A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 561 Bah!Dog officer!

Chapter 561 Bah!Dog officer! (Seek full order)
After Lan Fenghuang returned to the main altar of the Five Poison Sect in Yunnan, he summoned the five elders to discuss matters. As she said, the leader of the Five Poison Sect is not the only leader, and the five elders only maintain superficial respect in front of her.

Hua Twelve followed Lan Fenghuang, and when he was waiting for a discussion, he suddenly activated it, allowing each of the five elders to enjoy a life-death talisman.

Through Lan Fenghuang's mouth, Hua Twelve knew that the five elders of the Five Poison Sect were not good people, and they had countless lives in their hands. They poisoned and killed them if they disagreed, so there was no psychological burden in punishing them.

The Life and Death Talisman is not a poison technique, even if the five great elders have excellent poison skills, it is useless. Ding Chunqiu, the old monster of XingXiu, also obeyed under the Life and Death Talisman, not to mention the elders of the Five Poison Sect.

After enjoying a round of pleasure of not being able to survive and not being able to die, the five elders all surrendered.

Afterwards, Hua Twelve logically entered the Spirit Snake Cave, and got the legendary Golden Snake suit (Golden Snake Sword, Golden Snake Cone, Golden Snake Cheats), and the treasure map left by Emperor Jianwen.

In addition to these treasures, Hua Shier also found a small wooden tripod about six inches high in the Spirit Snake Cave.

This wooden tripod is deep yellow in color, the carving is very fine, the wood is as firm and moist as jade, and there are faint red threads in the wood grain.

Hua Twelve didn't pay attention at first, but he always felt the tripod was familiar, so he asked Lan Fenghuang about the tripod's origin.

Lan Fenghuang said that this tripod was called "Shenmu King Ding" and it was left behind by the first generation leader of Wudu Sect, "Wudu Shenjun", but no one knew the purpose of this tripod. After Wudu Shenjun, it was regarded as a relic of the ancestor Put it in this spirit snake cave.

It is said that it has been more than 100 years old, and I don't know what kind of wood it is made of, and there is no mildew or rot at all.

Hua Twelve's eyes lit up. If he met some "Shenmu Wangding" elsewhere, it might be a coincidence, but if he met this Shenmu Wangding in the Five Poison Sect, then he probably knew that one.

It is the treasure used by Ding Chunqiu, the old monster of Xingxiu, to collect poisons. It is a treasure in the hands of poisoners.

Hua Twelve felt that he and this Xiaoyao faction really had a predestined relationship.

He directly put Baoding away and told Lan Fenghuang that he wanted it.

Lan Fenghuang and the five elders didn't say anything, all the treasures of Emperor Jianwen were donated, and a small tripod that no one knew what it was for was nothing to them.

Hua Twelve also took away the three secret arts of poison, Gu, and miasma inherited from the Five Poison Sect. It is said that these three secret arts were left by the five poison gods back then, and existed before the establishment of the Five Poison Sect.

Lan Fenghuang told Hua Twelve that among the poison, Gu, and miasma, the poison technique is the most practical, and it is the foundation of the Five Poison Sect.

Gu art is the most magical, according to the secret art, one can practice Gu to become an immortal.

It’s just that the various materials needed to practice Gu described above have long been lost, and it’s hard to find them. Most of them are things that cannot be learned, but there are some secret methods to drive away poisonous insects, which are very useful.

The miasma technique is the most elusive. It is said that all kinds of natural miasma can be refined into magic weapons, which can be used to attack and defend.

Therefore, the leaders of the Five Poisons in the past simply regarded the Gu art and the miasma art as heavenly scriptures and enshrined them. They specialize in poison art, which is enough to shock one side.

Hua Twelve saw that the three volumes of secret arts were not simple, the materials used were neither paper nor silk, invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and cold to touch, which was quite extraordinary. knitted together.

He immediately felt that the secret books made of such good materials must be extraordinary, so Hua Twelve asked Lan Fenghuang to re-copy these three books of secret arts and keep them in the Five Poison Sect as inheritance. He originally accepted them himself.

He didn't plan to practice poison, voodoo, or miasma, but not practicing doesn't mean not keeping them, just in case they are used in the future.

The five-treasure flower nectar can make him invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, but for thousands of poisons and Gu skills, he must be left behind.

