A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 480 The mission is completed, the richest man is complete!

Killing a person in a boxing match will definitely have a great impact after the match. There are various opinions on the Internet, with mixed opinions, but none of this has any impact on Hua Twelve. After all, he is not the first to kill someone in a boxing match.

The biggest breaking point is that some sports experts have confirmed through analysis that the strength of Hua Twelve KO's opponent's punch surpassed that of the peak Tyson.

The Castle Hotel, at this time, Hua Twelve has bought this place with money. After all, this place has a good view and is comfortable to live in. I have rented it for a month before, and I am used to it, so after he made money, he simply bought it all. After that, all the service staff who worked here before will remain, and the monthly salary will remain unchanged.

The difference is that these waiters have changed from serving the public to serving Hua Shier and his friends.

Next to the hotel's open-air swimming pool, there is a row of deck chairs, and Hua Shier and his friends are enjoying a foot massage together.

While enjoying the massage, Tyson was still browsing the information on the Internet with his mobile phone. When he saw that the boxing expert in the west said that Hua Twelve's punch was stronger than his, he couldn't help curling his lips and said to Hua Twelve beside him:

"Isn't this nonsense, your punch broke that kid's bones, I was not as fierce as you when I was young!"

Hua Twelve shook his head: "I think you should be able to do it!" He really thought that Tyson should be able to do this without gloves.

Tyson laughed a little unconfidently, and then his tone suddenly became solemn:
"Wang, there is one point I want to express my attitude. I heard the trash talk that kid said to you on the day of the boxing match. It was very excessive. As an ethnicity that is also discriminated against in Western society, I think you fought well. Use In your Huaxia language, you are very happy, I think you have done a good job!"

Hua Twelve picked up the drink next to him, and raised the glass in his hand to Tyson:
"I think so too, but you just talk when you talk, why are you so serious!"

Tyson laughed loudly, raised his wine glass and bumped into him: "I was afraid that you would have psychological problems in the game because of beating someone to death, but judging by your appearance, it should not be affected, so I can rest assured that I will arrange the first match for you." Two games away!"

Zhuang Qiang, who was being pinched and groaning, asked Xia Zhu to translate the conversation between the two of them for him. When he heard this, he suddenly said:

"There is no problem with the fishy mentality. Back then, in front of more than 1 fans, it was an animal that bit the thigh of the opponent's main player."

Hua Twelve took a Bara from the fruit plate in hand and threw it over: "Banana, you Bara, can you talk well, you are an animal!"

Zhuang Qiang avoided it with a smile, and then said: "I don't mean to worry about your mentality, I worry about the public opinion on the Internet!"

Tyson also has an interpreter here. Ma Xiao resigned from her job as a reporter after her soul returned, and became a member of Addison's team to take care of business matters for him. At this time, she translated Zhuang Qiang's words to Tyson. listen.

After hearing Zhuang Qiang finish his worries, Tyson waved his hand:
"This kind of worry is unnecessary. The fighting world is no different than other sports. As long as people are killed in the ring, as long as they don't use dirty tricks, all the negative public opinion is only temporary. As time goes by, this kind of thing will be ignored Boxing fans love to talk about it, and it will even become a legend as the record improves!"

After Zhuang Qiang heard it, he suddenly understood. Just about to say something, he suddenly grinned and said to the master who pinched his feet:

"Take it easy, master, you hurt me to death!"

Hua Twelve joked with a smile: "Look, we didn't call out when our feet were kicked, but you were the only one who called out. Qiangzi, you are so hypocritical!"

Zhuang Qiang poked his neck: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know how fierce it is!"

The man who gave him the massage was an uncle, who smiled and said to Zhuang Qiang: "Mr. Wang is right. Mr. Zhuang is indeed suffering from kidney deficiency, or a serious kidney deficiency. You need to take care of it."

Zhuang Qiang blushed when he said a word, while the others all laughed.

In the following days, Hua Twelve will stay in the country and play football, helping the Daxiang team start to win the second place.

The Daxiang team also submitted a copy of the qualification certificate to Football X. As long as they can hit the top four in the Huaguan competition, they can advance smoothly.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, it is only a matter of time before the promotion of the Daxiang team, which can match up with national teams such as Argentina, Portugal, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, is a certainty.

Because of Hua Twelve, the slender white jade pillar, the attendance rate of the Daxiang team soared, even the stadium was full, and it became the first third-tier team to sell the broadcast rights of the game.

What followed was the manifestation of commercial value. Now the Daxiang team received the advertisements softly, which also brought rich returns to Hua Shier.

Originally, the performance of the Daxiang team was at the bottom of the Huaguan, but in just two months, Hua Shier represented the Daxiang team and touched the championship trophy of the Huaguan. This also means that Daxiang successfully advanced to Huaguan. Second.

