A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 474 Play against the widow sister and knock down Tyson!

Chapter 474 Play against the widow sister and knock down Tyson! (Seek full order)

A security guard from the castle hotel immediately came up to report: "Mr. Wang, he said he was Miss Xia Zhu's boyfriend, so I let him in. See if it's not like I invited him out right away."

Seeing her boyfriend, Xia Zhu quickly pushed away Hua Shier's arm that was on her shoulder.

Then he walked to the side of the visitor, turned around and said to Hua Twelve:
"Let me introduce formally. I don't know who the Meng Tejiao you mentioned just now is, but the one standing in front of you is definitely not. He is my boyfriend Liu Jiannan!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and showed a happy smile to Liu Jiannan: "Jiannan, this is the Mr. Wang I told you about!"

Hua Twelve warmly stepped forward and stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Liu is an outstanding talent. If I'm not mistaken, you are a bit like that Taiwan singer Wang Leehom!"

Liu Jiannan wore gold-rimmed glasses, trousers and a shirt, looking refined and refined. He reached out and held Hua Twelve together:
"Mr. Wang read it right. Many people call me Little Wang Leehom, and Wang Leehom happens to be Xia Zhu's favorite idol!"

Hua Twelve showed doubts on his face: "Then does she like you when she falls to the ground, or does she like your face like Wang Leehom? Hey, it's frightening to think about it!"

Liu Jiannan's face turned green, Xia Zhu immediately stood up and shouted: "Mr. Wang, please don't sow discord, please!"

Hua Twelve looked astonished: "How can I, you don't know how much I hope that the two of you can finally get married, have a good marriage for a hundred years, have a precious son early, and pack boxes together."

After he finished speaking, he said twice: "Look at my mouth, what I mean is, there is a couple for the rest of your life. You live in the same quilt, and you die in the same hole. This is a blessing for you to be as strong as gold."

The expressions on the faces of the two people on the opposite side were not very good. Although Hua Twelve said good things, they were uncomfortable no matter how they heard them.

Seeing this guy, Liu Jiannan still wanted to talk, and hurriedly interrupted: "Mr. Wang, you are really young and promising!"

Everyone carried the sedan chair, and since they were so polite, Hua Twelve was not stingy with sending good words:

"You are the ones who are talented and beautiful. By the way, where is Mr. Liu now?"

Before Liu Jiannan could speak, Xia Zhu hurriedly said:
"Jiannan recently had two ticket-collecting speeches at the Xihong Cultural Palace. The theme is 'You can't be a slave to money'. I can invite you to listen to it at that time. You should study hard!"

Liu Jiannan pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, and said seriously: "People nowadays value money too much, I just want to convey correct values!"

"Correct values ​​are good. There aren't many people with correct values ​​in society now. I have to offer you a toast!"

Hua Twelve turned around and picked up a bottle of leftover Lafite from the table by the pool. There was still more than half of the bottle in it, and sent it directly to Liu Jiannan:
"Come on, do one!"

Liu Jiannan stretched out his hand to block it, and sternly refused: "I'm sorry, I don't know how to drink!"

Hua Twelve smiled and waved his hands: "Isn't it possible to learn? You drink this wine, and I will cover two of your lectures for 20 yuan!"

He said and waved at Zhuang Qiang: "Where's our pocket money?"

Zhuang Qiang turned around and pulled a bag of money, and directly took out 40 yuan and stuffed it into Liu Jiannan's arms.

Liu Jiannan's complexion changed, Xia Zhu said loudly: "Wang Duoyu, even if you have money, you can't look down on people like this!"

Before she finished speaking, Liu Jiannan snatched the wine bottle from Hua Shier's hand, and under Xia Zhu's unbelievable gaze, said excitedly:
"I'll show you a little whirlwind, you can do whatever you want!"

After he finished speaking, he began to shake the wine bottle and blow on the bottle. Sure enough, a vortex appeared in the wine bottle visible to the naked eye!
Hua Twelve took the lead in applauding: "Okay, it looks like an alcohol battlefield!"

Liu Jiannan gulped down half a bottle of Lafite in one breath, and even hiccupped after drinking, and then sighed:
"In this situation, it's hard to find a confidant. If Mr. Wang needs it, I can still perform a big show!"

