A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 521 Do you know who I am now? !

Chapter 521 Do you know who I am now? ! (Seek full order)
First, Liu Zhengfeng was appointed as an official, and then the imperial envoy was exposed as a fake by Lin Pingzhi, the head of Fuwei's bodyguard, and then the fake imperial envoy violently attacked Liu Zhengfeng, which was tantamount to confirming the identity of the fake imperial envoy.

Then Lingqi, the leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect, suddenly appeared, and it was said that Liu Zhengfeng had colluded with the demon cultists and wanted to kill him under the order of Zuo Lengchan.

It was a good golden basin handwashing meeting, even before the golden basin was invited, it was disturbed by a series of things, which shocked and stunned all the guests present.

Liu Zhengfeng's face was dark and watery, and he looked in the direction of the main entrance of the hall.

At this time, several men in yellow shirts came in from the main entrance. After entering the hall, the four in front lined up on both sides, showing a very tall man in yellow shirts. This man was holding a command flag and shouting Those who killed him.

The man held up the command flag, without looking at Liu Zhengfeng, and said loudly to the guests in the hall:

"Seniors of the martial arts world, fellows of the rivers and lakes, Song Shi Dengda of the Songshan Sect, and the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect's left leader!"

When this Stenda spoke, he attracted everyone's attention. The fake imperial envoy and the official envoy he brought all took the opportunity to retreat to both sides, and then wanted to take this opportunity to sneak out of the hall.

Hua Twelve chuckled and shouted loudly, "Wait!"

Shi Dengda originally wanted to say how to obey Zuo Lengchan's order, but he was interrupted by Hua Twelve's loud shout when he was halfway through, and he looked at it coldly:

"My friend, are you dissatisfied with my Five Sacred Sword Sect left leader?"

When asked this question, Shi Dengda's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he believed that as long as Hua Twelve showed any dissatisfaction with Zuo Lengchan, he would immediately kill him in this name.

Hua Twelve waved his hands like chasing flies:
"Everything comes first, first come first, don't say you take the flag of the left leader, even if the left leader arrives in person, you can't be a wedge, alas, that fake imperial envoy said you, pretending to be an imperial envoy, and wanted to run after bluffing, right outside? Stop him!"

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes fell on the fake imperial envoys again, and they really found that these people were planning to slip away in the chaos, so Xiang Danian rushed over to block the way of these people with a few juniors.

A trace of panic flashed across the fake imperial envoy's face, and he secretly winked at Shi Dengda, who shouted at Hua Twelve:
"Boldly, the leader of the left alliance is here to command the flag, what else is more important than the affairs of the leader of the left alliance!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "I'm not from the Five Sacred Sword Sect. Even if your left leader dominates the Five Sacred Sword Sect, it has nothing to do with other people. You have to talk about your Five Sacred Sword Sect. Okay, but these people can't leave!"

"Pretending to be an imperial envoy is a crime against the Jiu Clan. If you let this fake imperial envoy go because of your Songshan faction's affairs, then your Songshan faction will also be involved."

When Shi Dengda heard what Hua Shier said, his eyes turned cold, and he put his hand on the hilt of his sword: "Nonsense, what does he have to do with our Songshan faction if he wants to leave by himself!"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Why, do you still want to do something? With so many eyes watching, unless you kill everyone present, if these people leave in disorder, it will be the responsibility of your Songshan faction. Let Zuo Lengchan explain it to the imperial court, and see if your Songshan swordsmanship can stop the imperial court's army of millions!"

Stengda's breathing was a little heavy, and the hand holding the sword trembled a little, not because of fear, but because of anger.

Shi Dengda knew who those fake imperial envoys were, and he knew that they must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the government.

It was also because of this that he showed up early, intending to create opportunities for the fake imperial envoys to let them slip away.

But I didn't expect that the young head of the Fuwei Escort would not be afraid of the flag of the leader of the left alliance, and would not let him go. This is very difficult.

Shi Dengda hated Lin Pingzhi to death in his heart. He didn't know about Zhang San beheading Tian Boguang with the quick sword, and he only thought in his heart that if he missed today, he would have to make the Fuwei Escort Bureau unable to bear it.

At this moment, a yellow shadow swayed outside the hall, and a person jumped over Shi Dengda and the others, and appeared in front of the crowd. This person was in his forties, of medium build, unusually thin, with two mustaches on his upper lip.

Many of the guests present knew this person, it was Fei Bin, the fourth junior brother of Zuo Lengchan, the leader of the Songshan School, who was well-known in the martial arts world for his set of Great Songyang Hands.

Before Shi Dengda appeared on the stage, after all, he was a junior. Now that Fei Bin is present, Hengshan Dingyi, Huashan Yuebuqun, and Taishan Tianmen Taoists all saluted. Even Liu Zhengfeng also saluted and said:
"It turns out that Brother Songshan Fei is here, please take a seat and have a glass of water and wine!"

Fei Bin chuckled with a half-smile: "There's no rush to drink, let's finish the business that Leader Zuo told us first!"