It's just a pity that the date of the Huaguan League and the Huaxia League is close, so this year's Huayi League has ended, and you can only wait for next year if you want to make it to the A League. It will take another two years for the Huaxia Twelfth to push the Daxiang team to the Huaxia Super League. time.

Hua Twelve's second boxing match, three months after the first, was held at Madison Square Garden in New York. His opponent was the dark-skinned Ugly heavyweight boxer Parlock.

In his four-year career, Parlock has a record of 6 wins, 3 losses, 2 KOs, and 2 TKOs.

During the weigh-in session before the match, the black boxer seemed to have learned the lessons of the previous boxers and showed a very friendly attitude towards Hua Twelfth. All with a smile.

During the pre-match interview, Parlock also seemed to be trying to please, saying that his idols were Bruce Lee, Jeter Lee, and Jack Chen. Killing an opponent in a match is also a manifestation of strength.

Since the opponent was so friendly, Hua Shier naturally reciprocated. In the pre-match interview, he said that Tyson had arranged for him to watch Parlock's match, and that he liked the opponent's boxing style.

Hua Twelfth was not only being polite in words, he felt that the black man was quite sensible, and he planned to give him 2 minutes to let him show off when he was waiting for the game, and don't get rid of him as soon as he made a move. That would be really unfriendly.

After making this decision, Hua Twelve turned around and told Tyson to buy himself 2 minutes to end the game.

New York is Scarlett's hometown. On the day of the competition, the big Hollywood star came to the scene to cheer for Hua Twelve. Under the spotlight, the widow sister even gave a passionate kiss on the spot regardless of everyone's eyes, and at the same time wished him victory in his ear , and promised to give him a big surprise at night after the victory.

This time the match was relatively harmonious. After the referee whistle sounded, the two sides fought back and forth for a while. Of course, Palock played with all his strength, while Hua Shishi held back and fought mainly to show off his boxing skills.

In 2 minutes, Hua Twelve showed Ali's 'Butterfly Step' and 'Bee Sting', and Jack Dempsey's 'Wheel Shift'. Such classic boxing moves evoked the memories of boxing fans. Cause bursts of cheers.

He was counting down the time in his mind. At 2 minutes into the match, he directly used Tyson's combination punch, blasted the opponent's defense with an uppercut with his left hand, and then punched Parlock on the chin with his right hand, and he was brought down directly. other side. ,

This battle in New York is different from the last one. The last time Hua Twelve was just a nobody, but this time he became famous among boxing fans because of his one punch to death. Most of the boxing fans who came to the scene today Came to see him finish the game violently.

So when Hua Twelve punched the opponent with two crisp punches, these violent boxing fans all reached the high C. This is what they wanted. The audience cheered like a tsunami from the moment Parlock fell to the ground. .

With the incident of beating someone to death last time, the referee stepped forward to check on Pallok as soon as he fell down. Fortunately, he just passed out and no one was killed. He declared the end of the game on the spot, and Hua Shier won by KO.

Tyson and Scarlett rushed to the stage and celebrated around Huashi.

Scarlett pounced on like a wombat, and then, like a woodpecker, caught bugs in Hua Shishi's face.

Hua Twelve picked up Scarlett and put her on his shoulders. This girl has no eyesight at all, and she didn't know what to do when she blocked the camera.

However, his action raised the cheers to a higher level, and the media reporters on the scene pressed the shutter for free. This scene has already been booked on the front pages of all entertainment and sports media tomorrow.

On the night after the game ended, Hua Twelve was dragged by Scarlett to fight against the landlord for a night. The whole process was epic, but it couldn't be written down, just fill in the imagination.

The next day, the sports newspaper reported this boxing match with an extremely exaggerated headline, which read 'The new king ascends the throne'!
A boxer who has just joined the professional boxing world and has just fought two fights is dubbed the "new king" by the media, which is extremely exaggerated.

But what the newspaper said was well-founded. The reporter interviewed many boxing champions and asked them to evaluate Hua Twelve's strength, and the answers they got were all the best.

Hua Twelve's "butterfly step" is comparable to the peak Ali, and the "swing shift" is as fast as lightning and unpredictable. The most important thing is that his finishing ability is amazing, although the movements and techniques of the final combined punch The characteristics are very similar to Tyson, but its speed and strength have surpassed the peak Tyson.

Legendary boxing champions such as Lao Huo and Lao Liu put themselves in the positions of Hua Twelve's opponents, and they all said that even at their peak, they would not be his opponents.

These old boxing champions who were never convinced, unexpectedly chose to keep a low profile this time.

In this battle, Hua Twelve won by betting on himself and made a huge profit of [-] million US dollars. However, he also knew that with the growth of his fame and record, the time when he could make money like this is running out.

