A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 526 The correct use of Brain God Pill is comparable to a beast!

Chapter 526 The correct use of Brain God Pill is comparable to a beast! (Seek full order)
The Xiaoyao stone carvings in the Vulture Palace are more profound and subtle than those in the Xixia Palace. Some are portraits, some are animal shapes, some are incomplete characters, and some are just marks and lines.

There are also countless circles with a diameter and a length of about a foot. Each circle is engraved with various figures, and numbers such as "A[-]", "A[-]", "Zi[-]" and "Zi[-]" are marked on the side. If the number does not exceed a thousand, there are at least eight or nine hundred.

Some of these graphics Huashi have only a half-knowledge, some have half-guessed functions, and most of them don't understand what they mean at all.

But it doesn't matter, Hua Twelve will make rubbings, take pictures, and then organize them into a book and learn slowly.

As for the original stone carvings, just like in the Xixia Palace, all the stone carvings were cut out with the Yitian sword and stored in the storage space.

After getting what he wanted, Hua Twelve started wandering around the Vulture Palace again. He went in every room to see if he could find any good things like martial arts cheats, but he found nothing. No.

The doors and windows of the houses here are already decayed. From this point of view, the Vulture Palace has been uninhabited for at least several decades. Presumably the owner of the Vulture Palace took everything he could with him when he moved out.

He was not in a hurry to leave, and felt that the environment on Misty Peak was quiet and the air was good. To put it a little bit unreal, the heaven and earth were full of aura, and it was a good place for retreat and cultivation.

Hua Twelve simply found a room to live in, planning to stay here for a few days to study the newly acquired martial arts.

In his storage space, there are all daily necessities, food and water, and he found a room and simply tidied it up before moving in.

At the beginning, he first read the "Eight Desolation and Liuhe Is the only one who respects me", which is also called "Eternal and Immortal Changchun Kung Fu".

Only from the two names of this exercise, we can see the characteristics of this exercise.

One is domineering, and I am the only one!
The second is to stay young forever and rejuvenate!
Tianshan Child Elder, one of the three elders of Xiaoyao, practiced this kind of inner strength. When her strength was at its peak, she didn't need a second move to kill people, which shows that her power is not empty talk.

Staying youthful and rejuvenating is also very effective. Tianshan Child Elder is over 90 years old and looks like a girl.

And every 30 years of practicing this skill, you have to rejuvenate once.

Although after rejuvenation, this kung fu has a little flaw, and the kung fu will be returned to its original shape.

But it is also very simple to restore the skill, as long as you practice again, you can recover a year's skill in one day, and it takes only a few dozen days to return to the peak.

When Tianshan Child Elder practiced this skill when she was young, she was plotted against by her junior sister Li Qiushui, which hurt her meridians. When she was practicing again, she had to drink raw blood every day to practice this skill, so she couldn't reach the peak of this skill all her life.

But this shortcoming is nothing to Hua Twelve at all, and he doesn't only have internal strength as a means.

Hua Twelve watched the exercise carefully, feeling relaxed and happy.

I feel that this extreme skill of the Xiaoyao School is worthy of the existence of the ceiling of the Jinwu world. Looking at the mysteries of this skill, it is not like a human skill, but like a method of cultivation.

He made a decision right away, and switched to the practice of "Eight Desolation and Six Harmonies, the only one who respects me alone".

However, Hua Twelve was not in a hurry to practice. For one thing, the requirements for practicing Xiaoyao School's exercises were extremely strict, and those with inner strength needed to practice in order to practice.

For the time being, Hua Twelve is still reluctant to part with his century-old internal strength.

He had an idea in his mind that the three magical skills of the Xiaoyao Sect, the "Only Self-Respecting Gong", "Small Wuxiang Gong", and "Beiming Shengong" are actually three skills in one method.

It can also be said that the three functions are integrated, but they are used differently.

No matter which one of these three top internal skills is cultivated, the true qi that is cultivated is the 'Northern Darkness True Qi'!
And 'Bei Ming Zhen Qi' has the characteristic of inclusiveness and transformation of other true qi.

