years old: "." A black line.

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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