A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 553 Chaos in the Misty Rain Building!

Chapter 553 Chaos in the Misty Rain Building! (Seek full order)

Upstairs in Yanyu, there was only one table waiting for the banquet. Zhou Huaian invited Hua Shier and others to the table. He, Qiu Moyan, and Menda, the commander of Jinyiwei, accompanied him.

After taking his seat, Zhou Huai'an was next to Hua Twelve's left, picked up the jug, poured a glass for the latter himself, and said with a smile:
"When you arrive in Jiaxing, you have to taste the clearness. In Lu Fangweng's poems, he said, "Wuzhong is as clear as empty, and we can enjoy the half-foot red by the pool together." Today, the misty rain outside the building is hazy, and the flowers can't be seen. Our old friends meet again. , drink this clear water together, enjoy the mist and rain of a lake together, it is really a beautiful thing in life!"

After he finished speaking, he poured himself a glass of wine, and Chaohua Twelve signaled: "Brother Yu, Huai'an will do it first, as a respect!"

Zhou Huai'an drank the wine in one gulp, and when he put down the glass, he turned the glass down first, indicating that there was no more wine left.

Hua Twelve was playing with the wine glass in his hand, and said with some surprise on his face:

"I know that Brother Zhou is from the Ministry of War, and he was once a fierce general under Yang Yuxuan's lord Yang. I didn't expect Brother Zhou to be a Confucian general with both civil and military skills. No wonder he can be appreciated by today's son and entrusted with the important task of governor of the West Factory. I can't say that. Elegant words, admiration, admiration!"

Hearing him say that he couldn't express such elegant eyes, Qiu Moyan and Menda's eyes flashed a hint of ridicule.

These two people were sitting opposite Hua Twelve. He looked at all directions and could see their expressions clearly, let alone Menda, firstly, it was the first time they met, and secondly, this person was already a dead person in his eyes.

Hua Twelve was slightly surprised, what happened to Qiu Moyan?

In his impression, this female chivalrous woman Qiu is so affectionate and virtuous, she can fight Cao Shaoqin for the sake of Yang Yuxuan's sons and daughters.

Moreover, he and Qiu Moyan fought side by side in Longmen, and even saved each other's lives, so they have a good relationship, but looking at this female heroine Qiu today, it seems that the other party doesn't like him.

The corner of Hua Twelve's mouth curled up, and he guessed that it was probably because of that reason, so just treat this woman as an ungrateful white-eyed wolf.

These thoughts flashed in my mind, just for a moment. Zhou Huai'an, who was next to him, heard him say that he was a Confucian general with both civil and military skills, and waved his hands with a smile:

"Brother Yu is proud of both civil and military skills, but he just knows a few words and read a few books, that's all arty!"

At this time, Qiu Moyan on the opposite side suddenly said to Hua Twelve:

"Master Yu, Huai'an is toasting you, why don't you drink it, you are afraid that the wine may be poisonous, right?"

In an instant, the atmosphere at the dinner table became tense, but Hua Twelve didn't see anything unusual, he chuckled:
"Don't say that I have no enmity with Brother Zhou, even if there is a mortal hatred, I also believe that Brother Zhou's character cannot be poisoned in wine!"

He said that he drank the glass of clear wine in his hand, put down the glass, and said straight to the point:
"Brother Zhou came to Jiaxing this time, it's not just as simple as inviting me to drink. If there is anything, let's talk about it. We were friends in Longmen back then. We don't need to hide things. I'm born!"

Zhou Huaian's eyelids trembled slightly, then he put down his wine glass and said:

"Okay, Brother Yu, speak quickly, then Huai'an will make it clear, Huai'an wants to ask Brother Yu to leave Jiaxing, and hand over the martial arts conference to our West Factory, and the location will also be set in the capital!"