On the way back to Jiaxing from Miaojiang, Hua Twelve flipped through the "Golden Snake Cheats", which contained a set of inner strength techniques, a set of golden snake sword techniques, a set of golden snake swimming palms, and a set of hidden weapon techniques with golden snake cones.

Although this "Golden Snake Cheats" has an "odd" character, it's just that after reading it once, it can't compare with the several peerless martial arts practiced by Hua Shier.

On the contrary, the 'Golden Snake Sword' itself is a treasure. It should be made of gold mixed with hardware, plus some unknown metal, and its sharpness is even higher than that of the Clear Water Sword.

Hua Twelve planned to use this Golden Snake Sword in close combat in the future.

When they arrived in Jiaxing, they picked up the elders of the Lin family and members of the Huashan faction, and took a boat to Jinling to fetch treasures.

After taking the treasure of Emperor Jianwen as planned, he took a boat north to the capital.

This trip to the capital is mainly to set up the editorial office, and at the end of the year, Hua Shier will get married in the capital, and marry Yue Lingshan and Wan Zhen'er at the same time.

About marrying Wan Zhen'er, Hua Twelve has not disclosed to Lao Yue and his wife and Yue Lingshan, otherwise how could he be so carefree now.

He planned to wait until everything was ready, and when the arrow had to be fired, he would confess again. At that time, Lao Yue would no longer want to marry his daughter to him, and had to do so for the sake of face.

As for the treasure of Emperor Jianwen, Hua Twelve didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought it was a waste to put it there. Mr. and Mrs. Yue, let them build a gate for the Huashan faction.

Back then, during the Huashan Qijian battle, most of the Huashan faction was burned down, and now there are only a few tile-roofed houses left, and half of them were built by Yue Buqun later. This is not like a big martial arts faction.

You have to practice it, not to mention catching up with Shaolin and Wudang, but you can't be worse than the general Jianghu sects.

The Lin family's boat turned from the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal to the Yangtze River and then to the Qinhuai River.

After several days on the road, we arrived at Jinling.

This Jinling Stone City is the largest city in the world at that time. It is the place where Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country and established his capital.

After everyone disembarked, the eunuch guarding Jinling came to pick them up in person.

The previous eunuch guarding Jinling belonged to Cao Shaoqin, and was sent back to the countryside to retire after Cao Shaoqin's death. Today's eunuch guarding Jinling is a 50-year-old old eunuch who followed the path of Wan Yulou.

After meeting the eunuch, the eunuch plopped down on the ground, kowtowed to Hua Twelve, and said that he paid his respects to his uncle.

Everyone looked at the [-]-year-old gray-haired old eunuch, and then at the young and handsome Hua Shishi, all speechless for a while.

Hua Twelve was stunned: "Who are you?"

The old eunuch reported his name: "Uncle, my nephew is Kong Dachun, the eunuch in charge of Jinling. He is the No. 20 son of Wan Gonggong. Before I took office, my godfather said that you are his brother. Let me When I see you, old man, I will call myself my nephew!"

Hua Shishi also felt a little speechless: "Then Wanyulou is not as old as you. You always look like you are almost sixty. Is it appropriate to call a young man like me uncle?"

The old eunuch smiled with chrysanthemums on his face: "It is suitable, why is it not suitable, there is no time before and after the age, the one who has achieved it first, you are not a big sesame seed, you have grown up in your generation!"

Yue Lingshan couldn't help giggling when she saw an old man calling Hua Twelve Uncle with a flattering face and using words indiscriminately.

Hua Twelve gave Yue Lingshan a funny look, and then said to the old eunuch, "You are called Auntie!"

Without saying a word, the old eunuch turned to Yue Lingshan: "Auntie, you are blessed!"

This time it was the other people's turn to look at Yue Lingshan and laugh out loud. The girl's pretty face turned red. Although she had a marriage contract, she couldn't stand being called that in front of her face. She covered her face and hid in Ningzhong. went behind.

As soon as everyone settled down in the guardian eunuch's mansion, the factory guard sent an urgent report saying that Ren Woxing led Linghu Chong, Ren Yingying, and Xiang Wentian to raid Wudang, and Wudang was almost wiped out.