Hua Twelve doesn't have "Beiming Shengong" now, but he has the "Star Attraction Dafa" of "Beiming Remnants".

He wanted to find a time to retreat for a year and a half to see if he could combine the "star-absorbing Dafa" and the "eight wastes and six unions alone".

At that time, use the "star-absorbing Dafa" to absorb people's skills, and then use the "Eight Desolation and Liuhe" Beiming Zhenqi to refine the alien internal force.

If it is successful, then although this exercise is not Beiming, its efficacy is no different from that of the 'Beiming Divine Art', and his hundred years of cultivation will not be wasted.

In addition to this reason, Hua Twelve also planned to go to Huashan to see how the 'Zixia Magic Art' is.

According to legend, practicing Huashan Zixia Gong, when the sun rises every day, you can absorb the first ray of purple energy between heaven and earth to breathe out and practice.

Hua Twelve felt that this kind of "Zixia Magical Art" seemed like a method of cultivation, so he planned to read "Zixia Magical Art" to compare its pros and cons, and see if it could be inclusive.

Keeping the practice method in mind, Hua Twelve put away the cheat books, and then took out the 'Tianshan Liuyang Palm' and the 'Dragon Capture Kungfu' obtained from the Beggar Gang to study.

These two kinds of kung fu are both profound methods of using internal energy. Hua Twelve has a hundred years of kung fu in him, so it doesn't take much effort to learn, and he progresses very quickly.

Three days later, Hua Twelve walked out of the room, took out a bottle of mineral water from the storage space, poured a drop on the palm of his hand, and performed the profound kung fu, the drop of clear water in his hand turned into a sheet of ice in no time.

With a 'chi' sound, he struck out casually, and the ice flakes shot out, but just after flying three zhang, his palms turned into claws, and he grabbed the flying ice flakes in the void, which is the kung fu of capturing dragons.

I saw the blasted ice flakes flying backwards in mid-air, landed on the palm of Hua Shier's palm, felt chilly in the palm, and disappeared at Laogong acupoint in the next moment.

The ice flake Hua Twelve hit was the 'Life and Death Talisman' attached to the 'Tianshan Liuyang Palm'. He used the 'Dragon Capture Technique' to capture the Life and Death Talisman, and used the 'Laogong Point' in his palm to pick it up. Try it yourself and experience the power of the Life and Death Talisman for yourself.

In just two or three breaths, Hua Twelve felt a sudden itching in Laogong acupoint on his right hand, as if tens of thousands of ants were gnawing.

Hua Shier wanted to try the limit of the 'Life and Death Talisman' tormenting people, so he gritted his teeth and supported it hard, and at the same time used his kung fu to resist.

But the more he mobilized his internal energy, the more severe this uncomfortable energy became.

He quickly took out various detoxifying and antipruritic medicines from the storage space, applied them externally and took them internally. At the same time, he took out silver needles and inserted them into the acupoints on his arm, intending to use acupuncture and moxibustion together with medicine to relieve itching.

In the end, he was able to withstand a little while he wasn't busy, and his whole arm was itchy as if being devoured by thousands of ants, and he couldn't stand it any longer.

Hua Twelve began to scratch his arm non-stop, feeling like he wanted to draw out the sword, and cut off the arm with the life and death talisman to feel comfortable.

I found that my psychology has undergone negative changes because of the life and death talisman, and I have thoughts of self-destruction and even self-destruction.
Hua Twelve didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly followed the correct method of release, and began to pull out the life-death talisman planted in Laogong acupoint.

At this time, his expression was pained, but his heart was filled with joy.

Using this life and death talisman to control others in the future is much stronger than the 'Three Corpse Brain Pill' and 'Leopard Taiyi Jin Wan'.

The most important thing is that there is no need to demonstrate on the spot, because there is a trial version of the 'Life and Death Talisman', which allows users to experience the thrill on the spot, and it is the one with a [-]% satisfaction rate.

