A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 503: Xi Sai Xing!

Chapter 503: Xi Sai Xing! (Seek full order)

Seeing Zhu Jianshen passed by Wan Yulou, Wan Zhen'er exclaimed, and the next thing that shocked her even more happened, she saw the director of the East Factory kneeling on both knees, and Chaohua Twelve worshiped her :

"This subordinate has met the leader and his wife!"

Wan Yulou kept his head down throughout the whole process, staring at the ground, not daring to raise his head at all. Although he was an eunuch, he was afraid of seeing something he shouldn't see and making the leader unhappy.

Wan Zhen'er held Jin with both hands and was blocked in front of her, at a loss for what happened in front of her.

Hua Twelve patted her arm and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's okay, Eunuch Wan is his own, so if you have anything to do in the future, just ask him to do it!"

Wan Yulou fell on the ground and said fawningly: "What the leader said is that if Madam has orders in the future, the subordinates will die!"

Wan Zhen'er was shocked for a while, and hurriedly dressed neatly, Chaohua Twelve asked:
"Tian Lang, what's going on here?"

"You don't need to ask any more questions. I said you are my woman. I won't let anyone covet you, not even the crown prince!"

Hua Twelve got up from the step, Wan Zhen'er hurriedly put on his clothes and helped him to dress neatly, with a look of fear and worry on his face:

"Tian Lang, Your Highness was brought up by me, can you not hurt him!"

Hua Twelve turned around and said with a smile: "Why do you think so, he didn't provoke me, how could I harm him!"

"However, since Zhu Jianshen is the prince, and every action he takes is an example for the world, he should be aware of propriety, justice, integrity, filial piety, loyalty and trustworthiness. He has done something wrong. Those of us who are close to the prince should help him correct it!"

This high-sounding excuse is actually nonsense, he doesn't care what the prince of the Zhu family is like, it's just an excuse to appease Wan Zhen'er.

As Hua Twelve said, he took Wan Zhen'er's hand and said with a smile:
"For example, when the prince was two years old, you were taken care of by Zhen'er. This is the grace of nurturing. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the adoptive mother of this kid. He actually has a heart for you. This is a love complex. Sickness needs to be cured!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Zhu Jianshen who was on the ground and said, "All I have to do is help him correct his mistakes and return to the right way!"

Taizu of the Ming Dynasty stipulated that "every male is sixteen years old and female is over fourteen years old, and they are allowed to marry". That is to say, women in the Ming Dynasty can get married at the age of 14, and folks have cubs at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

In history, the Concubine Wan Gui was 17 years older than Zhu Jianshen, and the female male was 17 years old. Not to mention the feudal society of the Ming Dynasty, even in the era of open-mindedness in later generations, it was not something that normal people could accept.

Although Wan Zhen'er in this world is relatively young, there is not a huge difference of 17 years between Zhu Jianshen and Zhu Jianshen, but she is also about ten years older than the other party.

Zhu Jianshen didn't care about the younger concubine, and had feelings for the 25-year-old Wan Zhen'er, which was obviously abnormal.

In fact, Wan Zhen'er herself knew this, and when Hua Twelve pointed it out bluntly, she was immediately ashamed:

"Tian Lang, this concubine only cares about you and me, and I don't have any unreasonable thoughts about the prince, both of them"

She wanted to explain, but she didn't know where to start, so she sighed helplessly.

Hua Twelve took her hand and stroked it lightly: "Needless to say, I naturally believe in Zhen'er!"

Next, he asked Wan Zhener and Wan Yulou to go out and wait on the grounds of helping Zhu Jianshen get rid of evil and return to righteousness. He awakened Zhu Jianshen, and used the "Soul Shifting Dafa" in "Nine Yin Manuals" to help His Royal Highness, completely He got rid of his unreasonable thoughts about his adoptive mother Wan Zhen'er.

Hua Twelve has not practiced the "Soul Shifting Dafa" on purpose, but relying on his deep internal strength, it is difficult to turn people into puppets by mobilizing them. You can use some powerful psychological hints to get rid of some bad habits. But it was a breeze.

