A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 580 Digging in advance!

Chapter 580 Digging in advance! (Seek full order)
Cheng Feng made a bet with Wu Di, and he acted immediately the next day, driving his convertible sports car with roses piled up in the back seat, and ran to his company door to wait for Lu Manjia to get off work.

As a result, Cheng Feng, who was full of confidence, just stopped Lu Manjia's way after seeing Lu Manjia. Before he could speak, he was stunned by the woman.

Lu Manjia then directly pointed out Cheng Feng's bet, and did not say a word of Cheng Feng's unpreparedness.

Being educated by Lu Manjia angrily, the exposed Cheng Feng has no temper at all. He didn't know at this time that he was let out by others, and the only ones who knew about the bet were the Iron Triangle. , needless to say, it must be the ghost of those two grandsons.

Seeing the back of Lu Manjia going away, Cheng Feng took out his mobile phone and called Wu Di and Shi Xiaomeng one by one:
"Grandson, where are you? The old place, where the copper hammer is, hurry up."

The so-called old place was when the three of them were in college, there was a small restaurant near the school. Tong Hammer was the owner of the restaurant, and he was a loyal fan of the lawn band that the three of them formed back then, and they got along well with the trio.

When Wu Di heard his tone, he guessed that the bet had probably hit a wall, so he was secretly happy, and promised to go there after get off work.

When Hua Shier received the call, he was receiving guests in the hotel room, and he also agreed with a smile:

"Okay, I'll be there in a while!"

After putting down the phone, he turned to several comrades in uniform and asked:

"Uncle policeman, I am Shi Xiaomeng, what do you want from me?"

Before receiving Cheng Feng's call, the police had already come to the door.

A middle-aged police officer said: "There is a case involving you, please come with me!"

Hua Twelve nodded, and said calmly: "Cooperating with the police is the duty of every ordinary citizen, but before I leave with you, please allow me to introduce my lawyer!"

"Lawyer Wang!"

He made a gesture of invitation, and a male lawyer in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses stood up on the sofa. After showing his ID, he asked:
"Can I ask what case my client is involved in?"

If the person asked the question, he would definitely have to take it home, but it is in line with the procedure for the lawyer to ask the question. The middle-aged police officer said:

"It was Hu's company that reported that Shi Xiaomeng had absconded with money!"

Hua Twelve interjected, "It's about 8 yuan, right?" He had already expected that Hu Rongqiang would play tricks, otherwise he wouldn't have spent money to find a lawyer to chat in the room in advance.

Several police officers looked at each other, and the middle-aged police officer nodded: "Yes, the amount involved in their report is exactly 8 yuan!"

Hua Twelve signaled to wait a moment, then took out his mobile phone, played the recording, and the truth became clear in an instant.

Lawyer Wang communicated with the police: "Several police officers, it is already obvious that the 8 yuan is the bonus my client deserves!"

Several police officers nodded: "We will investigate the recording. If it is true, then Shi Xiaomeng will have no problem. We will give criticism and education to Hu's company!"

Hua Twelve shook his head at this time: "No, there is a big problem. The behavior of Hu's company has violated the "crime of false accusation and frame" stipulated in Article 243 of the Criminal Law. I want to call the police to investigate the criminal responsibility of Hu Rongqiang, the legal person of Hu's company!"

He turned to the male lawyer and said, "Lawyer Wang, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Lawyer Wang raised his eyes: "You are right. It is the basic right of every citizen to protect one's legal rights!"

Several police officers looked at each other. They didn't expect an ordinary citizen to know all the criminal laws. From the presence of a lawyer, to the recording, and then to reporting the case in turn, it is obvious that they understand the law and have been prepared for a long time.

At this time, they all mourned in silence for the Hu company that reported the crime. You can just give him the bonus he deserves. Why do you have to play this game.

But this is none of their business. The police have to rely on evidence when handling a case. Now that Hua Shier has evidence in hand, they have no reason to disagree if they want to report the case.

The middle-aged police officer nodded and said: "If you want to report the crime, we will accept it normally!"

Lawyer Wang of Hua Shishi Dynasty said: "Lawyer Wang, this matter will trouble you!"

Lawyer Wang smiled and said, "This is what I should do!"

When Hua Shier rushed to the restaurant, Cheng Feng and Wu Di had already arrived, and Cheng Feng greeted him: "Stone, why are you here so late, what are you up to!"

