A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 540 What the Zen Ancestral Court should look like!

Chapter 540 What the Zen Ancestral Court should look like! (Seek full order)
After all, Hua Shier still failed to meet the abbot of Shaolin, that is, old monk Fangzheng.

According to the monks in the temple, Fang Zheng and Fang Sheng took a few disciples to the capital to attend the next month's martial arts conference.

If the Lord didn't see it, it wouldn't be in vain. Hua Twelve had already said before the Buddha that he would clean up the door for the Buddha, and people would not stand without faith.

Immediately took Jia Ting and the others, and gathered all the monks in the temple in front of the main hall.

The process went smoothly, and there were very few resisters. After all, Hua Twelve was beaten up by the group just now because of his good martial arts. As for the rest of the monks.
Standing in front of the Daxiong Hall, Hua Shier looked at the thousands of monks gathered below, and sighed helplessly:

"There is no one who can fight!"

After finishing speaking, he asked Jia Ting and the others to go down and abolish all the monks and monks in the temple.

Isn't it good for a monk to practice Buddhism well? What kind of martial arts are you practicing!
People like Jia Ting are quite ruthless, those who have internal skills directly break the dantian, and those who practice external skills break the muscles and bones of their hands and feet. When these people's muscles and bones grow well, their external skills will be useless.

Hua Twelve felt that since he had done it, he had to do it absolutely, without leaving any future troubles.

Didn't the great man say that a single spark can start a prairie fire? He deeply believes in this.

So we can't give the world's largest faction a chance to make a comeback.

That's why even the fire monks who were cooking in the Shaolin kitchen were not spared, and all of them were pulled out to abolish martial arts.

In addition to these monks, Jia Ting and the others also commanded a group of young monks in the temple to carry out seven or eight middle-aged and elderly monks from the meditation room at the back.

Among these monks, the old ones are the eminent monks of the Fang generation, and the middle-aged monks are all the monks of the Shaolin Miao generation. Compared with the monks of the ordinary generation, they all have deeper internal strength.

After Hua Twelve asked, he found out that these people started to practice internal strength in the morning, and they went off when he yelled at their throats.

Guilt ah!
Hua Twelve didn't expect that it was his fault!
Such a kind person like him can't see this, can't see these eminent monks suffer.

Immediately, each of them gave a finger, and broke the dantian of these monks with a Yang finger.

These masters originally became obsessed because of poor internal energy, now that the dantian is abolished, the internal energy will naturally dissipate, and the disease of insanity will be cured without medicine.

Hua Twelve waved his hands to the eminent monks who cast 'grateful' glances at him: "Don't kowtow, the incident happened because of me, I should do it!"

Jia Ting and the others rolled their eyes when they heard this, thinking that whoever of these monks wants to kowtow to you, I guess they can't hate you if they hate you.

Sure enough, there were a few weak monks who, after hearing Hua Twelve's words, became furious and fainted. Before losing consciousness, they thought, thank you eight generations of ancestors!

Let Jia Ting send someone to watch these monks, and don't let them crawl around.

That's right, it's just crawling. Now these monks who have lost their inner strength, those who have broken their muscles and bones are all weak. If they want to run, they can't do it. If they want to escape, they can only use crawling.

Hua Twelve asked people to close the gate of the temple. When the province was doing business, some pilgrims broke in by accident, and left behind a few Dongchang fans. Looking at these monks, he took Yue Lingshan, took Jia Ting and others, and went Find the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

The BOSS is not here, so of course we have to steal the house, otherwise it would be for nothing.

But everyone searched the entire Shaolin Temple, but there was no trace of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. Hua Twelve waved to Jia Ting behind him.

Jia Ting understood, and took a few Dongchang fans to the Daxiong Palace like wolves like tigers, and after a while, he brought a temple traitor with a bruised nose, a swollen face, and two broken ribs.

When Hua Twelve was approaching, Jia Ting said with a sneer: "My lord, this eminent monk is a wise governor, understands righteousness, and is sick, and he wants to take us to the Buddhist scripture pavilion!"

Yue Lingshan was kind-hearted and couldn't bear it: "Mr. Jia, this master is crippled and looks in pain. Are you trying to extract a confession by torture and force him to take us there!"

