A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 531 Purple Qi Comes East, Practice Huashan Kung Fu in 1 Day!

Chapter 531 Purple Qi Comes from the East, Practice Huashan Kungfu in a Day! (Seek full order)
Lao Yue kept his word, and after he got off Siguo Cliff, he brought Hua Shier to the Zhengqi Hall alone to speak, and taught him all the "Huashan Heart Method" and "Zixia Magic Art".

The "Huashan Heart Method" was dictated. In "Zixia Divine Art", Lao Yue may have given the original cheats to Hua Shier directly to show his integrity, and asked him to write down all the secrets before returning them. This can prove that he has not hidden any secrets.

In addition to the secret books, Lao Yue also took out his practice notes, which contained his experience in practicing Zixia Kung Fu over the years, which can save Hua Shier from taking detours when practicing.

Ning Zhong asked Hua Twelve to put away the cheats, and then said to him with a smile:

"Pingzhi, your swordsmanship is better than that of a teacher. Speaking of it, there is nothing for a teacher to teach you, but since you have joined the Huashan School, you still have to master the swordsmanship of our Huashan School, otherwise you will wait until you go out and learn from Huashan disciples. It's a joke to walk around the rivers and lakes with your identity, but you don't even know our school's swordsmanship!"

Yue Buqun nodded again and again, he also meant the same thing.

Hua Twelve is naturally good at doing good things, and asked Ning Zhong to teach him sword skills.

Ning Zhong, considering that Hua Twelve swordsmanship had entered the classroom, did not teach a few moves first like other new disciples, but slowly practiced all Huashan swordsmanship, telling the key points while practicing.

This kind of slow rehearsal is the most tiring, but after Ning Zhong finished the rehearsal, his face was not flushed and he was not out of breath, which showed that his internal strength cultivation was already quite advanced.

Ning Zhong put away his sword and stood there, turned his head to Hua Twelve and asked, "This is my Huashan Sword Art, how much do you remember, Ping Zhi?"

Hua Twelve remembered what he wanted to say, but thinking that Yue Buqun and his wife are mature and stable people, if he said that, the other party would definitely think he was bragging, so after thinking about it, he said:
"It's better for the disciples to practice it again. If there is something wrong, please ask the master to correct me!"

Immediately, he practiced the 'Huashan Sword Art', every move and every move, from beginning to end.

White clouds come out of Xiu, there is a phoenix coming, the heavenly squire hangs upside down, the white rainbow pierces the sun, the pines welcome guests, the golden geese span the sky, the boundless fallen trees, the green hills are faint, the ancient cypresses are dense, unparalleled and unparalleled, and the golden jade is full. Difference.

As mentioned earlier, the founder of the Huashan School was Hao Datong, one of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, so the Huashan swordsmanship was born from the Quanzhen swordsmanship, and it is the foundation of the Quanzhen swordsmanship.

Hua Twelve had spent no less than a hundred years practicing Quanzhen swordsmanship in the mission world, so he knew all of Huashan swordsmanship after reading it once, and it was more profound than Ningzhong's practice.

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong watched Hua Shier practice sword, and they were in a daze for a while. They seemed to have returned to the scene when they stood on Chaoyang Peak and watched the ancestor practice sword.

Of course, this is just their feeling. In fact, the Huashan swordsmanship practiced by Hua Shier is much more subtle than that of their ancestors.

Especially Hua Twelve's set of swordsmanship is used, full of energy, strength, skill, style, and strength, all are just right, fully expressing the essence of Qi Zong using Qi to control the sword.

In fact, the point of "controlling the sword with qi" in Huashan swordsmanship is also the characteristic of "Quanzhen swordsmanship".

When practicing Quanzhen swordsmanship, the right hand makes sword moves, and the left hand constantly changes the sword tactics to use the real energy. Therefore, not only can the sword be controlled by the energy, but also the energy can be practiced by the sword. It can be said that the energy and the sword are integrated.

When it comes to Huashan swordsmanship, the link of sword formula and gesture is missing, and the sword formula of pinching does not have the mystery of urging the movement of true energy.