Naturally, Hua Twelve would not say that he and his lawyer went to the police station to file a case and came back. Seeing a bouquet of roses in front of Cheng Feng, he guessed what was going on. He sat down beside Wu Di and looked at the two of them. With a mysterious smile:
"Hey, I saw a convertible sports car outside just now, and it was covered with such roses. I don't know which car owner's car it is!"

Cheng Feng listened to it at first, but when he heard it, he smashed it with a rose angrily, and scolded with a smile:
"You're just a flirt, you don't even know my car, you did it on purpose!"

Hua Twelve fended off Rose, smiled at Wu Di, and said, "It's more than ten degrees below zero, and you're driving a convertible sports car. Did you accuse him of being a showboy?"

Wu Di said solemnly: "There must be none!"

Cheng Feng pointed at Wu Di and Hua Twelve opposite him, dumbfounded: "When did you two switch to talking about cross talk?"

At this time, Tong Hammer, the owner of the tavern, came over to say hello to Hua Twelve: "Xiao Meng, long time no see!"

Hua Twelve laughed: "Brother Hammer, you're complaining that I don't come here too often. Well, I'm going to invite you to add two hard dishes today!"

Brother Hammer said 'hi': "What are you talking about, you are here, brother, I will give you two hard dishes, okay!"

Cheng Feng quit on the opposite side: "Hey hey hey, what are you two doing, what are you two fighting for in the game I saved, you hit me in the face, right?"

Hua Twelve waved his hand, signaling that he had something to say:
"Today, the company gave out bonuses. There are 8 yuan. After so many years, my brothers have been together. You have invited more, and I have invited less. Now my brothers are also making money. You just let me care about it, and no one else. Grab it from me."

Tong Hammer was also happy for Shi Xiaomeng: "Alright, you've made money, and I can feel at ease if I make money from you!"

Everyone laughed, Hua Twelve invited Tong Hammer to sit down and eat something, and the latter pointed to other tables;

"There are still guests, I have to follow along, eat your food, and call me if you need anything!"

When the copper hammer was busy, Cheng Feng of Hua Shichao said, "That wagon of flowers outside, your bet has been frustrated!"

Speaking of this, Cheng Feng was full of anger: "You two bad guys encouraged me to make a bet to chase after girls, and then told them about the bet in advance, and I even got a cart full of flowers and waited at the entrance of the company. , In the end, they gave me a good meal of ideological education, are you foolish boys?"

Hua Twelve made a stop gesture: "Don't, I objected to you two betting against other girls from the very beginning, I'm just a witness to this bet!"

Wu Di also admitted in a bachelor way: "I admit that I told that beauty, but I meant it out of good intentions. I'm afraid that woman won't think about it, and if she really gets on this thief ship of yours, it will be over!"

"Grandson, you have disrupted my entire layout!"

After Cheng Feng finished speaking, he still refused to accept it: "Don't get too complacent, it's just one day, there are still two days left!"

Wu Di didn't believe it, and was still teasing Cheng Feng. Hua Twelve took out a notebook from his pocket:
"By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you something!"

Cheng Feng ate a mouthful of food, and joked: "What is it, you are so solemn, and you still have a notebook, and you have to record your speech!"

Hua Twelfth opened the notebook: "This is every meal ticket and loose money you have lent me since our freshman year, and I have written it down!"

As he spoke, he opened the notebook, and sure enough, there was the name of the borrower on it. The reason for the loan and the specific amount were clearly marked on it. The big ones were only a few hundred, and the small ones were all on it.

Behind those records, some are marked as 'repaid', and some are not marked, obviously still owed.

Taking advantage of the listed company, Cheng Feng's family used tens of thousands of yuan as a ticket. Hearing what Hua Twelve said, he was immediately amused:

"Hey, why do you remember this? Hey, if you don't tell me, I still forgot, Wu Di, do you remember Shi Shi wearing a pair of underwear for four years in college?"

Wu Di also said with a smile: "This has become a legend in our school, how can we not remember, now those juniors and juniors are still talking about it!"

After he finished talking about Chaohua Twelve, he asked with a smile, "Shitou, I've always been curious about one thing. What's the quality of your underpants? It hasn't broken in four years!"

Hua Twelfth smiled and said nothing, he accepted Shi Xiaomeng's memory and feelings, so he felt a little sore in his heart ahead of time, wearing a pair of underpants for four years, others said it as a joke, but Shi Xiaomeng's side is the cruel reality How can the sourness in the mid-term be clear in a few words.