Hua Twelve's eyes flickered, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:
"Brother Zhou, I don't understand one thing. We are all doing business for the court and sharing the emperor's worries. Is it so important whether you, Xichang, or me, Jinyi Tongzhi, host this martial arts conference? Besides, there is no king in the world." So, what’s the difference if the location is in the capital or in Jiaxing?”

"Brother Zhou, please explain to me!"

Although Hua Shier knew the answer from Zhu Jianshen, he still couldn't believe that Zhou Huaian would go against him for that reason.

Moreover, in his view, holding the martial arts conference is the first step for the imperial court to control the world. If the strength is not enough, it will inevitably be retaliated. Is it because of that reason that Zhou Huaian has to fight with him even for such a thankless task? Compete?

Qiu Moyan sneered: "Do you need to explain clearly, you are."

"Mo Yan!"

Zhou Huaian glanced at Qiu Moyan, and said in a serious tone: "Don't talk too much!"

Hua Twelve chuckled, he guessed right, and Qiu Moyan was also because of that reason.

After Zhou Huaian stopped Qiu Moyan, he glanced at Jin Yiwei Commander Menda, who understood and said:

"Yuhuatian, why do you, a fellow in Jinyi, call people from all walks of life to hold a martial arts conference?"

"The current emperor has set up the West Anti-Correction Factory, which has the responsibility to supervise the East Factory and Jinyiwei. Governor Zhou is the governor of the West Factory, and he is the immediate boss of our Jinyiwei. You have to listen to what he says. Ask Duke Zhou why, you deserve it. ask?"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly, raised his hand to point at Menda, and was about to speak, but the moment he raised his hand, Jin Yiwei and Xichang Fanzi who were guarding all around choked and drew their swords out of their sheaths.

It was Qiu Moyan, who was sitting next to Zhou Huaian, with his sword drawn out, with a vigilant expression on his face.

Menda was taken aback by the sound of swords being unsheathed around him, and subconsciously wanted to touch the waist knife, but he reacted suspiciously and said:

"Did something happen?"

Hua Twelve pointed at Menda, and smiled at Zhou Huai'an, his smile was full of jokes, not only him, but also the people he brought, all of them were calm, and dismissed the other party's behavior of being surprised and flashing their weapons .

Zhou Huaian blushed, and ordered around: "It's nothing, put away your weapons, who told you to draw your swords?"

Qiu Moyan didn't speak, put away the Zimu sword and sat down again, and the other Jinyiwei and Xichang fans also put their swords back into their sheaths.

Menda winked, seeing Zhou Huai'an's embarrassment, and quickly rescued him, Chaohua Twelve shouted:

"Yu Huatian, this commander is your superior officer, what are you pointing at me for, it doesn't matter whether it's big or small!"

Hua Twelve pointed him twice:
"Men Da, Mr. Men, I mean you want to tell you that your seal is black, and you may be dismissed from office and lose your post. There is evil in your brows. If there is no accident, there will be a bloody disaster today!"

Menda's eyes narrowed: "Are you good at fortune-telling? Or are you talking nonsense and cursing me? Well, since you say that, I'll just wait. I'm in charge of the Son of Heaven's army. If you want to stop me, the emperor will order it." , if I am dismissed as an official today, then it’s fine, if you can’t dismiss my official position.”

When he said this, he sneered three times, gritted his teeth and said, "I will reserve a good seat for you in Yuhuatian in our Jinyiwei prison!"

Zhou Huaian began to smooth things over from the sidelines, and Chaohua Twelve persuaded:
"Brother Yu, you must abide by the rules of the court in the court. The lord is your superior, so you can't be rude to him. You should apologize to him quickly. If you want to come to see me, you won't be with me." You care about it!"

Hua Twelve looked at Zhou Huai'an in surprise. These words seemed to be good for him, but in today's game, if he had to admit his mistake to Menda according to Zhou Huai'an's intention, it meant that he had already bowed his head, and the others would not need to. What more to talk about.