Hua Shier used the 'soul-moving Dafa' to turn Zhu Jianshen's love for M into a feeling of gratitude and admiration, and incidentally raised his position in Zhu Jianshen's heart by seventy, eighty, or ninety floors.

Let Zhu Jianshen think of or see this person in Yuhuatian, and he can't help but feel that this person is loyal and can be of great use, just like Zhong's father, who can be worshiped as a godfather.

This kind of thinking is not intense, but appears quietly, and over time, it accumulates over time, and changes are made subtly.

Half an hour later, Wan Zhen'er, who looked worried, saw his own Tian Lang and the prince walking out of the room side by side, talking and laughing happily.

When Zhu Jianshen saw Wan Zhen'er, he suddenly took two steps forward and bowed his head:
"When I was a child, I was cared by sister Zhen'er. Although I didn't have the name of mother and child, I had the reality of nurturing. From now on, I will treat my sister as a mother!"

Seeing this situation, Wan Zhen'er was naturally surprised, delighted, and moved. The tears that were moved by Zhu Jianshen's words fell, and she said again and again:

"Your Highness, get up quickly, what Zhen'er is doing is her duty, I can't bear it
Just as she was going to help her, Hua Twelve had already grabbed her arm, and she heard the latter smile and say:
"His Royal Highness has a sincere heart, Zhen'er, you can accept it!"

As he spoke, he gave Wan Zhen'er a wink, and the latter stopped talking and accepted the crown prince's gift.

After Zhu Jianshen got up, everyone returned to the house to talk, and the prince finally explained the reason for coming today.

Because Zhu Jianshen encountered something happy, he came here to share it with Wan Zhen'er.

It turned out that after Yingzong became seriously ill, Cao Shaoqin, the governor of the East Factory, began to show his wolfish ambitions. He coerced the emperor, ordered hundreds of officials, monopolized power, tried his best to eliminate dissidents in the court, and bullied the crown prince.

Zhu Jian was deeply intimidated by Cao Shaoqin's power, even though he was the crown prince, he dared not speak out. Even some courtiers who supported the crown prince were persecuted by Dongchang.

Yang Yuxuan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, belonged to the prince's family. He held the military power and was a staunch supporter of Zhu Jianshen. However, he was persecuted by Cao Shaoqing because of this, and was forced to death by Dongchang on the charge of supporting his own self-respect and intending to rebel.

Hearing Zhu Jianshen say this, Hua Twelve has a black thread, and all your capable ministers and generals have been killed. Why are you so happy? Is this child seriously ill?
But when Zhu Jianshen finished speaking, they all understood.

It turned out that although Yang Yuxuan was murdered by everyone, a pair of young children were rescued and fled the capital.

Cao Shaoqin, in order to make an example to others, vowed to exterminate the slaves and shovels, and to imitate others, he had secretly led a group of Dongchang fans out of the capital under the pretext of hunting, and chased and killed them along the way.

This news was learned by the Prince's family, and immediately a minister offered advice, saying that Cao Shaoqin left the capital with a small number of people, and it was the best time to get rid of him. He wanted to invite people from all corners of the country to assassinate him, as long as he died outside, The power of Dongchang in Beijing will be leaderless and become a mess, and the prince's line can take the opportunity to seize power.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Jianshen is so happy today.

Wan Zhen'er and Hua 12 had different expressions after hearing what the prince said.

Hua Twelve said: "Your Highness, I'm afraid the matter is not that simple. Since Cao Shaoqin ransacked Yang Yuxuan's entire family, why did he only miss a pair of young girls? I think he wants to use this as a bait to kill those who oppose him. Draw it out and annihilate it!"

What he said was exactly what Cao Shaoqin really thought in the original plot.

Unexpectedly, when he said this, Zhu Jianshen's face suddenly darkened. After all, what Hua Shier gave the prince was a psychological suggestion, and the effect was not very strong.

Therefore, Zhu Jianshen thought that Hua Twelve was a good person just now, but at this time, the latter's honest words poured cold water on him, and the prince had a bad impression of Hua Twelve.

