A hundred flavors of life

Chapter 609: The couple cheated Wu Di together!

Seeing Cheng Feng in high spirits and announcing that he had a winning chance, he had secured most of the equity and wanted to take over the reins of Dade Company again. Hua Twelve, Director An and others all had playful expressions on their faces, and there was a look in their eyes. Mockery and ridicule.

Liang Junzheng even laughed.

Cheng Feng and the shareholders he won over suddenly felt a bad feeling when they saw this situation.

Cheng Feng said bravely: "Uncle Liang, did I not make it clear? Now I am the one who has the right to speak!"

Liang Junzheng waved his hand and said in a teaching tone:

"Cheng Feng, when doing this, you have to make a decision before taking action. Don't be too anxious. Before re-electing the chairman of the board of directors, I was still the chairman of the company, so I think there is one thing that is more important than re-electing the chairman of the board of directors. It must be done It will be resolved on the board of directors, can you wait patiently for a while?"

All the shareholders here looked at me and I looked at you, and they all guessed that the things Liang Jun proposed at this moment of forcing the palace must be the trump card for success or failure.

Cheng Feng had no reason to object and could only nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Liang Junzheng picked up his mobile phone and called his assistant: "Call the comrades from the Economic Crime Investigation Section to come in!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant uproar on the scene, and some dirty shareholders suddenly became panicked, wondering whether Liang Junzheng's move was aimed at them.

After a while, several uniformed personnel were invited into the office by the assistant to the chairman. Liang Junzheng quickly stood up and shook hands with the leader:

"Chief Zheng, I leave it to you!"

Section Chief Zheng nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you, Chairman Liang, for cooperating with our work!"

Liang Junzheng hurriedly said: "Everything should be done!" After speaking, he made a gesture of please, and handed over the right to speak to the other party.

Section Chief Zheng announced loudly to the shareholders present: "According to our investigation, Cheng Sheng'en, the former chairman of Dade Group, is suspected of manipulating private equity funds to raise the stock price and making a profit of more than [-] million!"

Except for the Hua Twelve people who had known the situation for a long time and were sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, everyone else was instantly in an uproar.

Cheng Feng even blurted out: "Impossible!"

Chief Zheng ignored him and continued: "In the process of investigating the case, we discovered that some shareholders of Dade Company were involved in this matter. The person I am calling below, please come with us and assist in the investigation. !”

After speaking, he shouted loudly: "Wu Youfa!"

A fat middle-aged man with a Mediterranean haircut stood up with an ashen look on his face, and immediately a police officer came over and put handcuffs on him.

"Zhang Guoqiang!"

"Li Zhenyou!"

"Zhao Qidong!"

"Chen Dezhong!".
As names were called out one by one, one-third of the shareholders on the board of directors were taken away to assist in the investigation.

After the people from the Economic Investigation Section left, Liang Junzheng said to Cheng Feng, "Cheng Feng, you can continue now!"

Hua Twelve slapped the table and laughed, and Wu Wei and Director An couldn't help but smile.

Cheng Feng's face was ashen and livid, and he continued to talk nonsense. He was here to re-elect the chairman and regain control of Dade Company.

But most of the shareholders who were taken away just now support him. Now that they have all been taken away, how can he be re-elected?
Cheng Feng gave Liang Junzheng a cold look: "Uncle Liang is really good at it!"

Then he looked at Hua Twelve and said: "Shitou, don't laugh so early. You know my crazy character. I will never give up until I achieve my goal. As long as I am serious, there is nothing I can't do. Just wait and see." Got it!"

After speaking, he greeted the people he brought: "Let's go!"

Hua Twelve smiled faintly and said, "I don't even know where your blind confidence comes from. Do you think you will have a chance to turn around?"

Liang Junzheng shouted at this time: "Cheng Feng, wait!"

Cheng Feng stopped and turned back to look at the two of them: "If you want to laugh at me, then your goal has been achieved today!"

Liang Junzheng shrugged: "As an uncle, I don't mean to laugh at you. I think you are also a shareholder of the company, so I am going to announce something next, and you'd better listen to it!"

After saying that, he ignored Cheng Feng and turned to the shareholders present: "In view of the fact that some of the company's board members and shareholders have been involved in economic crimes and the company's operating conditions have serious problems, in order to ensure the interests of the company and all shareholders, I have decided to Dade Huitong, the stock is suspended!”

The board members present nodded. If the company has such a big scandal, the stock price will definitely fluctuate greatly. Suspension is indeed a clear choice to ensure the interests of the company's shareholders.

Cheng Feng didn't think anything after hearing this: "Uncle Liang has finished speaking, can I leave?"