Hua Twelve looked at Jia Ting, raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "What's the matter, did you really do it? Didn't I tell you that I did it just now to get rid of these monks' martial arts. Violence is usually not allowed. The factory guard Your reputation has ruined you people!"

Jia Ting was in a cold sweat, and bowed again and again: "My lord, Miss Yue, I am wronged, we are all following your lord to persuade others, how could we abuse violence!"

He turned his head and asked the monk whose eyes were all slit, "You said, did we torture you to extract a confession?"

The temple treacherous smiled repeatedly: "No, no, although the young monk has broken two ribs and a broken calf, but with a sincere heart, he also wants to contribute to Daming and the Lord. The monks in this temple have nothing to do when they are full. Practicing martial arts, fighting bravely, seeing how they look like monks, it is indeed a great merit for your lord to abolish their martial arts."

Hua Shishi waved his hands modestly: "Don't say that, this is what I should do!"

Yue Lingshan's heart was clear, she curled her lips and did not speak.

Now she was worried that Lao Yue would drive her and Lin Pingzhi out of Huashan if he knew what happened today. She also reminded Hua Twelve in a low voice before, telling him that doing so was against the way of chivalry.

But Hua Shier told Yue Lingshan to wait patiently until the end, and before sunset, he would definitely let her see the true face of the Shaolin School.

The temple traitor limped, and led the crowd to the back mountain of Shaolin behind the meditation room. Along a forest path, he turned a few turns to the northwest. There is a pavilion, and a plaque at the top of the building is exactly the three characters of "Zangjing Pavilion".

Hua Shishi saw that the Buddhist scripture pavilion was two miles away from the monastery, and it was still hidden in the mountains, so it suddenly dawned on him.

When he looked at Yitian and Xiaoao before, he was still a little puzzled.

Zhao Min from Yitianli, and all the tyrants who are proud of themselves, have all invaded Shaolin Temple, but for some reason they did not touch the Sutra Pavilion. It seemed unreasonable at the time, but now I know that it is because the Sutra Pavilion is not there. The reason in the temple.

Pulling Yue Lingshan to the base of the ginkgo tree in front of the Sutra Pavilion, Hua Twelfth waved his finger at Jia Ting and the others, indicating that they should go first.

The Shaolin sect has long flourished in the Jinwu world. From Tianlong to Luding, its status in the world has never been shaken, and the inheritance of martial arts has never been cut off. Who knows if there is another monk like Tianlong sweeping the floor in this Buddhist scripture pavilion? existence, we have to guard against it.

So let Jia Ting and the others explore the way first. If there are really masters, Hua Twelve will decide whether to use a sword or a pistol!

If there is really a top-notch master like the sweeping monk, who can't handle even Hua Twelve, you can also consider using RPG or something, or take a look at the bazooka and the three-foot qi gang, which is weaker and stronger!


The few factory guards who had just rushed in were immediately beaten out from inside. A middle-aged monk jumped out of the Buddhist scripture pavilion with a cooked copper stick in his hand, and shouted:
"Hey, who are you, dare to trespass on my important place in Shaolin!"

"Good good!"

Hua Twelve was overjoyed and even said three good words!
His shout not only stunned his own people, but the monk was also stunned. The monk was a little puzzled, why did he beat their people, and this little boy still shouted okay!
Yue Lingshan asked in a low voice: "Brother Lin, what are you doing!"

Hua Twelve pointed to the monk and explained: "It is said that there are poisonous snakes and fierce beasts guarding all the treasures of heaven, material and earth. You can see that there are also here. There must be good things in this Sutra Pavilion!"

The monk originally had a yellow face, but when he heard the words, he turned black and shouted:
"Speaking of poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts, the poor monk sees that you are monsters and goblins. Watch me crouch the magic wand to subdue demons and eliminate demons!"

Talking about dancing the cooked copper stick in his hand into a whirlwind, the next moment, he heard a "duh" sound, but it was Jia Ting who used the evil sword technique, and his movement was like a ghost rushing into the shadow of the stick, piercing the monk's shoulder with a sword, killing him Nailed to the door frame of the Sutra Pavilion.

Still the same sentence, martial arts in the world, only fast can not break!
As soon as Jia Ting succeeded in the move, he flipped his hand and slapped the monk's dantian, instantly crippling his inner strength, stretched out his hand to poke his acupoints and knocked him out.