Seeing him like this, Hua Twelve didn't say much. Some people don't know the pain until they hit a wall, and it's useless to persuade them before that.

Wan Zhen'er was concerned about another matter, she frowned and said:
"Your Highness, Yang Yuxuan is a person who is loyal to the Crown Prince. Now he has been slaughtered for His Highness's sake, leaving only a pair of young children. The Crown Prince should be grateful for his loyalty and save his sons and daughters!"

Zhu Jianshen nodded after hearing this: "Sister Zhen'er is very true, but she is alone and weak. The few people were sent to assassinate Cao Shaoqin. There is really no one to use!"

After he finished speaking, he got up and said with a smile: "Sister Zhen'er, you should take a good rest, I still have some things to deal with, by the way, I won't need my sister to serve me when I eat in the future."

After Zhu Jianshen finished speaking, he was afraid that Wan Zhen'er would think too much, so he quickly added: "Gu said that he would treat Sister Zhen'er as a mother, how can I let my sister serve Gu's meals, Gu has time to pay her respects to her. "

After speaking, Chao Wan Zhen'er and Hua Shier nodded respectively, and left here quickly.

In fact, although he said it nicely, both Hua Shier and Wan Zhen'er could see that Zhu Jianshen didn't care much about saving Yang Yuxuan's descendants, what he cared about was taking the opportunity to get rid of Cao Shaoqin.

Wan Zhen'er sighed sadly, Zhu Jianshen's performance in this matter was really a little cold, which made her comfort and joy brought by the prince's words of "taking care of her mother" faded a lot.

What Hua Twelve said before really came true. Two days later, Zhu Jianshen came to Wan Zhen'er's small courtyard in a daze, and bowed to Hua Twelve:
"Mr. has a clever plan, then Cao Shaoqing has already made arrangements. He not only brought a large number of Dongchang fanboys with him this time, but also brought two thousand black knights. He recruited five hundred righteous men from the rivers and lakes alone. He only took one round of the wolf tooth arrow to kill him." Most of them were killed or injured, and the rest were all captured!"

"The ministers involved in this matter are afraid that Cao Shaoqin will return to Beijing for revenge, so they all resign today and want to return home!"

Zhu Jianshen said with anticipation on his face: "Sir, you can guess Cao Shaoqin's plan. I don't know if there is a way to deal with it. Please teach me, sir!"

The prince was really scared, this time the ambush failed and many people were captured, Cao Shaoqin must know that the prince's family was going to deal with him.

On the day Cao Shaoqing returns to the capital, one can know without thinking that he, the crown prince, has no good fruit to eat. Didn't those civil and military ministers who usually said that they would die for him are so frightened that they want to return home.

Maybe Cao Shaoqing will kill him as the crown prince at that time, and then support other princes to take the throne, and coerce the emperor to make the princes, it is unknown.

So not only the ministers were afraid, but even the prince Zhu Jianshen was also afraid in his heart and couldn't control himself.

The Twelfth Prince of Hua bowed, but he didn't help him. After all, when he made a suggestion before, Zhu Jianshen flinched, asking you to bow and apologize.

But Hua Twelve also knew that it was time to show off his skills, so that the psychological hint he had planted for Zhu Jianshen would quickly take root and germinate, and then allow him to grasp greater power.

Hua Twelve never thought of rebelling and overthrowing Daming, but being able to hold power makes it easier for him to act in this world, so why not do it.

Immediately smiled and said: "Since Your Highness asked, let me tell you, I have two ways, which will definitely solve the problem in front of me!"

Firstly, Zhu Jianshen was influenced by psychological hints, and subconsciously thought that Hua Shier was capable, and secondly, he was in a hurry to go to the doctor now.

Hua Twelve said and stretched out a finger: "First, I will go out of Beijing, and I will be able to kill Cao Shaoqing, and the immediate crisis will be solved by itself!"