He turned to Hua Twelve and smiled coldly:
"Little friend is right. It is a serious crime for these people to pretend to be imperial envoys. I, Fei Bin, represent the Songshan faction to assure that they will not be able to leave without me. Let's deal with Liu Zhengfeng's matter first, and then I, the Songshan faction, will personally escort these people away. What do you think, the government?"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Alright, let's do as Senior Fei said!"

At this moment, he couldn't see that even if the person pretending to be an imperial envoy was not the Songshan faction, he must have something to do with the Songshan faction. However, the Songshan faction's true intentions had not been revealed at this time, so he didn't mind watching the show for a while.

Fei Bin turned to the fake imperial envoy, and said coldly: "Guys, please give Fei some kindness. Don't act rashly. After I finish my work, send a few of you to the government. There are twists and turns. I believe the government has its own conclusion. If not , I am not a vegetarian!"

The fake imperial envoy pretended to be scared, cupped his hands and said, "It's all up to Mr. Fei's arrangement!"

Fei Bin nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Hua Twelve: "So, are you satisfied?"

Hua Twelve said with a half-smile: "Fei Daxia is fair, I am satisfied!"

"As long as you are satisfied!" Fei Bin smiled a little coldly, this Lin Pingzhi was already dead in his opinion, and the Fuwei Escort Bureau, hehe, they just shoveled together later.

He turned his head to Liu Zhengfeng and said, "Senior Brother Liu, we found out that you colluded with the Demon Sect, do you agree or not?"

Mrs. Dingyi has a fiery temper, and she wanted to talk just now, but she endured it for a while when Hua Twelve mentioned the fake imperial envoy. Now that Fei Bin brought up the matter again, she couldn't help asking Fei Bin:

"Senior Brother Fei, may I ask your Songshan sect that Brother Liu colluded with the Demon Cult, what evidence do you have?"

Taoist Tianmen and Yue Buqun, both the heads of the Wuyue Sword Sect, also expressed their opinions at this time, saying that such a major matter should be investigated thoroughly, and the evidence can only be concluded.

Fei Bin chuckled: "It's not easy to get evidence, so let Liu Zhengfeng speak for himself!"

He clapped his hands as he spoke, and the next moment, more than a dozen people walked out of the back hall, but they were Liu Zhengfeng's wife, his two young sons, and seven disciples of the Liu family. Holding a dagger, it pressed against the backs of Mrs. Liu and the others.

Master Dingyi was the first to hold his breath, and said loudly: "What does this mean? It's too insulting!"

Fei Bin made a calm gesture, and then explained: "Master Dingyi, you are a man of Taoism in Buddhism, so naturally you don't understand other people's tricks."

"Everyone, please think about it. Mr. Liu of the Hengshan School is a well-known hero in the Jianghu. The imperial envoy may be fake, but his intention to be an official is real!"

"Though Mr. Liu has a wealth of wealth, why is he still greedy for promotion and wealth? There are ulterior reasons for this. If this big conspiracy succeeds, it will not only kill countless comrades in the martial arts world, but also all good people in the world will suffer greatly. Poison."

Liu Zhengfeng smiled instead of being angry, and said, "Senior brother Fei, if you want to spout blood, you have to see if you sound like it. The other brothers of Songshan Sect, please show up together!"

Only one person on the east, west and west of the roof responded at the same time: "Okay!" The yellow shadow swayed, and the two of them had already stood at the entrance of the hall.

The one standing at the east end was a fat man with a burly figure. Mrs. Dingyi and the others recognized him as Ding Mian, the second younger brother of the leader of the Songshan School, while the man at the west head was very tall and thin, the third in the Songshan School. Lu Bai, the crane hand who holds the top spot.

The two men cupped their hands at the same time, reported their names, and then said: "Please, Mr. Liu, please, all heroes."

Both Ding Mian and Lu Bai are well-known in the martial arts, the heroes all stood up and returned their salutes. Seeing the masters of the Songshan School coming one after another, everyone felt in their hearts that today's affairs are not easy to do well, I'm afraid Liu Zhengfeng will not be happy It's a big loss.

After seeing the ceremony, Ding Mian and Lu Bai smiled at Liu Zhengfeng and said, "Junior Brother Liu, just admit it. The leader of the Left Alliance has a lot of crowns. As long as you plead guilty, you can still save the lives of your family!" He actually wanted to kill the entire Liu family.

Liu Zhengfeng said coldly: "Songshan Sect senior brothers, don't bully others too much!"

Fei Bin sneered and said, "Whether you are a human or a ghost, I know it well!"

After he finished speaking, he shouted in a cold voice: "Do you believe it or not? If you don't tell the truth, I will kill your wife first, and then kill your son and daughter. Your relatives are more important, or the demon cult monster, you Figure it out for yourself!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and the disciple who was pressing against Mrs. Liu Zhengfeng's back tightly clenched the dagger, and as soon as he put his hand down, he ended Mrs. Liu's life.

