A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 534 Xuanwu Gangsha practice real body!

Chapter 534 Xuanwu Gangsha practice real body! (Seek full order)

"San Yin Slaughtering Demon Knife" communicates with the stars of Xuanwu Qisu, receives the power of the stars, and runs through the three major meridians of the hand Taiyin Lung Meridian, Hand Jueyin Heart Meridian, and Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian. Hence the name of Sanyin come.

After the Sanyin is penetrated, the evil spirit of the Xuanwu Qisu can be turned into a sword.

Although this knife Gang feels similar to Hua Shier's 'flame knife' when used, in fact, it can be regarded as the method of immortality in terms of attracting stars and stars.

Therefore, if you make a mistake when doing qigong, it will definitely be more dangerous than "going crazy" when practicing internal qigong.

General Hua Twelve carefully recalled the contents of the cheat book, and then deduced every detail and every step of the exercise at night in his mind many times until he thought he could handle all kinds of emergencies. Only then did he recover from the deduction.

At this time, several hours had passed, and the sun had already set to the west.

As soon as he got up and stretched his muscles, Yue Lingshan came outside and called him to the dining hall for dinner.

In response, Yue Lingshan pushed the door open and walked out. Yue Lingshan immediately approached and asked curiously: "Brother Lin, what are you doing in the room so mysteriously all day long?"

Hua Twelve couldn't help rolling his eyelids when he heard this, and said angrily:
"Sister Lingshan, you also heard today that your father's lineage belongs to the Huashan Qi Sect, and the practice of internal strength is the foundation. Look at Master, Master, who doesn't practice internal strength in the room all day long? This is how my Huashan martial arts ability is. Be brave and diligent!"

"Do you think it's normal to run all over the mountain like a monkey like you!"

Yue Lingshan gritted her teeth angrily when she heard him comparing herself to a monkey, "If I were a monkey, what would you be!"

Hua Twelve laughed: "I am your fiancé, Monkey King, Monkey King!"

Yue Lingshan was ashamed and angry, and wanted to give him a hard twist when she came over, but Hua Twelfth grabbed his arm and pulled him. Even though she couldn't stand firmly, she fell into his arms.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, Yue Lingshan's pretty face blushed, she closed her eyes and let him hug her, Hua Twelve also pretended nothing happened, just lowered her head and gently sniffed the mountain on the other's head peach blossom.

Just when the atmosphere was getting more and more charming, the door of the main room suddenly opened, and Lin Zhennan walked out refreshed, looking at the situation outside.

Yue Lingshan opened her eyes to look when she heard the movement, and Hua Twelve also looked up, meeting Lao Lin's wide-eyed eyes. The charming atmosphere instantly turned into embarrassment, and the three of them were all stunned on the spot.

Lin Zhennan suddenly stretched out his hands and began to swipe in front of him, and at the same time spoke first:
"The old man's internal breathing has gone wrong, and he injured the Yangming large intestine meridian in his hand, so he can't see things clearly. No, he has to go back and unblock the meridians again, otherwise he will probably be blind!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked back, closing the door with a bang.

"I blame you, what do you want me to do in the future!" Yue Lingshan was so ashamed that she stomped on Hua Twelve's feet hard, then turned around and ran away covering her face.

Hua Twelve is speechless, the ancients were feudal, just hugging, how to behave, and being a human is not to make a villain, this girl thinks a little far, her thinking is too unhealthy.

Besides, what kind of attitude do you have, if something goes wrong, you will blame it, bah, Yue Lingshan, you scumbag!
Hua Twelve yelled at the main room angrily: "Okay, why are you peeping when everyone is gone!"

Lin Zhennan, who was lying on the crack of the door, opened the door in embarrassment: "Father just wants to supervise you, so that you won't be able to control yourself before you get married, and ruin Lingshan's reputation!"

Hua Shishixin said that he believed in you, a ghost.

He saw that Lin Zhennan's face was glowing red at this time, full of energy, especially his two eyes, which shone faintly like gems, and he knew that this was the result of the other party's preliminary refinement of his internal energy for a hundred years.

At this time, anyone who looked at Lin Zhennan would know that he was a great master.

Of course, one hundred years of internal force is not as simple as being a master. After a few days, when the control of internal force becomes more and more smooth, the red light, the light, will gradually converge, and no abnormalities can be seen on the outside, that is, it has reached the level of returning to nature. This is what a hundred years of inner strength should look like.

Hua Twelve asked with some concern: "Is the internal force refined?"