Liang Junzheng made a gesture of invitation: "Please!"

Cheng Feng suddenly pushed open the door of the conference room. Due to excessive force, the two doors hit the walls on both sides with a loud noise. He walked out with an angry look on his face. This time, he came to take advantage of the excitement. Returned disappointed and disgraced.

Liang Junzheng had a smile on his face, while Dong An was gloating, Wu Wei shook his head, and Hua Twelve chuckled:
"I'm afraid he hasn't realized what the suspension means to him!"

The Cheng family was in ruins. In order to keep Dade Company, Cheng Shengen competed with Wu Wei for scattered shares in the secondary market. Not only did he use up all his own money, but he also took out a bank loan of one billion yuan when he finally ran out of money.

All the billions were bought in Dade Huitong's stocks. In other words, the Cheng family had money, but it was all in stocks.

If nothing happens to Cheng Shengen and he retains control of Dade Company, then he will have a way to repay the loan.

But it is a pity that Cheng Shengen died and Dade Company was not saved.

When the repayment day came, Cheng Feng had the only way to repay the loan by selling some of his stocks.

Dade Company's shares have been suspended from trading at this time.

In other words, if Cheng Feng wanted to sell his stocks to repay the loan, he couldn't do it.

Only then did Cheng Feng understand why Hua Twelve and the others looked at him with amusement and ridicule when he left that day. Only then did he realize that the other party had already killed him, but he didn't know it.

Cheng Feng once again went to the board of directors, but Liang Junzheng told him that the company's affairs had been investigated by the Z Supervisory Committee, and it would take at least a year and a half to resume trading. The nephew could only wish for happiness.

Three months later, the bank began to repossess the house and use the fixed assets in the Cheng family's name to pay off the debt.

Overnight, Cheng Feng had almost nothing. He and Yang Zixi, who was already pregnant, walked out of their mansion lonely with only one suitcase. The house was sealed, and what they got was a rental fee left by the bank. cost.

All assets under the Cheng family's name will be auctioned to pay off debts.According to preliminary estimates, even if these assets are successfully auctioned at the expected price, only about [-] million will be repaid. In other words, without calculating interest, there will still be [-] million in principal to be repaid.

As for the remaining loan, the interest generated every day is an astronomical figure for Cheng Feng now.

Yang Zixi looked at her current husband with a complicated face. The reason why she didn't leave at this time was because she knew that the Cheng family had not yet fallen.

Although the villas, houses, luxury cars, and luxury watches were all gone, she believed that this was temporary. Didn't the Cheng family still have stocks worth billions in their name?

He grabbed his small hand on Cheng Feng's big hand and comforted: "Husband, I believe everything will be fine, and I also believe you have this ability!"

Cheng Feng nodded and looked at Yang Zixi's slightly swollen belly, feeling warm in his heart.

Wu Di drove his Panda to pick up Cheng Feng and Yang Zixi on the roadside. Looking at the decadent brothers, he persuaded:
"Madman, I want to be more open-minded. Once the trading of Dade stock resumes, you can repay the loan. You don't have to rent a house during this period. You and Xiaoxi can live with me first!"

Cheng Feng nodded and forced a smile: "Fortunately, I have you!"

Yang Zixi also thanked: "Thank you very much, Wu Di, you are such a good person!" Good person cards are given out when they are due, and it doesn't cost money anyway.

After staying at Wu Di's house for a while, Cheng Feng suddenly received a reminder message.

It was not from the bank, but from a certain financial platform.

Only then did Cheng Feng remember that when he went to Caiyunzhinan to steal a house, in order to win the favor of Shen's mother, he had a moment of kindness. He had donated 300 million to the rural primary school where Shen Bing's father had worked to improve the teaching environment.

Although he is a rich second generation, it is not easy for him to take out so much cash at once. In the original plot, Cheng Feng made a donation to ask Shi Xiaomeng in the capital to help him sell part of his Dade stocks.

In the "Northern Ireland World" after Hua Twelve intervened, Hua Twelve replaced Shi Xiaomeng and broke with Cheng Feng in advance, and did not accept the so-called "deal" proposed by Cheng Shengen, so he did not enter Dade's work.

This means that no one helps Cheng Feng open the company computer to conduct stock transactions.

So this guy couldn't get any money at that time and wanted to make a donation, so he simply took out a loan on a relevant online platform. With his identity as a virtuous prince, he could easily let the other party lend money using only his ID card.

Now that the repayment period has come, Cheng Feng still hasn't come up with the money. He wants Yang Zixi to sell the flower shop, but the latter does not agree. Moreover, even if he agrees to sell the flower shop, the money will only be enough to pay the interest. It doesn't have much effect.