Next, at the request of Hua Twelve, Tyson arranged intensive matches for him, with an average of one match per month, and two matches per month.

He must win every battle, and every victory must be KO.

Fortunately, Hua Twelve's opponent, through studying his game, knows that this guy is a smooth donkey. If you want to be arrogant and domineering with him before the game, he will not hold back. The one who was killed in the first game is an example.

As for the second player, Pa Locke, who spoke in a friendly manner, Hua Twelve would usually give them a minute or two to show off their talents. will be fine.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Hua Twelve had a fight with a boxer in Tokyo. Before the match, the fighter respectfully agreed with his grandson. However, the grandson made a right-leaning comment on Twitter a few years ago, which is the radical of Xiaotian. group.

Hua Twelfth will definitely not be used to it, even if this player bowed to him with his head almost lowered to his feet, after entering the ring, he still simply KOs him with two punches.

A punch hit the ribs, two broken ribs pierced the internal organs, and a punch shattered the jaw. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise it would be another life.

But even though he didn't die, he would be fine if he wanted to box in the future, and his career would end immediately.

For this time's relentlessness, there was a lot of condemnation on the Internet in Xiaori.

However, the domestic Internet was full of applause, and some pretended to complain that Hua Shier's subordinates were merciless, saying that he was not as bad as the British guy in the first game against a player who was hated by the country and the family.

Hua Twelve couldn't laugh or cry after reading this comment, the one you mentioned was beaten to death, okay?

Time flies like a white horse, and it will be two years in a blink of an eye.

In the past two years, Hua Shier led the Daxiang team. After the success in the second year, they successfully rushed to the Super League, making the Daxiang team a member of the China Super League, and successfully won the "Vulcan Cup". !
Of course, his former teammates were completely unsuited to the intensity of the Super League. They retired a year ago with a generous pension. Now the Daxiang team can be described as a shotgun change, not only recruiting many domestic first-line players, but also several foreign players. Join.

Today's Daxiang team, even if Huashier does not play, is still a top domestic giant that can be compared with Hengtai team.

In terms of boxing, Hua Twelve won all 50 fights, all KO's superb record, won WBC, WBO, WBA, IBF, the heavyweight champion gold belt of the four major world boxing organizations, and was recognized by fighting magazine as the strongest in history The boxing champion is recognized as invincible by almost all heavyweight boxing champions.

In terms of making money, his cleverness really lived up to expectations. This is a lucky person. For some reason, this guy went to Lin'an to buy a few pieces of land. Lost some.

Just when everyone thought that Da Zhiming was exhausted, Lin'an announced the news that Metro Line 15 was going to be built, and all the land Da Zhiming bought was within the scope of relocation, making a fortune!
In terms of stocks, Huashier cashed out at the highest point of Moutai and Penguin stocks, plus the money earned from other aspects, the total assets exceeded [-] billion.

In June of the same year, people around Hua Shier held two weddings. One was for Addison and Ma Xiao. The two had bathed each other when their souls were exchanged, and they had long since become a married couple. Yes, now it's finally done.

The second couple is really unexpected, they are Zhuang Qiang and Xia Zhu.

After Zhuang Qiang got rich, he started to pay attention to his health and lost weight. After losing weight, he looked like the actor named Yiming in "Laughter Meeting Room" when he first debuted, let alone a little handsome.

Xia Zhu had chosen to break up when Liu Jiannan was doing the pole dance, but now she and Zhuang Qiang, Hua Shier's right-hand men, had been in contact with each other a lot, and sparks sparked at some point.

At the wedding, an unexpected guest appeared on the scene, Liu Jiannan. At that time, Xia Zhu was in a daze, thinking that his ex-boyfriend was here to mess things up.

As a result, Liu Jiannan took out a book: "This is my book 'Jiannan teaches you to plant moral flowers' and it is very popular in East Africa. I will give it to you. I wish you happiness!"

Zhuang Qiang silently threw the wrench handed over by Ma Daxiang behind him, let out a clang, and then with a smile on his face, he said together with Xia Zhu:
"Thank you!"

Hua Shier and Scarlett attended the two weddings together.

He and Scarlett have been hanging around all the time, and no one mentioned the matter of marriage. Hua Twelve knew that he would not be able to stay in this world for two years, so he still got married.

Finally, one day, the charity fund under him helped him to distribute 300 billion yuan. The system reminded him that the task was completed, and he could leave this world immediately, or wait until 24 hours later to force him to leave.

Hua Twelve put all the gold bars prepared in advance into the storage space, and then communicated with the system and left this world. He felt that the trip was complete and there was nothing left to miss.

Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon Realm, and dushuren brothers for their rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

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