Master Dingyi saw that Songshan's so-called evidence was actually extorting a confession on the spot, he was furious and said angrily:

"Everything in the world can't carry the word 'reason'. You Songshan faction is determined to go your own way. Could it be that our friends from Taishan faction, Huashan faction, and Hengshan faction all come to eat with eyes open and don't care about things?"

Taoist Tianmen and Yue Buqun also nodded.

Fei Bin didn't expect that he would invite out the leader's command flag. These people dared to confront Songshan, and immediately showed displeasure, but suddenly he saw that Lin Pingzhi before him was showing a sarcastic smile.

He suddenly flew into a rage, pointed at the other party and asked, "What are you laughing at!"

Hua Twelve looked surprised: "Is the Songshan faction so powerful? They act so domineeringly that they don't even let people laugh. No wonder they kidnap if they say kidnapping, and if they say they want to kill the whole family, they want to kill the whole family!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to Yue Buqun, Tianmen, and Dingyi, cupped his hands and asked: "Seniors, there is one thing that the younger generation is a little confused. Aren't your Wuyue Sword Sect a famous and decent school? How do you look at this style of behavior? As if, why is it so overbearing and cruel?"

Originally, all the guests were frightened by the prestige of the Songshan School, and no one dared to speak up, but with Hua Shier as a young bird, everyone immediately started talking, and they all felt that the Songshan School was too domineering.

Master Dingyi said in a cold voice: "Senior brother Fei, look, you Songshan faction is acting like this, making others see us as demons!"

Fei Bin looked at Hua Twelve, narrowed his eyes, and said nothing coldly. After a while, he turned slightly and looked away. At this moment, Ding Mian, the tota hand on his left, drew out his long sword and stepped forward with a grin. :

"Wait a while for other things. I, Ding Mian, have been obsessed with martial arts since I was a child. I have long heard that the Fuweilin family's evil swordsmanship is powerful in the world. Today, when I saw the leader of Lin Shao's bodyguard and saw Lie Xinxi, I asked for advice first. Kid Lin came out to make gestures with me, and then talk about other things!"

Seeing this scene from the eyes of the guests present, it was obvious that the Songshan faction became enraged because they couldn't explain it, and wanted to kill people to silence them, so they retaliated on the spot.

When Ding Mian spoke, he had already taken two steps. As soon as his voice fell, the long sword flicked, and a sword flower danced out, piercing the three vital points on Cihua Twelve's chest, all of which were aimed at fatal places. .

Taoist Tiansong was about to save him when he suddenly realized that Hua Shier's martial arts were much better than him, and that Ding Mian was no match for him.

Hua Twelve's long knife was out of its sheath, held the handle with one hand, and shook it lightly, the skill was everywhere, the steel knife broke inch by inch, and the broken blade was like a rain of flowers, covering Ding Mian.

"not good!"

Ding Mian instantly realized that the blades were so urgent and fast that it was impossible to dodge them. He only had time to block two pieces of blades with his long sword, and the remaining seven or eight pieces of blades all hit him.

Everyone heard puff puff puff, a series of random sounds of blades piercing into flesh.

Looking at Ding Mian again, he fell on his back to the sky, seven or eight blood holes appeared in front of him, bleeding profusely, he was already unable to live.

Hua Twelve's move shocked everyone present.

Among all the people, the man on his left was the most shocked. Looking at his empty scabbard, he thought to himself that if you kill someone, you will kill, and if you break your knife, you will break your knife. But what are you doing with a borrowed knife? Steel knife!
The members of the Songshan faction turned pale with shock, Fei Bin shouted loudly: "Who the hell are you!"

Hua Twelve raised his hand and waved two fingers outward: "Let's set off fireworks!"

Just when everyone was confused, someone on the seat in the courtyard outside the hall took out a bamboo tube from his arms, lit the fuse with a torch, and raised his hand above his head.

After three breaths, a flame shot up into the sky and exploded in the sky.

The next moment, there were shouts of killing from all around, and the gate of the Liu Mansion was easily knocked open. Teams of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang fanzi rushed in with Xiuchun knives, and on the walls around the Liu Mansion, popped One by one, the archers pointed at the heroes of the rivers and lakes inside with their bows and arrows.

Someone shouted: "Factory guards are doing business, anyone who dares to act recklessly will be killed!"

The heroes of the rivers and lakes immediately blew up the temple, and some of them wanted to escape with murder cases on their backs, but as soon as they moved, they were shot into a sieve by the archers, and the others dared not move again.

Jia Ting and several Jinyiwei officials walked quickly into the hall, and at the same time Chaohua Twelve knelt down and kowtowed:

"See your lord!"

The people of the Songshan faction were all stupid, surrounded by hundreds of factory guards, some of them were using firecrackers, they didn't dare to move around at all.

Hua Twelve walked up to the fake imperial envoy, patted the other's pale face without a trace of blood, and said with a light smile:
"Now you know who I am. How dare you pretend to be an imperial envoy in front of me, and later torture your eight generations of ancestors, present them to the court, and punish your nine clans!"

When he said this, he was looking at everyone in Songshan, and he was sweating coldly at Fei Bin and others who were so arrogant just now!
 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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