Hua Shier guessed that after Quanzhen's ancestral court was destroyed, Hao Datong simplified Quanzhen's swordsmanship in order to preserve Quanzhen's orthodoxy, and made a quick version of Huashan swordsmanship.

After Hua Twelve finished practicing, Yue Buqun lost his composure and said, "Pingzhi, tell the truth, where did you learn my Huashan Sword Art?"

Hua Twelve told the truth: "Master, this is my first time learning!"

Yue Buqun didn't believe it at all, and immediately lowered his face: "Pingzhi, you can practice Huashan swordsmanship to perfection, much better than your master and me, how can I believe what you say?"

What Hua Twelve said was of course the truth. Although he got the Five Sacred Mountains cheat book in the cave, he didn't practice it. It was just for collection. He really didn't like such a low-level swordsmanship.

So hearing what Lao Yue said, Hua Twelve was also very helpless, pondered for a while and said:
"Master, everything I said is true. There may be something you don't know. When I went to the frontier with the dart team a few months ago, I encountered a black storm, was struck by lightning, and fell into a coma for more than a month. In learning, you have the ability of photographic memory, and from then on, your martial arts will be improved by leaps and bounds!"

"If you don't believe me, you can teach me another set of sword skills and see if I can learn it right away!"

This excuse made Lao Yue look suspicious. He had never heard of someone who was struck by lightning, but he had heard of someone who was struck by lightning and smoked. He didn't believe it, but in order to prove it, he still agreed, and I went off in person and practiced a set of 'Yangwu swordsmanship'.

At the same time as the drill, like Ning Zhongze, he explained the essentials clearly one by one.

Although this set of 'Yangwu swordsmanship' is different from Quanzhen swordsmanship, Hua Shier's brain has been developed in practicing national arts, and his memory is amazing. After Lao Yue finished practicing, he also practiced it on the spot. The moves and essentials are not bad at all.

And just like the Huashan Sword Art, Hua Twelve practiced it much better than Lao Yue.

After the practice, Hua Shishi himself was not satisfied, he shook his head and said: "Master, this set of swordsmanship is self-restraining, reverence, and benevolence. It is like the Confucian way, and it does not conform to my heart, so the practice is not good!"

Yue Buqun has a black hair, this is not satisfactory, then I am not as good as you after practicing for so many years, have I practiced on dogs?
However, Lao Yue couldn't show it, so he immediately nodded and praised: "That's right, this set of Yangwu swordsmanship is based on Mencius' meaning of 'I am good at raising my noble spirit'. If you want to practice this swordsmanship well, you need to read more Confucian classics. But it is not suitable for young people like you to cultivate."

Lao Yue didn't believe in evil, and immediately passed on another set of 'Xiyi swordsmanship' after he finished speaking!
There is a saying in the Tao Te Ching: if you don't see it, it's called Yi, if you don't hear it, it's called Xi. This set of swordsmanship is named "Xi Yi", which naturally conforms to the Taoist concept of tranquility, inaction, letting it be, and being carefree.

This is somewhat in line with Hua Twelve's temperament. After Lao Yue finished practicing, he practiced it again, and it was even better than the "Yangwu Sword Art" just now.

This time, Lao Yue and Ning Zhong had to believe it even if they didn't believe it, because Hua Twelve had learned three sets of swordsmanship in one breath, and the green was better than the blue.

At the beginning, Lao Yue felt disappointed because he had practiced all his life and was not as good as others for a while, but Ningzhong said:
"There are apprentices like this, I should be happy in Huashan!" It made him wake up instantly and changed his attitude.

Because of this sentence, it hit Yue Buqun's weakness and made him cry instantly.

When Yue Buqun became the head of Huashan, what he took over was a mess. It was the Huashan faction that was appalling after the Huashan Sword Qi War.

At that time, there were only Lao Yue and Ning Zhongze left on the entire Huashan Mountain, and they were almost in a state of exterminating the faction.

Therefore, Lao Yue has always taken the Everbright Huashan School as his first goal all his life. After decades of ineffectiveness in the original book, he even began to blacken, and even practiced "evil-dispelling swordsmanship" without hesitation. It can be seen that the obsession in his heart has some how deep.

