A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 555 Did you rely on fortune-telling to learn martial arts?

Chapter 555 Did you rely on fortune-telling to learn martial arts? (Seek full order)
PS: The [-] plus chapter counts as an addition, hehe.

Under the black cloth covering his face, his face is like gold paper, isn't it just Huashansu's old style.

Hua Twelve had already guessed that it was this eccentric, calf-protecting old guy. This Fang Tiandi could compete with him in swordsmanship, and he had never used the same moves from the beginning to the end, so he was just a crazy old man. Such a one.

He said angrily: "Crazy old man, why are you stopping me? Do you know what Linghu Chong did just now?"

Feng Qingyang looked bleak, as if he had aged a lot, he looked at the boat that had gone away on the lake, nodded and said:


"You know that Linghu Chong joined forces with others to attack and kill me, but you still stop me from killing him? You're too biased!"

If Hua Twelve hadn't seen that Feng Qingyang was only trying to stop himself before, and there was no killing intent in his sword moves, he would have raised his sword to strike now.

Feng Qingyang looked a little lonely: "Pingzhi, I'm sorry for this matter, I will give you an explanation when I return to Fuwei Escort Bureau!"

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking, glanced at Yue Lingshan, and seeing that she was not injured, he raised his sword, turned around and walked towards the lake, got into a small boat, and rowed to the opposite bank by himself.

However, the back of the scull is not as tall and straight as it used to be, it looks a lot more stooped.

Hua Twelve originally wanted to ask if Feng Qingyang was involved in this incident, but on second thought, he said no. If Lao Feng was involved, he would not be so relaxed, and the crazy old man would not wait for him to kill them all. just appeared.

Yue Lingshan walked to Hua Shier's side, watched Feng Qingyang row away, and sighed:
"Uncle Grand Master was really hurt by the elder brother. When he turned around, I saw his eyes were red!"

Hua Twelve actually saw it too. When Lao Feng turned around, there were tears in his eyes. He left so quickly and said that he would explain when he went back. He probably didn't want to cry in front of others.

But now that he has a problem with Lao Feng, he won't speak for him, and he doesn't feel sorry for him, so he said immediately:

"He has pink eye disease, Lingshan, stay away from him, this disease is contagious!"

Yue Lingshan was angry and funny, at this moment, the atmosphere that should have been quite sad made Hua Twelve dumbfounded with just a few words.

While talking, her eye circles were also a little red. Yue Lingshan knew that the elder brother had gone too far this time, and she couldn't justify it. If she said goodbye today, she would no longer be a relative.

Glancing at the lover next to her, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and strengthened her mind. She pleaded for Linghu Chong before, and it was because of her previous affection. If the elder brother wants to harm her sweetheart again, he will be Yue Lingshan's enemy.

Hua Twelve also noticed that Yue Lingshan was crying, he didn't say anything, pretended not to see, and told the disgraced Jia Ting and the others:
"Go and touch the corpses one by one to see if there are any cheats, and then make up a few knives. If you dare to plot against me, don't keep a single one alive!"

Apart from the people in the Misty Rain Building, there were also quite a few Jinyiwei guards on guard, all of whom were rushed over and killed by Jia Ting and the others, and then began to make up for the corpses one by one.

Lan Fenghuang was not used to this kind of scene, so he didn't go there, watching Dongchang's three stalls and Jin Xiangyu busy there.

If you want to say that it has to be gold inlaid with jade that has sold human flesh buns, this dirty work is done with vigor, even the gold and silver on the corpse, cheering when you find a piece of gold, and then aggressively pointing at the corpse With a knife, other people stab when they make up a knife, but when she slashes, the blood foam flies straight.

This scene made the eyes of the leader of the Five Poisons twitch. These days, she gets along well with Jin Xiangyu, but she didn't expect this woman to be so cruel.

Hua Twelve Chao Lan Fenghuang asked: "Do you know the person who rescued Linghu Chong? She called you for help just now!"

Lan Fenghuang was so frightened that she knelt down on one knee: "My lord, the woman wearing the bamboo hat is Miss Ren, the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect. She and I are sisters, but I didn't help her just now!"

Hua Twelve waved his hand: "If you helped her just now, would you still have a chance to stand here and talk to me?"

Lan Fenghuang hurriedly flattered: "Your Excellency is the master of Qingtian, you can see every detail!"