Speaking of this, Lin Zhennan also regained his energy, and immediately smiled and said: "Yes, it has been refined, Ping'er, tell Dad, how do you have such deep internal energy? How many masters have you absorbed!"

When Hua Twelve told him that he would give him internal energy, Lin Zhennan didn't take it seriously, but the former's internal energy was like the Yangtze River, and Lao Lin almost had a heart attack from being scared.

Such a person with such profound internal energy, let alone seen it, he has never heard of it. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that the person who gave him the internal energy was a great master like Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng.

And the person with such internal strength is his son Lin Pingzhi, so Lin Zhennan is not surprised.

But at that time, he was concentrating on absorbing his internal energy and didn't have the time to ask in detail. Now Lao Lin grabbed Hua Shishi and felt that he had to ask clearly.

Hua Twelve said in a low voice: "Keep your voice down, people will think that we are harming people if they hear it. I just think about it. I haven't had time to do that. If people hear it and misunderstand, do you think I am wronged?" Injustice!"

After he finished speaking, he gave Lao Lin a popular explanation: "The skill absorbed by the star-absorbing Dafa is mixed, and sooner or later it will become a hidden danger. The inner force I gave you is extremely pure, how could it be from the energy!"

"By the way, you also remember that these internal forces are enough, don't use the star-absorbing method to absorb the internal forces of others, otherwise hidden dangers will inevitably arise!"

Lao Lin asked the bottom line: "Then tell me how did you get such a deep internal force?"

Hua Twelve began to talk nonsense: "Naturally, I ate the treasures of heaven and earth. Have you heard of flat peaches? Just the one in Journey to the West. Have you heard of ginseng fruit? It's in Wuzhuang Temple."
At this time, the folks already had picture books of Journey to the West. Although they had not yet been written, there were many stories circulating.

Moreover, flat peaches and ginseng fruits have existed in ancient legends, and Lin Zhennan has naturally heard of them before, but at this time he was taken aback by Hua Twelve Tigers:

"Ah, I heard that, Ping'er, you ate flat peaches and ginseng fruit?"

Hua Twelve froze his head: "I've never seen it before!"

Lin Zhennan was fooled for a moment, and said angrily: "You child, I haven't seen what you said!"

Hua Twelve smiled and said: "I'm not going to tell you something first, the nature of what I eat is similar to those two, but the effect is not so good!"

"Recently, in a trance, I vaguely remember that when I was struck by lightning at Longmen, I was in pain all over my body and couldn't hold it back. I accidentally grabbed a zhicao with nine leaves in the desert and ate it!"

"Later, I asked Dongchang Jia Ting to help me check the Ouchi Secret Collection. There were records about this kind of thing in the palace. It was called Jiuzhuanzhicao. It is said that this kind of Zhicao grows a leaf every ten years, and the leaves are eaten by warriors. Ten years of skill, I remember that the one I ate had nine slices, and it was already full, how many years of skill do you think I have gained!"

Lin Zhennan believed it as soon as he heard it, not because he was naive and easy to deceive, but mainly because how many people in the world can survive a lightning strike and become a master?
Only this statement gave a reasonable explanation for all the changes that he did not understand.

Lao Lin was both happy and regretful: "Then Pinger, what do you do with this internal energy for Dad, and it would be nice to keep it for yourself!"

Hua Twelve quickly comforted: "Don't worry, my meridians have been transformed by thunder and lightning, and my aptitude, muscles and bones are all excellent. It is easy to practice internal energy, but these white internal energy have become a burden instead, delaying my practice of better energy. Law!"

"Sir, you are on the go, and you are in danger everywhere. With this peerless internal strength, I can rest assured of your safety!"

Lin Zhennan was happy and sad at the same time. The happy thing was Ping'er's concern for him. The sad thing was that the child's memory hadn't recovered yet. Although he cared about him, he still didn't call him dad.

He was about to say something, but he stopped immediately, the two turned their heads and looked out at the same time, the next moment footsteps sounded, Yue Lingshan went and returned, but invited Lin Zhennan to the dining hall for dinner.

Hua Twelve also thought about the three people in Jianzong, so he told Lao Lin about it and asked him to entertain them for a while.

Lin Zhennan heard that the other party was the elder of Huashan, so he responded with a smile.

Hua Twelve personally went to invite the three of Feng Buping, and the three masters of Jianzong accepted their fate after the afternoon, and happily followed him to the dining hall to meet everyone.

A group of Huashan disciples, under the signal of Huashan Twelve, stood up to pay respects as juniors. Seeing so many Huashan disciples paying homage to them, Feng Buping and the three felt a kind of wanderer's feeling in their chests. All red.