At this time, Yue Buqun hadn't become as black as in the original book, when he heard his wife's words, he immediately realized, which sect has such a martial arts prodigy as a disciple, how can it not be great?How can it not be strong?
As Ning Zhongze said, Huashan Twelve entered the gate wall of Huashan. This is Huashan's prosperity, Huashan's luck!
With tears in his eyes, Lao Yue said with an excited smile: "Okay, my junior sister is right, our Huashan School has a martial arts genius like Ping Zhi, so it should be prosperous!"

Excited, Yue Buqun passed on his unique move 'Taiyue Sanqingfeng' on the spot, and Ning Zhong also passed on his 'Wushuang Wudang, Ning's One Sword' to Hua Shier.

In this way, besides the "Jade Nineteen Styles" and "Lady Swordsmanship" specially practiced by female disciples, Hua Twelve can be said to have learned all the swordsmanship of Huashan Qizong in one day.

Faced with so many second-rate swordsmanship, he didn't want to learn it, and he was helpless.

Hua Twelve looked at Lao Yue with red eyes, and imagined how pitiful Huashan School would be in the future, and he didn't give up, so he simply passed the 'Quanzhen Sword Art' back to Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze, saying that he got it by accident.

When practicing swordsmanship, he focused on the characteristics of "Quanzhen Swordsmanship" that uses qi to control the sword, uses the sword to practice qi, and integrates sword and qi.

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong knew about the Huashan sword technique, which was born out of the Quanzhen sword technique.

After listening to Hua Twelve's explanation, the two froze on the spot as if they had been struck by lightning.

It took a long time to come back to his senses, Lao Yue grabbed Ning Zhongze's hand and said excitedly: "So it's like this, so it's like this"

As they spoke, both husband and wife cried.

Huashan Qizong believes that martial arts should be based on internal strength, and swordsmanship should be supplemented. If you have a deep internal strength, you will naturally have no disadvantages.

As for Jianzong's practice of swordsmanship, his fighting strength has improved very quickly in the early stage, and he has been suppressing Qizong. It was only later that the sword qi dispute broke out, and the disciples of Huashanmen killed each other because of different ideas, causing countless deaths and injuries.

But now Huashan Twelve has brought out the swordsmanship practiced by the ancestor of Huashan, which is to control the sword with qi, and practicing sword is to practice qi, which directly proves that Huashan Qizong is right, and Jianzong has gone into evil at all. How could Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze not be happy about this.

Joy was followed by sadness, and Ning Zhong took Hua Shishi's hand and cried, "My good boy, it would be great if you came 30 years earlier!"

Hua Shishixin said that I would come 30 years earlier, and what about Lao Yue, ahem, he was thinking about the position of the head of Huashan, whoever wants to be wrong, go face the wall and think about it.

After Lao Yue and Ning Zhongze calmed down, Yue Buqun instructed Hua Twelve to learn the Huashan Sword Art that he had learned today after he went back. , and the foundation is unstable.

Hua Twelve knew that this was a good word, and immediately responded with a smile.

The day passed by, and at night, Hua Twelve did not go to spend time with Yue Lingshan, but began to study her 'Zixia Divine Art'.

Hua Twelve read the 'Zixia Magic Art' once, and he knew it well.

In Boss Xiaoao, there is a saying of "Zixia Cheats, Beginner's Basics, Sunflower Collection, Reaching the Peak", but Jin Daxia revised it in later editions.

The 'Zixia Cheats' in Hua Shier's hands seems to have nothing to do with the 'Sunflower Collection'.

This "Zixia Divine Art" method of internal force operation is just ordinary in the eyes of Hua Shishi. There is still too much difference in such a top-level internal strength.

But in "Zixia Divine Art", there is a way to absorb the purple energy of the rising sun, which makes Hua Twelve's eyes shine.

According to the secret book, "Zixia Magic Art" was created by Hao Datong in his later years, the original intention was to create a method to cultivate into a fairy, so there was this step of absorbing the purple energy of the rising sun.

According to Hao Datong's idea, the Sunrise Purple Qi is a kind of spiritual energy from heaven and earth. If one absorbs a stream of Sunrise Purple Qi every day, integrates it into one's own internal force, refines it and cultivates it, over time, one's internal power will be assimilated by the Sunrise Purple Qi.