Hua Twelve was amused: "Okay, get up quickly, you can use the two operas you have learned!"

Lan Fenghuang smiled awkwardly, got up quickly, and then took the initiative to tell Hua Twelve about Xiang Wentian's identity.

Hua Twelve pondered for a while, and Xiang Wentian came out, then the next step is probably to save Ren Woxing, so let these people live for another two days.

Entering the "Swordsman World" this time, the system also issued a hidden task of "No. [-] in the world", allowing him to defeat the world's best.

But he was not required to defeat any master, nor was there a stipulation on the number of masters, so this was tantamount to an open task.

Hua Twelve thought, the more masters he defeats in this kind of mission, and the stronger the masters he defeats, the more rewards he will get.

So he planned to keep these masters for a while, and when Ren Woxing recovered his old skills and Linghu Chong was stronger, he would defeat the two of them in one fell swoop, so that after completing the task, he would gain more benefits.

Jia Ting and the others really found something good. Fang Zheng and Fang Sheng, two old monks, only had some scraps of silver and copper coins in their arms, and the other bits and pieces were of little value.

But Daoist Chongxu exploded. Lu Xiaochuan found a book of martial arts notes on Chongxu, which contained some experience of Chongxu's martial arts practice and what he had learned.

Hua Twelfth glanced at it roughly, and was pleasantly surprised to find that because it was difficult for Chongxu to practice Ti Yunzong when he was young, he wrote down his experience of each practice in this note. With such a method, it is possible to piece together the original appearance of the "Ti Yunzong" light-weight exercise.

Unexpected joy!
After mending the knife, Hua Shier asked Jia Ting and others to gather the corpses together and pile them up, then took out a small bottle, picked out some powdered medicine with his fingernails, and flicked it on the wound of Zhou Huaian's corpse.

The people he brought came over to watch curiously, and then they saw a strange scene, yellow water began to emerge from the wound, and in a short while, the grown man was digested without a trace, leaving only one The pool of yellow water flows along the height to other corpses.

In less than a stick of incense, hundreds of corpses turned into yellow liquid, soaked into the soil and disappeared.

Lan Fenghuang, the leader of the Five Poisons, was startled: "My lord, what kind of medicine are you using?"

"I'm called Corpse Transformation Powder. It was made by Ouyang Feng, one of the five wonders of the world in the Southern Song Dynasty. How about it? It's not worse than your five poisons, right?"

After Hua Twelve finished speaking, he held the small bottle and made a gesture, and the people on the opposite side were frightened. Even Lan Fenghuang was so frightened that he quickly dodged. The gold inlaid jade was the most exaggerated, shouting:

"Oh, I'm going to die. My mother has long thought that this bastard is going to silence me. I don't want to turn into yellow water."

When she was surprised to find that she was fine, she turned her head to look at the others, and saw the three heads of the East Factory looking at her with admiration, and Lan Fenghuang covered her mouth for fear of laughing out loud.

Hua Twelve has black heads and black faces: "Who do you call a bastard?"

The corners of Jin Xiangyu's mouth twitched: "Oh, I mean Zhou Huai'an, that bastard, died well. It's a pity that my mother was interested in him back then, so she dared to ambush the Lord, bah, blinded his dog-eyed black heart"

Hua Twelve turned around and left with a sullen face: "Let's go back by boat!"

Jin Xiangyu let go of his hanging heart in an instant, and greeted Lan Fenghuang and the three heads of Dongchang: "It's okay, let's call it a day!"

Hua Shishi said without turning his head: "The others will take the boat with me, and the gold inlaid jade can swim back by itself!"

The gold inlaid jade instantly turned into a bitter face: "My lord, I'm in the desert, I can't swim!"

Hua Twelve pulled Yue Lingshan, his feet seemed to shrink into an inch, and he was already on the boat in a few steps. He turned his head to this side and said, "Throw her a piece of wood, as long as she doesn't drown!"

Everyone returned to the sub-colon of Fuwei Escort, Hua Shier and Yue Lingshan hadn't changed at all, Jia Ting and the others were disheveled, only gold inlaid with jade and looking like a drowned rat.

The familiar Huashan disciple also asked: "Miss Jin, why do you look like you fell into the lake!"

Jin Xiangyu said sadly: "My old lady just fell into the lake!"

Lan Fenghuang smiled and shook his shoulders.