Hua Shier introduced Lao Lin to the three of them, and when Feng Buping and the three saw Lin Zhennan, they were immediately overwhelmed.

Their internal strength is not low, but when they looked at Lao Lin, they felt a faint feeling of being suppressed, as if they were under great pressure when they looked at Lin Zhennan.

Feng Buping and the other three thought that it would take a lot of internal strength to have this kind of situation.

At this moment, let alone Feng Buping and the three had no disagreements, even if they had some bad thoughts, when they saw Lin Zhennan, those small thoughts probably disappeared.

Lao Lin used to be in the shopping mall. He was slick in all aspects, and he grasped the words just right, which made everyone happy during the meal. He was flattered to give Feng Buping three praises. They felt that such a master was so approachable. They were all moved in their hearts because of their face, and their hearts of returning to Huashan became more sincere.

In the evening, Hua Shier and Yue Lingshan went to the first line of the sky to press the road, strolled back and forth for a few laps, and then sent the girl back. Of course, there were some ambiguous scenes during the process, which is not enough for outsiders.

After sending Yue Lingshan back, Hua Twelve Yujian left the Huashan faction and flew straight to a farmyard at the foot of the mountain.

Ever since he went to Mount Hua, Jia Ting, Jin Xiangyu and others led two teams of Dongchang fans, and moved here to settle down.

After seeing Jia Ting, Hua Twelve directly ordered:
"Go and find out about Songshan Fei Bin, and see who in the imperial court is colluding with the Songshan faction to oppose me!"

Jia Ting should be respectful, and hurried out to ask someone to pass the letter.

After returning, Hua Twelve said again: "I want to practice a magical skill tonight. It is extremely dangerous and I can't be disturbed by others. Take people to follow me up the mountain and protect me!"

Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu bowed at the same time: "Yes!"

It was still Chaoyang Peak, the sky was bright with stars, Hua Shier stood on the big rock in the morning, looking up at the sky.

But seeing the stars in the sky, shining brightly, and a Milky Way running across the head, it makes people feel that the universe is far away, vast, deep, and mysterious!
Looking at the starry sky in the north, Hua Twelve clearly identified the northern Xuanwu Qisu, Dou, Niu, Nu, Xu, Wei, Shi, and Bi according to the secret book.

Hua Twelve switched back to the original state, and immediately felt the pain of being burned by the purple qi of the rising sun in the lung meridian.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily followed the more than a dozen human figures recorded in the secret book of "Three Yin Killing Demon Knife", with his arms ringed inside, his body slightly arched, two steps apart, force piercing his lower body, and stepping on the mountain.

It's like holding a huge cauldron, it's the opening gesture in this kung fu 'round the bright moon town Danding'.

"The Xuanwu God swims through Beiming, and the Big Dipper Qisu is on me, rushing like a law!"

This near-supernatural kung fu requires the use of oral formulas to communicate with the stars. Hua Twelve Kingdom Art cultivates the brain with strength and strong mental power. After the recitation is finished, the eyes seem to suddenly light up, as if one's own spirit has passed through the infinite space of the universe, Infinitely approaching this Big Dipper cluster!
Countless stars faintly form a dragon head, turtle body, and snake tail constellation, which is exactly the legendary Xuanwu phase!

Hua Twelve didn't dare to be negligent, he stepped on his feet, communicated with the stars with his thoughts, drew evil spirits from his upper body, and penetrated the meridians all over his body, and shouted again:

"The seven evil spirits penetrate the Taiyin, and the Xuanwu spirit swims on me! Hurry up like a law!"

The spirit of the whole person seems to be out of the body. Standing in the boundless dark sky, the huge basaltic constellation seems to be slowly stretching its body, shaking its head and tail.

Of course, all of this is Hua Twelve's own feeling. Those around him who are responsible for protecting him, Jia Ting, Jin Xiangyu and others looked at him in a daze, and saw his master standing there shouting and jumping like a snake spirit Sickness, as if possessed by a demon.

Jia Ting and Jin Xiangyu glanced at each other, thinking that the leader must be crazy, what's the matter with him, how can he take this supernatural thing seriously?

But the next moment, the two of them were stunned at the same time, their expressions were stunned like dementia.

Because they really saw a cold light shooting down from the sky, directly pouring into Hua Twelve's body.

This mythical scene instantly subverted the cognition of the two of them.

Hua Shishi felt a blast of icy energy entering his body, and couldn't help shivering. He felt the coldness without any emotion, sharp, cool, and chilling. Upstream, passing Yuji point, reaching Lieque point, which is the lung meridian of hand Taiyin.