At that time, for a cultivator, all the internal energy in the dantian will be transformed into the aura of heaven and earth, so that the acquired will become the innate, and the warrior will enter the category of Qi trainer.

Hao Datong passed away shortly after he created this magical skill, so he didn't practice it himself.

Later generations of Huashan disciples practiced this skill, and felt that although the power was great, the cultivation speed was slow. Therefore, since the creation of this skill until now, no one has practiced it to perfection, and no one has been able to use this skill to enter. innate.

Hua Twelve read this exercise twice, and he was admiring. What he admired was Hao Datong's fantastic idea. According to his current vision, this idea is completely achievable.

It's just that this exercise has a shortcoming, that is, the intention is very high, and the subsequent inner strength method is too poor, but it is just a slight modification of the whole heart method.

Hua Twelve feels that he can completely graft the method of absorbing the purple energy of the rising sun to the "Eight Desolation and Liuhe I am the only one who respects the art", and when the time comes to transform all the true energy of the Northern Darkness into the aura of heaven and earth like the purple energy of the rising sun, the subsequent achievements are simply unimaginable .

As soon as he thought about it, Hua Shier planned to start practicing new internal strength early the next morning, so he got up and went directly to Lin Zhennan's room.

Lao Lin planned to return to Fuzhou after witnessing the second battle between his family Ping'er and Linghu Chong in three days, so he is still staying in the Huashan guest room.

After Hua Twelve entered the room, he grinned at Lao Lin, stretched out his hand without saying a word, and with the force of Yiyang finger, he directly hit Lin Zhennan's dantian.

He grasped the strength very carefully, this finger only broke Lao Lin's thin internal force, but did not hurt his dantian at all.

Lin Zhennan didn't expect his son to enter the house and crippled his internal energy, and he was struck by lightning: "Ping'er, you...you are crazy!"

His internal energy dissipated and his body found it difficult to adapt for a while, even standing a little unsteadily.

Hua Twelve helped him sit on the bed, and comforted him: "Don't worry, didn't you say yesterday that you wanted me to find you an internal training exercise, and I'll bring you the one today!"

After finishing speaking, he took out the transcribed "Star Attraction Dafa" and said, "You just practice this!"

Lin Zhennan was stunned when he saw the words "Star Attraction Dafa". At first he wanted to drink some milk, but his own Pinger sent a cow directly. The happiness came so suddenly and violently that he didn't know what to say up.

However, Lao Lin was timid. He knew that this was the technique that the director of the Demon Sect taught me back then. Although he was very greedy, he did not dare to practice it.

"Ping'er, can this work? If others find out, we will become a demon cult, and everyone will be punished by then!"

Hua Twelve is helpless: "I am the commander of Jin Yiwei, and I will be fine if I don't punish others. Anyone who dares to touch our house is a rebel!"

He was still apprehensive when he saw Lao Lin after speaking, and immediately said: "I didn't ask you to suck others. I will switch to other exercises in the future. It would be a waste if my internal energy is dissipated, so I will give it to you!"

He forced Lin Zhennan to start practicing the "star-absorbing Dafa". After an hour, Lao Lin initially mastered the method of absorbing energy, and Hua Twelve put his hand against Lao Lin's palm, and spent all his hundred-year-old true skills.

Lin Zhennan ascended to the sky in one step. As far as internal strength is concerned, he is No. 1 in the world, even higher than Feng Qingyang and Dongfang Bubai.

Hua Twelve lost his internal energy and is also a great master of Chinese martial arts. He can still use the "Sunflower Collection" when he switches the state, and he is not weak at all. Let Lao Lin have good luck and adjust his breath. He went straight to Chaoyang Peak and waited for the sunrise.

The sun just emerged from the horizon, and a cloud of purple air was hidden in the sun's brilliance and arrived in an instant.

Hua Twelve sat cross-legged, urging the mentality of "Eight Desolation and Six Hegemony", his nose twitched, and he inhaled hard, the purple air seemed to turn into two small snakes, and went in along his two nostrils.

 Thanks: Brother 08a for the reward, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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