Hua Twelve seemed to be playing a bit too big. When he wanted to pull out his own life and death talisman, his body began to tremble, and his hands trembled slightly. He could have pulled out the life and death talisman in minutes, but it took him a long time to get it done. Double the pleasure!

After it was lifted, the robe on his body was already wet with sweat, and he lay directly on the ground, gasping for breath. These 10 minutes were like being in hell, life would be worse than death.

After successfully practicing the two kung fu, Hua Twelve stepped on the flying sword and landed in the town at the foot of the mountain at night, found a medicine shop, and prepared many antidotes according to the prescription of the life and death talisman hidden in the secret book of Tianshan Liuyang , then set off to leave Tianshan.

Not a day later, Hua Twelve joined Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu. This place is a farm in Shaanxi, and behind it is a secret stronghold of Dongchang.

In the secret room, Hua Twelve sat in the middle, while Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu knelt on one knee at the same time:
"Meet the leader!"

In front of outsiders, the two received Hua Twelve's orders, and they both addressed him as an adult. When no one was around, they still called him the leader.

Because in their hearts, the person in front of them is the Eastern leader who is the most expert in the world.

Hua Twelve looked at the two competent subordinates with a smile: "You are blessed. I have seen your performance during this time, so I decided to release the poison control for you. In the future, you will no longer have to worry about the sudden onset of the poison. Take your lives."

What he said was to judge others by himself, but in the ears of Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu, they were full of cold sweat. The former took the "Three Corpse Brain Pill" and the latter took the "Baotai Yijin Pill" .

At the moment, there are black lines all over the head, thinking that it is enough to take the antidote once a year, co-authoring is so unreliable, it may happen at any time?

But the two of them could only think about it, and dared not ask it out.

Hua Twelve laughed: "Look, you are all so happy that you don't know what to say. This seat has developed a new method, called the 'Life and Death Talisman', which can replace the poison that originally controlled you!"

"This 'Life and Death Talisman' is only for making people unable to live or die, but it is not life-threatening. As my confidants, I decided to use it for you first!"

As he spoke, he repeatedly sighed for the two of them: "This kind of situation is not something everyone can have. I don't know what to say to you other than congratulations!"

The more the two listened, the more frightened they became, feeling creepy.

But how could Hua Twelve pay attention to their feelings, Dang even rewarded these two powerful subordinates with a few life and death talismans, all of which were hit on the main acupoints.

After a few breaths, the Life and Death Talisman will activate.

Hua Twelfth also let the two of them enjoy the same treatment for 10 minutes as he did. When he saw that the two of them couldn't bear to use their heads to practice the wall-penetrating technique, he gave them the antidote, and in an instant the deep feeling The itching in the bone marrow was successfully suppressed.

Jia Ting is an old eunuch, and Jin Xiangyu is a young woman with broken flowers and willows. Although she is skilled in martial arts, her sphincter resistance is not good. During the 10 minutes of torture, she was incontinent and her body smelled bad.

Hua Twelve looked disgusted, he didn't pay attention to personal hygiene too much, he waved his hand, let the two deal with each other, clean up and come back to talk.

Both Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu walked away in tears. It wasn't that they didn't have strength, it was a natural reaction of their bodies, and they couldn't help it.

The two packed up and returned after a stick of incense. As soon as they entered the secret room, they knelt down on the ground, kowtowed, and said to Hua Twelve:

"Master, the two of us think that the poison from before is good!"

Jia Tingkuang nodded: "I like to eat the Three Corpse Brain Pill, which tastes like chicken."

Jin Xiangyu agreed: "Leopard Taiyi Jinwan tastes old and has a long aftertaste. I can't get used to it without it!"

They cried and begged for mercy: "Please ask the leader to unravel the life and death talisman!" They don't want to experience that kind of feeling twice in their lives.

The more they were like this, the more excited Hua Twelve was.

Of course, he is not in a state of mind, mainly because this means that the 'Life and Death Talisman' has a good ability to control people.