He didn't expect that Zhou Huai'an was not as upright as he thought, and the methods in the officialdom were just as well played!

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Then what if I don't apologize?"

The smile on Zhou Huaian's face gradually faded: "Then I will have a hard time!"

Hua Twelve suddenly felt that these words sound familiar, subconsciously stood up, with a smile on his face:

"If it's difficult, then don't do it!"

After speaking, he directly lifted the table with one hand. Such a famous scene like Made was finally encountered. If he didn't lift the table, he would feel sorry for the audience.

This is not the kind of folding table that the crow lifted, but a mahogany table weighing more than 100 catties, with dozens of dishes placed on it, and the table was thrown towards Qiu Moyan and Menda on the opposite side.

Mader just babbled about these two people, and Hua Twelve endured it for a long time.

Zhou Huaian didn't expect Hua Twelve to turn his back when he said it, and it was too late to stop it.

Fortunately, both Qiu Moyan and Menda had martial arts skills, and they retreated quickly, but because of the sudden incident, they were both splashed with vegetable soup.

The solid wooden table hit the floor with a bang.

Jin Yiwei and Xichang Fanzi around were about to draw their swords again, Zhou Huaian shouted loudly: "No one is allowed to move!"

He got up and looked at Hua Twelve; "Brother Yu, as long as you agree to my previous conditions, I will pretend that this incident never happened, and we are still good friends!"

Hua Twelve ignored Zhou Huai'an and shouted loudly:
"Old Jia!"

Behind him, Jia Ting took a step forward, glanced at Zhou Huai'an and Menda arrogantly, and raised the tone:

"The decree has arrived!"

As he spoke, he took out a bright yellow silk imperial decree from his bosom.

Both Zhou Huaian and Menda looked suspicious, but seeing the imperial decree did not look like a fake, the former asked Zhaohua Twelve in surprise:

"Brother Yu, this is?"

"It's nothing. This is an imperial decree from the emperor. Let me read it to you at the right time. Kneel down and listen to the decree!"

Hua Twelve's last words were addressed to Zhou Huaian, Menda and the others, as well as to the people on his side.

Lu Xiaochuan, Cao Tian, ​​and Lan Fenghuang all behaved themselves and knelt down.

Yue Lingshan wanted to stand up and kneel down to listen to the decree, but Hua Twelve would not let his woman kneel casually, let alone an imperial decree, even if the emperor came there in person.

He reached out and touched Yue Lingshan's acupoints, and the latter stood still immediately. At this time, Hua Shier turned his head and blinked at Yue Lingshan from an angle that Zhou Huaian and the others couldn't see. The latter immediately understood, and his heart was sweet. It's like eating honey.

Zhou Huaian, Menda, and Qiu Moyan all knelt down, and when they knelt, Jin Yiwei and Xichang Fanzi, who were watching around, also knelt on the ground.

Seeing that Hua Shier and Yue Lingshan didn't kneel, Qiu Moyan was dissatisfied and said, "Since we obey the emperor's order, why are we kneeling and neither of you kneeling!"

Jia Ting said: "The emperor has an order, Mr. Yu has worked hard to eradicate Cao Shaoqin for the court, you can listen to the order and not kneel!"

Qiu Moyan snorted: "Even so, what about her!" He pointed at Yue Lingshan.

Hua Twelve yawned: "She also wanted to kneel, but I tapped her acupuncture points. My lord is Jin Yi Tongzhi, but she is just a grassroots person. She made a mistake, so why don't I tap her?"

"Nonsense, what's wrong with her."

"My lord has been sitting here for a long time, and she didn't pick up a single bite of food for me. This mistake is too serious!"