When Hua Twelve mentioned this matter to Lao Yue and his wife and Feng Qingyang, Yue Buqun immediately exploded:

"This bastard, when he and Tian Boguang became brothers and sisters, I should have thought that today, I should have cleaned up the sect. Keeping him would ruin the reputation of my Huashan faction!"

Ning Zhong was a little disbelieving: "Pingzhi, is this news wrong? I understand that kid Chong'er. Although he is a bit informal, he is born with a chivalrous heart. How could he go to the Wudang sect to do evil with that demon leader? Woolen cloth?"

Yue Lingshan's eyes moved from the side, all in a cold manner. Ever since Linghu Chong and others ambush Hua Twelve last time, she found that the senior brother was not the one she knew before, so what the other party did, she No doubt.

Feng Buping and several elders of Huashan sighed, they all felt that something like this happened, what a misfortune for the master!
Feng Qingyang is the oldest in grade but the most innocent, shaking his head like a rattle:

"I, Feng Qingyang, won't misjudge people. Although Linghu Chong is a bit of a jerk, he will definitely not join forces with the Demon Sect."

Hua Twelve chuckled dryly twice: "Old mad, I'm not talking about you, but about people. You really don't have self-knowledge. Once you were unlucky because of people's eyes!"

Sure enough, Feng Qingyang was slapped in the face the next day. The current head of Wudang, the Taoist Master Yu Tea, rushed to Nanjing with a few Taoist priests the next day. After seeing Hua Twelve, he fell to his knees with a plop:
"Leader, you have to make the decision for our Wudang faction!"

Hua Twelve hurriedly waved his hands: "Get up and talk!"

After inviting Priest Yu Tea to sit down, before Hua Twelve had time to ask, Lao Yue couldn't wait to ask:
"Master Yu Tea, there are rumors in the world that Wudang was robbed, but is it true?"

Priest Yu Tea nodded in pain: "That's right, it's Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, and Linghu Chong from your Huashan sect."

When these names were mentioned, Taoist Master Yu gritted his teeth with hatred.

Ning Zhong said 'ah': "Is it really exciting?"

This bang immediately made the people from Wudang stare angrily.

Feng Qingyang quickly asked: "Xiao Daoist, could there be a mistake? Although my grandson of Linghu Chong is unworthy, he would never do such a thing!"

Master Yu Tea snorted coldly: "Senior Feng, are you saying that I wronged Linghu Chong again?"

If he hadn't known that Feng Qingyang was not only a senior in Jiang Hu, but also the elder of the current martial arts leader, he would have turned his face immediately.

Feng Qingyang quickly waved his hands: "The old man just thinks it's strange at this time, it's unbelievable!"

Hua Twelve ignored the old fashion, and asked directly to Taoist Master Yu Tea, "Please tell the Taoist priest about the story in detail. Wudang is the Big Dipper of Wulin Taishan Mountain. As the leader of the alliance and the initiator of Jianghuwei, I should be the leader of Wudang. call the shots!"

Priest Yu Tea nodded and told the story.

It turned out that the Taoist Master Yu did not meet Ren Woxing and Linghu Chong. After the battle in Southern Shaolin in Fujian, he excitedly returned to the Wudang School with the cheats. When he returned, he found that the Wudang School had let Ren Woxing and Linghu Chong steal their home. .

Hearing this, Feng Qingyang interjected again and asked: "Since you were not there, Xiao Daoist, how can you be sure that Linghu Chong did it!"

Priest Yu Tea said with a cold snort: "I also have people who are good at painting in Wudang, and I have drawn all the faces of those murderers. See if this is Linghu Chong, and who is here!"

As he spoke, he took out a portrait from his arms, on which several people's faces were outlined with a brush, three men and one woman.

Among the three men, two old men, one stretched his hips, the other lame, the young man was blind in one eye, it was Linghu Chong.

The girl is missing an arm, but she has a stunning appearance, no doubt it is Ren Yingying.

Feng Qingyang closed his eyes: "I didn't expect the old man to see him wrong!"

After he finished speaking, he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of disappointment, this was the second time he was so disappointed with Linghu Chong, the first time was when Linghu Chong ambushed Hua Twelve and fought against each other.

Feng Qingyang looked at the other people in the painting: "Those two old people are Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian, right?"