The evil spirit of the Xuanwu gang entered the body, Hua Twelve quickly sat cross-legged, and made the "Eight Desolation and Liuhe I am the only one" to point the index finger of the right hand to the sky, and the index finger of the left hand to the ground, and said "hey", and sprayed two The light comes.

Of these two rays of light, one is purple, which is the purple energy of the rising sun, and the other is green light, which is the Xuanwu Gangsha.

As soon as the two rays of light appeared, they began to fight, like two little snakes, biting and twisting each other, as if they wanted to swallow each other quickly.

Gradually, under the two rays of light biting each other, a virtual light began to escape, but it did not dissipate, but surrounded Hua Shier's head like a ray of light, lingering and lingering, gradually getting thicker and thicker.

By the time the two radiant little snakes, one blue and one purple, bit each other until they died together, the dissipated virtual light had merged into a blue virtual light.

At this time, Jia Ting, Jin Xiangyu, and a group of Dongchang fans had already knelt down on the ground. With this situation in front of them, in their hearts, Hua Twelve was already a fairy among the gods.

When the two kinds of light were completely fused into a blue virtual light, the blue virtual light was continuously inhaled into Hua Twelve's nostrils. At the same time, his joints were rattling like popping beans. The sound of popping beans gradually faded away.

After the light was exhausted, Hua Twelve opened his eyes and stood up slowly, his face was full of joy.

The method he deduced to neutralize the Chaoyang Ziqi with Xuanwu Gang Shazhong really worked. At this moment, he was done, knowing in his heart that he had stepped into the ranks of cultivation and extraordinary.

However, he could only inhale one Sunrise Purple Qi and one Xuanwu Stealth every day. Hua Twelve felt that it might be a bit difficult if he wanted to become an immortal and ancestor at this speed.

He thought that in the real world, the method of using a helicopter to chase the sun and inhale the purple qi on the Internet did not know if it would be effective, and he had to try it if he had the chance.

Hua Twelve's eyes suddenly moved, because he saw a figure coming quickly from the mountain road, and the steep and steep terrain was like walking on the ground under the opponent's feet.

Without thinking about it, it is known that the one who has this ability in Huashan must be the one who lives in seclusion in the back mountain. Presumably, he must have been alarmed by Xingxiu Gangsha's presence and came to check the situation.

Jia Ting and the others also noticed the visitor, stood up abruptly, and ordered to the surroundings: "Protect your lord!"

The Dongchang fans of the two teams pulled out their waist knives at the same time, and under the light of the stars and the moon, the rows of blades shone coldly.

It was an old man who came, standing on a strange stone with the height of two people ten feet away, looking down from a high position, and asked:

"Who are you?"

Hua Twelfth waved his hands, telling Jia Ting and the others to put away their weapons, then he cupped his hands and said, "I'm going to send Lin Pingzhi from Huashan, who do you dare to ask senior?"

The old man was startled: "You are Lin Pingzhi? Then who are they?"

Apparently the old man knew that there was Lin Pingzhi in the Huashan School.

Hua Twelve said calmly: "I am not only a disciple of Huashan, but also the commander of Jin Yiwei. They are my subordinates who are responsible for protecting me!"

There was a trace of disdain on the old man's face, and he snorted coldly: "The court dog!"

"You!" Jia Ting and others all showed anger.

Hua Twelve's face was not good-looking either. The old man obviously scolded him too. Just as he was about to say something, the old man asked again:
"Just now there is a brilliance falling on Chaoyang Peak, can you see it?"

When Hua Twelve was asked by him, he felt that it was better to answer this question first, and then it would not be too late to attack, so he said casually:
"I didn't see it, I was also attracted by that Guanghua!"

After he finished speaking, just as he was about to speak, the old man turned around and walked away. He was already several feet away with one step.

Hua Twelve is so angry, just run away after pretending to be cowardly, right? He shouted behind his back:

"The old man bosses around and leaves? Why don't you leave two tricks, let the younger generation experience the demeanor of a master, how about seeing the high mountains of martial arts!"


A chuckle came, but the other party's figure kept moving; "Two days later, let's talk about your victory over Boy Linghu!"

Hua Shishixin said that this old man pretended to be a perpetrator, and really wanted to use flying swords to nail him to the cliff.

But think about it or forget it, after all, the opponent is the old man of Huashan, especially Hua Shier has a system task, and he must defeat this old guy in martial arts.

I thought in my heart that I would easily defeat Linghu Chong when I turned around, and see if you, an old fellow, can still smile!

 Thanks: Brother 08a, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm, and Ling Nuoyi brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and collected books, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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