This clean move made Hua Twelve say hello, Lao Jia's evil swordsmanship is well practiced!

The temple traitor who led the way was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground: "Forgive me, the poor monk only knows that the Buddhist scripture pavilion is here, but he doesn't know that there are experts guarding it!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand, not paying attention.

Jia Ting pulled out his sword, walked around the Sutra Pavilion with the sword, and made sure there was no one else, so he came back again, and said respectfully to Hua Shishi:
"My lord, it's clean inside!"

Hua Twelve pulled Yue Lingshan into the room together, and he collected the martial arts secret books himself, and asked Jia Ting and the others to look through the scriptures, in case there were any magical skills written in the gaps between the scriptures like the 'Nine Suns'.

As I said before, in Shaolin in the world of Jinwu, except for the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" whose name is not known, the inheritance of martial arts has not been cut off. From Tianlong to the present, it has been passed down in one continuous line.

So when Hua Twelve entered the Sutra Pavilion, he felt that he had paid for it.

The first, second and third floors of the Sutra Pavilion are filled with all kinds of Shaolin martial arts according to the importance of the secret books. The first floor is all kinds of boxing, kicking, boy skills, and other martial arts foundation building skills.

On the second floor are Shaolin's 72 unique skills, such as the Great Vajra Hand, Thousand-hand Tathagata Palm, One Slap and Two Scattering Palms, Duoluoye Finger, Wuxiang Jiezhi, Dragon Claw Hand, Tiger Claw Hand, Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Iron Cloth Shirt, Golden Bell Shade, Dharma Sword, Broken Ring Knife, etc.

There are also some more subtle inner strengths, such as Arhat magic powers, bodhicitta and so on.

Hua Twelve glanced at these cheat books, handed them to Jia Ting and the others to put them away, and then dragged Yue Lingshan up to the third floor full of anticipation.

The third floor is mostly Buddhist scriptures written by eminent monks in the past dynasties. There are only a few books of exercises, but all of them are magical secret books in the world.

In addition to "Shaolin Nine Suns Kung Fu", "King Kong Immortal Body Magic Kung Fu", there is also a small wooden box.

When the box was opened, there were cotton pads inside, and there were three rows of clay dolls, six in each row, 18 in total.

The dolls are exquisitely made, each of which is painted with white paint on the skin, filled with red lines, and there are countless black spots, which are the positions of veins and acupuncture points.

Yue Lingshan immediately became interested when she saw the clay puppet, she took out one and looked carefully, she saw Yongquan, Rangu, Zhaohai and other acupoints painted on the clay figurine, which was a set of internal energy operation chart of the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin.

Yue Lingshan was surprised: "Is this doll painted with a set of internal energy maps?"

"That's right, this is a set of rare magical skills in Buddhism!"

Hua Twelve nodded, he had already thought about what kind of kung fu these clay puppets were.

Yue Lingshan didn't believe it: "Senior Brother Lin tried his best to lie to me, you looked at the practice route, it's really normal, if you say it's Shaolin beginner's mind, I can still believe it a bit!"

Hua Twelve smiled: "You can't just look at the appearance in everything. If this thing is not important, can it be placed next to the 'Vajra Impossible Physique'!"

As he spoke, he reached out and took the clay doll from Yue Lingshan's hand, pinched it slightly, and with a few clicks, the whitewash, oil paint and mud bottom wrapped around the clay figure fell off one after another, revealing a puppet inside the clay doll. .

The body of the puppet is painted with a layer of tung oil and painted with black lines, but there are no acupuncture points. The carving is exquisite and lifelike.

Yue Lingshan let out a cry of surprise, and quickly peeled off the clay figures from the other clay figures in the wooden box one by one, and sure enough there was a puppet hidden inside each clay figure.

The expressions of these puppets are joyful, weeping bitterly, furious, kind and amiable.

And the movement lines on the puppet are completely different from those drawn on the clay figurine, but they are many times more profound and mysterious!
Yue Lingshan asked curiously: "Brother Lin, do you know what kind of exercise this is?"

Hua Twelve began to pretend to understand: "It is rumored that a set of 'Arhats subduing demons' created by the monks of the Shaolin generation is extremely profound and subtle, and it should be this. A number, keep it for now, maybe you can use it in the future!"