But Jia Ting ignored Qiu Moyan, and when Hua Twelve finished speaking, he read the imperial decree aloud:
"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: Since ancient times, the sages have governed the country, and they all rely on talents to assist them. I have brocade clothes to guard the rain and transform the fields, and to eradicate traitors for the country. I have made great contributions to the court. I have both talents and virtues. I have won my heart. They are indeed my talents and the pillars of the country. .Today, I accept the destiny to set up the editorial office, govern two factories and one guard, and order Yuhuatian to be the admiral of the general factory, and give me the right to kill first and play later, I respect this!"

After the imperial decree was read, everyone on Hua Shier's side was elated, and Zhou Huaian, Menda and the others were stunned, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Hua Shier casually untied Yue Lingshan's acupuncture points, then laughed loudly and said:

"East Factory and West Factory. In the future, there will be no internal factories, factories, Liuli Factory. There are too many names. I suggest that the emperor build a general factory. Don't care about any factories in the future, they will all be under the control of my general factory!"

He looked at Zhou Huaian who was still kneeling on the ground, Menda and the two said:

"What is the main factory? First kill and then play, the imperial power franchise, this is the main factory!"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he showed a spring-like smile to Menda:
"Master Sect, want to fight with me? You are kneeling in front of me now, what are you using to fight with me!"

Zhou Huaian stood up and said in disbelief: "Impossible, your imperial decree is false, the emperor promised to fully support me, it is impossible to create another main factory"

Hua Twelve's face darkened: "Brother Zhou, you have to think too much about what you say. False preaching of the imperial decree is a serious crime of confiscating the family and destroying the family. Are you saying that I falsely preach the imperial decree?"

Although Menda was sinister and vicious, he was a fool. When Cao Shaoqin gained power, he followed Cao Shaoqing. Zhou Huaian was the admiral of Xichang, and he immediately turned to hug Zhou Huaian's thigh.

At this time, I heard the imperial decree that Yuhuatian became the governor of the general factory in charge of the two factories and one guard. Thinking of what he said just now to offend others, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and cold sweat instantly covered his cheeks.

He touched the ground on all fours, just knelt around the table, climbed to Hua Twelve's feet, and shouted:
"Mr. Yu, I was joking with you just now. It was Zhou Huai'an. I reported him. He has deployed manpower here. They want to harm you, my lord."


Zhou Huaian and Qiu Moyan didn't expect this guy to betray directly, and even exposed the backhand of the arrangement in advance.

Hua Twelve didn't look at Zhou Huai'an, but sighed at Menda: "My lord, I said that you will lose your official position today, and there will be a bloody disaster. I always keep my word, so I wish you all the best." !"

As he spoke, he bent down, reached out and patted the shoulder of the Commander of Jinyiwei, and his blessing was very sincere.

Menda panicked and said: "Duke, Dugong, I still have news. They found Linghu Chong from your Huashan sect. That kid is dissatisfied with you. He is outside now. There is also Situ Shang from Baiyaomen."

When he said this, he saw that Hua Twelve's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't intend to give him a chance at all. He turned his heart, his shoulder moved slightly, and a dagger fell from his cuff, which happened to be caught by him.

But before he could stab, he was slapped on the top door by Hua Twelve's palm, and his seven orifices bled immediately, and he froze on the spot.

The next moment, Menda fell to the ground with a thump, his face was filled with disbelief, but more regret.

Zhou Huaian pointed at Hua Twelve and said in a loud voice: "Yuhuatian, you killed the court officials without authorization, are you going to rebel?"

Hua Twelve chuckled: "Brother Zhou, don't you understand people's language? Come and tell me, what does it mean to kill first and play later, the imperial power charter?"

Zhou Huai'an didn't answer, and quickly backed away, shouting at the same time: "The eunuch is wronging the country, Yuhuatian is the second Cao Shaoqin, let's do it together!"

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Hua Shishi's mouth, did he finally say it out? The news he got from Zhu Jianshen, Zhou Huaian originally admired him after returning to Beijing, but since he learned that Yu Huatian was an eunuch in the palace, Attitude is about to make a 180-degree turn.