Hua Twelve was so frightened that he quickly told him to stop: "Little Xuanfeng is enough, there is no need to squirt everywhere, we have squirt guns here."

Xia Zhu stared wide-eyed and questioned her boyfriend: "You didn't give a speech to make money, why would you drink this bottle of wine for money?"

Although Liu Jiannan drank most of the bottle, but the spirit of the wine has not yet come up, he said seriously:
"I'm here to explain the true meaning of life to those who are confused. I think Mr. Wang is very confused!"

Hua Twelve agreed: "I'm too confused!"

After speaking, he pointed to the beautiful models who were laughing and watching: "They are also very confused, come on, tell Mr. Liu, are you confused?"

The models burst into laughter and said, "Confused, very confused!"

Hua Twelve walked over and patted Liu Jiannan on the shoulder, then pointed at the beautiful models around him and said with a smile:
"We're having a pool party. Would you like to play together for a while, Mr. Liu? Maybe I can find the true meaning of life for these confused and beautiful ladies."

Xia Zhu came to push Hua Twelve away, and snatched the wine bottle from Liu Jiannan's hand: "Let's go, I want to go home!"

Liu Jiannan looked at those swimsuit models, and said righteously: "There are so many confused people waiting for my advice. There is a long way to go. Why go home!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly, and shouted to the waiter beside him, "Music!"

The next moment, the music sounded, and Hua Twelve said to the models again: "Hurry up and go to two, and have a hot dance with Mr. Liu, and let him see how confused you are!"

After speaking, he grabbed a handful of banknotes in the money bag and threw them into the sky. The banknotes fell down one after another, as if it was raining money.

Several models started to collect money, and when all the money was collected, they began to dance hotly around Liu Jiannan.

Liu Jiannan seemed to be getting drunk, he tore off his collar, twisted his waist and swung his hips, his dance was better than Hua Shier's.

Xia Zhu blushed with anger, walked up to Hua Twelve, and shouted, "Wang Duoyu, what do you want to do?"

Hua Twelve clapped Liu Jiannan's hands, whistled, and then said to Xia Zhu:

"Look at how good and hot your boyfriend dances. If I don't motivate him, you don't even know he has this talent!"

Liu Jiannan, who was dancing Cha Cha with the beauty Hua Shishichao, shouted, "Mr. Liu, you are a good dancer. I still need a pole dancer with a daily salary of [-] yuan. I wonder if you are interested?"

Zhuang Qiang's eyes turned red when he heard the words: "Duoyu, I can do it too!"

Hua Twelve glanced at him: "Which steel pipe do you think can support your figure? You are only suitable for belly dancing!"

Xia Zhu Chaohua Twelve and Zhuang Qiang shouted: "Enough is enough for the two of you!"

After she finished speaking, she strode up to Liu Jiannan and dragged him away: "You've drunk too much, come back with me!"

Hua Twelve explained later: "I also have a good heart, there are so many confused people."

The fourth day of the mission of spending one billion cash.

Early in the morning, Hua Twelve was woken up by Xia Zhu and Zhuang Qiang, and took his rented Rolls-Royce convoy to the airport to pick up Widow Sister and Guo Da Statham who came all the way from Ugly Country.

In addition, boxing champion Tyson asked for leave with the crew on Hong Kong Island, and they also picked up the plane together this morning.

Hua Twelfth didn't know the purpose of the trip until he got in the car, and he couldn't help complaining: "Have you been kneeling for a long time, aren't there just a few foreigners, they come here to work for me, just send a car to pick it up Come on, why not use such a big scene, you guys see each other for a while, I will give them a good face!"

As soon as they met, Hua Twelve gave the widow a big hug and said in English:

"Welcome to Xihong City, Natasha Romanov, I can be considered alive!"

Xia Zhu rolled his eyes, who said that he didn't give others a good face just now.

After parting, the widow sister giggled and said, "You are so funny, Mr. I am not an agent, you can call me Scarlett!"

Hua Twelve shook hands with Guo Dastan again: "I'm a master fighter, let's compete later!"

Guo Dastan nodded with a smile: "You will be my boss in the next few days, and I will definitely show mercy!"

