A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 538 I, Lin Pingzhi of Huashan, refuse to accept!

Chapter 538 I, Lin Pingzhi of Huashan, refuse to accept! (Seek full order)
PS: Come back late, just finished coding, sorry.

The establishment of the West Factory was decided by Hua Shier before he left Beijing, and the owner of the West Factory was the position he reserved for himself as 'Yuhuatian'.

Unexpectedly, after Zhu Jianshen ascended the throne, although the West Factory was still established, the position of the factory owner was given to Zhou Huaian for some reason.

And after Zhou Huaian became the factory owner, he disrupted his plan for Jianghu martial arts in the first place, and messed up the martial arts conference he wanted to hold in Jiaxing.

This series of operations, no matter how you look at it, Hua Twelve seems to be targeting him.

But on second thought, it seems unlikely.

Not to mention that Wan Zhen'er was mediating in the palace, even Zhu Jianshen was also influenced by his soul-shifting method, so there should be no such thing as dealing with him.

And now that Zhu Jianshen has been enthroned as emperor, if he really wants to deal with him, there is no need to use these intrigue methods in the court, and just send a brigade of officers and soldiers to kill him.

The other is Zhou Huai'an. Although Hua Twelve doesn't have much contact with him, he can feel that the other party is a person of integrity.

When he was in Longmen, he treated both Zhou Huaian and Qiu Moyan as life-saving, and he couldn't think of a reason for Zhou Huaian to avenge his kindness.

So no matter how Hua Twelve thought about it, he felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly Hua Twelve laughed!
Whether it was Zhu Jianshen, Zhou Huaian, or someone else, anyway, he felt that someone was playing tricks and wanted to transfer him back to the capital.

He couldn't guess who it was, and he didn't bother with that brain. He could naturally use tyrannical means to sweep away ghosts and monsters when he returned to the capital, but he didn't want to follow the other party's ideas.

Isn't there an obvious target?

Back then in Hengshan, I had agreed with him about those sects, did I really think it would be so casual to steer the rudder according to the wind and waves, if you turn around in the wind and waves, maybe you will capsize the ship!
And under his storm, he didn't even save the word 'can't do it', the ship is capsized.

After he rolls the names one by one and sweeps all the factions, he thinks the face of the person behind him will be very exciting, and it will not be too late to find out the other party at that time.

So Hua Twelve didn't say much, and after talking with Jia Ting, he returned to the inn where the Huashan faction was staying. Before returning to his room, Yue Lingshan ran over and said that Lao Yue asked him to come and talk.

Hua Shier followed Yue Lingshan to the room where Lao Yue and his wife lived, and saw that the main figures of the Huashan School were gathered here at this time.

Lao Feng sat on the main seat, Lao Yue and his wife and Feng Buping Jianzong were all talking with him.

Seeing Hua Twelve come in, Lao Yue sighed and asked, "Pingzhi, the current situation in Jianghu seems to be not good. Do you have any plans? The elders are very worried about you!"

Apparently, this refers to the fact that those sects publicly stated that they would not go to Jiaxing to participate in any martial arts conference.

Before Hua Twelve could speak, Feng Qingyang snorted:
"What idea does he have? Everyone has gone to the capital to participate in the court's martial arts conference. How can they give him face? Our Huashan faction has become a laughing stock with him this time!"

If Lao Feng quarreled with him normally, Hua Twelve didn't take it seriously, but today he felt that the other party was a little bit worse when he heard what he said, so he wondered if he should have an attack and let the old man see what it means to rebel against Tiangang.

But at this moment, I heard Lao Feng say again:

"Forget it, you, as the head of Huashan Mountain, post a post to each faction, saying that my old man is still alive, and invite old friends from each faction to drink at the Yanyu Building in Jiaxing on Jiujiu Chongyang. The old man wants to see it. Does the word "Qing Yang" have any weight in this arena!"

Hua Twelve was slightly taken aback, and asked Old Feng in surprise, "Are you trying to stand up for me?"

Feng Qingyang said angrily: "I'm doing this for the face of the Huashan School, if it's just for yourself, hehe"

When Lao Feng said this, he gave Hua Twelve a look that you can ponder for yourself.