No wonder even Ding Chunqiu, the old Xingxiu old monster, who was at the poison king level, bowed his head and obeyed his ears after being hit by Xu Zhu's life and death talisman, honestly, seeing the effect in front of him, it's really awesome!
Hua Shishili ignored Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu's request, and said with a chuckle:

"You two are cheap, and you insist on taking poison. This life and death talisman is safe, environmentally friendly and not fatal. As long as you work for this seat honestly and are loyal, how can you taste this kind of taste again!"

Although Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu didn't know what environmental protection meant, but hearing the leader's firm tone, they didn't dare to ask again. Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that they had two hearts? Come out.

Hua Twelve took out the antidote of 'Baotai Yijin Pill' and threw it to Jin Xiangyu: "Eat it, you will be restricted by the Life and Death Talisman in the future, so you don't have to worry about Leopard Taiyi Jinwan!"

Jin Xiangyuxin said that it is always a good thing to remove a layer of shackles, thanked the leader immediately, put the antidote in his mouth, and swallowed the saliva without drinking water.

Just when Jia Ting was looking forward to it, thinking that since the life and death talisman was a foregone conclusion, it would be good to get the corpse worms out of his body.

Hua Twelve's expression froze suddenly, and he coughed lightly:
"Old Jia, I just remembered something. It is the three corpse brain pill. It has no antidote to eradicate it. Why don't you keep two control methods? There are three corpse brain pills and life and death talismans. Double shackles, doesn't this show how much I value you!"

"In the future, you will be the number one general under this seat, what do you think?"

Jia Ting was petrified on the spot, as if a tune he had never heard before sounded in his ears, "Snowflakes are fluttering, the north wind is rustling, and the world is boundless."

Speaking of it, Hua Twelve was also quite embarrassed, he forgot that the 'Three Corpse Brain Pill' was not easy to get rid of this stubble.

After thinking about it, Hua Shier gave Jia Ting two options, whether it was to make up for it or to appease him:

"The life and death talisman cannot be solved, but you can try the corpse worm. I have two ways to do this. One is to disembowel the belly. I promise to take out the corpse worm!"

It was nothing more than surgery, Hua Twelve felt that it was not a trivial matter for him, the second domestic knife in the 80s.

After listening to Hua Twelve's words, Jia Ting remembered the scene of going to a neighboring village to watch a pig slaughter when he was a child. The knife cut on the stomach was more than a foot long, and the intestines, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys were thrown into the wooden basin.
His head shook like a rattle drum.

Hua Twelve sighed: "I really don't know the goods, then there is only the second way!"

He has stored a lot of daily necessities in his storage space, and of course all kinds of medicines are indispensable. Even if he doesn't need these medicines, the people he cares about may be able to use them, so be prepared.

Turning over the palm of the hand, two capsules of 'Albendazole' appeared in the hand. This medicine is suitable for repelling roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, whipworms, treating various types of cysticercosis, and can also be used for deworming livestock.

Zaihua Twelve thinks, um, if it can kill so many insects, the corpse insects are also insects
Jia Ting looked skeptical, he already felt that the leader was unreliable in certain things.

Hua Twelve was immediately annoyed: "What kind of eyes do you have, you are my right hand, can I kill you?"

Seeing the suspicious look on the other side's face, Hua Twelve sneered and said, "Okay, okay, I'll prove it to you!"

As he spoke, he led the two of them out of the secret room, found a fan from Dongchang, and ordered him to take a three-corpse brain pill. After waiting for half an hour, he gave the other party albendazole.

After a cup of tea, that Dongchang fan's eyes turned blood red, and he threw down a cow in the farmyard, killing the old scalper directly.

More than a dozen Dongchang fans rushed forward and hacked the former companion to death with knives. Obviously, the other party had been brain-eaten by corpse insects.

Looking at the small eyes of Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu, Hua Twelve coughed lightly: "You can see that at least the combat ability has been enhanced a lot. We seem to have found the correct usage of the Brain God Pill. The cows were killed. It is so cruel that it is comparable to Beast!"

 Thanks: Brothers 08a and Little Tigers in the Demon Realm for their reward, thanks for the support of brothers who paid 200 yuan for a package of spicy strips, thanks for the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks for the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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