Lu Dayou was waiting at the door, and when he saw Hua Twelve came back, he hurried forward to say hello: "Senior Brother Lin, Junior Sister, you may be back, Master, Mistress, and Uncle Feng Tai have been waiting for you for a while, let me be here Wait, I told you to go over and talk as soon as you come back!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced outside, and then asked: "By the way, have you seen Senior Brother today? I haven't seen him in the morning!"

Yue Lingshan's eyes were red again, and Lu Dayou was stunned: "Don't cry, little junior sister, what's wrong with you?"

Hua Twelve pulled Yue Lingshan and walked in, and said to Lu Dayou, "Junior Brother Lu, you also come along, some things have to be clarified!"

Lu Da nodded, and followed the two of them straight to Xikuayuan where the Huashan faction lived, but at this moment he had a bad premonition in his heart.

When we arrived at the flower hall of the Xikuayuan, the wind was clear, Lao Yue and his wife, Feng Buping, Cheng Buyou, Cong Buqi, the older generation of Huashan School were all waiting here.

Ning Zhong didn't seem to know the truth. When he saw the two of them coming back, he complained a little: "You guys don't know how to take care of your body at all. You go outside in rainy days, and you don't worry about getting sick. When you turn around, you can run your inner strength twice. Take the chill off."

Yue Buqun nodded to the two with a smile, then turned to Feng Qingyang and said, "Master uncle told us to come over to discuss something, and then insisted on waiting for Pingzhi and the others to come back. Now that they are back, you should do whatever you need to do." Say it!"

Feng Qingyang nodded, then waved to Lu Dayou: "Liu Hou'er, you kid, go out first, you can't listen to this matter!"

When he said this, except for today's party, everyone else was a little curious.

Hua Twelve said, "Uncle Grand Master, you must make this matter clear, otherwise, if Linghu Chong doesn't come back, the senior brothers will think that I killed him. Instead of letting them guess wildly, it's better to call him today." Brothers and sisters, let’s come over and clarify together!”

Lao Yue and his wife couldn't sit still for a while, Yue Buqun asked: "Is this related to Chong'er?"

Ning Zhong asked Lu Dayou, "Dayou, where did your elder brother go!"

Lu Dayou showed a worried look on his face; "Eldest brother, he took us out for a walk after morning class, but he hasn't come back yet!"

After finishing speaking, he asked Yue Lingshan: "Little sister, what happened to senior brother!"

Suddenly there was a sigh from the chief seat, Feng Qingyang said: "Just do as Lin boy said, Liu Houer, go and call all your senior brothers, let me explain this matter clearly! "

Yue Buqun waved to Lu Dayou, telling him to go quickly, but the latter dared not neglect, and trotted all the way to call the other brothers over.

The members of the Huashan faction gathered together, and Feng Qingyang told the story.

It turned out that because Feng Qingyang had to instruct Linghu Chong on his sword skills every day, the latter's room was arranged next to Lao Feng's residence.

That night Linghu Chong went out sneakily and dug out the Fuwei Escort Bureau from the back wall of the toilet. He thought he was doing a cover-up, but how could he escape the eyes and ears of a top expert like Feng Qingyang.

Lao Feng was surprised that he, the master of swordsmanship, didn't sleep or practice in the middle of the night, so why did he climb over the wall and go out?He then followed.

Linghu Chong went directly to the Shuangfu Inn, but he didn't pay a visit, but kept an eye on it, and used light work to turn in.

But the people in the inn were Zhou Huai'an and others, and many masters were there, such as Linghu Chong's three-legged cat's qinggong, who was discovered as soon as he entered, and then moved inside.

Lao Feng's lightness kung fu was naturally not afraid of being discovered, he hid in the dark and was not in a hurry to help, so he just took advantage of this opportunity to let Linghu Chong practice his skills.

Linghu Chong held a long sword in his hand and used the Dugu Nine Swords. Zhou Huaian and Qiu Moyan's long swords were blown away in a few strikes. The other Jinyiwei and Xichang fanzi couldn't get close at all.

Then Wudang Chongxu made a move, Tai Chi VS Nine Swords!

In the original plot, Linghu Chong's swordsmanship is not as good as Wudang's Taiji sword now, but now he has been carefully taught by Lao Feng during this time, and even the Wudang master who is forced to retreat after three moves and two moves.