The corners of Hua Twelve's mouth rose, and he suddenly felt that the old man was not so annoying anymore.

Yue Buqun sighed: "Forget it, just follow what my uncle said, but we can't use the name of the martial arts conference, otherwise we will be suspected of going against the court."

When Feng Buping heard this, he nodded repeatedly.

Hua Twelve waved his hands, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, elders, this matter does not need your elders to come forward, some small things, the boy will take care of them!"

Ning Zhong felt sorry for his future son-in-law, and quickly said: "Pingzhi, you must not be brave. No one in the Jianghu would dare to bully you if the uncle and his old man speak!"

Hua Twelfth smiled: "Master, I'm not trying to be brave. Besides, this matter involves not only Jianghu, but also the affairs of the court. Just watch the show with peace of mind!"

From Huashan to Jiaxing, you have to go out of Shaanxi, pass through Henan, and then go down by boat, which is the route that Huashan sent to Fuzhou in the original plot of Xiaoao.

Now that it is within the territory of Henan, Hua Twelve thought about it and was not in a hurry to go south. He planned to go to Songshan Mountain first.

That Songshan Shaolin is known as the number one sect in the martial arts, and has always been the leader of the martial arts. This time, he took the lead in openly opposing him. He couldn't pass through the other side's mountain gate without paying a visit.

If it spreads out, others will think he is cowardly.

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, He Zudao, the three sages of Kunlun, once went to Shaolin to pay homage to the mountain, and let the martial arts all over the world know the remote Kunlun School.

Now Hua Twelve also plans to learn from the predecessors of the Kunlun School and give the Huashan School fame in the martial arts.

Coincidentally, as soon as Hua Shier had this idea, he received a letter from Feige from Cao Tian, ​​saying that Lin Zhennan had returned to Fuzhou and planned to take Mrs. Wang to the north.

Because Lin Zhennan already knew that Cao Tian and other Dongchang fans were secretly protecting him, he thanked the other party and at the same time asked Cao Tian to send a letter from home to Hua Shier Shao.

Lin Zhennan said in the letter that he would bring his wife to Luoyang Wang's house to visit relatives first. If Hua Shier has time, he might as well meet in Luoyang and then go to Jiaxing together.

The Golden Knife Wang family in Luoyang is Mrs. Wang's natal family. The current head of the family, Wang Yuanba, is Lin Pingzhi's maternal grandfather, nicknamed Jin Knife Invincible, and is the current head of the Golden Knife Sect. Therefore, the Wang family is also one of the top martial arts tycoons in Henan.

Lin Zhennan told Hua Twelve in the letter that he had heard about those factions in Fuzhou, and told him not to worry. He and his wife went to Wang's house this time to persuade Wang Yuanba to go to Jiaxing to support his grandson. of.

Hua Twelve looked at the caring feelings of Lao Lin in the letter, and was somewhat moved, and lamented the pity of the parents in the world.

He immediately found Lao Yue and told him about it, expressing that he wanted to go to Luoyang first.

Yue Buqun was overjoyed when he heard the words, he always liked to make connections, the Wang family and the Lin family were real relatives, since they were not far away, they naturally wanted to pay a visit.

In addition, Lao Yue had other considerations. In his opinion, that Golden Sword Invincible was Lin Pingzhi's grandfather, and he would definitely be invited out of the mountain to help sit in Jiaxing.

At that time, the Huashan elders will rely on their face to invite some Jianghu friends to Jiaxing to help out. Even if those Jianghu factions do not participate, this time the Huashan faction will not be too ugly.

So the Huashan faction went straight to Luoyang.

A few days later, Huashan sent a party to Luoyang.

Hua Twelve meant to come directly to the door. He is now using the identity of Lin Pingzhi, and he is actually related to the Wang family, so there is nothing embarrassing about it.

But this thought was stopped by Lao Yue, saying that it doesn’t matter if it’s Pingzhi yourself, but our Huashan Jupai came here, and the visit should be more formal. Now it’s noon, this time is not the time to visit, why don’t you find Stay in a place first, and wait until tomorrow morning, it is not too late to prepare gifts and visit at home.