He waited for the two of them to laugh enough, and then continued: "What you owe to others is over, and it's just the two of you, there are more lunatics, and less Wu Di. I thought I didn't have money before, but now I have money. I plan to pay all the money back!"

As Hua Twelve said, he reached into his bosom, and took out an envelope, which contained two stacks of red banknotes tied with rubber bands:

"For the lunatic, the meal ticket, plus loose money, and the band to buy clothes, the usual school activities, the total is 6850, and Wu Di's is 3600. I have counted them all, and you can count."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of thick ones and put them in front of Cheng Feng, and put the thin ones in front of Wu Di.

Cheng Feng immediately became displeased: "Shi Xiaomeng, you are going to break up with us. Such a small amount of money is worth remembering so clearly? What a fart, take it back quickly, or you will lose your face!"

Hua Twelve smiled. He knew that Cheng Feng didn't take money seriously because of his family conditions. If he really wanted to be so righteous as he said, why did he want to take away Shi Xiaomeng's most precious thing later? .

So this favor is not owed casually, if you accept too many small favors, when people want you to repay them, you may not be able to pay the price.

Of course, the matter between Cheng Feng and Shi Xiaomeng is more complicated, and we can't simply use the words of favor and return to explain the problem, but Hua Shier must pay back the money owed to others.

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Wu Di also said:
"Yeah Xiaomeng, we didn't intend to ask you to pay back when we helped you. What are we doing? What are you doing!"

Hua Twelve cupped his hands: "Two two, don't be in a hurry to attack, listen to me!"

Cheng Feng stopped eating, and threw his chopsticks: "Okay, tell me!"

Wu Di also turned sideways, waiting for Hua Twelve to speak.

Hua Twelve pointed at the two of them:

"The relationship we have had for so many years is a word of 'righteousness'. My book is a word of 'faith'. It is only natural to pay back the debt. If you don't let me repay the money, it will destroy my word of 'faith' and make me a If you marry someone who has no credibility, you are cheating brothers, you have no loyalty!"

These words surprised Cheng Feng and Wu Di, and Cheng Feng couldn't laugh or cry: "You are talking heresy!"

Wu Di smiled and said: "Okay, you owe us money, we don't want it, should we co-author or harm you?"


Hua Twelve nodded heavily, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation: "Hurry up and put it away, I will take the love in it, and you have to take the money back!"

After speaking, he lit a cigarette by himself, and the old god started to smoke.

Wu Di chuckled, and said to Cheng Feng: "Madman, the stones are already on this point, put them away!"

Cheng Feng smiled wryly and shook his head: "For such a small amount of money, I'll run out of gas a few times. Is it worth it? Okay, then I'll take it!"

Both of them collected the money, and no one counted it.

Cheng Feng pointed at Hua Twelve: "You, you are too serious!"

Hua Twelfth waved his hand: "I am responsible for our friendship. A long-distance relationship is ruined by ant nests. How many friendships are broken from small things? Money, beauty, or because of economic interests, or They all fell in love with a girl.”

Wu Di smiled and said: "What you said is like a romance novel, it's too bloody!"

Hua Twelve nodded: "Hey, don't you believe it, reality is more bloody than fiction!"

After he finished speaking, he took a cigarette in one hand, and filled the empty glasses in front of the three with drinks with the other:
"Enough talking, for our friendship to last forever, I have a suggestion for you to listen to!"

Those two said in unison: "Fart, let go!"

The three of them often joked like this, Hua Twelve didn't take it seriously, he just treated them as farting, and continued:

"I said just now that many friendships are based on money and women. Now that I have paid back the money, even if we solve one hidden danger, it is better to hit the sun if we choose another day. I propose that today we also solve the second hidden danger! "

He didn't wait for the two of them to react, and continued: "The three of us will swear a poisonous oath here today. No one is allowed to think about or like a brother's woman. If you break the oath, we will abandon it together. , not a good death, when the time comes to cut off your robes, cut off your friendship, turn your enemies into enemies, no matter how other people deal with him, it will be justified, others can only applaud, you can't be morally kidnapped and muddled!"

Cheng Feng and Wu Di looked at each other: "Shitou, you should have had a drink before you came, why don't you make it so serious!"

Hua Twelve laughed and said, "Let's just say what's up, do you dare?"

Cheng Feng suddenly thought about Weilai: "Damn, you are guarding against me!"

Wu Di laughed loudly: "You have done too many sins yourself, you scared the stones!"