Just as everyone was exchanging greetings, the reporter who heard the news rushed over, and Hua Shier hurriedly asked the widow and Guo Da Statham to get into his extended Rolls-Royce. After another ten minutes, Tyson They were also picked up, and the convoy slowly drove out of the press group and went straight to the hotel.

Along the way, Hua Twelve used fluent English, witty remarks, funny widow sister and the two rough guys laughed straight away, and pulled the distance between each other before reaching the place, from a cooperative relationship to a friend who can chat related.

When they arrived at the castle hotel and opened the door, everyone was stunned. In the lobby of the hotel, Liu Jiannan was wearing a three-point style, posing around the steel pipe, raising his hips, shaking fiercely, and facing the sky.
Not to mention that apart from hot eyes, technology is still possible.

The fat manager came over and said helplessly: "He came right after you left the house, and the steel pipes you brought with you can't be stopped!"

Xia Zhu felt that he was almost ashamed to face others, and asked loudly, "Liu Jiannan, what are you doing?"

Liu Jiannan smiled and said: "You don't know, when I was studying abroad, I was a member of the school's dance club. Yesterday, Mr. Wang asked me to dance the pole dance. More people in confusion."

After he finished talking about Chaohua Twelve, he waved vigorously: "Mr. Wang, how is my dancing?"

"Not bad, keep working hard!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he turned his head and said to the three crooked nuts, "Let's go two steps faster, your eyes are too hot!"

Zhuang Qiang added: "That's right, it's fine to wear the three-point style, and the whole T-shaped pants, I don't even see it!"

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone to take two photos and sent them to Moments, and then Zhao Hua said: "Duoyu, give me [-] a day, and I will jump for it."

"piss off!"

In the lobby of the Castle Hotel, dancers danced, and in the upstairs reception room, Hua Shier extended a warm welcome to the three widow sisters, Guo Dastanson and Tyson who came from afar.

After signing the formal contract, Hua Twelve snapped his fingers, and Xia Zhu immediately arranged for the transfer.

The widow, Guo Da, Statham and Tyson all looked at each other, and they could all see the satisfaction in each other's eyes, and their attitude towards Hua Twelve became more enthusiastic.

After Hua Shier signed the contract, he turned on the live broadcast on his mobile phone: "My family, three guests came to my live broadcast room today. I don't need to introduce these three guests!"

I saw that the number of people in Huatwelf's live broadcast room increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the number of people exceeded one million in 10 minutes, and the upward momentum continued unabated.

The widow looked at the numerous speeches on the phone screen, walked over and asked curiously: "Are these all your fans, what are they talking about?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "They call you wife!"

The widow was amused, and waved her hand to say hello in Chinese: "Ni Du Hao"

In an instant, countless rockets took off collectively.

Hua Twelve's face turned green. He has been live broadcasting for so long, and he has never seen a rocket. As a result, when the widow sister came, the phone screen was full.

The most important thing is that it is easy for me to spend some money.

He quickly turned off the reward function, then pushed the widow sister away, and pulled Guo Da, Statham and Tyson over to say hello one by one, and then said:
"Okay, that's all for today, remember to follow me tomorrow, you can watch the games of Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, and England!"

After speaking, regardless of the objections of fans, the live broadcast was still closed.

The widow shrugged: "Then shall we start working immediately? I want to read the script first!"

"Why are you so anxious to read the script, let's play against each other first!"

Hua Twelve first arranged for three foreigners to have a meal, it must be Qiqihar BBQ, of course he didn't fix the half-baked waist, otherwise the three would have to run away.

After eating and resting for a while, Hua Twelve proposed to compete with Tyson.

Tyson smiled and shook his head: "NO, I'm just here to make money, I don't want to kill anyone!"

I'll go, Hua Twelve heard, this is looking down on myself.

Directly someone brought two boxing gloves prepared in advance, one sixteen ounces and one eight ounces.

Boxing gloves are not used to protect your own hands, but to protect your opponent. The larger the ounce value, the higher the damage reduction.

Tyson smiled when he saw the two gloves: "Okay, then I will keep my hands as much as possible and satisfy your lover's wish. Who made you my boss these days!"

As he spoke, he was about to get the 16-ounce glove, which, it seemed to him, must be for him.