After speaking, he put all the puppets into the box, and took them together with "Shaolin Nine Suns Kung Fu" and "King Kong Immortal Physical Skill".

He also ordered Jia Ting to find all the scriptures written by Bodhidharma in the Sutra Pavilion, and he wanted to take them back for collection.

After sweeping around the Sutra Pavilion, Hua Twelve suddenly felt something was wrong. Where did the Shaolin classic "Yi Jin Jing" go?
He recalled carefully, and suddenly remembered that the place where A'Zhu stole the "Yi Jin Jing" seemed to be the Bodhi Court. It seems that the magical power of shaking the temple was not in the Sutra Pavilion.

Looking for the temple traitor from before, let him take everyone to the Bodhi Courtyard. After searching for a while, he found a scripture written in Sanskrit.

Together with this scripture, there is also the experience of the eminent monks in the past dynasties in practicing the "Yi Jin Jing", which proves that the Sanskrit scripture is Bodhidharma's Yi Jin Jing!

Coming out of the Bodhi Courtyard, Hua Twelve looked at the opposite courtyard and said Yaowang Courtyard, thinking that Shaolin medicine is also a must, so you can't miss it when you pass by, and immediately led someone in.

After searching again, I found a lot of Shaolin wound medicines such as Yuling Powder, Liuyang Zhengqi Pill, and more than 200 altars of medicinal wine for practicing various Shaolin martial arts.

Hua Shier asked Yue Lingshan and Jia Ting to wait outside, and he used the storage space inside to store the medicinal materials, medicinal wine, and elixir stored in the Yaowang Courtyard.

When he walked out of the Yaowangyuan, he felt that he had gained a lot, but it was a pity that he didn't find the legendary Great Returning Pill that could increase his skill for 20 years.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved, after all, I had never heard of such a thing in Jin Daxia's writing.

After searching for good things in the temple, it was already noon, and among the factory guards, Hua Shierang was able to cook, and they used local materials in the Shaolin kitchen, and everyone had a vegetarian meal.

Yue Lingshan followed Hua Twelve to do such a big thing, feeling uneasy, and urged him to leave quickly several times, but the latter was not in a hurry, only said that he had made a promise in front of the Buddha and hadn't finished it yet, so he just left It's time for retribution.

Yue Lingshan was laughed at by him, because of what you did today, you shouldn't be punished. Just thinking of this, she snarled twice. This is her man, how could she think so.

After eating, Hua Twelve took Yue Lingshan, took Jia Ting and other factory guards back to the front of the Daxiong Palace where Shaolin monks were guarded.

He said that he wanted to clean up the door for the Buddha, but it was still not enough to go to these monasteries and monks for martial arts.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Shaolin Temple gathered some Jiangyang thieves who were wanted by the imperial court and kept them in the temple.

Hua Twelve decided to be an examiner once, and give Shaolin Temple a thousand-year-old temple and the ancestral home of Zen Buddhism a good pass.

The big waves wash the sand, wash the sand out, and leave the real gold that you really want to practice!
Ask people to bring tables and chairs, and put various Buddhist scriptures on the tables.

Hua Twelve sat on the chair, glanced at the sluggish monks in the square under the steps, and then hooked his fingers to Jia Ting, who immediately stepped forward.

He whispered a few words, Jia Ting nodded repeatedly to express his understanding, then nodded to a factory guard, and instead of whispering a few words, the factory guard bowed to Hua Twelve One after listening, and walked quickly outside the temple up.

After the factory guard left, Hua Twelve turned his eyes to those monks, raised the corner of his mouth, and revealed a meaningful smile.

When the monks saw his smile, for some reason, they felt chills all over, as if seeing a devil and a ghost. They wondered what method this villain thought of to torture them.

Hua Twelve didn't hesitate, and directly stated his intentions:

"It is said that the Shaolin sect hides filth and evil. There are real monks and fake monks. I don't believe it. For the sake of Shaolin's reputation, let's take a small test. I will test your answers, mainly on the content of Buddhist scriptures and Buddhist sects. some common sense."

"Those who can pass the test are true monks, and can continue to stay in Shaolin to study Buddhism!"

"If you fail the exam, you are a fake monk. In the future, don't stay in Buddhism to eat and drink, cheat believers of money, and go down the mountain!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he casually pointed at the fierce-looking monk: "The monk with the scar on his face, you can just recite a Buddhist scripture, and if you recite it correctly, you will pass the test!"