In the end, Chongxu stopped, and asked him if he had learned the Dugu Nine Swords from Senior Hefeng Qingyang, Linghu Chong nodded, and the other party immediately treated him as a guest of honor and invited him into the room for a detailed discussion.

When the people in the room revealed their identities one by one, Linghu Chong looked shocked. The head of Shaolin and Wudang, the righteous Taishan Beidou of Wulin, was on the spot.

He immediately regarded himself as a junior, extremely respectful.

In front of Linghu Chong, Zhou Huaian exposed the fact that Lin Pingzhi was actually Yuhuatian, the eunuch in the palace, saying that this person, like Cao Shaoqin, was an eunuch who wanted to control power, especially this Yuhuatian, who joined Huashan , Colluding with other sects, wanting to hold a martial arts conference and control the forces in the rivers and lakes.

According to Zhou Huaian, Hua Twelve became an ambitious person.

In his words, if an eunuch wants to control the power behind the emperor's back, this is to have a conspiracy, it's a big treason, and Hua Shier also broke the foundation of Shaolin martial arts, such a person is more ferocious than the devil, must Prevent him from holding a martial arts conference, if he does not listen to persuasion, he will be eradicated.

Linghu Chong had a very bad impression of Hua Twelve at first, and thought that she was not a good match for his younger junior sister. Hearing such a secret, he could consider it on other occasions, but the Shaolin and Wudang masters were in front of him, so he would not Believe it out of ten if you doubt it.

And he suddenly figured out the story that the eunuch wanted to cheat the marriage, and used the Huashan faction as a springboard to plot Jianghu.

Of course, Lao Feng didn't know what Linghu Chong was thinking at the time, he just told what Linghu Chong had a complicated expression and was filled with righteous indignation after hearing it.

When Lao Feng talked about this part, all eyes in the flower hall were all focused on Hua Twelve.

Yue Buqun asked Hua Twelve: "Pingzhi, what they said is not true, is it?"

Hua Twelve said with a faint smile, "Some are true and some are false!"

Lao Yue suddenly stood up, pointed at him and asked tremblingly, "Are you really a eunuch?"

Hua Twelve was so worried, he said helplessly: "Master, let's go to the latrine to drain the water together, just see if I'm bigger than yours."

The originally serious atmosphere made him lose his defense in an instant, Feng Buping laughed, and those female disciples in Huashan were all red and spat at him.

Junior brother Ying Bailuo said at this time: "I can prove it to Senior Brother Lin!"

This time, Hua Twelve couldn't fix it: "Xiao Yingzi, can you prove that mine is bigger than Shigong's?"

Feng Buping patted the table with a smile, Cheng Buyou laughed and said, "Senior brother Yue, you little apprentice is really interesting!"

Lao Yue's face was reddened by the teacher's smile, and he scolded the young student: "What nonsense!"

Ying Bailuo couldn't explain clearly and waved his hands again and again: "No, I didn't mean that, I mean I can prove that Senior Brother Lin is not a eunuch, when he took us to the morning class, everyone relieved their hands together, all the senior brothers were present at that time! "

Liang Fa, Shi Daizi, Lu Dayou and others nodded as soon as they recalled it. It was indeed like this at that time. When they were practicing, they wanted to relieve themselves. A few people went to the grass or behind a big tree to solve it. No junior sister was present. At that time, he was still standing on the cliff and spraying outside. At that time, Senior Brother Lin was indeed with everyone, how could he be a eunuch.

Lao Yue and his wife were immediately relieved when the audience disciples said this. After all, this is his future son-in-law. If he is really an eunuch, then he would have cheated his own daughter.

Feng Qingyang said with a puzzled air: "You all know that boy Lin is not, but how could that boy Linghu Chong believe it? He scolded boy Lin for cheating Lingshan girl, and even asked to join in for help!"

The others were also puzzled, but it was Hua Twelfth who said it himself: "During the time I took my brother to the morning class, Linghu Chong was thinking about his past on the cliff of thinking, so the two of us didn't meet much, and I didn't go to the toilet with him. Pass!"

It dawned on everyone, it turned out that all the brothers and sisters knew that Hua Twelve had capital, only that idiot Linghu Chong didn't know.

Hua Twelve explained the matter of Yuhuatian again, and only said that it was his name in Jinyiwei. There are other strange things about this matter, and we will talk about it later.