Hua Twelve was right when he thought about it, so he followed Lao Yue's instructions and stayed in a big inn that day, and then went to Wang's house early the next morning.

But just after settling down, Hua Shishixin was alive before the next day, even if Yue Lingshan asked him to go out to visit Luoyang City, he was not in the mood to go.

The reason for this is all because Songshan Mountain is less than two hundred miles away from Luoyang City. Hua Shieryi thought, the next day is not as good as hitting the sun, and hitting the sun is not as good as today, so why not choose Shaolin and Songshan schools now.

He immediately pushed to Yue Lingshan that he was a little sleepy and wanted to take a nap, so why not go shopping with her when he arrives at Wang's house tomorrow when he has nothing else to do.

It seems that Yue Lingshan has gradually matured after experiencing what happened during this period of time. She didn't get into a temper tantrum with Hua Twelve because of his evasion, and cared for him to have a good rest.

After Yue Lingshan left, Hua Twelve waited for a while before getting up, took out a pen and paper and wrote a letter.

On the envelope was written "Mentor Enlightenment", the letter probably meant that Jin Yiwei had some business to do temporarily, and he would not be back tonight, so everyone should not worry, it would take one day sooner, or two days later, and he would definitely come back.

After writing the letter, put it on the table, so that he can find it when a senior brother comes to ask him to eat.

He didn't dare to go through the main entrance of the inn. After leaving the room, he turned out the courtyard wall of the inn with light kung fu. As soon as he landed, he saw a group of Huashan sect's juniors and sisters, as well as Yue Lingshan, turning around from the main street of the inn, with a surprised expression on his face. look at him.

Yue Lingshan was angry and funny, she ran over and pouted, "Didn't you say you're tired and want to take a nap!"

Hua Twelve was arrested, somewhat embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject and asked:

"How did you come here!"

Yue Lingshan's twelfth aura lied to her, she pouted and glared at him before explaining:

"It's the innkeeper who said that it's the time when the sweet-scented osmanthus is in full bloom. There are sweet-scented osmanthus flowers to see after two streets away. There are also sellers of sweet-scented osmanthus wine and sweet-scented osmanthus cakes. We're going to enjoy the flowers!"

Hua Twelfth knew that these brothers and sisters lived and boarded in Mount Hua, and he had no money. If he arrived in a big city like Luoyang, he might be reluctant to buy anything, so he could only go for a stroll to enjoy the flowers.

He immediately took out the silver notes that Jia Ting and the others had honored him in his bosom, and picked out a few 50 taels of silver notes, each of his juniors and sisters gave one, and told them to spend whatever they wanted, and not to save it for their seniors.

Such wealth and wealth made these juniors and juniors immediately jump for joy.

Hua Twelfth also gave Yue Lingshan a large amount of banknotes, so that his daughter-in-law could not lose money. He said he had something to do and asked him to go shopping with his juniors and younger sisters.

Yue Lingshan rolled her eyes: "You lied to me just now, I want to go with you and see what you want to do!"

Seeing that Hua Twelve hesitated, Yue Lingshan said again: "You dare not take me there, do you have ghosts in your heart?"

Hua Twelve was angry and funny, as if he was going to experience the great sword.

After thinking about it, why not just go to Songshan to find trouble with the Shaolin sect, and immediately waved his hand: "I will take you if I take you, but you must not be surprised or afraid when you see anything, and you must not drag me back!"

Yue Lingshan immediately beamed with joy: "Don't worry, who in Huashan doesn't know that I, Yue Lingshan, are the bravest!"

Hua Twelfth took it for granted: "I know this. I heard from my juniors and sisters that after you learned Qinggong when you were ten years old, you chased monkeys all over the mountain. The monkeys in Huashan were scared when they saw you and hid. Far away, who is as courageous as you!"

After he finished speaking, he ran away, and Yue Lingshan waved his small fist angrily, then turned around and said to the group of senior brothers:

"Senior Brother Third, Brother Fourth, Senior Brother Lin and I will go out for a while, you guys go shopping together!"

After she finished speaking, she chased after Hua Twelve and shouted, "Wait for me!"