The monk blinked, pondered for a long time, blushed and finally choked out a sentence: "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, um, I know so much!"

Hua Twelve is helpless, but I will do it too!

He waved his hand, and Jia Ting led his men up to drag the monk out of the monks, carved the three characters "fake monk" on his bald scalp with a dagger, and brushed it with ink, it was considered a tattoo. Just throw people aside.

Hua Twelve pointed to another one and asked, "What's Patriarch Bodhidharma's full name?"

The monk was stunned for a while, obviously not knowing, and was dragged out of the crowd the next moment, with words carved on his scalp.

Although Hua Shier had known for a long time that there were fake monks in the Shaolin School who did not learn Buddhism, he did not expect to find two at the beginning, especially the last one. No, it's too much!

Then I went down to take the exam, and this time I met several real monks one after another.

The Buddhist scriptures are all memorized backwards, and one looks at the temperament, which is the intensive study of Buddhism and the appearance of compassion.

For these true practices, Hua Twelve also gave preferential treatment, asking the factory guards to carry people aside, to heal their wounds, and to feed those who should be watered, so that they would not be allowed to bask in the sun.

Suddenly, Hua Shier found that among the monks, there was a monk with eyes full of hatred and a vicious look on his face. He was exactly a monk of the wonderful generation whose skills he had deprived of before.

Hua Twelve felt that this monk must be a fake monk, so he pointed at him immediately: "You, I will test you next!"

The monk snorted coldly and said: "What a joke, the poor monk has practiced Buddhism and martial arts for more than [-] years, but I let you, a non-religious person, test my Buddhism. You can take the test, as long as it is related to Buddhism, if you can pass the test of the poor monk , I don’t ask you to talk too much, I’m going down the mountain to return to vulgarity myself!”

Hua Twelve laughed and said, "Don't talk too much, it would be so embarrassing if you can't answer it!"

The monk just sneered, disdainful!

Hua Twelve coughed lightly: "Listen up, monk, do you know that Patriarch Bodhidharma came to the Central Plains to teach the Dharma!"

"Naturally know!"

"Okay, how many steps did Patriarch Bodhidharma walk from Tianzhu to Luoyang?"

The monk suddenly had a black question mark face, where would he answer this question.

Yue Lingshan turned around and started laughing, she couldn't help it, are you taking a test of Buddhist knowledge, are you cheating, okay?
Undoubtedly, this monk who hated Hua Twelve was dragged out of the crowd and engraved on his scalp.

Hua Twelve doesn't feel that he is retaliating, he can't let go of such a little hatred if he abolishes martial arts, and he can't cultivate the four majors, let's not forget that there are mixed people in the Buddhist team!
With more than a thousand monks, Hua Twelve speeded up, and one person took a test for one question, and the sun went down.

As a result, more than 700 people were eliminated, and only 300 people had really studied Buddhism.

Some monks have developed muscles, and as a result they can only chant Amitabha.

The factory guard who was paid by Jia Ting also came back, and used the token of the factory guard to call in the police from the Dengfeng County Government, and brought over all the arrest warrants issued by the Criminal Department in the county government for nearly 20 years. a box.

Hua Twelfth asked these arresters to compare them one by one with the wanted warrants, and arrested more than [-] wanted criminals from the monks, most of whom were Jianghu people with lives on their hands.

The police wanted to catch people, but there were too many prisoners and not enough manpower.

In the end, Jia Ting thought of a way and used hemp rope to pierce the lute bones of these fugitives, and then let the policeman push them down the mountain.

Hua Twelve flashed out his badge of Jinyi Tongzhi, and warned the policeman:

"These people haven't been hiding on the mountain for a day or two. Don't say you officials don't know. Go back and ask your county magistrate to handle the case. As long as you prove your identity, you should be killed and punished. I will leave a factory guard to supervise you. I want to hear the result within three days, if you dare to bend the law for personal gain, be careful with your heads!"

It took Hua Twelve just one day to turn Wuzong, the largest sect in the martial arts world, into a real temple specializing in Buddhism.

Although there are still many lay influences in Shaolin, this thousand-year-old temple finally has the ancestral home of Zen Buddhism, as it should have been.

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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