Finally, the two couples discussed and invited Wu Di to have a meal at Tongchui and asked Wu Di to help.

Wu Di was also in a dilemma: "Madman, it's not that I won't help you. I have severed ties with Wu Wei now, and I can't get that much money!"

Mentioning this, Cheng Feng looked apologetic: "Old Wu, you and Wu Wei fell out all because of me, me"

Yang Zixi didn't think it was possible. She wouldn't be able to borrow the money if she kept saying this. She slapped her husband under the table to shut him up. Then she sat down next to Wu Di with a big belly, took his arm and said softly. :
"Old Wu, you and Madman are closer than brothers, you have to help him!"

iWu Di sighed: "Xiao Xi, I really have no money. You should know that I am powerless!"

Yang Zixi rolled her eyelids. Of course she knew that she and Wu Di broke up before because he couldn't even afford a pair of shoes worth 3500 yuan.

She had a smile on her face: "You don't have money, isn't your girlfriend rich? Wu Mei is a company executive, and millions are not trivial. Just borrow it from her first, and wait until Dade Company If you resume the card, the lunatic can immediately pay back the money!"


Wu Di looked puzzled, he was a man after all, he couldn't open his mouth to ask his girlfriend to borrow money, and still borrow so much money.

When Yang Zixi saw his appearance, she said she couldn't bear to let her child catch the wolf. She held the other man's arm tightly, rubbed it with her majestic granary, and said coquettishly:

"Wu Di, I know you are the most interesting!"

Wu Di has always liked Yang Zixi in his heart. When he was touched like this, he immediately became confused and wanted to agree to anything. He immediately felt confused:
"Okay, I'll give it a try!"

He called Wu Mei and explained the situation on the phone. After hanging up the phone, he said:

"Wu Mei just bought a house in the capital, and she doesn't have much left, only more than 100 million!"

Cheng Feng frowned and said, "This is not enough!"

Yang Zixi continued to hold Wu Di's arm and rub it: "Old Wu, don't you still have the house your mother left for you? You might as well take out a loan on that house first. Now that the house prices in Beijing are so high, you can definitely get a loan!"

Cheng Feng's face turned red and he felt embarrassed. He slapped the table and said, "Yang Zixi, shut up. What do you want me to do in the future?"

Wu Di didn't say anything. No matter how hard he licked the dog or couldn't carry it, he wouldn't be willing to mortgage his house.

When Yang Zixi was yelled at by Cheng Feng, her eyes immediately turned red and she said with a cry:
"Cheng Feng, you are yelling at me, who am I doing this for? Those platforms are all irregular. They only recognize money and not people. They are all inhumane guys. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about me. Ah, even if you don’t think about me, you still have to think about this thing in my belly!”

Cheng Feng's face was filled with shame. He was really powerless now and felt extremely useless.

When Wu Di was in school, he couldn't stand Yang Zixi crying. When he saw this, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, madman is my best brother. If I don't help you, who will help you? That's it!"

Cheng Feng blushed and didn't know what to say, and finally said to Yang Zixi: "Honey, you are just setting me up for injustice!"

Yang Zixi cursed inwardly, whoever poached his brother's corner back then slept on my bed behind Wu Di's back was that bastard, you have the nerve to say loyalty.

She didn't show it on the surface, but said aggrievedly:
"It's not like we haven't paid yet. When the company's stocks resume trading, we'll have everything. Then you can thank Lao Wu and give him a house!"

Cheng Feng thought: "That's the truth!"

Wu Di waved his hand quickly: "That's not why I'm helping you!"

The next day Wu Di went to apply for a loan and handed it to Cheng Feng along with Wu Mei's money to pay off the debt.

Three months later, Wu Di still couldn't pay back the money, and the bank took away the house.
Cheng Feng, Yang Zixi, and Wu Di were desperate and finally moved into Wu Mei's home. They made the latter very angry, but they could only endure it for the sake of love.

A year later, the investigation results were announced, and the last straw finally fell for the Cheng family.

The investigation revealed that Cheng Shengen used 26 accounts to manipulate the stock price of Dade Huitong. The relevant departments decided to confiscate his illegal gains of 8000 million yuan and impose a fine of the same amount of 8000 million yuan, for a total of approximately 11 billion yuan. Yuan.

Thanks to: 08a, Little Tiger in the Demon World, and the du book brothers for their rewards, thanks to the brothers who voted for monthly votes and recommendation votes, and thanks to the brothers who read and collected books. Thank you very much.

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