Priest Yu Tea nodded and said: "That's right, there is a senior in my Wudang sect, when he was traveling in the rivers and lakes, he once met the devil Ren Woxing, and he said that the old man who is the leader is Ren Woxing!"

Hua Twelve asked with concern: "Master Yu Tea, don't you know what happened to Wudang?"

Speaking of this, Taoist Master Yu also showed a strange look:
"Then Ren Woxing came to my Wudang, it seems that he came here specifically to absorb energy, and did not rob property, but Ren Woxing wanted to kill, but was discouraged by Linghu Chong."

Before he finished speaking, Lao Feng slapped his hands: "I said that kid Linghu Chong can't, he must have other reasons!"

Master Yu Tea said angrily: "Then Linghu Chong has also practiced the great method of absorbing stars, at least half of my Wudang disciple's inner strength was absorbed by him!"

The reason why he was angry was that it would be fine if the young Taoist priests were sucked out of their internal energy, as long as they came back to practice again, but those elders in the sect were all old Taoist priests in their 80s and [-]s, and they died on the spot immediately after being drained of their internal energy.

Feng Qingyang stopped talking when he heard it, but his face was even more disappointed.

Hua Twelve guessed some of the truth. It is estimated that Ren Woxing used the star-absorbing method to dissolve the life-and-death talisman for Linghu Chong, and then passed the star-absorbing method to this future son-in-law. Absorb power, and the target they want to revenge, one is Dongfang Bubai, and the other is naturally him.

He said to Yu Cha with tears in his eyes: "Don't worry, Taoist priest, I will give you an explanation for this matter!"

Hua Shier immediately asked Jia Ting to order the factory guards to order the Dongchang subordinates and Jin Yiwei to track down the whereabouts of Ren Woxing and others. Once found, he immediately sent troops to encircle and suppress them. His order was to leave no one alive!

Hearing that he said that he would not leave him alive, Ning Zhong showed a painful and unbearable expression, Feng Qingyang opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't utter a word of intercession.

Only Lao Yue said bitterly: "It should be like this!"

Hua Twelve, in his capacity as the leader of the martial arts alliance, sent orders to the Jianghu, ordering each faction of the martial arts to pay attention to a few people. Once a target is found, don't act recklessly, just report it quickly, and let him personally deal with these Jianghu scum.

Wudang and the others were also very satisfied with Hua Twelve's handling. After thanking them, they were about to go to the rivers and lakes to track down the whereabouts of Ren Woxing and others, but Hua Twelve stayed behind and invited them to go to Beijing together for two days.

Hua Twelve's reason is that the Wudang faction will also go to the capital to register and make a book to settle the affairs of Jianghu Wei. Second, Ren Yingying, Linghu Chong, and Xiang Wentian are all left in his hands, and those people will definitely come to find them. For his revenge, instead of Wudang faction searching randomly, it is better to wait by his side and wait for the enemy to come.

Priest Yu Tea knew what happened that day in Yanyu Tower, and after hearing what Hua Twelve said, he also felt that it was very reasonable, so he simply stayed here to work with the Huashan faction.

The next day, Hua Twelve found Kong Dachun, the guardian eunuch, and asked for the address of Wei Guogong's mansion, but the latter asked:

"I don't know which Duke Wei's mansion my uncle is asking about?"

Hua Twelve asked in surprise, "Why, how many Duke Wei's mansions are there?"

Kong Dachun told Hua Shier that this generation of Wei Guogong had just changed his mansion, and the old mansion was going to be sold, but he could not sell it due to the price.

Hua Shishi's eyes lit up: "Then you go and tell him, I bought the house!"

With the mediation of Kong Dachun, the eunuch guarding Jinling, this generation of descendants of Xu Da decided to set the price of the house at 1 taels of silver.

It was a deal that day.

Guarding the eunuch's mansion, Hua Twelve looked at the land deed and the 1 taels of silver note in his hand, and asked dumbfoundedly:

"Old Kong, isn't this a bit too much?"

Kong Dachun asked sternly: "Uncle thinks that 1 taels is too little? Then I will ask Duke Wei to send some more silver. I want to curry favor with my godfather, but give my uncle such a small amount of silver. Who do you look down upon?"

Yue Buqun and Lin Zhennan looked at each other, and Feng Qingyang spat from the side: "Bah, dog officer!"

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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