Zhu Jianshen's expression froze. He didn't believe this at all. Those civil and military ministers under him recruited five hundred masters, and they couldn't even handle a round of arrow rain. What would be the use of Yu Huatian's assassination alone?
Could it be that you alone are better than five hundred masters?
Seeing the change in Zhu Jianshen's expression, Hua Twelve had expected it, and stretched out his second finger:
"The second method is to call for dredging from the bottom of the pot. What Cao Shaoqing relies on is not the people he took away, but his foundation in Beijing!"

"Now that the emperor is seriously ill, His Highness can supervise the country in the name of the prince, and order the establishment of an organization that will stand against the East Factory, which can be called the West Factory!"

Zhu Jianshen didn't understand, so he asked, "Xichang?"

From his point of view, the east factory will be too big to lose, and the west factory will come out, isn't it just adding to the chaos.

Hua Twelve nodded: "His Royal Highness can let Mr. Wan be the master of Xichang, and the staff of Xichang is also composed of eunuchs. You can take advantage of Cao Shaoqin's absence in Beijing to poach the corners of Dongchang!"

"Whether it's power or money, in short, it is lured for profit. If you are a third-tier leader in the East Factory, you will be a second-tier leader if you dig it to the West Factory. Level one, double the money, if you don’t believe me, you won’t be able to find someone!”

"As long as more than half of Dongchang's people left in the capital are poached, Cao Shaoqin will become a rootless farmer. What kind of disturbances will the thousands of people he take away make waves? Let His Highness decide!"

Zhu Jianshen's eyes lit up immediately: "Sir, this method is good, so let's use this, Gu will arrange it now!"

Hua Twelfth stopped him: "Hold on, Your Highness. In order to be safe, I think it's better to use both approaches. Your Highness and Eunuch Wan are starting to set up the West Factory. I will take people out of Beijing and wait for the opportunity to assassinate!"

"I heard that the person who rescued Yang Yuxuan's children was Zhou Huai'an, his top general. I think that by joining forces with him, we should be able to cause some trouble for Cao Shaoqin. Even if he can't be killed, it would be better to delay his return to Beijing. Your Highness and Eunuch Wan will be more comfortable with the establishment of the West Factory!"

Originally, Zhu Jianshen felt that Hua Twelve was a talent, and he didn't want to send him to death, but when he was about to refuse, he heard the second paragraph of what the other party said, and he was immediately tempted.

If Cao Shaoqin can be held back, he can arrange everything more calmly in the capital.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Jianshen nodded, "So, Mr. Lao!"

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

In the vast desert, there are thousands of miles of yellow sand. A few fast horses are running in the desert, and a cloud of smoke and dust is raised from a distance, coming quickly from east to west.

Suddenly, the immediately knight shrank his eyes and turned to look at his companions. Several companions also showed vigilance. After all, the scene in front of them was so unreasonable that they all felt vigilant.

A hundred steps away, a handsome young man wearing a moon-white book long robe was walking in the desert on foot. The strangest thing was that this young man didn't bring any salute, as if he was going out for an outing.

Immediately a man whispered: "Could it be Cao Shaoqing's man?"

The leading knight looked heroic. Although he was dressed as a man, he could tell that he was a handsome woman.

She frowned and thought: "Go and find out, even if it's Cao Shaoqing's person, it's no big deal if he's the only one. This desert stretches as far as the eye can see, and no one can hide!"

Several people nodded at the same time and moved forward quickly.

As he got closer, the young man dressed as a scholar in front seemed to hear the sound of the horse, and looked back.

The man before him immediately asked: "Master, the desert is full of dangers, why are you traveling alone!"

The scholar turned his head, showing surprise: "At Xiahua Twelve, he is a scholar who came out to travel. He originally followed the caravan to see the scenery beyond the Great Wall, but he never thought that he met the sand bandits yesterday and ran away with the caravan in a panic. scattered!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands and said: "Several good guys, I wonder if you can take me for a ride, just find a place where I can stay, I am very grateful!"

 Thanks to: 08a, only remaining 嶶xiao, and book friend 20171124143615960 for the rewards, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a pack of spicy sticks, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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