In front of Zhu Jianshen several times, he complained severely, saying that Yu Huatian, as a eunuch, actually meddled in Jianghu affairs and made friends with martial arts people, and his heart was to be punished.

Hua Twelve used hypnosis to make the most of the situation, and imprinted his own image in the depths of Zhu Jianshen's heart, making the latter recognize him and worship him, but he didn't expect that after Zhu Jianshen ascended the throne and became the emperor, he would become the only one in the land of Ming Dynasty. When it grows out, the first thing to get rid of is the shadow of idols.

Because of the emperor, there is no need to be in awe of anyone!

So Zhu Jianshen was deeply moved, and gave Zhou Huaian the governor of the West Factory reserved by Hua Shier, and let him do it.

This is how after Zhou Huai'an, he joined forces with Shaolin and Wudang to sing against Hua Twelve.

And Zhou Huai'an didn't use his power to directly suppress Hua Twelve because he knew the latter's methods, not only his martial arts were unfathomable, but he could also control flying swords. Who could match such an ability?
Therefore, Zhou Huai'an and Hua Twelve sang against each other, and they just wanted to let him retreat in the face of difficulties.

It was precisely because Hua Shier learned from Zhu Jianshen that Zhou Huai'an had no intention of killing him, so he kept his composure and played casually with him. It lives to this day.

But he didn't expect Zhou Huaian to attack him today.

The moment Zhou Huaian yelled to fight, seven or eight people flew in from the open window. Hua Twelve glanced at them, and found a few of them with a tough look, and they were obviously from military background.

As for Linghu Chong mentioned by Menda, he was not among them.

At this time, there were also dense footsteps on the stairs, and Xichang Fanzi rushed up from the first floor.

Dongchang's three pawns and Jin Xiangyu all showed their weapons, and Yue Lingshan also drew out the water-piercing sword to guard the surroundings.

Lan Fenghuang shook his hand toward the stairs and sprinkled a piece of brown medicinal powder.

The Xichang Fanzi, who was sprinkled by the medicine powder, instantly had blisters on his skin, feeling like a fire, and immediately rolled all over the ground, and the fallen people immediately blocked the stairs, making it impossible for more Xichang Fanzi below to go up building.

A young man came in through the window and said, "It's the Red Scorpion fan, you are the Blue Phoenix?"

As he spoke, he moved his body quickly, and at the same time reached into his arms, took out the medicine bottle from his arms, opened it, and poured a bottle of medicine at the fallen Xichang fans, and shouted: "Quickly apply it to the wound!"

Those Xichang fanzi quickly used the splashed liquid medicine to smear the red scorpion powder on the skin, and the pain disappeared immediately, and the blisters were much smaller.

Lan Fenghuang smiled coquettishly at the young man and said:
"You are Situ Shang, the grandson of Baiyaomen Situ Laogui? Are you the one who poured the seven-step reminder powder in my lord's wine glass? Knowing that the leader is here, you dare to oppose the leader. You are so courageous, your grandfather do you know?"

Hua Twelve had a black thread on his head: "You know there is poison in the wine, and you didn't remind me?"

After speaking, he turned to Zhou Huai'an and said, "Your surname is Zhou, I really misjudged the person, you are really poisonous!"

Zhou Huaian said sternly: "If you can get rid of you as a traitor for the imperial court, what does it mean for Zhou Huaian to be a villain once? Brother Yu, as long as you agree to return to the capital with me and stop participating in political affairs, Huai'an will immediately offer you the antidote! "

Lan Fenghuang giggled at Hua Twelve and said, "What are you afraid of, my lord, you have already been invulnerable to all poisons after drinking the Wubaohua honey wine!"

Hua Twelve glared at her angrily, then suddenly reached out and scratched in Situ Shang's direction.

Situ Shang felt an invisible force directly locked his throat, and the next moment he was caught by Hua Twelve:
"Taste your own poison bar, too!"