Everyone did not doubt this statement. After all, Jin Yiwei's profession used a lot of pseudonyms.

Lao Feng went on to talk about it. Although he was shocked by what Zhou Huai'an and others said at the time, he believed in his own people more than outsiders. It should be investigated before a decision can be made.

At that time, seeing his heir was so reckless, he also hated it a little bit, and planned to see what the other party would do next.

At this time, among those people in Zhou Huai'an, a young man took out a small porcelain bottle and handed it to Linghu Chong, asking him to find a chance to put it in Hua Shier's diet, apparently to poison it.

Linghu Chong thought for a while, then put away the porcelain vase, left the Shuangfu Inn, and returned the same way.

Lao Feng followed Linghu Chong with a complicated expression, and went all the way back to Fuwei Escort. Afterwards, he did not make this matter public, nor did he expose Linghu Chong. He wanted to see how the heir he had chosen would handle this matter. .

If Linghu Chong really poisoned him, he would come forward to stop him.

After waiting for a few days, Lao Feng didn't see Linghu Chong poisoning him, so he couldn't help but secretly nodded, thinking that even if he treats wicked people, he should be upright, if he uses unscrupulous means, it's no different from a wicked person.

Hua Twelve rolled his eyes when he heard this, and he really had the same sex as Linghu Chong, no wonder they looked at each other right.

It was precisely because Linghu Chong didn't poison Hua Shier that Feng Qingyang didn't expose it and continued to observe secretly.

To his disappointment, Linghu Chong didn't investigate whether Hua Twelve had deceived the Huashan faction until yesterday when the other party approached Linghu Chong and questioned him. The latter said he had no chance, but was willing to help eradicate the eunuchs.

Zhou Huai'an seemed to think that Linghu Chong's swordsmanship would be of help, so he agreed. Lao Feng also followed Linghu Chong to the Misty Rain Tower today.

Until Linghu Chong made his move, he had always hoped that his successor would rein in the precipice, take the initiative to find his way back, and report this matter to the elders of the Huashan School.

Unfortunately, Linghu Chong did not.

When Linghu Chong, Fang Zheng, and Chongxu besieged Hua Shier together, Feng Qingyang was completely disappointed, and acted without checking. No matter what the evidence proved afterwards, a charge of colluding with outsiders to kill fellow sects would not be able to escape.

In the end, Lao Feng saved Linghu Chong because of his old friendship. At that time, he was still hoping that Hua Shier was really a villain as Zhou Huaian said, and that would prove that Linghu Chong was right. Everything is unfair, how can other things be taken seriously.

"This beast!"

Lao Yue turned pale after hearing this, Feng Buping shook his head repeatedly, and Ning Zhong had a disappointed and sad look on his face. She never thought that Chong'er, whom she brought up with her own hands, would be so ignorant.

Hua Twelve Chaofeng Qingyang complained: "I said crazy old man, I was besieged at that time, and you were watching the fun outside on the spot!"

Feng Qingyang gave Hua Twelve a look: "Fang Zheng, Fang Sheng, Chong Xu, Zuo Lengchan, and that idiot Linghu Chong are no match for you. Do you still need my help?"

When he said this, there was an uproar in the flower hall.

Hua Twelve said: "I'm being besieged and you don't help me, you will come out once Linghu Chong is defeated!"

When Feng Qingyang heard this, his energy and spirit withered in an instant, his expression was lonely, and he waved his hands:

"Anyway, just this time, go back and find me, and the old man will give you a satisfactory compensation!"

When Hua Twelve heard that it was good, he immediately laughed out loud. In fact, it wasn't Lao Feng's fault that he couldn't kill Linghu Chong today.

Even if there is no Feng Qingyang, he will jump out of others, or some accident prevents him from succeeding, now that he can reap the benefits, the depression in his heart will completely dissipate.

After the two finished talking, Ning Zhong hurriedly said: "Pingzhi, you haven't said what happened when you fell to the ground today, where did Chong'er go? Is it dead or alive?"

Hua Twelve smiled and said, "Let Lingshan tell the story, I'll tell you, you guys think I'm bragging!"

Yue Lingshan gave him a gouging look, and then took the initiative to tell the story.