All the disciples of the Huashan School saw it, and laughed and teased the two of them, listening to their voices, they were all talented and beautiful, golden boys and jade girls and so on.

Lu Dayou looked at the bank note given by Hua Shier in his hand, and smiled wryly in his heart. He felt that Senior Brother Lin did things too openly, and everything was arranged properly along the way. Say hello to this brother.

In contrast, senior brother is usually so carefree, always drunk, and only drinks by himself when he gets money from robbing the rich and giving to the poor. He really can't compare with this senior brother Lin!

Now even he, Lu Dayou, who is a hardcore fan of Linghu Chong, feels that it is more suitable for the younger junior sister to be with this senior brother Lin than to be with the senior brother.

Thinking of Linghu Chong, Lu Dayou began to worry again. After leaving Huashan, everyone went all the way to ask friends in the rivers and lakes, but there was no news, and they didn't know whether it was life or death.

When I was feeling melancholy, I saw a carriage coming towards me. The driver was a middle-aged nun. When she got close, the nun took a look at the costumes of the crowd, stopped the carriage, and asked the crowd:
"But the brothers and sisters of the Huashan School?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the curtain of the carriage lifted, revealing a slightly excited but sickly face, it was Linghu Chong.

"Third Junior Brother, Fourth Junior Brother, and Sixth Monkey, I finally found you!"

When everyone in Huashan saw him, they all stepped forward excitedly, calling him "big brother", and asking him where he had been these days and what happened.

The teacher who was driving the car's face sank, clasped his hands together and said:
"Poor nun Hengshan Yihe, this time, under the order of his family teacher, he returned the young hero Linghu from your sect to Master Yue of the Huashan School. In addition, his master Dingyi also sent a letter to Master Yue. The reason for this is , I will understand when my uncle reads the letter!"

Only then did the disciples of Huashan realize that they were a little rude, they quickly apologized, and then invited Yihe to the inn to meet Yue Buqun and other elders.

But Hua Shier took Yue Lingshan to find the place where Jia Ting and Dongchang fanzi stayed. After a quarter of an hour, a cavalry team left Luoyang City and headed east along the official road towards Songshan Mountain.

In the evening, everyone arrived at Dengfeng County at the foot of Songshan Mountain. Hua Twelve looked at the sky and decided to find an inn to stay and wait for the mountain tomorrow morning.

At this time, all the people who came with him didn't know what Hua Twelve was thinking.

Yue Lingshan couldn't help asking, Hua Twelve just smiled and said: "You will know tomorrow morning, Junior Sister!"

There was nothing to say all night, and in the early morning of the next day, a cavalry team ushered in front of Shaolin Temple. On the two white horses leading the way, sat a pair of young men and women with good temperament and handsome appearance.

The monks who were sweeping, hurriedly came forward to salute, asking why they came.

The young man laughed, turned over and got off the horse, and immediately the other people followed his movement and jumped off the horse together.

The young man threw back the rein, and someone stepped forward to take it for him.

At this time, the young man returned the salute to the young monk, but he didn't answer, but turned to the direction of the temple, and said in a loud voice:
"I heard that the world's martial arts came from Shaolin, and I, Lin Ping of Huashan, refused to accept it, so I came here to challenge!"

He used the "Ghost Prison Yinfeng Roar" in "Nine Yin Scriptures" and the "Sound Transmission and Soul Search Dafa" of the Xiaoyao School.

When the sound came out, the little monk in front of him stepped back a dozen steps, sat down on the ground, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Not only this monk, but also the other monks who were sweeping, all of them fell to the ground with dispirited expressions.

When the sound reached the temple, not only did it not weaken, but it sounded like a bell, and the sound entered the brain and could be heard throughout the temple.

Some of those with shallow skills were directly shocked to turn pale, while those with deep skills could feel the true energy in their bodies surging.

What is even more unlucky is that there are many eminent monks who get up early to practice their exercises. Under this voice, all of them lose their internal energy, hurt their meridians, and vomit blood.

It can be said that Hua Twelve's voice turned the sky upside down in Shaolin Temple. The entire thousand-year-old temple and the world's Wuzong were all in chaos.

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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