Hua Twelve opened Situ Shang's mouth and waved out a handful of fragrant liquid, which was exactly the glass of wine just now.

In fact, as soon as the glass of wine was drunk, he gave him a storage space for the wine. His so-called belief in Zhou Huai'an's character is just pretending to be grand, just pretending to be forceful, so he will not entrust his own safety to others. In terms of character.

Especially when you know that the other party wants to deal with you, if you really want to drink, he is SB!

At this time, not a single drop of the poisoned wine was wasted, and all of it was poured into Situ Shang's mouth.

Hua Twelve suddenly activated, catching people on both sides by surprise. Lan Fenghuang shouted:

"My lord, don't kill him!"

Zhou Huaian and Qiu Moyan attacked with swords at the same time, and the former shouted: "Be merciful!"

Jin Xiangyu rushed directly towards Zhou Huai'an, and said with a teasing smile: "Good friend, let me see if you are promoted to an official, and whether you are strong enough!"

Yue Lingshan confronted Qiu Moyan with her sword. This woman was sneering at her sweetheart, and she had long since disliked her.

Although Miss Yue has heard everything others say, she can tell whether the person around her is someone she likes, whether it is Lin Pingzhi or Yuhuatian, if he is him, she will recognize him.

Hua Twelve looked at Situ Shang in his hand planing his pedals, and he curled his lips in disgust:

"Nonsense seven-step reminder powder, you still have the energy to toss, what a waste, let me help you!"

As he spoke, exerting force with his five fingers, Situ Shang's neck was pinched with a snap.

Zhou Huaian's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted loudly: "Give it all to me!"

The Xichang fanzi he brought, and those who jumped in from the window all rushed forward with swords in hand.

Hua Twelve casually threw away Situ Shang's body, not even looking at the surrounding enemies.

Jia Ting, the head of the Dongchang stall, shouted: "Protect your lord, kill them all!"

He, Lu Xiaochuan, Cao Tian, ​​and Lan Fenghuang, each protecting one side, flew up with evil swordsmanship and poison, and began to kill with all their might.

At this time, the entire Yanyu upstairs was in chaos, except for Hua Shier who was standing in the middle, everyone was caught in a fight.

Hua Twelve stood with his hands behind his back and watched the battle situation. In his opinion, if there were no accidents, there would be no suspense about what happened today.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident. With a bang, the bricks and tiles on Hua Twelve's head shattered, and an old monk in a red cassock smashed it on the head with a tin staff in his hand.


Hua Twelve almost recognized the wrong person when he looked at the appearance, but he immediately remembered who it was: "Shaolin Fangzheng?"

While he was speaking, he flicked his fingers, and an embroidery needle flew out, piercing the old monk's brow directly.

Hua Twelve took a step back, and the old monk with his tin stick fell heavily in front of him, he was surprised:
"That's it?"

But at this moment, there were two booms and booms, and two figures broke through the roof of the building and fell down. The people who came were a monk and a monk.

The Taoist is like an old farmer, who is not at all brilliant, and attacks upwards with a sword in his hand.

The monk is also an old monk wearing a red cassock, but short in stature and thin in appearance. When the old monk saw the dead old monk on the ground, he cried out sadly:

"Senior brother!"

Hua Twelve drew out the clear water sword, forced the Taoist back with one blow, and suddenly said to the short and thin old monk:
"It turns out that you are Fang Zheng, and the one I beat to death is your junior brother, Master Fang Sheng!"

Fang Zheng didn't respond, he hooked his foot, and Fang Sheng's tin staff was in his hand. With a loud roar, he used the Wind Staff Technique to attack Hua Twelve together with the Taoist.

Seeing that the Taoist priest was using the Wudang Taiji Sword, Hua Shier guessed the identity of the Taoist: "Okay, Shaolin Fangzheng, Wudang Chongxu, since you are here, stay here, don't go!"

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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