When I heard that Hua Twelve was really beating Fang Zheng, Chong Xu and others alone, I felt incredible. I knew this senior brother was amazing, but I didn't expect it to be so amazing!
Even Yue Buqun and the others felt as if they were listening to a painting and calligraphy review. Such a person is invincible in the world, and such an invincible person is their junior of the Huashan School. This feels unbelievable.

When they heard that Linghu Chong had helped him assassinate Hua Twelve, everyone in the flower hall had different and complicated expressions.

Hua Twelve was not a eunuch, and if he had an imperial decree, he was undoubtedly the one who was wronged. Whether Linghu Chong misunderstood or not, it was an indisputable fact that he shot his fellow disciples.

Especially in the end, the devil's saintess risked her life to save her. Among the seven precepts of Huashan, the one of "promiscuous sex with bandits and collusion with evil spirits" is also true.

Yue Buqun pondered for a long time, and finally slapped the table, hating him for not contending:
"Linghu Chong has repeatedly violated the school rules, disrespected the teachings, and was obsessed with obsession. Now he does this kind of thing that is equivalent to killing each other. I, Yue Buqun, are not worthy of being his master. From then on, Linghu Chong will no longer be a member of my Huashan sect. In the future If he uses my Huashan martial arts to do evil, everyone in the Huashan sect will be punished!"

After Lao Yue finished speaking, his eyes were also red. After all, he had raised him since he was a child, and he felt uncomfortable when he kicked him out of the house with his own hands.

Ning Zhong subconsciously blurted out: "Brother!"

Lu Dayou even knelt down and said, "Master, senior brother was also careless."

Lao Yue was almost annoyed: "You bastard, get the hell out of here, can you violate the sect's rules if you're not careful, can you do things like killing each other if you're not careful? No one needs to persuade me anymore. In the future, Huashan and Linghu Chong will be bound by each other! "

As soon as he got angry, Lu Dayou immediately stood up and dared not say more.

Ning Zhong couldn't bear it, but suddenly found that his daughter was standing beside Hua Twelve. Although she also looked lonely, she didn't intend to speak for Linghu Chong.

She instantly understood that apart from being an apprentice, Lin Pingzhi was also her son-in-law, and her adopted son wanted to harm her son-in-law, so she should not speak up for her son-in-law. through.

Yue Buqun was a well-rounded person, and when he thought of Feng Qingyang's rescue of Linghu Chong, although he agreed to compensate him, he was afraid that his son-in-law would still be frustrated and affect Huashan's unity, so he immediately said to Hua:

"Your Grand Master Uncle is a person with the most affection and nature. He saved the animal because of his past friendship. Don't blame him in your heart!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Actually, I always think that the crazy old man is not bad, the main reason is that his brain is weak and he doesn't know people well!"

Lao Feng was comfortable listening to it at first, but he wanted to vomit blood at the second sentence, and wanted to copy the guy after listening to it, but today the old man was wronged, thought about it without turning his face, got up and waved his sleeves and left.

Ning Zhong pointed at Hua Twelve: "Pingzhi, hey, Master Uncle is your elder, why don't you give in to him!"

Hua Twelve agreed on the surface, but curled his lips in his heart, and let no one talk about what he did.

During the battle of sword qi back then, Lao Feng was tricked into going to the south of the Yangtze River to marry a brothel sister, which led to the fiasco of Jianzong.

After he understood it, he was devastated and went back to Huashan to live in seclusion to think about his mistakes, but at such an old age, he was looking for a fencing successor, and he was still a Linghu Chong with his elbows turned outward.

You said that if Fan Fan had a better mind, he wouldn't be so gullible over and over again.

Isn't this because of a bad brain and ignorance of people?

Feng Qingyang called Hua Twelve over the next day, and wanted to give him compensation, and formally taught him the Dugu Nine Swords, but he found that this guy learned it too quickly, and the old man became suspicious. When he asked, Hua Twelve asked:

"Are you jealous that I'm smarter than you?"

Feng Qingyang said angrily: "If I say it once, you will be able to do it. I ask this because I am jealous of you, but you will be able to do it halfway through what I tell you. Do you learn martial arts by fortune-telling?"

Hua Twelve turned around and ran away when he knew he had been exposed, Lao Feng also reacted, and chased after him: "Bastard, little bastard, you stole a lesson from you before."

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon Realm, and Passerby A. I am the tipper of the soy sauce brothers. Thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read books and collected them. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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