Hua Twelfth also laughed: "Isn't that too much to say, but it's better to take precautions than to fix a dead sheep. I don't want to have such a day that I will become a hatred of taking your wife with you, and then we will die together." !"

No one took his joking tone seriously, and Cheng Feng looked disgusted; "Just your little ball, it doesn't meet my aesthetics at all, so you don't need to say that."

Wu Di asked in surprise, "What little balls?"

Cheng Feng pointed at Hua Twelve: "His girlfriend, she looks like Chibi Maruko-chan, and there are photos in his wallet!"

Hua Shishi said helplessly: "That's a photo she took when she was in high school, don't talk about anything else, just say if you dare!"

He stretched out three fingers, said the oath before, and then calmly said to the dumbfounded Cheng Feng and Wu Di:
"I'll make a show, dare you, you can figure it out!"

Wu Di poked his neck and said, "I only have Xiaoxi in my heart, what am I afraid of, I swear too." When he finished, only Cheng Feng was left.

Cheng Feng smiled unnaturally. He originally wanted to be the first to swear to prove his innocence, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly felt uncomfortable for some reason.

But in front of him, Hua Shier and Wu Di both swore to force him to the edge of the cliff. If he refuses, doesn't it mean that there is something wrong in his heart.

Cheng Feng didn't care about it, and just followed what Hua Twelve said, and made an oath:

"I, Cheng Feng, want to miss and like my brothers and girlfriends, and abandon them together. There will be five thunders and a bang, and I will die a bad death. I will cut off my robes, break up my friendship, and turn against each other. Let's do it!"

Hua Twelve laughed loudly, and said to Wu Di: "Look at how reluctant he is!"

Wu Di curled his lips: "That's right, this grandson didn't know what he thought before!"

"Who is it!" Cheng Feng laughed angrily, and laughed with the two of them across the table.

After the meal, Cheng Feng said that there was something else to do and drove away. Hua Shier knew that this guy had bought Lu Manjia's friend, Pang Niu. This was a meeting, in order to inquire about Lu Manjia's preferences and prescribe the right medicine, and sighed in his heart. The kid is really good at picking up girls.

Declining Wu Di's proposal to take him home, Hua Shier took a taxi back to the hotel.

When I got back to my room, I took a hot bath. During this time, I received a call from Hu Rongqiang. He answered it casually, and then pressed the recording button. As soon as the recording started, he yelled:
"Okay Shi Xiaomeng, you're really good enough to fight against the generals, sue me, right? It's a waste of me treating you like my own brother for so many years."

Hua Twelve said with a sneer here:

"Stop, who asked my younger brother to work overtime as the project team leader, and then paid the wages of ordinary employees? My younger brother works for my elder brother, and he is so poor that he can only eat instant noodles at noon. Don't you feel shabby!"

"You kissed my younger brother one by one, but behind the scenes, you tried to deduct my salary and bonus. What the hell is this called false justice, you know!"

"Also this time, the bonus is what I should get. You said it well in your office, and you will sue me later. Fortunately, I was careful, otherwise I would just go in!"

Hu Rongqiang was taken aback by his spray, and gritted his teeth: "Okay, don't you just want money? Tell me, how much do you want, 20 or [-], you name it."

Hua Twelve laughed straight: "Dig another hole? Record it, and you will sue me for extortion as soon as I say how much it is? You are a big bastard, and you want to cheat your grandpa!"

Hu Rongqiang broke the defense: "Shi Xiaomeng, okay, why don't you just wait for me, I have enough money to sue you, and you, a poor man, are worthy of challenging me? Be careful when you walk at night, I throw out [-] yuan!" Just take off your leg!"

Hua Twelve soaked in the bathtub, closed his eyes comfortably, and smiled:
"You still don't believe me when I say you're such a badass. I recorded it. Your words are very clear. Wait to explain it to the police uncle tomorrow!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

As for Hu Rongqiang, Hua Twelve's purpose was to ask for money, but he couldn't ask for the amount. Now, with this phone call, Hu Rongqiang wanted to reconcile, and another bloodshed.

Just after hanging up, Hu Rongqiang called again, and Hua Twelve directly blocked him.

When he was blocking, he accidentally opened the phone book. Hua Shier saw that the first number in it was Shen Bing's number. After thinking about it, he pressed it. After a while, he connected. He said to the other side:

"Girl, I miss you, come to the capital!"

 Thanks: 08a, Little Tiger Brothers in the Demon Realm for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, and thanks to the brothers who read and followed up the collection, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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