Hua Twelve, however, shook his finger: "NO, Mike, the eight-ounce glove is yours, I'll wear the sixteen-ounce glove, I'm afraid I might accidentally hurt you!"

As he spoke, he took the sixteen-ounce glove from the service staff and put it on his hand.

This time the others are not calm, Guo Dastanson persuaded:
"Mr. Wang, please calm down. I know that you fans may sometimes have the illusion that you are very powerful. Maybe it is easy to beat ordinary people, but you must know that you are now facing the greatest weight in boxing history. One of the Super Boxing Champions!"

Scarlett also persuaded: "Forget it, Mr. Wang, people will really die!"

Zhuang Qiang couldn't understand a word of their chattering English, but Xia Zhu anxiously translated it for him, wanting him to persuade Wang Duoyu, so he hurried forward to pull Hua Shier:
"Many fish, don't be a tiger, Tyson can bite his ears!"

Hua Twelve didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm just trying to learn from each other, it's fine!"

Zhuang Qiang patted his chest: "Let's learn from each other, that's fine, but Duoyu, have you left a will? Look, now you have no children, just a good brother like me."

Hua Twelve didn't wait for him to finish, and said angrily: "Believe it or not, I will kill you first, and then I will fight with Tyson?"

Zhuang Qiang could only push away in embarrassment.

Seeing the anxious expressions of the others, Tyson smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I will pull back!"

As he said, he put on the eight-ounce glove, and complained: "That kid Mayweather should wear it!"

Speaking of it, Hua Twelve's feelings towards Tyson are quite complicated, because he first practiced Tyson's combination boxing, so today he plans to pay tribute.

As soon as Guo Da Statham shouted, Hua Twelve immediately made an improvement, and the small jab hit Tyson in the face in an instant. The fast boxing champion who dodged extremely well didn't even have the slightest reaction time.

When he reacted, the fist was also hit, and when Tyson was about to fight back, Hua Twelve had already retreated quickly.

This punch Hua Twelve was just to say hello to Tyson, telling him that he has the strength to beat him and to make him serious, so he didn't use any force, otherwise even Tyson would have to kneel now.


Several onlookers on the sidelines all exclaimed that Tyson was beaten first.

Tyson shook his head, his eyes turned from contempt to seriousness; "There is a way!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Be serious, Mike!"

"as you wish!"

Although Tyson was old, he still burst out like a fierce tiger, and he swung it with a heavy punch.

Hua Twelve turned sideways and dodged away.

However, Tyson was unforgiving, and the classic combo punches came like a storm.

Under Tyson's fist, Hua Twelve dodged left and right, and none of the old Tyson's heavy punches could touch his clothes.

In the boxing match, continuous dodging is also one of the most exciting scenes. Watching Hua Twelve Gods dodging at this time, Guo Dastanson kept yelling wow, wow, and the widow's eyes were also full of splendor.

When Tyson finished two sets of combined punches in a row and was about to pull back, Hua Twelve moved: "It's my turn!"

The same is the classic Tyson combo, in the hands of Hua Twelve, it is faster, stronger, and more devastating.

Tyson didn't dodge for a moment, he heard bang bang bang, several times in a row, the heavyweight boxing champion fell back. KO!

Hua Twelve didn't use all his strength, otherwise Tyson might have been beaten to a pulp. The strength he used was just enough to knock down the opponent, so Tyson stood up after lying on the ground for a while:

"Wang, you should go to play professionally. If you do that, you will definitely make more money than that guy Mayweather!"

Hua Twelve blinked, maybe besides playing football, he found another way to make money.

Both Guo Da, Statham and Scarlett excitedly stepped forward and hugged Hua Shishi.

This man just knocked out Mike Tyson in front of them.

This day is just for fun, all kinds of fun, eating top Chinese cuisine and French cuisine, drinking Romanee-Conti 1945, everyone feels very happy.

In the evening, Hua Twelve took the widow sister to his room to play against each other, um, don’t think wrongly, just like those actors who are in the hotel room in the middle of the night to face the script, they are really playing against each other, it’s that simple.
 Thanks: 08a, the little tiger in the devil world, and the running wolf brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended votes, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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